The effect of the growth regulator “Tsirkon” and microfertilizer “Akvamiks ST” on blue lupine productivity

Г.Л. Яговенко ◽  
Т.В. Яговенко ◽  
Л.В. Трошина ◽  
Н.В. Грибушенкова

Исследования выполнялись в 2018–2020 годах на опытном поле ВНИИ люпина – филиала ФГБНУ ФНЦ «ВИК им. В. Р. Вильямса» в почвенно-климатических условиях юго-западной части Нечернозёмной зоны. В статье представлены результаты исследований применения новых для люпина узколистного препаратов: регулятора роста «Циркон» и микроудобрения «Аквамикс СТ». Дана оценка их совместного действия на показатели роста, фотосинтез, азотфиксацию, урожайность, качество зерна люпина узколистного сорта Витязь. Совместное использование препаратов усиливало развитие растений, о чём свидетельствует увеличение в вариантах опыта массы клубеньков на растении на 7,0–24,1%, площади листьев — на 22,5–29,4%, сбора сухой массы — на 10,5–28,9%. В среднем за годы исследований бόльшими значениями фотосинтетического потенциала характеризовались варианты, включающие предпосевную обработку семян совместно регулятором роста и микроудобрением. Превышение над контролем находилось в пределах от 22,1 до 30,2%. Обработки препаратами оказывали положительное влияние на накопление азота клубеньками. Максимальным накоплением характеризовался вариант с комплексной обработкой семян регулятором и микроудобрением с последующим опрыскиванием регулятором роста по вегетации. Превышение над контролем составило 5,7%. Условия вегетации в годы исследований не благоприятствовали полной реализации процесса азотфиксации, тем не менее использование «Аквамикса СТ» и «Циркона» способствовало повышению коэффициента азотфиксации. В вариантах опыта этот показатель был выше контроля в среднем на 20,7%. Применение регулятора роста «Циркон» и микроудобрения «Аквамикс СТ» стимулировало рост урожайности семян во всех вариантах. В среднем за годы исследований достоверными прибавками характеризовались варианты, включающие предпосевную комплексную обработку семян «Цирконом» и «Аквамиксом СТ», но максимальной она была в варианте с дополнительной обработкой растений в фазе бутонизации регулятором роста — выше контроля на 24,1%. The investigation took place in the south-west of the Non-Chernozem region in 2018–2020. The article reports on the effectiveness of the growth regulator “Tsirkon” and microfertilizer “Akvamiks ST”. The following parameters of blue lupine “Vityaz” were evaluated: growth, photosynthetic activity, nitrogen fixation, productivity, and grain quality. Combination of “Tsirkon” with “Akvamiks ST” positively affected plant development, increased nodule mass by 7.0–24.1%, leaf area — by 22.5–29.4%, dry mass yield — by 10.5–28.9%. Seed treatment with growth regulator as well as application of the microfertilizer led to a higher photosynthetic activity of lupine plants by 22.1–30.2%. The preparations had positive effect on nitrogen accumulation. The highest N content was observed under seed and plant treatments with the growth regulator combined with the application of microfertilizer. The increase in N concentration amounted to 5.7%. Even though weather conditions did not favor N fixation, application of “Tsirkon” with “Akvamiks ST” improved this process by 20.7%. “Tsirkon” and “Akvamiks ST” increased seed productivity in all the variants. The highest productivity occurred under the additional plant treatment with the growth regulator exceeding the control by 24.1%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 210 (07) ◽  
pp. 55-65
Larisa Ikoeva ◽  
Oksana Haeva

