Promising alfalfa hybrids in breeding nurseries

М. Ломов ◽  
Ю. Писковацкий ◽  
Л. Соложенцева

Приведены результаты селекционных исследований новых образцов люцерны в селекционных питомниках. Научная работа выполнялась на Центральной экспериментальной базе (ЦЭБ) ФГБНУ ВНИИ кормов им. В. Р. Вильямса в Нечернозёмной зоне Российской Федерации в 20142016 годах. В селекционных питомниках проходили оценку по комплексу признаков 22 новых гибрида (по 11 в каждом), созданных с учётом генетической разнокачественности, различий в географическом, экологическом происхождении и степени окультуренности. Проведено изучение новых образцов, созданных методами внутривидовой и отдалённой гибридизации, выделение перспективных номеров по семенной продуктивности и продуктивности зелёной массы для последующей их оценки в составе травосмеси в контрольных питомниках и питомниках конкурсного сортоиспытания в полевых условиях селекционного люцернового севооборота. Гибриды в основном пёстрогибридного сортотипа. В качестве стандарта использовался сорт люцерны Луговая 67. Представлены данные новых перспективных образцов люцерны изменчивой по зимостойкости, облиственности растений, мощности развития, урожайности зелёной и сухой массы и другие показатели. По семенной продуктивности для дальнейших научных исследований выделены следующие селекционные гибриды: Вела, П-379, П-297, СГП 62-11, СГП 61-11, СГП 63-11, СМС-1, МН-340. Они превосходили контрольный вариант на 2581,2, а гибриды СМС-1, СГП 80-96, СГП 65-79 и МН-340 даже в 2,12,3 раза. The article reports on breeding of new alfalfa genotypes in nurseries. The research took place at the Central Experimental Station of the All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute in the Non-Chernozem region of Russia in 20142016. The number of traits of 22 new hybrids was analyzed in breeding nurseries (11 genotypes in each). Genotypes were obtained from genetically diverse wild and domesticated parent material, differed in geographical and ecological origins. Hybrids were bred via intraspecific and distant hybridization. The research comprised evaluation and selection of promising genotypes, having high seed and green mass yields to be further analyzed in competitive trials. Alfalfa Lugovaya 67 performed as a standard variety. The article presents new data on alfalfa winter hardiness, leaf coverage, growth, green and dry mass productivities etc. Such hybrids as Vela, P-379, P-297, SGP 62-11, SGP 61-11, SGP 63-11, SMS-1 and MN-340 had the highest seed productivity and were selected for further investigations. They exceeded the standard in seed yield by 2581.2 or even by 2.12.3 times (SMS-1, SGP 80-96, SGP 65-79 and MN-340).

2021 ◽  
Vol 285 ◽  
pp. 02040
Victor Lazko ◽  
Olga Yakimova

The article presents the results on the use of paracuneal bulbs for re-harvesting seeds in a direct crop. The influence of the orientation of uterine bulbs during planting on the formation of paracuneal bulbs and seed productivity in the second year of vegetation was determined. The paracuneal bulbs were developing at the base of the flower shoots maintaining the same orientation as in the uterine bulbs when planted. Winter hardiness of paracuneal bulbs depended on orientation, just as with standard technology. Losses during the winter period ranged from 48% to 82%, increasing with an increase in the angle of deviation from the vertical position. The most vulnerable bulbs were the upside down. Paracuneal bulbs can be used to re-harvest seeds in a two-yield crop.

