2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Elda Candra Galih ◽  
Rio Andriyat Krisdiawan

Kuningan Regency is one of the tourist destinations that is quite popular among tourists. Kuningan has many potential tourism object whether it is natural tourism, history, jiarah, and artificial. To find tourism destinations, tourists are usually looking at search engine applications or tourist maps so it takes a long time. To facilitate tourists in finding tourist destinations, it needs an application. The application that will be developed based on preliminary research held at Dinas Pemuda Olahraga dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Kuningan. Mobile-based application is needed in finding the location of tourissm objects and it provides descriptions of attractions, and facilities that exist in the tourism object. It is created only to show the location of existing tourism object in Kuningan Regency. In finding the closest route, it will be displayed in the form of maps. Tourists can choose the location of tourist attractions and initial location of tourists, then the system will display the results of the existing route on the maps. And in this application is also available services to find the location of tourists using GPS technology. And the author uses Dijkstra algorithm to determine the shortest route in finding the route from the initial location to the desired location of the object of tourism. And in the data storage in this application, the author uses MySQL or Apache as a web server in storing data objects and data node,, destination and route concerned with searching the location of the tourist attraction. And on the development of this application he uses client server. Keywords: Dijkstra Algorithma, Nearest Order, Mobile-based Application, Kuningan District, Tourism Object.

Valencia Valencia ◽  
Priyendiswara Agustina Bela ◽  
Bambang Deliyanto

Belitung Island is aggressively pushing the tourism sector as a main sector. One of the attractions that many tourists are starting to see in Belitung is Tanjung Kelayang Beach. This beach has become a mass tourism attraction that is routinely visited in Belitung. Tanjung Kelayang Beach is not only known for its clean coastal scenery and clear waters but also as a starting point for island hopping activities. Now, Tanjung Kelayang Beach has to compete with other tourist destinations that have a stronger image and have been known by tourists for a long time. Tanjung Kelayang Beach has great potential to become a beach with a better known brand but there are still limited aspects of tourism support that is still lacking and promotion efforts that have not been effective. This study aims to provide a proposed strategy that refers to the components of destination branding to strengthen the image of the destination and build the competitive side of the tourist destination. The study was conducted using qualitative and quantitative approaches with descriptive analysis methods. The results of the study produced a proposed strategy to strengthen branding from various aspects, namely landscape, infrastructure, stakeholders and city behaviour such as the addition of diversity of new tourist attractions and tourist facilities, increasing the role of community and community participation and service quality as well as proposing promotional efforts in the form of selecting promotional media and types of tourism products. Keywords:  Branding; Strategy; Tourism DestinationAbstrakPulau Belitung sedang gencar mendorong sektor pariwisata sebagai sektor andalan. Salah satu objek wisata yang mulai banyak dilirik wisatawan di Belitung adalah Pantai Tanjung Kelayang. Pantai ini telah menjadi objek wisata mass tourism yang rutin dikunjungi di Belitung. Pantai Tanjung Kelayang tak hanya dikenal akan pemandangan pantai bersih dan perairan jernihnya saja namun juga sebagai titik start penyeberangan untuk melakukan kegiatan tur pulau. Kini Pantai Tanjung Kelayang harus bersaing dengan destinasi wisata lainnya yang telah memiliki citra yang lebih kuat dan telah dikenal wisatawan sejak lama. Pantai Tanjung Kelayang memiliki potensi yang besar untuk menjadi pantai dengan brand yang lebih dikenal namun masih terdapat keterbatasan aspek penunjang wisata yang masih kurang serta upaya promosi yang belum efektif. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan usulan strategi yang mengacu pada komponen-komponen destination branding untuk memperkuat citra destinasi dan membangun sisi kompetitif destinasi wisata. Studi dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Hasil studi menghasilkan usulan strategi penguatan branding dari berbagai aspek yaitu lansekap, infrastruktur, stakeholder dan sikap kota seperti penambahan keragaman atraksi wisata baru dan fasilitas wisata, peningkatan peran partisipasi komunitas dan masyarakat dan kualitas pelayanan serta upaya promosi berupa pemilihan media promosi dan jenis produk wisata yang akan dipromosikan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Khairil Anam ◽  
Ony Dwi Hartono

Sumenep Regency is one of the districts on Madura Island where the tourism sector is experiencing rapid development and improvement. Sumenep Regency has a natural and cultural tourist attraction, making it a destination for tourists. Not only is the attraction of the culture of his cow easy, but Sumenep Regency has a very beautiful natural attraction. The condition of natural tourism consists of natural scenery, high hills, beaches, high asta and diversity of marine potential. One of the popular tourist objects is Pantai Pantai Sembilan, Gili Labak Island and Gilii which have the best oxygen levels in the world. Tourists from outside the region, especially those who first visited Sumenep Regency will have a little difficulty in accessing tourist attractions in this city because they do not know in detail the information about the location of these tourist attractions. The purpose of this research is to build an Android-based Geographical Information System using the Dijkstra Algorithm, which is expected to help tourists from outside the Sumenep City area in displaying routes from one tourist spot to another. The method that is the basis for designing this GIS is the Graph Method, by applying the shortest route search algorithm, Dijkstra's Algorithm. The expected results with this application are that it can help, simplify, and accelerate tourists in finding and obtaining information about the location of tourist attractions in Sumenep Regency. Based on the closest travel search trials using the Android Application it produces an accuracy of 95%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 1
Dyah E Setyowati ◽  
Yani Antariksa ◽  
Endri Haryati ◽  
Haryono Haryono ◽  
Indra P P Salmon