Abstract. The purpose of the work is to study the influence of the growth regulator “Regoplant” and microfertilizer “Ultramag Kombi” on the photosynthetic productivity of the potatoes of the Barna variety based on the results of field experiments in the forest-steppe zone Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Methods. Studies on the tasks were carried out in 2018–2020. at the experimental site of the NCRIMFA branch of the VSC of RAS in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone Republic of North Ossetia-Alania according to generally accepted methods. The soil of the experimental plot is medium-power heavy loamy leached chernozem, lined with pebbles. Results. It is established, that biological products under identical soil and weather conditions assisted different progress of plants and approach of phases of vegetation. For all variants of the experiment, the number of stems increased by 0,3–0,7 pcs., the height of the stems of potato plants – by 3,8–4,9 cm in comparison with the control. An intense increase in the mass of tops occurred when using a tank mixture (growth regulator “Regoplant” (25 ml/ha) + microfertilizer “Ultramag Combi” (0,75 l/ha)) – by 74 g/bush, or 15.5 % compared with the control variant. During the growing season, the sum of the photosynthetic potential (FP) was 1,070 thousand m2 •days/ha in the control, and on average 1198–1406 thousand m2•days/ha in the experimental variants. The greatest accumulation of dry matter was noted when using a tank mixture – 917 g/m2. The maximum pure photosynthetic productivity was observed in experimental variant IV – 6,52 g/m2•day compared to the control option. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the forest-steppe zone Republic of North Ossetia-Alania the effect of the growth regulator “Regoplant” and microfertilizer “Ultramag Kombi” on photosynthetic activity of potatoes was studied. Practical significance. The studies carried out make it possible to recommend in potato production the use of a tank mixture of an effective growth regulator “Regoplant” at a dose of 25 ml/ha and microfertilizer “Ultramag Combi” at a dose of 0,75 l/ha, as an ecologically safe and low-cost agricultural method when processing vegetative plants, providing an increase in yield and quality of tubers.

2020 ◽  
pp. 95-105
Svitlana Okrushko

The system of protection of cultivated plants from the negative effects of weeds is an important element in the technology of growing corn. The application of the chemical method allows to effectively and for a long time get rid of the agrophytocenosis of weeds. Weeds significantly impair the growing conditions of cultivated plants and prevent them from realizing the opportunities inherent in the genetic potential of the crop. Maize has a low level of competitiveness against weeds. The aim of the article was: to substantiate the application of insurance herbicides Laudis and Stellar for weed control and their joint use with PGR Zeastimulin to increase corn grain yield. Medium-early maize hybrid PR39T45 FAO 250 was grown. It is characterized by good cold resistance and drought resistance. The size of the registered area of plots is 20 m2, repeated three times with a systematic arrangement of options. The predecessor of corn was potatoes. Herbicides and PGR Zeastimulin were applied in the phase of 3-4 leaves in corn. After treatment of crops with Laudis herbicide, weed accounting showed a decrease in the number of weeds by 89,7% compared to control. At the time of maize harvesting, Laudis reduced the level of weeding by 94,7% in quantity and by 655 g/m2 of mass compared to the natural background without the introduction of herbicides and growth regulator. The application of Stellar herbicide allowed better control of the number and weight of weeds, due to its effect on perennials. The decrease in weed numbers was 93,5% during the first survey, 97,0% during the second and 97,9% during the third. In the experimental variants, where herbicides were applied together with PGR Zeastimulin, no decrease in the number of weeds was observed, and only a slight decrease in the above-ground air-dry mass of weed plants was observed. The height of maize in the phase of 7-8 leaves on the herbicidal background was higher by 17,3% (var. 2) and 19,8% (var. 4) than on the control variant. Treatment of crops with Zeastimulin provided an increase of this indicator by another 2 cm. Due to the positive effect of the growth regulator, the length of maize cobs increased from 17,9 cm to 18,6 cm in the version of weed control by Laudis (0,5 kg/ha), and from 18,3 cm to 19,4 cm in the variant of herbicide application. Stellar (1,1 l/ha). In maize, the diameter of the cobs increased due to a decrease in the negative effects of weeds and under the influence of PGR Zeastimulin. Weed control in maize agrophytocenoses with Laudis herbicide (0,5 kg/ha) provided better conditions for cultivated plants, which gave a grain yield increase of 2,9 t/ha, and Stellar herbicide (1,1 l/ha) - for 3,1 t/ha. The application of Zeastimulin to maize crops increased the yield by 9,5% in the Laudis herbicide variant (0,5 kg/ha) and by 9,2% in the Stellar herbicide variant (1,1 l/ha). Further studies are planned to continue the assessment in maize agrophytocenoses of the effects of Laudis and Stellar herbicides on weed and PGR Zeastimulin under different weather conditions during the growing season. Key words: corn, weeds, herbicides, plant growth regulator, yield.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
Allef Barbosa dos Santos ◽  
Tarcísio Marcos de Souza Gondim ◽  
Paulo Ivan Fernandes Júnior ◽  
Liziane Maria de Lima