В. Золотарев ◽  
И. Иванов ◽  
С. Сапрыкин ◽  
А. Чекмарёва

Исследования проводились в 2009 2018 годах на Воронежской ОС по многолетним травам на эспарцете песчаном сорта Павловский селекции станции, расположенной в южной части Воронежской области. Среди многолетних бобовых трав в ЦентральноЧернозёмном регионе на фоне прогрессирующей аридизации природноклиматических условий большое значение приобретает эспарцет песчаный (Onobrychis arenaria Kit.). Растения эспарцета ксерофитного типа и в засушливых условиях способны сохранять высокую продуктивность. Представлены биологические особенности развития эспарцета песчаного сорта Павловский. Начало отрастания растений эспарцета отмечается 30 марта 01 апреля. Период от отрастания до начала цветения в зависимости от погодных условий составляет в разные годы от 48 до 66 дней (обычно 55 58 дней), а до уборочной спелости травостоя на семена от 89 до 116 дней. Реализация потенциала этой культуры по семенной продуктивности достигается при проведении комплекса агротехнических приёмов, предусматривающих ранневесенний срок посева широкорядным способом и проведение интенсивных мер борьбы с сорняками, вредителями и болезнями. По сочетанию гидротермического режима и запасов продуктивной влаги в метровом горизонте почвы в последние 10 лет благоприятные условия для развития и цветения эспарцета складывались в 60 лет. Было установлено, что наиболее высокие сборы семян от 0,48 до 0,59 т/га были получены в годы, когда в фазу цветения эспарцета температуры воздуха были близкими к среднемноголетним показателям, а количество осадков на уровне или превышало норму. При этом запасы продуктивной влаги в метровом слое почвы составляли от 70 80 до 154 мм, и на цветущие травостои эспарцета было вывезено четыре и более ульев медоносных пчёл из расчёта на 1 га. Investigations took place in 2009 2018 at the Voronezh Experimental Station. Hungarian sainfoin Pavlovskiy (Onobrychis arenaria Kit.) performed as the object of study. This xerophyte crop can be effectively cultivated and produce high yield under the arid climate. The current work describes Hungarian sainfoin biology. Plants start regrowing on the 30.03 01.04. The period from regrowth to flowering amounts to 48 66 days (normally 55 58 days), and to full ripeness 89 116 days, depending on weather. High seed productivity was achieved through early broadrow seeding in spring, intensive weed, pest and disease controls. Temperature, moisture and water resources were favorable for crop growth and flowering for 60 of the last 10 years. The highest seed yield (0.48 0.59 t ha1) occurred under sufficient precipitations and temperatures close to the longterm mean one at flowering time. Water resources in 1 m of soil layer varied from 70 80 to 154 mm. Over four honey beehives per 1 ha were allocated around the flowering grass stands.

М. Ломов ◽  
Ю. Писковацкий

Научная работа выполнялась на Центральной экспериментальной базе (ЦЭБ) ФГБНУ ВНИИ кормов им. В. Р. Вильямса в Нечернозёмной зоне Российской Федерации в 20142016 годах. Целью исследований было изучение и оценка нового исходного материала люцерны изменчивой в конкурсном испытании для формирования многовидовых агрофитоценозов. Оценивались урожайность, конкурентная способность, интенсивность роста, распределение выхода корма по годам и циклам использования, качество корма, устойчивость к комплексу факторов, обусловленных условиями выращивания и использования, корневым гнилям. Оценка урожайности кормовой массы перспективных гибридов проводилась в одновидовом посеве. Оценку проходили четыре перспективных образца селекции ВНИИ кормов: СГП 387, СГП 12, СГП 76 и СГП 79. Представлены данные перспективных образцов люцерны по зимостойкости, облиственности растений, мощности развития, урожайности зелёной и сухой массы и другие показатели. Созданы новые гибриды люцерны, проходящие оценку в контрольных питомниках при посеве в травосмеси со злаковыми травами, обладающие высокой зимостойкостью для данного региона возделывания, отличающиеся быстрым и дружным темпом отрастания весной и после укосов. Наблюдения за наступлением фенологических фаз развития люцерны не выявили существенных различий между изучаемыми образцами. В среднем за годы наблюдений изучаемые популяции люцерны по облиственности, урожайности зелёной и сухой массы, конкурентной способности были значительно лучше стандартного сорта, что указывает на перспективность использования фитоценотической селекции люцерны. The research was conducted at the Central Experimental Station of the Federal Williams Research Center of Fodder Production and Agroecology in the Non-Chernozem region of Russia in 20142016. The goal of the competitive trial analysis and evaluation of new parent material of bastard alfalfa to be used to develop farm multi-species ecosystems. The following parameters were tested: productivity, stability, growth rate, forage yield per year and life cycle, fodder quality, resistance to abiotic stress and root rot. To analyze crop productivity, promising hybrids (SGP 387, SGP 12, SGP 76 and SGP 79) were seeded as pure stands. They were obtained from the All-Russian Fodder Research Institute. The article also presents the data on crop winter hardiness, leaf coverage, growth capacity, productivities of green and dry mass (DM) etc. The new hybrids were obtained and tested in the examination nursery. Genotypes mixed with gramineous showed high winter hardiness as well as rapid and uniform growth in spring and after cutting. Hybrids did not differ significantly in life cycle. Tested alfalfa populations significantly exceeded the standard variety in leaf coverage, green and dry mass productivities as well as stability proving the importance of phytocenotic selection of the crop.