Ngawi Regency has a diversity of tourist destinations supported by the accessibility of strategic areas, but there are problems in the form of tourist visits opportunity that are still not optimal. The strategy that must be carried out is to design a tourist destination design in a strategic access corridor between the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), Solo, Ngawi, and Surabaya (Yogya-Solo-Ngawi-Surabaya) and open access to local tourism information. This strategy is also applied on the basis of the strategic accessibility of Ngawi Regency which is located between the northern coast lines that connect various tourist attractions. The purpose of this study is to map each area of ​​tourist destinations and connectivity within an integrated area, and; designing a spatial structuring model for integrated tourist destination areas in Ngawi Regency. The series is arranged in the corridor of tourist paths in Yogya-Solo-Ngawi-Surabaya. The method used in the study is a qualitative approach. Data collection is done through observation, in-depth interviews, descriptive statistical data, and documentation. The study results show that there are opportunities in the form of 9 development tourism destinations to be integrated in the Yogya-Solo-Ngawi-Surabaya tourism corridor. Integration is carried out in the tourist destination system in the districts: Karang Jati, Padas, Ngawi, Widodaren, Mantingan (Jatipangawitan). While in the spatial development policy of the Jogya-Solo-Ngawi-Surabaya corridor tourist area, components of tourism products are offered consisting of cultural attractions (3 main dances), accessibility (facilities and infrastructure), amenities (culinary, hotel, souvenirs), and activities (5 tour packages) that are developed according to the demand and dynamics of tourism in Indonesia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Asra Zaliza Asbollah ◽  
Norhaslina Hassan ◽  
Safiah @ Yusmah Muhammad Yusoff ◽  
Hanizah Idris

In ensuring the tourism destinations are successful and sustained, good quality environments are needed. Furthermore, without an attractive environment, there would be no tourism activities. Nevertheless, people generate and encompass many different types and patterns of changes in the environment and in turn, the environment can facilitate and even reduce stress to people. In this context, it is necessary to understand the perspective of tourists and knowing what they look for in a particular destination to obtain a better understanding of spatial tourism behaviour and areas of sustainable tourist destinations. The primary focus of this paper is to understand the perceptions, expectations, experiences and motivations that tourists have when they choose to visit specific tourist destinations. Based on the literature, identifying and examining the elements of tourist attractions, tourist preferences, the values which characterize the tourism demand and their relationship to the environment would highlight challenges as well as implications for tourism development especially in Malaysia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-16
Rahma Wahdiniwaty ◽  
Eko Budi Setiawan ◽  
Fajri Auliardi ◽  
Deden A Wahab

Abstract—Traveling is a fun activity. Everyone has a different preference for the type of tour they like. Some like nature tourism, culinary tours, religious tourism, and other tourism. Problems encountered by tourists when planning tourism activities, usually do not know complete information related to tourist destinations that will be visited, and can not make weather forecasts from the destination tourist destination. This research aims to provide a model travel recommendation that is implemented into the Android mobile application so that tourists can be given recommendations on which tourism destinations are most suitable based on the criteria that are the assessment criteria, namely the price of tourist accommodation, weather and rating of tourist attractions. Mobile technology used is using GPS sensors, Google Maps API, Open WeatherMap API, and Facebook API. Based on the results of testing, the application in this research can help in recommending tourist attractions that meet the criteria desired by tourists.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Asra Zaliza Asbollah ◽  
Norhaslina Hassan ◽  
Safiah @ Yusmah Muhammad Yusoff ◽  
Hanizah Idris

In ensuring the tourism destinations are successful and sustained, good quality environments are needed. Furthermore, without an attractive environment, there would be no tourism activities. Nevertheless, people generate and encompass many different types and patterns of changes in the environment and in turn, the environment can facilitate and even reduce stress to people. In this context, it is necessary to understand the perspective of tourists and knowing what they look for in a particular destination to obtain a better understanding of spatial tourism behaviour and areas of sustainable tourist destinations. The primary focus of this paper is to understand the perceptions, expectations, experiences and motivations that tourists have when they choose to visit specific tourist destinations. Based on the literature, identifying and examining the elements of tourist attractions, tourist preferences, the values which characterize the tourism demand and their relationship to the environment would highlight challenges as well as implications for tourism development especially in Malaysia.

