scholarly journals Interrelation between the types of self-attitude and self-regulation of laziness in young individuals with different degree of self-regulation of behavior

2021 ◽  
pp. 28-39
Alina Eduardovna Kim

The subject of this research is self-attitude and self-regulation of laziness in young individuals, who combine work and study. The article provides a brief theoretical overview of the research that prove interrelation between self-attitude and self-regulation of behavior and laziness. Using the quartilization procedure of the values of individual indicators, the author determined the groups with different degree of self-regulation of behavior; established the leading types of self-attitude of young individuals with different level of self-regulation of behavior. The presence and specificity of true links between the types of self-attitude with external and internal evaluative grounds and the severity of self-regulation of laziness in different contexts that provoke manifestations of laziness in young people with different level of self-regulation of behavior. Young individuals with high self-regulation of behavior demonstrate interconnectedness between self-regulation of laziness and types of self-attitude with internal evaluative grounds in execution of learning task, with external and internal evaluative grounds in execution of work task. The author underlines the importance of positive self-attitude for maintaining self-regulation of laziness. Interrelation between the types of self-attitude with both, external and internal evaluative grounds in execution of learning or work tasks are detected among the respondents with pronounced self-regulation above and below the average. Among young people with low self-regulation of behavior, the types of self-attitude with external evaluative grounds in conducting learning activity, the types of self-attitude with external and internal evaluative grounds in execution of work task, are interconnected with self-regulation of laziness. The reveled peculiarities should be taken into account in planning the educational and work process.

2021 ◽  
Ping Yu ◽  
Siyu Qian ◽  
Zhenyu Zhang ◽  
Lina Markauskaite ◽  
Jun Shen ◽  

There has been a steady increase in international students pursuing postgraduate coursework education in English speaking countries. Like first-year undergraduate students, these international students need assistance transitioning into the new educational environment and preparing for self-directed, collaborative learning throughout their careers. Drawing on the social constructivist pedagogical approaches, we developed learning tasks that foster self-regulation and collaboration among postgraduate coursework IT students, aligning these tasks with the learning outcomes of the subject Information Design and Content Management. This paper presents the rationale and method for the design of the learning tasks, and how these learning tasks to not only align with the subject learning outcomes but also facilitate self-regulation. A study involving preand post-subject surveys and interviews with 133 subject students will provide us with further insights into the effectiveness of the learning task design and the areas for improvement.

Iveta Kāposta

Self-regulation is one of the criteria in good or competent learning. Self-regulated learning means that the learning person understands the process of one's learning i.e. understands what one needs; understands what happens to one during such learning; one is responsible for own learning; one has acquired and independently applies learning skills. Many scholars regard reflection as being means for improvement of competent learning. Reflection in pedagogy is to be understood as a process of awareness the performance and / or action which took place in educational process or any part. Reflection is based on analysis of one's actions and/or activities. Reflection may differ both in terms of the goal as well as in terms of the subject across various stages of learning process and activities. Russian educator and psychologist A. Stepanova classifies reflection in accordance with the subject of reflection (Степанова, 2009): mood and emotional status reflection; reflection of learning content; learning activity reflection. Mood and emotional status reflection and learning content reflection are often applied in Latvian schools; while reflection on learning activities has enjoyed little recognition. Educators in Latvian schools often offer students use questions and visualisation as methods of reflection (latter is used in work with younger students), but negotiations are offer relatively rare. Educators recognise reflection better according to the actions but they lack knowledge on reflection during action thus not offering it to students. Nevertheless, some secondary education students use reflection during action in an unaware manner. Reflection on average is given 5 - 10 minutes during a lesson.

2003 ◽  
pp. 88-98 ◽  
A. Obydenov

Self-regulation appears to be a special institution where economic actors establish their own rules of economic activity for themselves in a specific business field. At the same time they are the object of control within these rules and the subject of legal management of the controller. Self-regulation contains necessary prerequisites for fundamental resolution of the problem of "controlling the controller". The necessary and sufficient set of five self-regulation organization functions provides efficiency of self-regulation as the institutional arrangement. The voluntary membership in a self-regulation organization is essential for ensuring self-enforcement of institutional arrangement of self-regulation.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-103
Svitlana Kuzikova

