scholarly journals Ocuparse en la industria del sexo: ¿Una estrategia de supervivencia frente a la crisis?

Alexandra María Ríos Marín

Introducción: El artículo presentado forma parte de un estudio más amplio sobre el trabajo en prostitución por mujeres migrantes extranjeras en la provincia de Almería, España. El objetivo particular del artículo es analizar los diferentes discursos de las personas trabajadoras sexuales, que encuentran en esta actividad una estrategia económica frente a la crisis y un medio para alcanzar sus objetivos migratorios, a pesar de las desigualdades sociales que enfrentan.Método: La investigación de carácter etnográfico, se desarrolló en diferentes escenarios de desempeño de la industria sexual (clubes, pisos privados, bares, asentamientos de migrantes y prostitución de calle), entre 2009 y 2012 en el marco del programa de “Reducción de Daños y Promoción de la Salud” de la organización no gubernamental Médicos del Mundo (MDM). Los instrumentos de investigación han sido las entrevistas estandarizada y en profundidad, a las trabajadoras sexuales y la observación en escenarios de la industria sexual, dentro la provincia de Almería.Resultados: La industria sexual en la provincia de Almería la dinamizan mujeres, varones, y transexuales de diversos orígenes -África, Europa y Latinoamérica; siendo mayor la representación del colectivo femenino, el cual acumula una serie de desigualdades sociales que dificultan la inserción laboral en otros sectores productivos de la provincia. Enfrentadas a las duras circunstancias personales y sociales, en las cuales trascurren sus trayectorias migratorias, tengan o no permiso de residencia y trabajo, emplearse en la industria del sexo, dentro de la provincia, constituye también una estrategia de supervivencia para algunas mujeres migrantes extranjeras que no encuentran otra fuente de empleo.Discusión o Conclusión: El estado alegal de la prostitución en algunos países de la Unión Europea, incluyendo España, fomenta la explotación laboral y agudiza la vulnerabilidad de este colectivo. La prostitución no está prohibida ni reconocida como trabajo, por lo tanto, los derechos sociales y laborales de las personas trabajadoras del sexo no son reconocidos, lo que tiene consecuencias directas en otros factores de vulnerabilidad, tales como: la estigmatización, el acoso policial y el aislamiento social. Ocuparse en la industria del sexo: ¿Una estrategia de supervivencia frente a la crisis? Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios, ISSN: 2173-1950, 2016, Vol.6 (2), pp. 269-291. - 271 - Las trabajadoras sexuales son mujeres con capacidad de agencia, con capacidad de transformación, aunque encorsetadas por el estigma social que las margina y excluye. Introduction: The paper presented is part of a larger study on work in prostitution by foreign migrant women in the province of Almeria, Spain. The main objective of this article is to analyze the different discourses of individuals engaged in sex work who use this activity, as an economic strategy and an alternative against financial crisis and means to achieve their immigration goals, despite the social inequalities they face.Method: Ethnographic research, developed in different stages and at different settings where the individuals working on the sex industry perform (clubs, private homes, bars, settlement of migrants and street prostitution), between 2009 and 2012 under the program "Harm Reduction and Health Promotion "of the Non-Governmental Office Doctors of the World. The research instruments were the in-depth and standardized interview with individuals working on the sex industry and observation of different sex industry scenarios within the province of Almeria.Results: The dynamics of the sex industry in the province of Almeria is comprised by women, men, and transgender people from diverse backgrounds-Africa, Europe, and Latin America; however, the greater representation still comes from women's collective, this group accrues a range of social inequalities that hinder employment in other productive sectors of the province. Challenged by the harsh personal and social circumstances in which their migratory paths elapse, with or without residence and or work permits and being employed in the sex industry in the province, also constitutes a survival strategy for some foreign migrant women who have no other source of employment. Alexandra Mª Ríos Marín - 272 - Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios, ISSN: 2173-1950, 2016, Vol.6 (2), pp. 269-291.Discussion or Conclusion: The lawless state of prostitution in some countries of the European Union, including Spain, promotes labor exploitation and increases the vulnerability of this group. Prostitution is not prohibited or recognized as work, therefore, social and labor rights of people working on the sex industry are not recognized, which has direct consequences for other vulnerabilities, such as stigmatization, police harassment, and social isolation. Sex workers are women capable of agency, with processing capacity, though corseted by the social stigma that marginalized and excluded them.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Teodora Hurtado Saa

