Lavia Lavia ◽  
Petrus Rudi Kasimun

The condition of a child who does not have parents or a guide in life will be difficult to develop and grow well. It takes the right place for children to study together regardless of race, economy, and other problems. A place that becomes a home for children to learn and play together with the right people and understand very well about children's problems. Even parents always hope that their children can grow up to be children who have good and healthy personalities. But of course parents themselves are not perfect creatures who can teach it all. Because humans have their own skills and talents. Respectively Even having parents, there is no guarantee that parents really understand the child's condition. Very often parents do not understand or even pay less attention which of course affects the child's growth and development. Because humans naturally need other people to be role models or examples in their life. One solution that can address this problem is by designing a halfway house for street children that has appropriate facilities for child development, is environmentally friendly, and is located close to where street children are. Street children generally earn money on streets close to public transportation locations. some street children have been handled by an orphanage. However, the facilities and the number of orphanages are not proportional to the number of street children. So that not all street children can be handled properly. Designs are made not only for theoretical learning but also for developing other types of children's intelligence. The process of form and space is made according to the needs that will be needed by children in terms of health, hobby distribution, social interaction, and education. So that children can feel learning is not just a theory but can also be channeled into other forms of activity. Keywords: develop and grow well; house for street children; personalitites AbstrakKondisi anak yang tidak memiliki orangtua maupun penuntun dalam hidupnya akan sulit untuk berkembang dan tumbuh dengan baik. Diperlukan tempat yang tepat untuk anak dapat belajar bersama tanpa memandang ras, ekonomi, dan masalah lainnya. Tempat yang menjadi rumah untuk anak belajar dan bermain bersama dengan orang yang tepat dan paham betul tentang persoalan anak.  Orangtua sekalipun selalu berharap anaknya dapat tumbuh menjadi anak yang memiliki kepribadian baik dan sehat. Tetapi tentunya orangtua sendiri bukan mahkluk sempuran yang dapat mengajarkan itu semua. Karena manusia memiliki keahlian dan bakat masing – masing. Bahkan memiliki orangtua sekalipun tidak ada jaminan orangtua mengerti betul tentang kondisi anak. Sering sekali orangtua kurang memahami atau bahkan kurang memberikan perhatian yang tentu saja berpengaruh terhadap tumbuh kembang anak. Karena sewajarnya manusia memerlukan orang lain untuk menjadi panutan atau contoh dalam hidupnya. Salah satu solusi yang dapat menangani masalah tersebut dengan merancang rumah singgah untuk anak jalanan yang memiliki fasilitas yang sesuai untuk perkembangan anak ,ramah lingkungaan, serta letaknya dekat dengan dimana anak jalanan berada. Anak jalanan pada umumnya mencari uang dijalan berdekatan dengan lokasi transpotasi umum. beberapa anak jalanan sudah di tangani oleh panti asuhan. Akan tetapi, fasilitas serta jumlah panti asuhan tidak sebanding dengan jumlah anak jalanan. Sehingga tidak semua anak jalanan dapat tertangani dengan baik. Rancangan dibuat tidak hanya untuk belajar secara teori melainkan mengembangkan jenis kecerdasaaan anak lainnya. Proses bentuk dan ruang dibuat menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan yang  akan dibutuhkan anak dari segi kesehatan, penyaluran hobi, interaksi sosial, dan edukasi.  Sehingga anak dapat merasakan belajar tidak hanya sekedar teori akan tetapi juga dapat disalurkan dalam bentuk aktivitas lainnya. 

Sarwahita ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (01) ◽  
pp. 48-52
Mauna Mauna

