scholarly journals Tradisi Ngusaba Gedebong Sebagai Media Penyuluhan Nilai-Nilai Tri Kerangka Dasar Agama Hindu Terhadap Masyarakat

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 537
Ni Ketut Listriani

<p><em>The activities of community life in Bali have never been separated from a religious tradition. Disseminating knowledge about tradition requires a special method. Hinduism provides religious knowledge to its people by carrying out religious counseling programs, which are expected to provide more knowledge and can enlighten the people in need, considering that there are many people who do not understand the meanings contained in the traditions that exist in their respective regions. In addition to face-to-face or verbal methods, counseling or lighting can also be done through ceremonies as an extension media. One of them is through the implementation of tradition, namely the Ngusaba Gedebong tradition which is located in Ngis Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency. The Ngusaba Gedebong tradition has a meaning as an expression of gratitude to the goddess Sri as the goddess of fertility for her abundant natural gifts.</em></p><p><em>The problems discussed are the first regarding the process of implementing the Ngusaba Gedebong tradition in Pakraman Ngis Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency is dissected using religious theory, the results of the research include the history, time and place of implementation, means of upakara, and a series of Ngusaba Gedebong traditions. Second, the tri values of the basic framework of Hinduism in the Ngusaba Gedebong tradition in Pakraman Ngis Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency were dissected using value theory, the results showed that the Ngusaba Gedebong tradition contained tattwa values, moral values and programs that could lead people to do deeds. based on the teachings of Hinduism. Third, regarding the impact of the Ngusaba Gedebong tradition for the people of Pakraman Ngis Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency was dissected using effect communication theory, with the results of the discussion including cognitive impacts (changes in knowledge), affective effects such as changes in emotions and feelings, and related behavioral / psychomotor effects. on changes in community behavior.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 227
I Wayan Rusdika ◽  
Ida Bagus Gede Candrawan ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Ratna Pramesti Dasih

<p><em>Procession mapajejiwan conducted by two people sulinggih by reading the text of sacred dialogue is a real form of application of transcendental communication. Mapajejwan held as the top of the mapaselang ceremony that has the meaning as a process of the creation of the universe performed by God tangible Sang Hyang Semara Ratih. The problems that will be discussed are: 1) How is the transcendental communication process of mapajejiwan in Pura Penataran Agung Pucak Mangu ?, 2) What is the function of transcendental mapajajianwan communication in Pura Penataran Agung Pucak Mangu ?, 3) What is the impact of transcendental mapajajianwan communication in mapaselang ceremony in Pura Penataran Agung Pucak Mangu Temple?. Theories used to analyze problems are (1) S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Response), 2) religious theory and 3) structural functional theory. The subject of this research is a transcendental mapajajiwan communication as rangakian from mapaselang ceremony in Pura Penataran Agung Pucak Mangu. This study contains the steps that researchers do in the process of collecting data in order to obtain the correct data. The steps are as follows: (1) interview technique, (2) observation technique, (3) literature study technique.</em></p><p><em>The results showed (1) Transcendental communication process mapajejiwan seen based on series of ceremony mapaselang covering verbal process and nonverbal process. A verbal process that includes all processes that use words and language both orally and in writing. While the nonverbal process includes all the symbols used in the implementation of mapaselang ceremony. (2) The functions of transcendental communication include religious functions, intrapersonal functions and interpersonal functions. Religious function that is to purify and to pay the debt, intrapersonal function is to awaken Pucak Mangu's enforcement krama that everything in this world is a loan that must be returned, while the interpersonal function of transcendental communication is to unify the perception and convince the people that the universe was created by God as well as knowledge of what God has created. (3) The impact of transcendental communication of maps in the mapaselang ceremony includes two effects of positiv and social impacts. Posistivnya impact is to build the concept of sincerity in self, build the spirit of mutual cooperation and foster loving attitude of the universe and its contents in order to obtain the peace.</em></p>

M. A. Rentroia-Bonito ◽  
J. Jorge ◽  
C. Ghaoui

Technology-rich environments are assuming a key role in the individual learning processes. Still, one of the major IT challenges identified in the education field is to establish e-learning as a credible and viable complement to face-to-face education. This represents a paradigm shift in the way of learning, which is driving changes at individual, process, institutional, and societal levels. However, despite last-decade advances in the application of usability principles in system design, there is still a need to better understand the people-technology fit in learning contexts. Current results, gaps, and issues define the challenges that dictate new requirements. Among these new requirements, minimizing the impact of the distance factor on communication and learning effectiveness calls for alternatives approaches. Due to the importance of communication among instructor and students in learning, the scope of this work focuses on exploring the role of emotions within the user and learning-support technology fit.

