scholarly journals Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Travel Guide pada Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 607
Usman Ependi ◽  
Febriyanti Panjaitan ◽  
Firamon Syakti

<p class="Abstrak">Sektor pariwisata adalah komponen penting bagi sebuah negara dalam meningkatkan pendapatan negara. Dalam mengelolah sektor pariwisata salah satu faktor penting adalah penyediaan informasi terutama petunjuk perjalanan wisata terutama tujuan wisata dan hal yang terkaitan dengannya. Di Indonesia terutama di Provinsi Sumatra Selatan berbagai upaya telah dilakukan pemerintah dalam menyediakan informasi pariwisata diantaranya melalui iklan, koran dan televisi. Namun penggunaan media tersebut belum cukup efektif yang dibebabkan tidak dapat diakses langsung <em>(real time)</em> oleh wisatawan. Selain itu, media ini memiliki keterbatasan dalam menjangkau wisatawan karena kegiatan pariwisata yang dilakukan wisatawan. Untuk itu didalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan aplikasi mobile yang dikhususkan untuk penyediaan informasi wisata yang ada di Provinsi Sumatra Selatan. Proses pengembangan aplikasi <em>mobile</em> yang digunakan adalah Mobile D, dengan tahapan <em>explore, initialize, productionize, stabilize, system test </em>dan<em> fix</em><em>.</em> Informasi yang tersedia didalam aplikasi ini terdiri dari tujuan wisata dan hal yang terkaitan dengannya. Dengan demikian wisatawan dapat dengan mudah mencari informasi berkaitan dengan tujuan wisata dan yang terkait dengan pariwisata yang ada di Provinsi Sumatra Selatan yang dibuktikan dengan hasil pengujian dengan istrumen <em>heuristic evaluation</em> yang mendapatkan nilai rerata 0.2 dan <em>system usability scale</em> mendapatkan nilai rerata 84.75. Nilai pengujian menunjukkan bawah aplikasi <em>mobile</em> yang dihasilkan tidak memiliki masalah <em>usability</em> dan dapat diterima oleh pengguna. Sesuai kondisi tersebut diharapkan wisatawan dapat dengan mudah dalam mencari informasi tentang parwisata dan hal terkait dengannya melalui perangkat <em>smartphone</em> yang mereka miliki.</p><p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>The tourism sector is an important component for a country to increase its income. In managing the tourism sector, an important factor is to provide information on travel guides that include tourism destinations and matters related to travel. In Indonesia, especially in the South Sumatra Province, various efforts have been made to provide information to travelers, such as through advertising, pamphlets, newspapers, and television. However, these media are not effective because travelers cannot access them in real-time. Besides, these media have limitations in reaching tourists due to tourism activities. For this reason, in the research presented in this paper, the development of the mobile application as a tourism information media in the South Sumatra Province was carried out. The process of developing a mobile application used is Mobile D, with stages of exploring, initialize, production, stabilize, system test, and fix. The information available in this application consists of tourism destinations and matters related to travel. Therefore, travelers can easily search for a tourism destination and everything related to tourism, especially in South Sumatra Province based on testing results using heuristic evaluation that got average score 0.2 and using system usability scale that got average score 84.75. From the testing result of mobile application, the mobile application does not have usability problems and can be accepted by the user. According to these conditions, travelers are expected to easily find information about tourism and related matters through their smartphone devices.</em></p><p><em> </em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Astrid Wahyu Adventri Wibowo