ABSTRACT Seed treatment with fungicides is an important practice for the control of phytopathogens in peanut crops. However, these products can harm rhizobacteria (Bradyrhizobium) and inhibit processes such as biological nitrogen fixation. This study aimed to verify the effects of the treatment of peanut seeds cv. BR1 inoculated with Bradyrhizobium spp. with fungicides. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, using two combinations of fungicides [C1: carboxin (200 g L-1) + tiram (200 g L-1); C2: pyraclostrobin (25 g L-1) + thiophanate methyl (225 g L-1) + fipronil (250 g L-1)] and one control without fungicide; two inoculants based on Bradyrhizobium spp. (SEMIA 6144 and ESA 123) and one control with a nitrogen chemical source (ammonium nitrate). The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 3 (2 with fungicide and 1 without fungicide) x 4 (2 inoculations based on rhizobia, 1 N mineral source and 1 without N) x 2 (1 or 2 inoculants applications) factorial scheme, with 5 replications. The root and shoot dry mass, plant height, nodulation and leaf nitrogen accumulation were evaluated. The application of both combinations reduced the number of nodules on plant roots, mainly for C1. The vegetative growth and nitrogen in the leaves were affected by C1, whereas, for C2, there were increments higher than for the control without fungicides. ESA 123 was more tolerant to the effects of fungicides on nodulation. Regarding the number of inoculations, there was an increase in the nitrogen rate with two inoculations. C2, despite affecting the nodulation, was less toxic to the inoculants SEMIA 6144 and ESA 123.

Г.Г. Гатаулина ◽  
В.Ф. Консаго ◽  
С.С. Пилипенко

Увеличение мирового спроса на сою связано с проблемой дефицита растительного белка и возможными путями её решения: производить или импортировать. Наряду с известными преимуществами возделывания данной культуры, включая и экологическую составляющую, отмечается нестабильность урожайности сои. Часто она вызвана стрессовым действием погодных условий (например, засухи) на разных этапах продукционного процесса. Цель работы — выявить влияние препаратов «Циркон» и «Эпин-Экстра М» на ростовые процессы и формирование компонентов урожайности сорта сои северного экотипа в условиях Центрального Нечерноземья. Исследования проводили в 2019–2020 годах на Полевой опытной станции РГАУ–МСХА им. К. А. Тимирязева на окультуренной дерново-подзолистой почве. В исследованиях установлено положительное влияние регуляторов роста «Циркон» и «Эпин-Экстра» на ростовые процессы, величину площади листьев, нарастание биомассы растений, элементы структуры урожая и урожайность семян сорта Касатка северного экотипа. Показано, что стрессовые условия, возникающие на разных этапах продукционного процесса из-за погодных условий, приводят к снижению и нестабильности урожайности сои. Применение природных регуляторов роста «Циркон» и «Эпин-Экстра» позволило достоверно увеличить по сравнению с контролем площадь листьев (ИЛП) в оба года исследований на 12–15%, максимальную за вегетацию (в фазу выполненных бобов) сырую и сухую биомассу — на 11–15%. В засушливых условиях 2019 года более высокая урожайность в вариантах с обработкой препаратами формировалась в основном благодаря увеличению массы 1000 семян, а во влажном 2020 году — за счёт того, что в вариантах с обработкой образовалось большее число бобов и семян в расчёте на растение и единицу площади. High demand for soybean is associated with plant protein deficit as well as expanding market of soybean-based products. Despite ecological friendliness and other advantages of this crop, soybean productivity is unstable often due to abiotic stress such as drought. This research was aimed at testing the effect of “Tsirkon” and “Epin-Ekstra M” preparations on growth and productivity of northern soybean ecotype (“Kasatka”) in the Central Non-Chernozem region. The experiment took place in 2019–2020 on sod-podzolic soil. “Tsirkon” and “Epin-Ekstra M” positively affected plant growth, leaf size, yield properties and seed productivity. Stress-factors at various growing stages decrease soybean yield. “Tsirkon” and “Epin-Ekstra M” significantly improved leaf area by 12–15%, green and dry mass yields — by 11–15%. Under dry weather of 2019 higher productivity of treated plants was obtained due to the increase in 1000 seed weight. Humid conditions of 2020 led to intensive formation of seeds and beans (per plant and square unit) resulting in high productivity of plants treated with the preparations.