Resumen: Este artículo versa sobre el actual estado    de la teorización, de la terminología y del conocimien- to empírico relativo a la producción social y ejercicio del trabajo sexual, con atención especial a las teorías    y conceptos que estructuran el tema de la participación diferenciada de las mujeres en general, y de las muje- res con características étnicas/raciales subalternizadas en particular, en el mercado del sexo. Se delinea una postura alternativa a los planteamientos convenciona- les higienistas, criminalistas o victimistas desde donde tradicionalmente se ha analizado la cuestión. Adicio- nalmente, se reflexiona sobre el crecimiento, expansión y modernización de la industria del sexo, en la que algu- nos países post-industrializados asumen la condición de demandantes y los países en vía de desarrollo, la de ofer- tantes de mano de obra para el consumo de experiencias sexuales de diferente índole. De igual modo, se delibera sobre la importancia que tiene la comercialización del sexo, para el desarrollo económico de algunos países y el trabajo sexual como estrategia de “rebusque” frente a los embates de la vida cotidiana. Asimismo, describimos las formas de explotación y de ejercicio del oficio de tra- bajadoras del sexo.Palabras claves: Mercado global del sexo, construcción de la ocupación, interseccionalidad, trabajo sexual, mu- jeres afrocolombianas, sexualidades disidentesFrom the Hygienist Paradigm to Intersectionality. The Social Construction of Sexual WorkAbstract: The present article deals with the current state of the theorizing, the terminology and the empirical knowledge about the social production and exercise of sex work, with special attention to theories and concepts that structure the subject of the different participation in the sex trade of women in general, and of women with subalternized ethnic/racial features in particular. It de- lineates an alternative view to conventional hygienist approaches, or criminal or victimization approaches, traditionally used to analyze the issue. In addition, this paper reflects on the growth, expansion and moderniza- tion of the sex industry, in which some post-industrialized countries provide the demand and developing countries provide the supply of labor for the consumption of sexual experiences. Similarly, it discusses the importance of the commercialization of sex for the economic development of some countries and of sex work as a strategy of look- ing for informal work while coping with the ravages of everyday life. It also describes the forms of exploitation of sex workers in the exercise of their profession. Key words: global sex market, occupation, intersection- ality, sex work, Afro-Colombian women, dissident sexu- alities

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 419-431 ◽  
Leigh-Ann Sweeney ◽  
Sharron FitzGerald

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the barriers preventing women in prostitution from accessing co-ordinated health services in the Republic of Ireland. By examining the experiences of migrant women engaged in prostitution, the research contributes to knowledge pertaining to the psychosocial experiences of female sex workers’ access to healthcare. Design/methodology/approach The study interviewed migrant women across Ireland, using a biographical narrative approach and an adapted voice-centred relational model of analysis to determine the necessity for a health promotion strategy for this demographic. Findings The findings indicate migrant women work primarily indoors, hold precarious legal status and are in Ireland due to processes of globalisation, migration and economic necessity. The women discussed their entry into prostitution and their experiences within prostitution in the context of their psychosocial experiences. Research limitations/implications While the findings are from a small qualitative sample confined to the Republic of Ireland, it is the first study to prioritise migrant sex workers’ psychosocial experiences in Ireland. Practical implications The research concludes education and service development that respects the various social determinants impacting women in prostitution is missing but remains necessary in Ireland. It finds a gendered reform of policies using an ecological framework for health that can address issues of poverty, migration and the global trends of the sex industry. Social implications This means a national review of current services in health, social work and community development fields is timely. Originality/value This paper gives insight into the lives of migrant women involved in the sex industry and can make an important contribution to future research directions and practice in Irish and European prostitution contexts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 359-380 ◽  
Eileen Yuk-ha Tsang ◽  
John Lowe ◽  
Jeffrey S. Wilkinson ◽  
Graham Scambler

