scholarly journals Pengembangan Media Articulate Storyline dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Puisi pada Kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Sukabumi

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-91
Ranny Mardiyani ◽  
Deden Ahmad Supendi ◽  
Fauziah Suparman

Learning media is one of the supporting facilities in teaching and learning activities. In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, online-based learning media is very necessary. The lack of teacher ability in using interactive learning media makes online learning even more boring, especially in learning to write poetry. The articulate storyline is one software that can produce more interesting learning media. Using many features can produce learning media that are more varied, innovative, and easy to use. The research method used is RND, which has ten research steps that the researchers then simplified into four main steps, namely the research and data collection stage, the planning stage, the product development stage, and the validation and testing stage. Media development results are a product of a poem made by class X students at SMA Negeri 2 Sukabumi. The product was produced after learning poetry material using online interactive learning media. Three validators assessed the media feasibility level. The material validator is given a feasibility value of 82%, the medium validator is given a value of 80%, and the Indonesian language learning validator is given 84%. Meanwhile, 89% of students responded "Ya" in student responses, and 11% of students responded "Tidak". Based on the validator's assessment results, the media was considered very feasible to be used in schools and received a positive response from students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 94
Nnenna Gertrude Ezeh ◽  
Ojel Clara Anidi ◽  
Basil Okwudili Nwokolo

Second language learners especially in English language need further language support in view of the fact that they operate on the performance level of language use as against competence. Achieving success in the teaching and learning of a second language such as English is determined by a number of linguistic and nonlinguistic factors such as the attitude and language skills of the learners, the teacher’s innovativeness and competence, effective teaching methods and materials such as visual, audio-visual aids and media aids to language learning. This research is motivated by the problem inherent in the traditional teaching methods which is stereotypical, boring with little active students’ engagement in the learning process, which makes knowledge transfer an arduous task. The research represents a shift in language teaching and learning - from the known traditional to a more technological mode of learning- giving way to new technologies in which the media plays a prominent role. The work adopts a qualitative methodology in assessing the role of the media in language teaching and learning both on the part of the students as well the teacher, especially in terms of self-development and innovations. It was discovered that media aids in language learning, facilitates the overall learning process and helps the teacher to transcend his limitations in areas such as pronunciation, vocabulary to be able to guide the students aright. This makes learning an ongoing process rather than a product.

Inmaculada Garnes-Tarazona

Second language teaching and learning has experienced a change towards the use of mobile technologies inside and outside the classroom. The goal of this article is twofold: to compare and evaluate three different commercial English language learning apps (Duolingo, Babbel, and Busuu) that cover the four skills (speaking, writing, listening, and reading), and to analyze the learning theory supporting their design. These applications include in their homepage the option of interactive learning with friends. However, as this article shows, each app offers a different level of interaction and collaboration. The theoretical framework for this analysis is grounded on Vygotsky's Socio-cultural theory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-65
Nurul Ulfah Putri Utami ◽  
Taopik Rahman