The author's approach to the empirical study of the peculiarities of self-development of a person has been  considered. The criteria of self-development as a subject activity have been characterized. Its indicators have been  given.  The  psychological  resources  of  personal  self-development  have  been  singled  out:  the  need  for  self- development as its source and determinant; conditions that ensure its success; mechanisms as functional means and  conditions  for  its  implementation.  Their  essence  has  been  revealed.  The  need  for  self-development  has  been  determined by the actualization of the characteristics of self-development (self-activity, vital activity, development of  self-consciousness) and has been occurred when the content structure of the individual consciousness and the  transformation of semantic entities changed. Conditions of self-development has been defined by mature I of  personality, openness, tolerance to the new, the presence of a conscious goal of self-realization and active life  strategy. Reflection, self-regulation and feedback have been considered as mechanisms of self-development. The  methodical approaches and means of studying the peculiarities and factors of the development of the subject of self- development in adolescence in the process of professional training have been offered, and the results of their  integrated empirical research have been highlighted. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of the level  of actualization of self-development resources among students, discovered with the author's diagnostic method  "DCPSD" (Dispositional Characteristic of Personality of Self-development). It has been proved that psychological  resources as a set of possibilities of development already exist in the psychological reality of a person. It has been  shown that the dominance of the level of self-development resources’ actualization of the individual (and their  combination) can be correlated with the dimensions of the individual psychological space, indicating the individual  peculiarity of the personal self-development organization. It has been noted that, at the same time, actualization,  strengthening and harmonization of all psychological resources of a person self-development, enrichment of its  relations with the environment and other people, and increasing spirituality is necessary for the implementation of  progressive conscious personal self-development. У  статті  розглянуто  авторський  підхід  до  емпіричного  вивчення  особливостей  саморозвитку  особистості. Охарактеризовано критерії саморозвитку як суб’єктної діяльності, наведено його показники.  Виокремлено психологічні ресурси особистісного саморозвитку: потребу в саморозвитку як його джерело і  детермінант; умови, які забезпечують його успішність; механізми як  функціональні засоби і умови його  здійснення.    Розкрито    їх    сутність.    Потреба    в    саморозвитку    визначається    актуалізованістю  характеристик саморозвитку (самоактивність, життєдіяльність, розвиненість самосвідомості) і виникає  при зміні змістової  структури індивідуальної свідомості та трансформації смислових утворень. Умови  саморозвитку  окреслюють  зріле  Я  особистості,  відкритість,  толерантність  до  нового,  наявність  усвідомленої   мети   самоздійснення   та   активної   життєвої   стратегії.   Як   механізми   саморозвитку  розглядаються рефлексія, саморегуляція та зворотній зв'язок. Запропоновано методичні підходи і засоби  вивчення особливостей та чинників становлення суб’єкта саморозвитку в юнацькому віці в процесі фахової  підготовки, висвітлено результати їх комплексного емпіричного дослідження. Особливу увагу приділено  аналізу  рівня  актуалізації  ресурсів  саморозвитку  у  студентів,  виявленого  за  допомогою  авторської  діагностичної методики «ДХСО». Доведено, що психологічні ресурси  як сукупність можливостей розвитку  вже існують у психологічній реальності людини. Показано, що домінування рівня актуалізації ресурсів  саморозвитку особистості ( та їх поєднання) можна співвіднести з вимірами психологічного простору  особистості,   що   свідчить   про  індивідуальну   своєрідність   організації   особистісного  саморозвитку.  Зазначено,  що  в  той  же  час  для  здійснення  прогресивного  усвідомленого  особистісного  саморозвитку  необхідна   актуалізація,   взаємопосилення   і   гармонізація   всіх   психологічних   ресурсів   саморозвитку  особистості, збагачення її зв’язків із навколишнім середовищем та іншими людьми, підвищення духовності.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Titik Umiyati