Abstract This article is a theoretically informed empirical investigation of breadwinning peasant workers in China’s urban metropolis of Guangdong and the values they ascribe to money acquired through sex work. The existing literature about money sits at the very core of modernity, individualisation and mobility providing endless opportunities to explore its variegated meanings in China’s global commercial sex industry. We situate the women’s desires and endeavours to escape from rural poverty in relation to the nuances of economic and class location in the urban context of post-reform China. We, then, argue that the rural poor migrant women interpret sex work and money as “contradictory” properties of individualism that enhance their personal options, as well as meeting their costs. We introduce a typology of the multiple roles that money plays in their lives. Our findings, we suggest, have significant “general” resonance and ramifications for the ongoing de-collectivisation of rural Chinese society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (18) ◽  
pp. 10009
Nurul Fathiah Aziz ◽  
Norshamliza Chamhuri ◽  
Peter J. Batt

Malaysia is the world’s second largest producer of palm oil, which, not unexpectedly, is one of the largest contributors to the country’s GDP. However, the Malaysian palm oil industry faces numerous issues, including a boycott for imports into the European Union (EU) on the basis that Malaysia does not allegedly practice good agriculture, fails to meet sustainability standards and exploits labor rights. To overcome the situation, the Government of Malaysia is strongly committed to implementing good agricultural practices that meet international sustainability standards through sustainable certification. To facilitate the adoption of sustainable certification by smallholder palm oil producers, through a comprehensive review of the literature, this study seeks to identify the social, environmental and economic benefits derived from sustainable certification.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 91-102
Dr. Smita

??????????????????? ?? ????? ???????? ?????????????????? ?? ???????????????????2.47?? Meaning: Your right is to perform your work but never be oriented to the results. Never be motivated by the results of your actions, nor should you be attached to not performing your prescribed duties. The above mentioned philosophy however, can be best understood in the present scenario of the pandemic of COVID 19. The pandemic which has kept everybody unsettled, restless from within, Shrimad Bhagwad Gita serves a torchbearer to the humanity. It holds our faith in karma, the true meaning of life. As WHO reported, 2020 gripped the whole world into the saga of darkness which is started with a disease from animal. Not only that in fact it has engulfed the whole world into it. The entire world it seems has locked and blocked not only its movements but life. The numbers of death and patients increasing every day and with this increase in number is increasing the social stigma towards people. Health workers, women, children, sex workers, all are victim of it. This saga of disease has restricted not only our breathing but livelihood, happiness. We all succumb now to our own shell. Aristotle said once, “man is a social animal” and look at the world around today, a small little animal has brought that man to just a tiny individual who is always at the hands and prey to the nature. Be it Ebola Virus (EVD) of 1976 that was considered one of the deadliest viruses until then of its own kind, severely fatal to human illness or the Spanish Flu or the Bubonic Plague, Black Death epidemic. All these have always been fatal and deadliest in their own specific ways. Still, we human always feel surprised whenever we face such sudden outbreak of any disaster, what so ever. The catastrophic, xenophobic behaviour, subjects to be analysed from anthropological point of view try to justify one of the foremost evolution myths by Herbert Specncer, “Survival of the Fittest”. However, in literature, it is said that everything has a purpose in a narrative or a situation, it has a meaning to interpret. Things and situations are always interpretational. So is the case in this pandemic. This COVID-19 is much more than just a “disease”. It’s a social-cultural construct that shapes, reshapes or de-shapes humanities responses and behaviour. The objective of this paper is to look these constructs from a different lens and analyse the underlying existential philosophy, an existential absurdity drawing adjacent connections between the age old two classics piece of literature, The Bhagwad Gita (a long conversation between Arjuna and Lord Krishna before the battle of Mahabharata in the battle field Kurukshetra and The Plague by Albert Camus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (34) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Valéria Gomes Fernandes da Silva ◽  
Maria Aparecida Alves de Oliveira Serra ◽  
Mônica Cristina Ribeiro Alexandre D Auria de Lima ◽  
Carlos Jordão de Assis Silva ◽  
Francisco Arnoldo Nunes de Miranda ◽  