Tourists who engage in recreational activities in a tourist area often use travel tours. They come to tourism destinations in groups and use travel tour services to lower travel expenses and make travel smoother when they are guided by the tour leader. Tourists sometimes fail to appreciate the environment in the recreation area so they enjoy the beauty of the tourist attractions so that they are far away from the community and want to know the location of the tour group or tour leader again. Travel management also needs to know the status of the tourist community it manages. Besides, travel management needs to know the route followed by the tour leader to ensure that the employees are on the path set by the organization. To help overcome this issue, a mobile and web-based application has been created in this research. Mobile Android-based apps are used by representatives of tourist groups and tour guides at tourist attractions. In the meantime, travel management uses web-based software to track the movements of their tour leaders. This application was built using the Unified Process (UP) software development system, which has four phases, namely inception, planning, construction, and transition. The key facility in this application is to see the list of names of the group members managed by the team leader, to see the location of the members of the tourist group on the google map and to see the route followed by the tourist group. This application is quite helpful for travel management and tour guides in monitoring the movement of the tourist group they handle.

Aulia Nastiti Utami ◽  
M Sani Roychansyah ◽  
Medy Krisnany S

Pariwisata adalah sektor yang berkembang. Salah satu indikatornya adalah dari meningkatnya perjalanan global. Konsep pariwisata halal secara global, salah satunya adalah karena peningkatan populasi Muslim dan tingginya jumlah perjalanan wisata yang dilakukan. Karenanya konsep pariwisata halal terus bermunculan dan terus dibahas secara global. Berdasarkan hal ini, penelitian ini penting dan perlu dilakukan dengan tujuan merumuskan pelaksanaan pengembangan pariwisata halal di Lombok. Tujuan umum ini akan dijabarkan dalam tujuan khusus, yaitu: (a) Melakukan studi tentang tujuan wisata halal di Lombok (b) Melakukan studi komponen pengembangan pariwisata halal di Lombok. Penelitian ini menggunakan pola pikir deduktif (metode penalaran), dengan pendekatan rasionalistik dan metode penelitian kualitatif. Wilayah dalam penelitian ini adalah Pulau Lombok yang merupakan bagian dari administrasi Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari dua jenis sampel yaitu sampel tujuan wisata dan responden. Pengukuran yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dalam bentuk metode skoring atau pembobotan. Penilaian didasarkan pada skala Likert. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tipologi yang membentuk implementasi pengembangan pariwisata halal di Lombok adalah bahan baku, destinasi dan objek wisata, fasilitas di objek wisata, dan institusi.   Tourism is a growing sector. One of the indicators is from increasing global travel. The concept of halal tourism globally, one of which is due to an increase in the Muslim population and the high number of tourist trips made. Therefore the concept of halal tourism continues to emerge and continue to be discussed globally. Based on this, this research is important and needs to be done with the aim of formulating the implementation of halal tourism development in Lombok. This general objective will be elaborated in specific objectives, namely: (a) Conduct study of halal tourism destinations in Lombok (b) Conduct a study of the components of halal tourism development in Lombok. This study uses a deductive mind set (method of reasoning), with a rationalistic approach and qualitative research methods. The area in this study is the island of Lombok which is part of the administration of the Province of West Nusa Tenggara. The sample in this study consisted of two types of samples namely sample tourist destinations and respondents. Measurements made in this study are in the form of scoring or weighting methods. Scoring is based on a Likert scale. Based on the results of the analysis shows that the typology that forms the implementation of halal tourism development in Lombok is raw materials, destinations and attractions, facilities in tourist attractions, and institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 228
Agung Yoga Asmoro ◽  
Muhyiddin Aziz

The new normal phase has already begun. The tourism sector is slowly starting to operate. Setigi (Selo Tirto Giri) is a new tourist destination in the Gresik Regency region that gets priority from the local government to operate. As a new tourist destination, Setigi should have the right development guide. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach for 1 (one) month, where we focused on aspects of qualitative data that refer to the criteria and indicators of tourism destination development. We collect data by field observations, in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, supported by quantitative non-reactive data. The analysis was carried out by the IFAS/EFAS analysis phase, followed by the SWOT/TOWS Matrix analysis technique. This research reveals that, in general, the management of Setigi is in harmony with the principles of the development of tourist destinations and tourist attractions. The manager has also strived to implement the Sapta Pesona criteria into the management of Setigi. However, there are some notes to improve Setigi's performance towards better tourism destinations.

Vaughn Scribner

Beginning in the mid-19th Century, American boosters, business owners, and city planners fostered various mermaid-themed/named destinations. In doing so, these men and women contributed to the modern American tourism complex, which relied upon Americans’ efforts to commodify the natural world for market purposes and, in turn, distinguish their locales among a burgeoning network of tourist destinations. This article details 19th Century attempts to mermaid brand particular locations and, subsequently, the development of mermaid themed tourist attractions in the 20th and early 21st centuries.

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