Internet banking atau mobile banking adalah salah satu bentuk aplikasi yang berbasis internet yang dapat digunakan sebagai pintu gerbang menuju dunia perbankan masa depan. Dalam memberikan layanan, pihak bank tidak ingin mengecewakan nasabahnya karena aplikasi internet banking yang sulit digunakan sehingga mengakibatkan nasabah gagal dalam mencari informasi atau gagal melakukan aktivitas perbankan. Melihat pentingnya usabilitas sebuah aplikasi, maka dilakukan penelitian terhadap aplikasi Mandiri Online untuk mengetahui kelayakan dari aplikasi tersebut, mengidentifikasi permasalahan usabilitas, serta menyusun rekomendasi perbaikan. Aplikasi tersebut diuji menggunakan System Usability Scale (SUS) dan pendekatan heuristic evaluation dengan responden sebanyak 40 orang untuk metode SUS dan 5 evaluator dengan kriteria single-expert untuk pendekatan heuristic evaluation. Hasil pengujian aplikasi Mandiri Online dengan instrumen SUS adalah sebesar 79,6 yang berarti aplikasi Mandiri Online dinyatakan dapat diterima (acceptable), termasuk dalam grade B dengan rating good. Dari penelitian ini juga diketahui bahwa terdapat beberapa permasalahan usabilitas mayor yang harus segera diperbaiki dan harus diberi prioritas tinggi. Dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut membutuhkan beberapa usaha, seperti  menambahkan fitur search untuk mencari nama bank, membuat pengelompokkan instansi pada menu multipayment, membuat atau menambahkan panduan penggunaan atau flowchart penggunaan Mandiri Online, dan menambahkan fitur help pada Mandiri Online. Abstract[Title: Usability Analysis of Mandiri Online Apllication] Internet banking or mobile banking is a form of internet-based application that can be used as a gateway to the future of banking. In providing services, banks won’t to let down their customers because of internet banking applications are difficult to use, resulting in failure to find information or fail to conduct banking activities. Seeing the importance of application usability, a study of Mandiri Online application was conducted to find out the appropriatness of the application, identify usability issues, and construct recommendations for application improvement. This application was tested using the System Usability Scale (SUS) and heuristic evaluation approach with 40 respondents for the SUS and 5 evaluators with single-expert criteria for the heuristic evaluation. The result of testing the Mandiri Online application with the SUS instrument amounted to 79,6 which means this application was declared acceptable, included in grade B, and with a good rating. From this study it is also known that there are some major usability problems that must be corrected immediately and must be given high priority. In solving these problems requires several efforts, such as adding search feature to search the bank’s name, creating agency groups on multipayment menu, creating or adding usage guidelines or flowcharts for using Mandiri Online, and adding help feature to Mandiri Online.Keywords: Heuristic Evaluation; System Usability Scale; Usability

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 206-212
Ade Saputra

Assessment Test is one of the routine agenda that is carried out every semester change. This test is conducted to see the development of students in learning activities. Currently SMK 5 Kota Tangerang already uses a mobile application using the PENTAS application in answering the exam questions. But this application needs to be done to understand applications that can be used properly, or vice versa. This study uses the System Usability Scale (SUS) method to measure the use of this application for use. This SUS method has 10 questions that will be answered by respondents who are directly involved in using the PENTAS application. The average score obtained by the System Use Scale method is 46.00. These results fall into the Unacceptable category, so this PENTAS application is not good for use.

Rekayasa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-143
Doni Abdul Fatah

Aplikasi mobile Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) merupakan aplikasi yang memberikan peringatan dini cuaca. Informasi peringatan dini tersebut skalanya tidak hanya sebatas provinsi, tetapi hingga tingkat kecamatan. Namun ketika informasi yang ditampilkan dalam aplikasi masih kurang jelas untuk dipahami pengguna serta kemudahan dan kenyaman pengguna belum sesuai tujuan pembuatan aplikasi maka perlu dilakukan redesign pada aplikasi mobile BMKG tersebut dengan mengacu pada 8 rule panduan (Eight Golden Rules) untuk desain interaksi, serta pengujian menggunakan Kuesioner Usability SUS (System Usability Scale) yang berisi 10 pertanyaan terkait aplikasi dengan melakukan wawancara kepada responden terhadap apikasi tersebut, dari hasil yang didapatkan pada pengujian menggunakan prinsip Eight Golden Rules terdapat tiga point yang belum maksimal mulai dari Design dialogue to yield closure, Support internal locus of control, dan Support internal locus of control, kemudian pengujian menggunakan SUS yang dilakukan secara 2 kali, untuk yang pertama terhadap desain asli dari aplikasi mobile BMKG dengan skor rata-rata 60 menunjukan tingkat penerimaan pengguna Marginal Low, sedangkan grade skala masuk kategori D dan Adjective rating kategori OK, dari hasil dilakukan usulan desain perbaikan sesuai dengan masukan yang telah didapatkan dari para responden kemudian pengujian yang ke dua dengan metode Perhitungan SUS mendapatkan skor rata-rata 80,25 dapat disimpulkan tingkat penerimaan pengguna kategori Acceptable, pada Tingkat grade skala kategori B, serta untuk Adjective rating kategori Excellent, sehingga usulan desain aplikasi mobile BMKG dapat digunakan dengan mudah dan pengguna tidak merasa kebingungan terhadap desain hasil perbaikan untuk mendapatkan layanan informasi cuaca yang diberikan. Usability Evaluation and Improvement of Mobile Application Design Using Usability Testing with a Human-Centered Design (HCD) ApproachMeteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) mobile application is an application that provides weather early warning. The early warning information is not only limited to the province, but also to the sub-district level. But when the information displayed in the application is still not clear enough to be understood by the user and the ease and comfort of the user is not in accordance with the purpose of making the application, it is necessary to redesign the BMKG mobile application by referring to the 8 rule guidelines (Eight Golden Rules) for interaction design, as well as testing using SUS Usability Questionnaire (System Usability Scale) which contains 10 questions related to the application by conducting interviews with respondents of the application, from the results obtained in testing using the principles of the Eight Golden Rules there are three points that have not been maximal starting from Design dialogue to yield closure, Internal Support locus of control, and internal support locus of control, then testing using SUS is done twice, for the first to the original design of the BMKG mobile application with an average score of 60 shows the level of acceptance of Marginal Low users, while the grade scale is in the D category d an Adjective rating category OK, from the results of the proposed improvement design in accordance with the input that has been obtained from respondents then the second test with the SUS Calculation method to get an average score of 80.25 can be concluded on the acceptability ranges included in Acceptable, on the grade scale get a value of B, and for Adjective Rating included in Excellent, so that the proposed BMKG mobile application design can be used easily and users do not feel confused about the design of the results of improvements to get weather information services provided.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 1284-1290
S. R. Alimin ◽  
N. H. Abdul Hamid ◽  
Z. A. Nasruddin