Abstract: All children experience the process of growth and development in life. In order to reach optimal development, the child needs to get the appropriate stimulation provided with the right method. At the age of 0 to 7 years, children learn to use limbs so that the most appropriate stimulation for children aged 0 to 7 years is to use limbs as a medium of learning. This is in line with the techniques performed on sensory integration programs. But unfortunately not many parents know this. This issue often creates problems in child development. The purpose of this community service is to raise the awareness of parents to conduct teaching and learning process in ways appropriate to the age and stages of development owned by children so that children can be optimally developed. This activity is done by making activity planning, determining the location of activities and doing psychoeducation program on the parents of children at Darul Syifa Wal Aitam Foundation that located at Kranji, Bekasi. This activity is an attempt to improve parental knowledge about the importance of sensory integration and the impact it gains when the child's sensory is not well integrated. The benefit of this community service is the increased knowledge of parents about the use of sensory integration methods so that it can be used to optimize the growth of their children.   Abstrak: Semua anak mengalami proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dalam hidupnya. Agar perkembangannya dapat optimal, anak perlu mendapatkan stimulasi yang sesuai yang diberikan dengan metode yang tepat. Di usia 0 sampai 7 tahun anak belajar menggunakan anggota tubuhnya sehingga pemberian stimulasi yang paling tepat untuk anak usia 0 sampai 7 tahun adalah dengan menggunakan anggota tubuhnya sebagai media pembelajaran. Hal ini senada dengan teknik-teknik yang dilakukan pada program sensory integrasi. Namun sayangnya belum banyak orang tua yang mengetahui hal ini sehingga sering muncul permasalahan dalam perkembangan anak.Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan kesadaran orangtua untuk melakukan proses belajar mengajar dengan cara-cara yang sesuai dengan usia dan tahapan perkembangan yang dimiliki oleh anak sehingga anak dapat berkembang dengan optimal. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan membuat perencanaan kegiatan, menentukan lokasi kegiatan dan melakukan program psikoedukasi pada orangtua anak-anak pada yayasan Darul Syifa Wal Aitam Kranji, Bekasi. Kegiatan ini sebagai usaha untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan orangtua tentang pentingnya sensori integrasi dan dampak yang didapatkan apabila sensori anak tidak terintegrasi dengan baik. Manfaat dari pengabdian ini adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan orang tua tentang penggunaan metode sensori integrasi sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan tumbuh kembang anakanaknya . 

Lodiana Nitti ◽  
Friandry Windisany Thoomaszen

ABSTRACT Parental perception will affect the fulfillment of children’s participation rights. Fullfilment of children’s participation rights will be fulfilled optimally if parents pay anttention to opinions while providing opportunities for children to make and make decisions about the child’s goals and self-interest. The subjects studied consisted of 5 subjects consisting of father and mother who had children aged 9- 12 years. This study uses qualitative research methods, with data retrieval tools in teh form of interviews, observation and documentation. From the research found data were the subjects do not fulfill the right of participation of children up to the maximum ladder where children’s participation rights range from the first ladder to the third ladder. The first ladder to the third ladder is actually a non- participating ladder. This means that children is manipulated, dominated by parents, there is direct communation and the severity of the parent. The children felt disappointed, sad, and angry with the parents but they still tried to hear and obey the parent’s decision. Children from third and fourth subjects experienced excessive fear to speak to their parent (father). Suggestions for parents to be more caring and fulfill the rights of children’s participation so as not to affect the growth and development of children. Keywords: participation rights, children, parents

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Dr. Nikunj Panchal

Homoeopathy is the system of medicine founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) of Germany. It is based on the principle that “like cures like”. In practice, this means that a medicine capable of producing certain effects when taken by a healthy human being is capable of curing any illness that displays similar effects. In pediatric practice; attention deficit disorders (ADHD/ADD) are the most common serious psychosocial problems prompting parents to seek help for their children. Since the ability to pay attention and concentrate is a basis prerequisite of child development, forming the foundation of all learning and thinking as well as of emotional and social interaction, the suffering of these children as well as their siblings, parents, teachers, and fellow pupils is often considerable.

1981 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 447-447
T. E. C.

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), English philosopher, jurist, political theorist, and founder of the doctrine of utilitarianism, was also influential in the field of medical theory and practice. Spector1 has called attention to the following data set down by Bentham more than a century and a half before the emergence of modern interest in child development. This list shows Bentham's prescience in conceptualizing the data that would need to be collected before one could properly understand the temporal steps in a child's development. 1. Advances independent of instruction: First indication of fear, smiling, recognizing persons Indication of a preference for a particular person Indication of a dislike for a particular person Attention to musical sounds Appearance of first tooth Appearance of each of the successive teeth; duration and degree of pain and illness in cutting teeth Giving toys or food to others Attempt to imitate sound laughter General progress in bodily or intellectual requirements whether uniform or by sudden degree 2. Advances dependent upon instruction: Standing, supported by one arm Standing, supporting itself by resting the hands Token of obedience to will of others Command of natural evacuation Walking, supporting itself by chairs Standing alone Walking alone Pointing out the seat of pain.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Rey Bintang Pamungkas ◽  
Jeffrey .