Abstrak:Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji proses pembelajaran matematika danmenganalisis peningkatan prestasi belajar melalui permainan mistar bilangan. Metodepenelitian yang digunakanadalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan sebanyak 2siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Temengeng Kabupaten Blorapada semester 2 tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Teknikanalisis yang digunakandeskriptifkomparatif, yaitu membandingkan data hasil antara prasiklus, siklus I, dan siklus II. Hasilpenelitian yang dilaksanakan 2 siklus menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran matematikadengan menggunakan permainan mistar bilangan sangat menyenangkan siswa, sehinggaaktivitas pembelajaran meningkat dari 62,5 menjadi 84,5. Hasil belajar siswa juga meningkatditandai hasil siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas 60,48 dan ketuntasan mencapai 57,10%. Siklus IInilai rata-rata kelas 75,24 dan ketuntasan 85,70%. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah pembelajaranmatematika tentang penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat melalui permainan mistarbilangan dapat meningkatkan aktivitas pembelajaran dan hasil belajar menunjukkan semuasiswa berminat dalam melaksanakan tugas dan memperoleh pengalaman yang menyenangkandalam permainan mistar bilangan. Abstract:The purpose of this research is to study the learningprocess ofmath and analyseincreasing of learning achievement through rulernumbers game. The method usedin thisresearch is class action which is done in2 cycles. The subject of the research are fourth gradestudents of Number 2 PublicElementary Schoolat Temengeng, Blora district in second semesterof the school year 2014/2015. The analysetechnicusedby comparingthe data from precycle,first cycle and second cycle. The results of the research that is done two cycles indicate thatmath learning process by using ruler numbers game can make the students feel pleased sothatlearning activities increase from 62.5 to 84.5. The results of student learning alsoincrease,it can be showed from the average score of the first cycle is 60.48 and the completeness scorereaches57.1%. The average score of thesecond cycle is 75.24 and the completeness scorereaches 85.7%. The conclusion of the research ismath learning about addition and deductionof integer through ruler numbers game can improve learning activity and the results of studentlearning show that all students are interested to obtain the task and get moreenjoyableexperience in using rulernumbers game.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 12-32
E. V. Burdina ◽  

Introduction. The article is devoted to the problems of the essence and content of judicial ethics in the new conditions of the technical revolution and with other social needs for legal regulation. Theoretical Basis. Methods. The work used a systematic, activity-personal approach to the study of moral and ethical standards of the conduct of judges. This made it possible to reveal a new and broader view on judicial ethics, which is not simply a set of moral restrictions and obligations imposed on a judge. Results. The work has identified and analysed the signs of judicial ethics at the current stage of development. It is argued that ethical regulation is precautionary in relation to the legal regulation of the independence of judges, for they complement ethical rules and reinforce legal norms. The ethical conduct of judges is an instrument guaranteeing judicial independence in all of its manifestations, including in organisational and judicial relations. The new realities of our time recognise the expansion of boundaries and the subject area itself of ethical regulation. A broader view on judicial ethics, which differs from the traditional one, is hereby justified. The latter is defined in two ways – namely both as a system of professional values, as well as a means of judicial administration based on the principle of self-regulation. By its very nature, judicial ethics is the result (and the way) of judicial self-governance, developed on the basis of the experience of functioning bodies of the judicial community. Discussion and Conclusion. Conclusions are drawn on both the instrumental and the managerial impact of the categories of ethics. The subject of judicial ethics has been defined, which constitutes the rules of conduct of judges in the performance of their professional duties and beyond – namely the set of general principles of work of a judge, as well as the personal qualities of a judge personifying the judicial power. Proposals on the optimisation of the mechanism of ethical influence, differentiation of ethical and disciplinary norms have also been substantiated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
Eugenio Fuentes Pérez Júnior ◽  
Helena Maria Scherlowski Leal David