ABSTRACTThis study triggered by the lack of mastery of vocabulary in English language learning. It is based on interviews and learning activities of researchers at TK Pertiwi DWP Tasikmalaya on the activities of the implementation of the PPL UPI Tasikmalaya in 2017, as well as the data pre action before the research activities carried out which shows that there are still many students who do not abide by the minimum completeness criteria (KKM ). Low mastery of vocabulary students are not separated from the ineffectiveness of the media used and the ability of teachers to plan and implement teaching and learning. This study aims to determine the planning, implementation and improvement ofmastery of vocabulary children'sthrough the use of media images. Media image is a kind of learning media by using the image (pattern / graffiti a form) that is projected onto the two-dimensional form. By using media images of children will obtain data about an object in full shape, appearance and the name of the object. So that the child will be faster remember a word well. This is certainly very suitable to be applied on English language learning. In this study the research method used was classroom action research (PTK) is adapted from the model Kemmis and Mc Taggart with three cycles. Subjects in this study is the researchers themselves and the children in group A2 TK Pertiwi DWP Tawang District of Tasikmalaya, amounting to 13 people. Data was collected by APKG and observation sheet. Based on the results obtained by an increase in the ability of teachers to create lesson plan reached 92.18%, enhancements to the ability of teachers in implementing the learning reached 93.12% and themastery of vocabulary child'sof 92.3%. In general the increase occurred after be applied using media imagesPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya penguasan kosa kata pada pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Hal ini didasarkan pada hasil wawancara dan kegiatan belajar mengajar peneliti di TK Pertiwi DWP Kota Tasikmalaya pada kegiatan pelaksanaan PPL UPI Tasikmalaya tahun 2017, serta data hasil pra tindakan sebelum kegiatan penelitian dilaksanakan yang menunjukan bahwa masih banyak siswa yang tidak memenuhi nilai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM). Rendahnya penguasaan vocabulary siswa tidak terlepas dari tidak efektifnya media yang digunakan dan kemampuan guru dalam merencanakan dan melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan peningkatan penguasaan vocabulary anak melalui penggunaan media gambar. Media gambar adalah suatu jenis media pembelajaran dengan menggunakan gambar (pola/coretan suatu bentuk) yang diproyeksikan ke dalam bentuk 2 dimensi. Dengan menggunakan media gambar anak akan memperoleh data mengenai suatu benda secara lengkap baik bentuk, tampilan maupun  nama benda tersebut. Sehingga anak akan lebih cepat mengingat suatu kata dengan baik. Hal ini tentunya sangat cocok diterapkan pada pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Pada penelitian ini metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang mengadaptasi dari model Kemmis dan Mc Taggart dengan tiga siklus. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri dan anak kelompok A2 TK Pertiwi DWP Kecamatan Tawang Kota Tasikmalaya yang berjumlah 13 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan APKG dan lembar observasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam membuat rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran mencapai 92,18 %, peningakatan kemampuan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran mencapai 93,12 % dan hasil penguasaan vocabulary anak mencapai 92,3 %. Secara umum peningkatan terjadi setelah diterapakan penggunaan media gambar. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-190
Ahmad Fauzi

With the existence of learning media, not only overcoming limitations possessed by teacher in teaching and learning process, but with the existence of learning media created direct interaction between teaching materials and students, that will facilitate students in learning. Therefore, researchers used the camtasia video media as one of the learning media for Arabic that will be developed by students of Sunan Ampel Surabaya State Islamic University in third semester. This study uses the Class Action Research method so that researchers get the maximum value from the media developed by students by using three times of practicum for media improvement. The purpose of this study is to develop technology-based Arabic language learning media, especially multimedia software that is already very familiar with students

PeTeKa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Fitri Agustina ◽  
Jalilah Azizah

his study aims to produce a teaching material based on the scientific approach that is valid, practical, and effective and can increase creativity in biology learning in high school class X. The method used in this development is the 4-D Model (Four D Model) development model, which consists of four stages are: define, design, develop, and spread (disseminate). Development research is a research method for developing products and improving products. The defining stage is carried out by the determination of learning conditions by analyzing competency standards and boundaries of the subject matter that will be taught by the teacher based on the 2013 curriculum content standards. The planning stage for the preparation of instruments needed in this study and the design of prototype teaching materials. Development stage 1) expert appraisal followed by revision, and 2) development trials limited to students (developmental testing). Stage of dissemination (disseminate) by publishing teaching material that has been developed in the form of a journal. The ability of students has increased, this can be seen from the percentage of classical completeness of students in the first trial of 36%, and the percentage of classical completeness of students in the second trial was 83%. In other words an increase in the biological representation of students in the ecosystem material from the first trial to the second trial increased. Keywords: Development, Teaching Materials, Creativity

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Anis Azimah

In language learning, technology is an attractive media to the students, along with the development of the information technology, teacher should build up the learning process to be more interesting. Learning language successfully depends on many factors. One of the factors is interest of the learners themselves. Interest is an attitude favorably disposing and motivating one toward some objects, situations or idea. It relates to the activity which makes the learners to be involved in language learning process. In teaching English, teacher should conduct some techniques communicatively to build students ’ interest in learning process. Films are closed related to students ’ life. Younger likes watching movies or films. So, teacher can use films as the media in teaching English. It also can attract students to have high participation during learning process. Watching English movies can also be used as a technique to improve students ’ interest. It is not only improving students ’ interest, but also improving their achievement. Keywords : English Movie, Learning Interest.   Received: 6 February, 2017; Accepter: 15 March, 2017