This paper presents City i-Tick, the android based mobile application for students’ attendance at a university. In this study, we developed mobile application for lecturers to take students’ attendance in City University, Petaling Jaya. Managing students’ attendance during lecture periods has become a difficult challenge. The research objectives for this study are to identify user requirement for City i-Tick, to design and develop City i-Tick, and to demonstrate the prototype of City i-Tick. The study is a narrative participatory design and exploits Design Thinking as the research methodology. City i-Tick was successfully validated by 14 lecturers and System Usability Scale (SUS) was used to determine the findings of the study. We found that City i-Tick is effective for lecturers in taking attendance because it is easy to use, easy to learn, and the users feel confident when using this application.

2020 ◽  
Andressa Ferreira ◽  
Fran Oliveira ◽  
Adson Damasceno ◽  
Mariela Cortés

With increasing of life expectancy innovative solutions that ensurewell-being of the seniors become most needed. In this context, inorder to deny the main difficulties reported by the senior public withthe use of mobile devices, we propose a technology entirely basedon voice interactions and we name this project of Guardian. Theessence of the project is to provide, through a mobile application, aplatform with a set of intelligent agents focused on the well-beingof the older adults. In this work the mains objectives to analyze andevaluate the usability of the Guardian and the cultural impacts ofthe technology. For the data collection, video recordings were used,a questionnaire that identifies the socio-technological profile of theresearch participants and the system usability scale (SUS).

Sunardi Sunardi ◽  
Imam Riadi ◽  
Pradana Ananda Raharja

Pengujian pada perangkat lunak dibutuhkan sebagai jaminan mutu terhadap kemampuan perangkat lunak. Perangkat lunak diterapkan pada pekerjaan yang nyata tanpa memiliki kendala terhadap kinerja dalam memberikan perintah, memproses perintah hingga memperoleh hasil dari pemrosesan sesuai dengan tujuan pengembangan. Pengujian unit Application Programming Interface (API) pada web service fokus sebagai upaya untuk menguji kemampuan pada tiap unit. Unit yang diuji secara spesifik akan digabungkan dengan unit lain hingga menjadi suatu sistem terintegrasi. Aplikasi mobile membutuhkan dukungan API sebagai penghubung dengan basis data, dimana aplikasi mobile dengan basis data tersebut tidak saling berhubungan secara langsung. Tampilan antarmuka pada aplikasi mobile hanya difokuskan sebagai interaksi visual antara pengguna dengan sistem. Sistem yang diberi perintah akan merespon dengan umpan balik yang dihubungkan melalui perantara dan merespon kembali melalui perantara dan dikembalikan dalam bentuk visual melalui antaramuka. Pengujian pada tiap unit sistem menggunakan proses Test-Driven Development (TDD) untuk menguji tiap fungsi. Perancangan dan pembangunan web service pada aplikasi e-voting memerlukan pengujian sehingga dalam penerapanya dapat digunakan sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang telah dirancanakan tanpa menimbulkan bug atau error yang dapat menganggu kinerja sistem. API yang telah diuji dan berinteraksi dengan antarmuka dapat melakukan proses data pemilih, validasi data pemilih dan pemilihan. Sistem ini juga telah diuji dengan metode System Usability Scale dengan skor total 69,02. Testing on the software is needed to guarantee its capabilities. So software in real condition wouldn’t have any deflect with the performance to providing wich in line with the goal of development. Testing the Application Programming Interface (API) unit on the web service is an effort to testing the performance of each unit. Specifically tested unit will be combined with other units to become an integrated system. A Mobile application requires API support as the connector to a database, which not directly related to mobile application. The user-interface in mobile application only act as a visual interaction between the user and the system. The commanded system will respond through feedback which connected into a connector and gives the response back through the connector and returns in visual form through an interface. Test-Driven Development (TTD) was used in testing each system unit. Designing and building web service on e-voting application requires testing so that application can be used properly without causing bugs or errors that can interface system performance. Approved APIs are able to process voter data, validate voter data and election. The system also tested with “System Usability Scale” method which gains 69,02 total score.