П. Бугаев ◽  
С. Абдельхамид

Обсуждаются результаты исследований о влиянии совместного применения протравителя Поларис и микроудобрения Силиплант, а также различных видов удобрений на фотосинтетическую деятельность посевов, урожайность и качество урожая ячменя. Выявлено, что применение протравителя Поларис для обработки семян позволило повысить всхожесть в поле в среднем на 3,9, а обработка семян баковой смесью Полариса и микроудобрения Силиплант увеличила полевую всхожесть на 21,3 по сравнению с контролем и на 17,4 по сравнению с обработкой семян только Поларисом. Показана положительная роль Органика и органоминерального удобрения ЭкоФус на выживаемость растений к уборке, где применение препарата Органик обеспечило повышение выживаемости на 8,19,5, а обработка посевов органоминеральным удобрением ЭкоФус увеличило выживаемость на 11,813,5 по сравнению с контролем. Обработка семян баковой смесью Силипланта с Поларисом и внесение органоминерального удобрения Экофус оказало положительное влияние на формирование фотосинтетического потенциала, который составил 1200,3 тыс. м2/гадн, что на 227,3 тыс. м2/гадн больше, чем в варианте с необработанными семенами. Баковая смесь Силипланта с Поларисом повысила урожайность ячменя в среднем за 2 года на 0,65 т/га по сравнению с контролем, на 0,34 т/га по сравнению с Силиплантом и на 0,17 т/га по сравнению с Поларисом. В среднем за 2 года наибольшая урожайность ячменя Михайловский была получена в варианте с применением ЭкоФуса (2 л/га) 4,58 т/га, что на 1,03 т/га больше, чем в контроле, на 0,33 т/га больше, чем при внесении минерального азота, и на 0,17 т/га больше, чем при внесении препарата Органик. В условиях достаточного увлажнения в 2017 году наибольший урожай ячменя был получен при внесении Органика и органоминерального удобрения ЭкоФус и составил соответственно 5,11 и 5,89 т/га. В условиях недостатка влаги в 2018 году более высокий урожай получен при внесении минерального азота 4,05 т/га. Содержание белка в зерне в большей степени повышалось при внесении минерального азота N50, причём при недостатке влаги отмечалось более существенное увеличение белка, тогда как при внесении органоминерального удобрения ЭкоФус отмечена тенденция к снижению содержания белка в зерне ячменя, что очень важно для пивоваренного ячменя. This article deals with effects of disinfectant Polaris, microfertilizer Siliplant and other fertilizers on barley photosynthetic activity, productivity and grain quality. Application of Polaris improved germination ability by 3.9 while use of Polaris and Siliplant together by 21.3. Fertilizers Organik and EkoFus increased plant viability by 8.19.5 and 11.813.5, respectively. Seed treatment with Siliplant and Polaris and fertilization by EkoFus positively affected plant photosynthetic potential that amounted to 1200.3 thousand m2 days ha1, exceeding the control by 227.3 thousand m2 days ha1. For 2 years Siliplant and Polaris improved barley productivity by 0.65 t ha1 compared to the control, 0.34 t ha1 compared to Siliplant and 0.17 t ha1 compared to Polaris. The highest productivity happened under EkoFus application (4.58 t ha1) exceeding the control by 1.03 t ha1, mineral nitrogen by 0.33 t ha1, and Organik treatment by 0,17 t ha1. Under sufficient water content barley Mikhaylovskiy yielded the best under Organik and EkoFus application (5.11 and 5.89 t ha1, respectively). Under water deficit mineral nitrogen was more effective providing yield of 4.05 t ha1. Fertilization with N50 resulted in the highest increase of protein content in grain. EkoFus caused decrease in protein accumulation.

2009 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-125
G. Hadi

The dry matter and moisture contents of the aboveground vegetative organs and kernels of four maize hybrids were studied in Martonvásár at five harvest dates, with four replications per hybrid. The dry matter yield per hectare of the kernels and other plant organs were investigated in order to obtain data on the optimum date of harvest for the purposes of biogas and silage production.It was found that the dry mass of the aboveground vegetative organs, both individually and in total, did not increase after silking. During the last third of the ripening period, however, a significant reduction in the dry matter content was sometimes observed as a function of the length of the vegetation period. The data suggest that, with the exception of extreme weather conditions or an extremely long vegetation period, the maximum dry matter yield could be expected to range from 22–42%, depending on the vegetation period of the variety. The harvest date should be chosen to give a kernel moisture content of above 35% for biogas production and below 35% for silage production. In this phenophase most varieties mature when the stalks are still green, so it is unlikely that transport costs can be reduced by waiting for the vegetative mass to dry.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Song Chen ◽  
Xiaoguo Zhang ◽  
Xia Zhao ◽  
Danying Wang ◽  
Chunmei Xu ◽  