Objetivos: identificar e discutir a produção do conhecimento da enfermagem sobre a influência da precarização no processo de trabalho e a saúde do trabalhador de enfermagem. Metodologia: estudo bibliográfico com abordagem qualitativa, de revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada nas bases BVS, portal de periódicos CAPES, PubMed e Science Direct, no período de 2010 a 2016 e submetidos a análise de conteúdo Resultados: identificou-se a baixa produção da literatura acerca do tema. Na análise qualitativa obteve-se as seguintes categorias: o processo de precarização do trabalho da enfermagem e repercussões da precarização ao processo de trabalho da enfermagem e a saúde do trabalhador. Conclusão: identificou-se a incipiência da produção da enfermagem sobre o tema. Como repercussão da precarização verificou-se o desgaste e sobrecarga de trabalho, assim como impactos negativos na saúde física e psíquica dos trabalhadores.Descritores: Enfermagem do Trabalho; Saúde do Trabalhador; Riscos Ocupacionais.NURSING WORK AND PRECARIOUSNESS: AN INTEGRATIVE REVIEW.Objectives: to identify and discuss the production of nursing knowledge about the influence of precariousness in the work process and the health of the nursing worker. Methodology: a bibliographical study with qualitative approach, of an integrative review of the literature, carried out in the VHL databases, CAPES journal, PubMed and Science Direct, from 2010 to 2016 and submitted to content analysis. Results: low production of Literature on the subject. In the qualitative analysis, the following categories were obtained: the process of precariousness of nursing work and repercussions of the precariousness to the nursing work process and the health of the worker. Conclusion: the incipience of nursing production on the theme was identified. As a consequence of the precariousness, there was the wear and overload of work, as well as negative impacts on the physical and psychological health of the workers.Descriptors: Occupational health nursing, occupational health, occupational risks.TRABAJO DE ENFERMERÍA Y PRECARIZACIÓN: UNA REVISIÓN INTEGRATIVA.Objetivos: identificar y discutir la producción del conocimiento de la enfermería sobre la influencia de la precarización en el proceso de trabajo y la salud del trabajador de enfermería. Metodologia: estudio bibliográfico con abordaje cualitativo, de revisión integrativa de la literatura, realizada en las bases BVS, portal de revistas CAPES, PubMed y Science Direct, en el período de 2010 a 2016 y sometidos a análisis de contenido. Resultados: se identificó la baja producción de la producción Literatura sobre el tema. En el análisis cualitativo se obtuvieron las siguientes categorías: el proceso de precarización del trabajo de la enfermería y repercusiones de la precarización al proceso de trabajo de la enfermería y la salud del trabajador. Conclusión: se identificó la incipiente de la producción de la enfermería sobre el tema. Como repercusión de la precarización se verificó el desgaste y sobrecarga de trabajo, así como impactos negativos en la salud física y psíquica de los trabajadores.Descriptores: Enfermería del Trabajo; Salud Laboral; Riesgos Laborales.


This study intends to explore the salience of national identity for young people from the perspective of ‘commitment and loyalty’ to their nation. The uniqueness of this study is that it provides the opportunity to observe the salience of civic, ethnic, and cultural features of national identity in Kazakhstan.This article has examined the importance of national identity theoretically and critically reviewed the literature on this theme. For the case study, a small survey was conducted in order to evaluate the role of inclusion in shaping national identity among young students.An academic implication of this research entails further research on the salience of belonging and sense of attachment to national identity among young people in other cosmopolitan cities of Kazakhstan, such as Almaty, Nur-Sultan and Atyrau, where the effect of globalisation is more prevalent and the Kazakh customs and traditions less noticeable in order to make a comparative evaluation.In this context, the authors consider the importance of national identity for young individuals by analysing the theories on nations and nationalism, specifically emphasising the relation between individuals and their nations. Analysis is complemented by a short survey on the subject of national identity, which was carried out among students of the Kazakh-Turkish International University in Turkistan, Kazakhstan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (194) ◽  
pp. 51-56
Alla Ryzhanova ◽  
Nanuli Potomkina ◽  

The article analysis the world experience of the negative impact of Internet on young people. Summarizing foreign experience of Internet dependence prevention, we note that the most dangerous impact of Internet dependence on the socialization of young people in the world are: deteriorating relationships with family and friends, mood swings, aimless cyber surfing, «toxic communication», virtual shopping and virtual shopping. In turn, the analysis and further systematization of foreign experience of preventive and corrective measures in different countries and regions of humanity that first entered the information society, gave grounds to identify such areas as: preparation of the social environment for preventive work (national preventive and educational approach (USA, Japan); creation of specialized centers for comprehensive prevention through professional information, counseling social institutions and establishments that are forced to participate in prevention (USA, Netherlands, Taiwan), preparation for prevention of the family, which is perceived as capable of overcoming or, accordingly, preventing Internet addiction in all its manifestations (Japan, Taiwan), preparation for prevention Teachers of schools (Russia) Direct prevention of Internet addiction of young people, which is realized through the general development of human personality, spiritual improvement, intellectual dynamics, psychological education for self-regulation of youth, diversification of leisure (Canada, Netherlands, Russia, Taiwan).

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