O objetivo consiste em identificar o estigma e preconceito vivenciado por casais sorodiferentes para o vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Estudo descritivo, exploratório com abordagem qualitativa e submetido a análise de conteúdo temática, em que se utilizou de uma entrevista semiestruturada, em janeiro a fevereiro de 2016, com 11 participantes, acompanhados em um serviço de atenção especializada em infecções sexualmente transmissíveis, vivendo relação afetivo/sexual com parceiro sorodiferente. A análise temática, originou duas categorias temáticas: - os cenários do preconceito na sorodiferença e, o sigilo do diagnóstico na proteção contra o estigma. Os parceiros envolvidos com a sorodiferença, ainda vivenciam no âmbito dos relacionamentos, o preconceito e estigma, envolvendo tanto familiares, quanto profissionais dos serviços de saúde. Percebe-se que as dificuldades vivenciadas, não se configuram como dilemas ultrapassados no combate a problemática do vírus, daí ser preciso urgentemente a ampliação dos espaços sociais ou fóruns de discussões sobre a problemática.Descritores: Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana, Preconceito, Estigma Social, Serviços de Saúde. Stigma and prejudice with HIV serologic-differents diagnosis couplesAbstract: The objective is to identify the stigma and prejudice experienced by serologic-different couples for the human immunodeficiency virus. A descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach and submitted to thematic content analysis, in which a semi-structured interview was used, in January to February 2016, with 11 participants, accompanied in specialized care service for sexually transmitted infections, experiencing an affective relationship / sexual with a serologic-different partner. The thematic analysis gave rise to two thematic categories: - the scenarios of prejudice in serologic-different and, the secrecy of the diagnosis in protection against stigma. Partners involved in serologic-difference still experience prejudice and stigma in the realm of relationships, involving both family members and health service professionals. It is noticed that the difficulties experienced are not configured as dilemmas overcome in the fight against the problem of the virus, hence there is an urgent need to expand the social spaces or forums for discussions about the problem.Descriptors: Human Immunodeficiency Vírus, Preconception. Social Stigma, Health Services. Estigma y prejuicio en parejas serodiferentes al VIHResumen: El objetivo es identificar el estigma y prejuicio que experimentan las parejas serodiferentes por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana. Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio con abordaje cualitativo y sometido a análisis de contenido temático, en que se utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada, de enero a febrero de 2016, con 11 participantes, acompañados en un servicio de atención especializada en infecciones de transmisión sexual, viviendo relación afectiva/sexual con una pareja serodiferente. El análisis temático dio lugar a dos categorías temáticas: - los escenarios de prejuicio en la serodiferencia y el secreto del diagnóstico en la protección contra el estigma. Los socios involucrados en la serodiferencia aún experimentan prejuicios y estigmas en el ámbito de las relaciones, que involucran tanto a miembros de la familia como a profesionales de los servicios de salud. Se nota que las dificultades vividas no se configuran como dilemas superados en la lucha contra la problemática del virus, de ahí la urgente necesidad de ampliar los espacios sociales o foros de discusión sobre la problemática.Descriptores: Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana, Prejuicio, Estigma Social, Servicios de Salud.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-100 ◽  
Francesca Alice Vianello

This article examines different forms of Ukrainian migrant women’s social remittances, articulating some results of two ethnographic studies: one focused on the migration of Ukrainian women to Italy, and the other on the social impact of emigration in Ukraine. First, the paper illustrates the patterns of monetary remittance management, which will be defined as a specific form of social remittance, since they are practices shaped by systems of norms challenged by migration. In the second part, the article moves on to discuss other types of social remittances transferred by migrant women to their families left behind: the right of self-care and self-realisation; the recognition of alternative and more women-friendly life-course patterns; consumption styles and ideas on economic education. Therefore, I will explore the contents of social remittances, but also the gender and intergenerational conflicts that characterise these flows of cultural resources. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (10) ◽  
pp. 3-18
Valeriy HEYETS ◽  