1970 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-240
Dwi Priyanto

This paper is intended to map the problem of integration of Islamic Education (Pendidikan Agama Islam - PAI) with science and technology. It is expected, by this way, PAI is not only a vehicle for the transfer of religious knowledge, but also a planting of Islamic values that will be able to be applied by learners in public life as a Muslim. Hopefully, the Muslim will be able to play a role in solving the people and national problem and face the fast development of science and technology with all the impact. Ideally, integration of PAI with science and technology can be implemented as well as possible in an effort to establish Islamic religious education materials, and as a means of clarifying the problems that arise in the delivery of Islamic educational material that seems to be dogmatic at the beginning of Islam, as well as faith increasing to the truth of all that delivered Qur’an and Hadith. Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk memetakan problematika integrasi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dengan sains dan teknologi. Dengan cara ini diharapkan PAI tidak sekadar sebagai wahana transfer pengetahuan keagamaan semata, tetapijuga penanaman nilai-nilai keislamaan yang nantinya mampu diterapkan oleh peserta didik dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat sebagai seorang muslim. Diharapkan, muslim itu mampu berperan dalam menyelesaikan problem umat maupun bangsa menghadapi perkembangan sains dan teknologi yang begitu pesat dengan segala dampak yang ditimbulkan. Idealnya integrasi PAI dengan sains dan teknologi dapat dilaksanakan dengan sebaik-baiknya sebagai upaya dalam memantapkan materi pendidikan agama Islam, dan sebagai sarana memperjelas permasalahan yang timbul dalam penyampaian materi pendidikan agama Islam yang pada awalnya bersifat dogmatis, juga sebagai peningkatan rasa keimanan akan kebenaran segala yang disampaikan al-Qur’an dan Hadis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-120
Saipul Annur

The cleric in this study is "one who knows and has a wide range of religious knowledge and becomes a model of society". In this period of reform, change occurs in every aspect of people's life, whether economic, political, social and religious life. The change is fundamental and takes place within seconds, even difficult to guess. This of course brings the impact of confusion and uncertainty for the community in determining their life step. Indications of society's attitude are now increasingly crystallized as seen from their behavior patterns. Whether or not the public's view of the ulama has been experienced is a shift in especially those involved in the party's activities and entering the power environment. The people who were respectful and willing to listen to the words of the ulama are no longer less indications that they are engaged in activities that are contrary to the will of the ummah or who are not successful in their mission. Therefore, to restore the image of the ulama, the government once discourse the certification to this circle.   Ulama  dalam peneltian ini adalah “orang yang mengetahui dan dan memiliki ilmu   agama yang luas dan menjadi panutan  masyarakat”. Dalam masa  reformasi ini,  perubahan  terjadi pada setiap aspek kehidupan masyarakat, baik  ekonomi, politik, sosial dan kehidupan keagamaan. Perubahan tersebut  bersifat  mendasar  dan berlangsung dalam hitungan detik, bahkan sulit untuk ditebak. Hal ini tentunya  membawa dampak kebingungan dan ketidakpastian  bagi masyarakat  dalam menentukan langkah kehidupan mereka. Indikasi sikap  masyarakat  tersebut saat ini semakin mengkristal yang terlihat dari pola tingkah laku mereka. Disadari  atau tidak pandangan masyarakat  terhadap para ulama telah mengalami pergeseran teutama pada mereka yang terlibat dalam kegiatan partai dan masuk dalam lingkungan kekuasaan. Masyarakat yang tadi hormat dan mau mendengarkan perkataan ulama  sekarang  tidak lagi  apalagi ada indikasi mereka terlibat dalam kegiatan yang bertentangan dengan kehendak ummat atau yang  tidak berhasil dalam misi yang diembannya. Oleh karena itu, mengembalikan citra ulama maka pemerintah pernah mewacanakan  melaksanaka sertifikasi  terhadap kalangan ini.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
I Made Krisna Dinata ◽  
I Nyoman Sueca