Abstract. Introduction: The deciduous tooth period is an important period in child development. Premature loss of deciduous teeth is defined as the loss of deciduous teeth before they approach the eruption of permanent teeth. The prevalance of premature loss offered in several studies obtained was between 4.3% and 42.6%. Method: An 10 years-old-boy accompanied by her mother came to RSGMP Unjani, complaints of lower right nack teeth missing because they have to extracted since 3 mouth ago. Tooth have been extracted because of caries. Result: Result of clinical examination was found premature loss teeth 75, 74, and 85. The space in Moyers analysis was +0.2 mm in region 3 and +0.1 mm in region 4. Patient was treated with a fungsional removable-space-maintainer on teeth 75, 74, and 85. Conclusion: The results of premature loss is excess space in the arch, so to prevent further occlusion abnormalities in child’s growth and development process, we need a special appliance that is used to protect the space due to premature loss of deciduous teeth. Keywords: Premature loss, space maintainer, deciduous teeth

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 66-75
Jann Everard ◽  

Where does racism come from? How do experiences with other cultures change our views of race? In this work of philosophical short fiction, Holly, a young teenage girl, heads into Chinatown against her mother’s wishes to visit Jon, a teenage boy, she is interested in dating. He is working at his parents’ Chinese restaurant. She has taken public transportation to Chinatown with her mother knowing, and against her mother’s wishes. Her mother has a strong bias against the area and the people. Holly gets off the bus at the wrong place and gets lost, but friendly locals direct her the right way. She is amazed by the differences in food and culture she sees all around her and ends up buying a durian. Eventually, she finds the restaurant (still carrying the durian), and finds Jon working. Jon is surprised and slightly embarrassed to see Holly and explains to her she will not like taste of the durian. Holly is warmly welcomed by one of Jon’s relatives in the restaurant who agrees to take her in the back and show her out to prepare her exotic fruit.

2021 ◽  
Candra Gunawan Marisi

The concept of choosing a life partner for young people today needs more attention. Incorrect selection will lead them to circumstances and family situations that are certainly not based on the Word of God. The planting of children's faith must begin at an early age so that it can become a guide for them when they grow up and start thinking about family life. The basics and criteria in choosing a marriage partner according to Christian teachings must be planted in children so that wherever they are or whatever environment they are in, they are still able to hold and have a principle of choosing the right life partner according to the Bible. , The family is a fellowship consisting of people who are bound by each other by the most close ties of blood and social relations. How a child grows into adulthood is influenced by the family. Parents must be good models of Christian faith in order to be effective role models for the internalization of Christian belief systems, values and patterns of behavior. Parents must first live in truth in order to be a model of faith for children, in 2 Corinthians 6: 14-15. The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the Corinthians about a spouse because there were believers there who had a spouse who did not believe in Jesus. The Apostle Paul also said that no similarities could be found through marriage that did not worship the same God.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Anita Dwi Agustin ◽  
Rohmad Widodo ◽  
Mohammad Syahri

ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan: 1) Modelpembinaan anak jalanan di Pondok Pesantren, 2) Kendala-kendala yang terjadi dalam pembinaan anak jalanan, 3) Mengatasi kendala yang ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi: observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun metode analisis datanya melalui: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian menjelaskan bahwa: 1) Pembinaan yang dilakukan di Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Sabilul Hikmah ini adalah pendekatan secara personal sosial dimana pengurus pondok pesantren harus berinteraksi sosial secara anak per anak agar tahu apa yang sebenarnya diinginkan oleh masing-masing anak serta pembinaan dengan pendekatan secara agama (religius), 2) Kendala yang paling menonjol adalah sulitnya masa peralihan anak-anak yang semula hidup bebas dijalanan dan kemudian hidup di lingkungan pondok pesantren serta kurangnya dana operasional untuk mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari para santri, 3) Mengatasi anak yang susah diatur adalah dengan membuat anak - anak tersebeut merasa nyaman maka itulah guna dari pembinaan melalui pendekatan personal sosial,sedangkan kendala dari keuangan adalah bagaimana pendiri Pondok Pesantren menggunakan uang pribadi dalam mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari para santri.Kata Kunci : Model Pembinaan, Anak Jalanan, Personal sosial dan religi.ABSTRACTThe research objective is to understand and describe: 1) The mentoring model for street children at Islamic Boarding School, 2) The problems in mentoring for street children, and 3) The solution for solving the problems. This research applied the descriptive qualitative research. The techniques for data collection were observation, interview, and documentation. The analysis data started from data collection, data reduction, result of research and conclusion. The result of this research showed that: 1) The mentoring which was done by Salafiyah Sabilul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School was a personal and social approach where Islamic boarding school staffs should make an social interaction to eachof street children so they could understand their real needs, 2) the most problem which faced by street children was the difficulties on their adaptation from the life street to Islamic boarding school which did not have a good financial to support all their daily needs, and 3) To mentor the street childern who could not be taught easily was by making them feelmore comfortable so it aligned with the goal of a personal and social approach, and to cover the lack of financial on the student’s daily needs was by using the staff’s personal money.Keywords: Mentoring Model, Street Children, Personal and social approach, and religion.

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