2018 ◽  
pp. 44-46
N. J. Nurmatov ◽  
E. A. Jumayev

The excretion and inculcation of stamped varieties of tomato and hybrids into production are of particular value in conditions of dry subtropics. In this regard, during 2013-2015 in the Surkhandarya Scientific Experimental Station of the Research Institute of Vegetable and Melon Crops and Potatoes, a collection of tomato strains was studied for biological and economic precocity, maturity, etc. For the duration of the «young growthflowering» period, the best were No.86, Yamal, GemState, and Sever. Blooming on the first brush, they come in 8-13 days before the standard variety. The Argo, Chelnyok, Ion-N, Alpatyeva 905а, L-923-92 samples with a duration of 38-40 days have a short period of «flowering-ripening». Maturation of the first fruit (fetus) occurs 1-3 days earlier than the standard. By weight of the fetus, the samples studied can be divided into two groups: medium fruit (61-93 g) – L-923-92, Argo; small fruit (28-58 g) – GemState, Ion-N, Sever, Nevsky, etc., only 10 samples. The total yield varies from 16.4 to 55.5 t/ha, depending on the variety. Samples No.86 and Chelnok are 7.7 and 12.3% higher than the standard for the general harvest. The lowest overall yield is GemState, Ion-N, Sever, Nevsky, Yamal, Argo, L-923-2, with a yield of 16.4-34.1 t/ha, which is 33.2- 69.0% of the standard. The only sample No.86 for the early harvest is 32% higher than the standard. As a result of the study and a comprehensive assessment of tomato stamping varieties, the biologically early ripened ones are Sever, Nevsky, Ion-N, Otradny, GemState, the sprouting-maturing period of which is 95-99 days; economically early ripened – No.86; amity of ripening of samples – Yamal, Sever, Ion-N, Nevsky, Stamped Alpatyeva 905a, GemState, with maturity ripeness from 69 to 90%. They are a valuable source material for selection of stamped, early-ripening, amity of ripening varieties of tomato for dry subtropics conditions of Uzbekistan.

A. V. Gubanov ◽  
E. A. Gubanova

The article presents the results of the study of the collection of samples of the wild-growing Sitnikov seedling by the main agricultural indicators (leafiness, green mass, hay yield, seed productivity).