<p><em>Ngusaba Padi Ceremony at Subak Uma Utu Temple, Adat Village Babahan, District Penebel, Tabanan Regency is a ceremony presented to Dewi Sri when rice field has yellowing. This research was conducted to give understanding to the community in Babahan village considering Ngusaba Padi ceremony that done, containing the teachings that closely with the values of Hindu religious education. Besides, the researchers get the finding that not all members of subak understand about the meaning and value of education contained in the ceremony. This resulted in several stages in the Ngusaba Padi ceremony not performed or missed by the Babahan people. In general, this study aims to reveal, understand and analyze about the values of Hindu religious education contained in Ngusaba Padi Ceremony holistically and comprehensively in accordance with the tradition in Subak Uma Utu Temple,  Adat Village Babahan, District Penebel Tabanan Regency. There are values of Hindu religious education in Ceremony Ngusaba Padi contained in it.</em></p><p><em>Researchers formulate some of the problems studied To be able to understand and describe the values of education contained in the ceremony Ngusaba Padi, among others: 1) How the form of  Ngusaba Padi ceremony at Subak Uma Utu Temple, Babahan Village, District Penebel, Tabanan regency ?, 2) What is the meaning contained in Ngusaba Padi Ceremony at Subak Uma Utu Temple Babahan Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency ?, and 3) What values of Hindu religious education are contained in Ngusaba Padi ceremony at Subak Uma Utu Temple Babahan village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency ?.</em><em> </em><em>The formulation of the problem is analyzed using the theory: 1) Religious Theory is used to dissect the number one problem. 2) Communication Theory is used to dissect the second problem, and 3) Value Theory is used to dissect problem number three. This type of research is qualitative and uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Types and data sources, namely primary and secondary data. The method used in this research is the method of observation, interview method, documentation study and literature study.</em></p><p><em>The result of this research stated that: 1) The form of the implementation of Ngusaba Padi Ceremony at Subak Uma Utu Temple Babahan Village Penebel Sub-district, Tabanan Regency consists of the initial preparation of Ngusaba Padi ceremony and the implementation of Ngusaba Padi ceremony. 2) The meaning contained in the Ceremony of Ngusaba Padi is a sense of gratitude, fertility and also praise of gifts given by the universe through the harvest in accordance with what is expected. 3) The value of education contained in Ngusaba Padi ceremony at Subak Uma Utu Temple Babahan Village, District Penebel, Tabanan District are: (1). The value of Religious Education, (2). The Value of Togetherness Education and, (3). Value of Aesthetic Education (beauty).</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-47
I Wayan Wastawa ◽  
I Ketut Sudarsana

The article aims to analyze the desacralization of the symbol of Catuspatha. Catuspatha is a form of Pakraman village identity in residential space patterns and as an orientation center of the Pakraman village pattern in Bali. At the same time, a socio-cultural phenomenon arises towards the center of the orientation of the Balinese society today, namely the replacement of the Visnu Murti statue with the Bungkarno statue in Catuspatha, Banjar Anyar Village. A ruling elite plays an essential religious symbol. In this case, the researcher analyzed the more fundamental way of shifting the shrine Catuspatha. The problem is that the Hindu community sees an imbalance between expectations and the reality of the existence of Catuspatha, the factors of desacralization of Catuspatha, and the impact of the desacralization of Catuspatha on the beliefs of the people. These problems are analyzed eclectically with religious theory, Social Change, and Deconstruction Theory. Data were obtained through observation, unstructured interviews, and literature studies to obtain objective analysis. The research found that the Catus Patha served as upstream Pakraman Kediri Village because they are still functioned to carry out Ngider ceremonies. The caused desacralization, more dominantly caused by socio-political factors, namely the idea of respect for the services of a warrior by forgetting local competitiveness. While the impact of the desacralization more on the theological impact, namely the weakening of public confidence and trust in the existence of Catuspatha so that the shifting of the Ngider ceremony orientation center is sought.

2020 ◽  
Vol V (I) ◽  
pp. 544-551
Tanveer Hussain ◽  
Iqra Imtiaz ◽  
Ashraf Iqbal

This study's main aim is to explore the impact of social media on family ties. A quantitative method of survey is used to gather data. The survey is conducted both face-to-face and through emails. One hundred respondent take part in this research through a survey while media displacement theory implemented on present research. Statistics indicate that people living in a single-family group use more social media than people living together. Findings also say people are using social media to escape family problems. There is a small disparity between the people who live in both family systems on whether or not social media eliminates the original family. The present research suggests more awareness in better usage of social media to avoid family values destruction.

Valeri Stoyanov

Using the methodological approach of qualitative research to conduct empirical research in the social sciences, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students' experiences of the present and their projections for the future is revealed. The results show that many of them find positives from social isolation in the opportunity to pay more attention to the people important to them and to work more purposefully on their own development. On the other hand, serious fears are revealed, the main of which is for the health and life of their loved ones, as well as for the future, for their career development and realization. They find it difficult to tolerate social isolation and most of them experience their mental state as shaky, as depressed. In general, students have a negative attitude towards distance learning – online, considering it inferior to face-to-face training and assess this training as a risk to their professional development and subsequent realization in the labor market.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 270
I Komang Tegaryawan