The effects of night temperature on plant morphology and nitrogen accumulation were examined in rice (Oryza sativaL.) during vegetative growth. The results showed that the shoot biomass of the plants was greater at 27°C (high nighttime temperature, HNT) than at 22°C (CK). However, the increase in both shoot and root biomasses was not significant under 10 mg N/L. The shoot nitrogen concentrations were 16.1% and 16.7% higher in HNT than in CK under 160 and 40 mg N/L. These results suggest that plant N uptake was enhanced under HNT; however, the positive effect might be limited by the N status of the plants. In addition, leaf area, plant height, root maximum length, root and shoot nitrogen concentrations, soluble leaf protein content, and soluble leaf carbohydrate content were greater in HNT than in CK under 40 and 160 mg N/L, while fresh root volume, root number, and the content of free amino acid in leaf were not significantly different between HNT and CK regardless of nitrogen levels. Moreover, leaf GS activity under HNT was increased at 160 mg N/L compared with that under CK, which might partly explain the positive effect of HNT on soluble protein and carbohydrate content.

Daisy Leticia Ramirez Monzon ◽  
Iara Maiqueli Stern Lemke ◽  
Lider Ayala ◽  
Maria Johana Gonzalez Vera ◽  
Geri Eduardo Menegelho

Aims: White oats are considered one of the most important cereals in the world. Currently, fertilizers based on phosphorus and silicon are being studied as inductors of resistance in the treatment of seeds, since they have as advantages such as low costs and excellent absorption by plants. The effects of seed treatment with phosphite resistance inducers are still unknown, being necessary the study in relation to interact with the seed at the time of twinning.  Study Design: The experimental design used was completely randomized, with four replications, two commercial products based on phosphite FullTec Mais and Ultra Plus and five doses.  Place and Duration of Study: The work was conducted at the Didactic Laboratory of Seed Analysis of the Faculty of Agronomy Eliseu Maciel of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas-RS, in 2019. Methodology: White oat seeds were used, produced in the 2018/2019 agricultural kharif and treated with commercial products based on FullTec Mais and Ultra Plus phosphites, in five doses: 0; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.5 mL for each 100 kg of seeds. The variables evaluated were first germination count (CP), germination (G), shoot length (CA), root length (CR), total length (CT), accelerated aging (EV) and total dry mass (MST). The data expressed as a percentage were subjected to analysis of variance to verify the effect of treatments. Then, the Duncan means test (P=0.5) was performed, for the discrimination between the treatment means. Statistical analyzes were performed using the R Core Team (2020). Results: The results showed that the FullTec Mais product stimulates the physiological performance of white oat seeds for the variables first germination count (CP), germination (G) and shoot length (CA), with a dose of 2 mL of the product per 100 kg of seeds that showed the highest expression. For the Ultra Plus product at a dose of 1 mL of the product per 100 kg of seeds it is more efficient in the accelerated aging test (EV), for the other variables it did not show significant differences. Conclusion: It is possible to use phosphite-based micronutrients in seed treatment, without causing physiological damage to the seed during the twinning process.

1986 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-47
J.H.J. Spiertz ◽  
L. Sibma

The N yield and the N use efficiency were studied in a 3-year experiment with various cropping systems of Lolium perenne, Medicago sativa and maize. N yields of L. perenne and maize were about 450 and 200 kg/ha, resp. N yields of M. sativa ranged from about 400 to 600 kg/ha depending on crop age and weather conditions. N fixation rates of M. sativa were assessed in 1982 and ranged from 107 to 507 kg/ha for high (450 kg N/ha) and no N fertilization, resp. The after-effects of 1-, 2- and 3-year crops of L. perenne, M. sativa and maize on the DM and N yields of a test crop of maize were measured. Depending on the age of the preceding L. perenne crop, annually supplied with 450 kg N/ha, the N after-effects ranged from 120 to 175 kg/ha. The after-effect of a previous cropping with M. sativa was independent of the N dressing and ranged from 140 to 175 kg/ha. For comparison, the after-effect of a preceding maize crop ranged from 90 to 110 kg/ha. Mineral soil N reserves were determined in spring and autumn. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)

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