2018 ◽  
pp. 62-66 ◽  
S. A. Ignatiev ◽  
T. V. Gryazeva

The main parameter of the breeding work with alfalfa in the ARC “Donskoy” is the improvement of fodder and seed productivity. Through the years the breeding work was carried out with 500–860 collection samples of alfalfa, alfalfa hybrids and alfalfa lines of the local origin. The main method of the breeding work was poly-crossing. It’s characterized with a multiple repetition of selections of the best plants from the populations, their self-pollination and crossing by free pollination in the plots of poly-crossing. It resulted in accumulation and concentration of favourable traits in the population. The selection promoted systematic improvement of synthetic populations according to economic-valuable traits, especially fodder and seed productivity. During the research, productivity of green mass of the standard variety ‘Rostovskaya 90’ was 28.2 t/ha in the first cutting and 19.0 t/ha in the second one on average. The varieties ‘Lyutsiya’ and ‘Selaynka’ produced 30.6 t/ha, 19.8 t/ha and 32.1 t/ha, 20.4 t/ha respectively. The sum of the harvested green mass of the standard variety was 47.2 t/ha, while ‘Lyutsiya’ produced 50.5 t/ha and ‘Selaynka’ 53.1 t/ha, that is on 7.0% and 12.5% larger than the standard. The similar result was obtained in productivity of dry matter. The total quantity of dry matter produced by the standard variety was 11.6 t/ha (two cuttings), the varieties ‘Lyutsiya’ and ‘Selaynka’ gave 12.6 t/ha and 12.8 t/ha that is on 8.6% and 10.3% more than the standard. The estimation of the breeding work with alfalfa in the preliminary and competitive variety testing allowed to identify the new alfalfa variety ‘Golubka’ and to send it to the State Variety Testing. In the competitive variety testing (2012–2016) the variety produced larger yields that the standard variety (productivity of all five 1-st cutting). With its average productivity of green mass (31.9 t/ha) it exceeded the standard on 13.1%. In the 2-d cutting its green mass productivity was 20.9 t/ha that is on 10.9% more that the standard.  With the average productivity of green mass the variety ‘Golubka’ produced 8.0 t/ha in the 1-st cutting and 4.9 t/ha in the 2-d, that is on 12.7% and 8.9% lager that that of the standard.  The variety ‘Golubka’ produced 52.8 t/ha green mass for two cuttings and 12.8 t/ha dry matter that is on 11.9% and 10.3% larger than the standard variety ‘Rostovskaya 90’. Seed productivity of the standard variety was 0.23 t/ha on average, the varieties ‘Lyutsiya’ and ‘Selaynka’ gave 0.25 t/ha, the new variety ‘Golubka’ produced 0.29 t/ha, that is on 8.7 and on 26.1% more than the standard.

The results of scientific research are presented, which made it possible to develop less labor-intensive methods for selecting flax plants to grow original (updated) seeds. Studies have shown that a positive selection of tall plants of flax, compared with the accepted counterpart (control), increased seed yield 1.7-1.9 times. Moreover, plant homogeneity according to the main characteristics (height and fiber content in the stem) characterizing the varietal quality of grown seeds turned out to be at the control level. A negative selection, involving the removal of atypical plants, provided an increase in the output volume of seeds compared to the control by 3.9-4.1 times. This selection method did not reduce the varietal quality of seed material compared to the accepted analogue. With both selection methods, after combining typical plants, seeds with the same high germination rates were obtained (96-99 %). The breeding efficiency of the grown flax seeds using narrow-row sowing methods is shown. Studies have established that narrow-row sowing of seeds with a row-spacing of 7.5 and 6.25 cm compared with sowing by a wide-row method significantly increased their yield by 2.8-3.0 and 2.3-3.0 kg / ha, respectively. The greatest influence on the formation of seed yield in narrow-row sowing (6.25 cm) was exerted by the method of sowing, the part of which was 76.1 %. As the length of seed propagation of flax in creased (up to the uterine elite 2 years) in narrow-row sowing (6.25 cm) compared to broad-row, there was no decrease in quality indicators - germination and seed strength.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Maricel Andrea Gallardo ◽  
Héctor José Milisich ◽  
Silvina Rosa Drago ◽  
Rolando José González

In order to determine the effect of cultivars and planting date on flax fatty acid profile, seed yield, and oil content, an assay with seven cultivars (Baikal, Prointa Lucero, Prointa Ceibal, Panambí INTA, Curundú INTA, Carapé INTA, and Tape INTA) was carried out at Parana Agricultural Experimental Station, Argentina. Significant differences among cultivars were found for content of palmitic (5–7 g/100 g), stearic (5–8 g/100 g), linoleic (13–19 g/100 g), saturated (11–15 g/100 g), and unsaturated acids (92–96 g/100 g) within the seven cultivars. The best seed yields were observed in Prointa Lucero and Carapé INTA varieties (2091.50 kg·ha−1and 2183.34 kg·ha−1, respectively) in the first planting date and in Carapé INTA and Prointa Lucero (1667 kg·ha−1and 1886 kg·ha−1, respectively) in the second planting date. A delayed planting date had a negative effect on seed yield (1950 kg·ha−1and 1516 kg·ha−1) and oil content (845 kg·ha−1and 644 kg·ha−1) but did not affect oil composition.