<p><em>Pemangku Pura Kawitan Desa is one of uniqueness that exist in Tuwed Village, its election system using hereditary system which from the first still raised soroh Arya Wang Bang Pinatih as stakeholders not separated also with the existence of Pura Kawitan Desa which is Pura Teritorial and not including Pura Kahyangan Village. Pura Kawitan Desa was established in Tuwed Village because Tuwed Village was originally a vast village and has many Banjars such as Banjar Berawantangi, Moding, Candiksuma, Tetelan, Puseh and Mundukbayur. After the regulation of restriction of village area, which resulted in Tuwed Village divided into several villages namely Banjar Candiksuma, Moding and Tetelan is no longer a Banjar but has become a Village, if a Village does not make prayer in Pura Kawitan this village, then one village will experience grubug great. The uniqueness is what makes the researcher interested to conduct more in-depth research about Sesananing Pemangku Arya Wang Bang Pinatih Pura Kawitan Desa in Tuwed Village Melaya District Jembrana District.</em></p><p><em>Based on the above background, it can be formulated some problems as follows namely (1) How is the form sesananing stakeholder Arya Wang Bang Pinatih Pura Kawitan Village in Tuwed Village, Melaya District, Jembrana Regency? (2) What is the Seafarning Function of Arya Wang Bang Pinatih Pawas Kawitan Desa in Tuwed Village, Melaya District, Jembrana Regency? And (3) What values are there in the execution of the Aryan stake holders Wang Bang Pinatih Pura Kawitan Desa in Tuwed Village, Melaya District, Jembrana Regency ?. This study aims to (1) know the form sesananing Pemangku Arya Wang Bang Pinatih Pura Kawitan Village in Tuwed Village, Melaya District, Jembrana District, (2) know the function sesananing stakeholder Arya Wang Bang Pinatih Pura Kawitan Village in Tuwed Village, Melaya District, Regency Jembrana and (3) explain what values are contained in the implementation sesananing stakeholder Arya Wang Bang Pinatih Pura Kawitan Village in Tuwed Village, Melaya District, Jembrana District.</em></p><p><em>The theories used in analyzing the problem formulation are: the religious theory of Koentjaraningrat, the structural functional theory of Malinowski and the value theory of Louis O.Ksattof. The methods used to collect data are: participatory observation, structured interview, literature and documentation. The collected data is analyzed by data analysis method with reduction steps, data presentation and conclusion.</em></p><p><em>The results showed the form of Sesananing Pemangku Arya Wang Bang Pinatih in Pura Kawitan Desa begins with Pemangku selection system that uses one soroh namely Arya Wang Bang Pinatih. Once elected as a Pemangku must follow sesana as a Pemangku and avoid the prohibition in Pura Kawitan Desa. The function of Sesananing Pemangku Arya Wang Bang Pinatih Pura Kawitan Desa is the function of the leader of multi soroh worship that does not discriminate soroh at Pura Kawitan Desa, the function of unifying interaction and social communication multi soroh establishment cooperation and sense of brotherhood between pamedek coming from various villages to Pura Kawitan Village, the unifying function of the people of the Hindus in the village Tuwed, Candiksuma, Moding and Tetelan in order to create harmony. The value contained in the implementation of Sesananing Pemangku Arya Wang Bang Pinatih Pura Kawitan Desa is the value of religion, ethical values, leadership value, the value of togetherness and aesthetic value.</em><em></em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Ni Komang Sri Adnyani ◽  
I Ketut Sudarsana

<p><em>Makincang-kincung tradition found in Dusun Munduk Tumpeng Berangbang Village Jembrana District Country District was studied because the community did not know and understand correctly about the function and value and how the process of implementation of the makincang-kincung. Theories used to analyze problems are: religious theory, structural functional theory and value theory. The subjects of this research are Pinandita, stakeholders, Village Head and local community. The method used is data collection method, which includes: observation, interview, literature study and documentation. The result of the research in Makincang-kincung implementation covers several stages: 1) preparation of makincang-kincungbanten means, 2) praying panca sembah, 3) nedunang Ida Bhatara, 4) implementation of Makincang-kincung tradition, 5) Ngeluhurang Ida Bhatara. The implementation function of Makincang-kincung tradition includes:1) Religious Functions, which use the means of upakara to purify the execution of the tradition, 2) the social function which grows a sense of community togetherness, 3) The function of gratitude where the people are grateful to have completed the makincang-kincung tradition. Educational values that can be studied in the Makincang-kincung tradition are: 1) Basic Values to analyze the value of education Sraddha 2) Instrumental Value to analyze the value of ethical education, 3) Praxis Value to analyze the value of Educational Events / yajna and analyze the value of Aesthetic Education.</em><strong></strong></p>

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