At this time the application for mobile applications on an industrial scale and companies are still considered very lacking for it’s application, it is because the industry that is currently running is still likely to use a desktop. Which with the mobile application opportunity and understanding of technology from everyone in the company, business process automation can be done more efficiently through mobile applications. Planning of this people management system aims to resolve the problem experienced by one of the telecommunications companies in Indonesia, which at present employees find it very difficult to make requests for overtime, leave and claims, because the current system is still in desktop or manual form filling which still depends on the office network environment. Therefore, a mobile application-based People Management System (PMS) will be made in which the process will run in real time and can be done anywhere. For the initial stages of development planning Mobile applications for People Management System (PMS) will greatly help the company problems mentioned earlier. By using Heuristic Task Analysis (HTA) as a method for reviewing the effectiveness of work and activities that are not properly carried out, so it can be obtained desirable productivity (Stanton, 2006)., and the System Usability Scale (SUS) method for interface testing which is carried out directly by end users (Martoyo &amp; Falahah,2015). Based on the provisions of the System Usability Scale score, the assessment results of 10 respondents for the People management system application of 79.0 where the score is the Acceptability Ranges in the Acceptable category and are in grade B. From these results it is felt that there is still need for further development because current planning is for the initial planning phase, there needs to be further development to improve the performance of the company and comfort for employees.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 1276-1283
N. Illias ◽  
N. H. Abdul Hamid ◽  
Z. A. Shaffiei

Managing the complaint is tough to handle, efficient response to the complaints from the customer can be an indicator to measure an organization’s performance. We’ve chosen Politeknik Nilai as one of the institutions that are facing daily complaints from the students and parents. Currently, they are using the manual form to lodge a complaint and receive the feedback via email. In this study, we developed an android based mobile application to manage the students’ complaint. With mobile apps, the management can prevent the loss of complaint forms and keep track of the records. This system will send feedback and notification directly via students’ mobile phone. This study referred to the ten principles for effective complaint handling by Ombudsman. We only referred to eight principles to construct the PNSCares. The methodology used to develop mobile apps is using the Mobile Application Development Life Cycle (MADLC). System Usability Scale (SUS) is used to measure the effectiveness of the mobile apps. The feedbacks from ten respondents on the PNSCares prototype are good with 72 scores in SUS for perceived usefulness and ease of use factor. Based on the result, the prototype is effective and easy to use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-97
Rini Malfiany ◽  
Donny Apdian ◽  
Shofa Shofiah Hilabi