2012 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 683-696 ◽  
F.P. Guimaraes ◽  
R. Aguiar ◽  
J.A. Oliveira ◽  
J.A.A. Silva ◽  
D. Karam

The potential of three aquatic macrophytes, Azoll caroliniana, Salvinia minima and Lemna gibba, was evaluated in this work aimed at selection of plants to be used in remediation of environments contaminated by arsenic (As). The experiments were carried out in a greenhouse during six days in pots containing Hoagland solution (¼ ionic strength) at As concentrations of 0.5; 2.5 and 5.0 mg L-1. The three species showed greater As accumulation as the concentration of the metalloid in solution increased. However, a reduction was detected in fresh and dry mass gain when the plants were exposed to high As concentrations. The macrophytes showed differences in efficiency of removal of As in solution. A. caroliniana, S. minima and L. gibba accumulated, on average, 0.130; 0.200; and 1.397 mg mDM-1, respectively, when exposed to 5.0 mg L-1 of As. The macrophytes absorbed a greater quantity of As in solution with low phosphate content. The greater As concentration in L. gibba tissues lowered the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents as shown by the high chlorosis incidence. Lemna gibba also exhibited a decrease in leaf size, with the total chlorophyll and carotenoid synthesis not being affected by As in A. caroliniana. This species exhibited purplish leaves with high concentration of anthocyanin, whose presence suggested association to phosphate deficiency. Marginal necrosis occurred on S. minima floating leaves, with the released daughter-plants not showing any visual symptoms during the treatment. The percentage of As removed from the solution decreased when the plants were exposed to high concentrations of the pollutant. Among the three species studied, only L. gibba could be considered an As hyper-accumulator. The use of this plant species for remediation of aquatic environments was shown to be limited and requires further investigation.

Nativa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 246
Edilson Nonato Da Silva ◽  
Aline Torquato Tavares ◽  
Cândida Pereira Da Silva ◽  
Tiago Alves Ferreira ◽  
João Victor Gonçalves Carline ◽  

O experimento foi realizado na Estação Experimental de Engenharia Florestal do Campus Universitário de Gurupi, Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), com objetivo de determinar a melhor dose de fósforo na presença de fungos arbusculares em mudas de guanandi (Calophyllum brasiliense Camb.) O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado com três repetições em esquema fatorial 6 x 2. Os tratamentos foram seis doses de fósforo (0; 400; 800; 1200; 1600 e 2000 g de P2O5 por m³) no substrato na presença e ausência de Fungos Micorrízos Arbusculares (FMAs). As características avaliadas foram altura das plantas, diâmetro do caule, massa seca da parte aérea (MSPA), massa seca da raiz (MSR), massa seca total (MST) e colonização micorrízica. Os diferentes níveis de adubação influenciaram a colonização micorrízica arbuscular. Nas doses 400 e 1600 g de fósforo por m3 de substrato observou-se maior porcentagem de colonização. A altura e o diâmetro das plantas foram significativamente afetados pela presença de P2O5. A massa seca da parte aérea e massa seca total não é afetada por doses de P2O5. O melhor desempenho das mudas de C. brasiliense ocorreu aos 90 dias com dose de 1.421 g de P2O5 por m3 de substrato.Palavras-chave: Calophyllum brasiliense Camb., adubação, micorrização. MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI AND PHOSPHORUS DOSES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF GUANANDI SEEDLINGS ABSTRACT:The experiment was carried out at the Forest Engineering Experimental Station of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), University Campus of Gurupi, with the objective of determining the best dose of phosphorus in the presence of arbuscular fungi in guanandi (Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replicates in a 6 x 2 factorial scheme. The treatments were six doses of phosphorus (0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600 and 2000 g of P2O5 per m³) on the substrate in the presence and absence of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (FMAs). The evaluated characteristics were plant height, stem diameter, shoot dry mass (MSPA), root dry mass (MSR), total dry mass (MST) and mycorrhizal colonization. The different levels of fertilization influenced arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization. At 400 and 1600 g of phosphorus per m3 of substrate, a higher percentage of colonization was observed. The height and diameter of the plants were significantly affected by the presence of P2O5. Dry shoot mass and total dry mass are not affected by P2O5 doses. The best performance of C. brasiliense seedlings occurred at 90 days with a dose of 1421 g of P2O5 per m3 of substrate.Keywords: Calophyllum brasiliense Camb., fertilization, mycorrhization. DOI:

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