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-90
Hamdani Syahdan ◽  
Yosevita Theodora Latupapua ◽  
Billy B. Seipalla

The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of Ohoidertawun villagers in the management of coastal tourism objects in the Ohoidertawun Village, Kei Kecil District, Southeast Maluku Regency. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, data collection techniques through observation, filling questionnaires, interviews, and literature studies. The results of the study explained that the role of the Ohoidertawun village community was categorized as interactive and independent participation. The form of participation is given in the form of ideas and energy. At the planning stage the community is involved in providing ideas that are made as a joint decision by the whole community to develop the potential of an existing attraction in the village into a destination that has a value of attraction for tourists. The community management stage took its own initiative to develop and carry out regional spatial planning in supporting tourism facilities by setting up shelters, food stalls, toilets, trash bins, guard posts. The tourist facilities at the Ohoidertawun beach object are carried out independently by the community themselves, without any assistance from investors or the tourism office in Southeast Maluku. While at the development stage, the community prepares cultural events that are elaborated with natural tourism, and culinary tourism becomes a tour package

2020 ◽  
Kustyarini . ◽  
Sri Utami ◽  
Endang Koesmijati

Writing text procedures is one form of text type found in Indonesian language learning that applies the 2013 Curriculum. In this study, researchers focused on writing text procedure skills using edutainment-based learning media. The challenge is implementing a learning system that involves the senses simultaneously. Using a text-based approach, the 2013 Curriculum Indonesian Language Learning trains individuals to solve problems and think critically in accordance with real life. The text that describes a step or way of dealing with it is a text procedure. The main purpose is to make it easier for readers to understand things quickly and precisely. The main objective in this study is to see whether the creation of a happy atmosphere, via the use of edutainment media, will affect the processing, storing and receiving information, and feedback for learning text procedures. The learning outcomes after the use of edutainment-based interactive media procedure for writing text skills increased in comparison to the scores before the use of the media. Therefore, this learning medium is very effective in increasing individual motivation and learning outcomes writing and developing creative ideas. Keywords: efficacy, interactive learning media, edutainment, procedural text, writing skills

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Wuly Gunawan ◽  
M Nor ◽  
Hendar Sudrajad

 The creation of interactive learning activities can be influenced by the availability of media and learning resources as a useful tool in teaching and learning activities. The effectiveness of students' absorption of difficult and complicated learning materials can be achieved with the help of the demonstration tool as a media. The purpose of this research is to produce an earthquake demonstration tool, as a valid learning media for use in the learning process of physics in junior high schools. This development research uses the R & D method which was adapted from Nieveen & Folmer with three-phase, namely: preliminary research, development or prototyping phase, and the formative evaluation within the development stage. The evaluation of the validation of the media uses the instrument of validation of the earthquake demonstration tool with 5 indicators and the assessment of validation of the guidebook with 4 indicators. The results of the design of the media obtained the validation score for the earthquake demonstration tool with a score of 4.5 where a very valid category and the handbook obtained a validation score of 4.4 with a very valid category. Based on the results of this research, an earthquake demonstration tool had been successfully made and a guidebook for its use as a physics science learning media is valid and suitable for use in junior high schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 156
Made Erwinda Febriyanti ◽  
I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra ◽  
Made Hery Santosa

The rules for studying from home have been implemented since the outbreak of the Corona Virus. This impacts the education sector in Indonesia, which makes the government make regulations to learn from home—in addition, making the teaching and learning process held in the context of distance learning. This study aims to analyze the learning process that applies MALL during the distance learning process and the challenges during education. The instruments used to obtain the data were self-rated questionnaires, observation checklists, and interview guidelines. This instrument was developed from the Prospective Teacher Ability Assessment Tool (APKCG) and the RASE learning design framework. The technique used to analyze the data is descriptive qualitative analysis. This study indicates that English teachers have implemented MALL during the distance learning process by using several online platforms as classrooms in their activities. Several challenges arise from teachers and students in this learning process, including the lack of teacher ability in utilizing technology, unsupported student devices, and unstable student connections.

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