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan adalah program jaminan sosial yang memberikan fasilitas layanan kepesertaan bagi tenaga kerja ataupun perusahaan (pemberi kerja). Salah satu program BPJS Ketenagakerjaan yang wajib diikuti ialah program Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT). Untuk mengetahui berapa saldo yang kita dapatkan setiap tahunnya, kita bisa mengetahui nya melalui sebuah aplikasi mobile untuk jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) yaitu aplikasi BPJSTKU. Aplikasi BPJSTKu merupakan aplikasi mobile untuk memberikan pelayanan bagi peserta yang dikhususkan pada tenaga kerja untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai Saldo Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) beserta rincian dari Saldo Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) tahunan. Selain itu aplikasi tersebut menyediakan informasi mengenai data perserta BPJSTKU, simulasi Saldo Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) juga menyediakan Formulir pengajuan Klaim pengambilan JHT secara online. Tujuan dibuatnya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kepuasan atau kekecewaan dari pengguna aplikasi BPJSTKU ini, karena kepuasan pengguna itu merupakan salah satu faktor untuk menentukan tingkat usability sebuah aplikasi. Untuk menemukan masalah usability pada desain aplikasi BPJSTKU, penelitian ini dibuat dengan menggunakan metode evaluasi Heuristic. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif karena mengukur kepuasan pengguna dengan Tingkat severity ratings pada masalah usability yang ditentukan dengan skala 0 sampai 4. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Karawang dengan sampel staf STMIK Rosma yang menggunakan Aplikasi BPJSTKU. Dari hasil pengukuran evaluasi heuristic menunjukkan kategori minor usability problem, perbaikan masalah ini diberikan prioritas yang rendah dengan nilai rata-rata 1.88 atau skala 2. Kata Kunci : Evaluasi Heuristic, Desain Antarmuka, BPJSTKU BPJS Employment is a social security program that provides membership service facilities for workers or companies (employers). One of the BPJS Employment programs that must be followed is the Old Age Security (JHT) program. To find out how much balance we get each year, we can find out through a mobile application for Old Age Security (JHT), namely the BPJSTKU application. The BPJSTKu application is a mobile application to provide services for participants devoted to the workforce to obtain information about the Old Age Security Balance (JHT) along with details of the annual Old Age Security Balance (JHT). In addition, the application provides information on BPJSTKU participant data, Simulation of Old Age Security Balance (JHT) also provides an online claim form for taking JHT. The purpose of this research is to find out the satisfaction or disappointment of the users of this BPJSTKU application, because user satisfaction is one of the factors to determine the usability level of an application. To find usability problems in the BPJSTKU application design, this study was made using the Heuristic evaluation method. This type of research uses quantitative methods because it measures user satisfaction with severity ratings on usability problems which are determined on a scale of 0 to 4. The research location was conducted in Karawang with a sample of STMIK Rosma staff who used the BPJSTKU application. From the results of the heuristic evaluation measurement, it shows the category of minor usability problems, repairing this problem is given a low priority with an average value of 1.88 or a scale of 2. Keywords: Heuristic Evaluation, Interface Design, BPJSTKU

10.2196/18439 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. e18439
Amanda Newton ◽  
Alexa Bagnell ◽  
Rhonda Rosychuk ◽  
Janelle Duguay ◽  
Lori Wozney ◽  

Background Mobile device–based tools to help adolescents practice skills outside of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) sessions for treating an anxiety disorder may lead to greater treatment gains. Objective This study aimed to develop, design, and test the acceptability, learnability, heuristics, and usability of MindClimb, a smartphone-based app for adolescents with anxiety to use between CBT sessions to plan and complete exposure activities using skills (cognitive, relaxation, exposure practice, and reward) learned in treatment. Methods This 3-phase study took place from August 2015 to December 2018. In phase 1, the app was designed and developed in consultation with young people and CBT therapists to identify desired functions and content. Feedback was subjected to thematic analysis using a general inductive approach. In phase 2, we conducted 2 high-fidelity testing sessions using the think-aloud approach (acceptability, learnability, usability) and 10-item System Usability Scale with 10 adolescents receiving CBT. The high-fidelity MindClimb app was evaluated by 5 app developers based on Nielsen’s usability heuristics and 5-point severity ranking scale. In phase 3, a total of 8 adolescents and 3 therapists assessed the usability of MindClimb during CBT sessions by recording the frequency of skills practice, use of MindClimb features, satisfaction with the app, and barriers and facilitators to app use during treatment. Results Feedback from phase 1 consultations indicated that the app should (1) be responsive to user needs and preferences, (2) be easy to use and navigate, (3) have relevant content to the practice of CBT for anxiety, and (4) be aesthetically appealing. Using this feedback as a guide, a fully functional app prototype for usability testing and heuristic evaluation was developed. In phase 2, think-aloud and usability data resulted in minor revisions to the app, including refinement of exposure activities. The average system usability score was 77 in both testing cycles, indicating acceptable usability. The heuristic evaluation by app developers identified only minor errors (eg, loading speed of app content, with a score of 1 on the severity ranking scale). In phase 3, adolescents considered app features for completing exposure (6.2/10) and relaxation (6.4/10) modestly helpful. Both adolescents (average score 11.3/15, SD 1.6) and therapists (average score 10.0/12, 2.6 SD) reported being satisfied with the app. Conclusions The user-centered approach to developing and testing MindClimb resulted in a mobile health app that can be used by adolescents during CBT for anxiety. Evaluation of the use of this app in a clinical practice setting demonstrated that adolescents and therapists generally felt it was helpful for CBT practice outside of therapy sessions. Implementation studies with larger youth samples are necessary to evaluate how to optimize the use of technology in clinical care and examine the impact of the app plus CBT on clinical care processes and patient outcomes.

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