Self-realization of the individual in the conditions of using the policy of “social quality” as a modern tool of public administration in a transitional society is largely related to overcoming the existing limitations of the individual in acting in such a society and economy transitioning to a market character. Given that, in particular, in Ukraine the market is hybrid (and this is especially important), the existing limitations in self-realization of the individual must be overcome, including, and perhaps primarily, through transformations in the processes of socialization, which differ from European practices and institutions that ensure its implementation. Thus, it is a matter of overcoming not only and not so much the natural selfish interests of the individual, but the existing gap in skills, which are an invisible asset to ensure the endogenous nature of economic growth. It is shown that there is an inverse relationship between the formation of socialization and the policy of “social quality”, which is characterized by the dialectic of interaction between the individual and the group and which is a process of increasing the degree of socialization. The latter, due to interdependence, will serve to increase the effectiveness of interaction between the individual and the group, which expands the possibilities of self-realization of the individual in terms of European policy of “social quality” as a tool of public administration, whose successful application causes new challenges and content of the so-called secondary sociology. The logic of Ukraine's current development shows that new approaches are needed to achieve the social development goals set out in the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union and to minimize the potential risks and threats that accompany current reforms in Ukrainian society. They should introduce new forms of public administration to create policy interrelationships of all dimensions, as proposed, in particular, by the social quality approach to socialization, the nature of which has been revealed in the author's previous publications. As a result, the socio-cultural (social) dimension will fundamentally change, the structure of which must include the transformational processes of socialization of a person, thanks to which they will learn the basics of life in the new social reality and intensify their social and economic interaction on the basis of self-realization, thereby contributing to the success of state policy of social quality and achieving stable socio-economic development.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-42
György Kocziszky ◽  
Dóra Szendi

Abstract The international literature is paying significant and increasing attention to the analysis of the regions’ innovation potential, and its active contribution to economic growth and competitiveness. Beside the classical, technical innovation, also the social innovation is getting even more emphasis. It can solve as alternative basically in the case of the peripheral territories. The convergence of peripheries is a stressed priority in the European Union. The territorial disparities are resulting in significant social and political problems also in the case of the Visegrad countries’ regions. The authors in their research represent a possible method for the measurement of regional (NUTS-2) level social innovation potential on the example of the Visegrad countries, and they also analyse the causes and consequences of disparities. The applied complex social innovation index can be calculated as a result of three pillars (economic, social, culture and attitude), and several components. As a result of the created patterns can be concluded that compared to the economic indicators, the disadvantage of the peripheries is not so significant in the case of the social innovation index, because of the complex character of the index. In the second part of the research, the authors analyse and evaluate also the methods, which can be adequate for increasing the social innovation potential.

1991 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 313-317
Ziaul Haque

Deveiopment planning in India, as in other developing countries, has generally been aimed at fostering an industrially-oriented policy as the engine of economic growth. This one-sided economic development, which results in capital formation, creation of urban elites, and underprivileged social classes of a modern society, has led to distortions in the social structure as a whole. On the contrary, as a result of this uneven economic development, which is narrowly measured in terms of economic growth and capital formation, the fruits of development have gone to the people according to their economic power and position in the social structure: those occupying higher positions benefiting much more than those occupying the lower ones. Thus, development planning has tended to increase inequalities and has sharpened divisive tendencies. Victor S. D'Souza, an eminent Indian sociologist, utilizing the Indian census data of 1961, 1971, and 1981, examines the problem of structural inequality with particular reference to the Indian Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes - the two most underprivileged sections of the present Indian society which, according to the census of 1981, comprised 15.75 percent and 7.76 percent of India's population respectively. Theoretically, he takes the concept of development in a broad sense as related to the self-fulfIlment of the individual. The transformation of the unjust social structure, the levelling down of glaring economic and social inequalities, and the concern for the development of the underprivileged are for the author the basic elements of a planned development. This is the theoretical perspective of the first chapter, "Development Planning and Social Transformation".

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