The effect of “Tsirkon” and “Epin-Ekstra M” preparations on soybean productivity in the Central Non-Chernozem region under different weather conditions

Г.Г. Гатаулина ◽  
В.Ф. Консаго ◽  
С.С. Пилипенко

Увеличение мирового спроса на сою связано с проблемой дефицита растительного белка и возможными путями её решения: производить или импортировать. Наряду с известными преимуществами возделывания данной культуры, включая и экологическую составляющую, отмечается нестабильность урожайности сои. Часто она вызвана стрессовым действием погодных условий (например, засухи) на разных этапах продукционного процесса. Цель работы — выявить влияние препаратов «Циркон» и «Эпин-Экстра М» на ростовые процессы и формирование компонентов урожайности сорта сои северного экотипа в условиях Центрального Нечерноземья. Исследования проводили в 2019–2020 годах на Полевой опытной станции РГАУ–МСХА им. К. А. Тимирязева на окультуренной дерново-подзолистой почве. В исследованиях установлено положительное влияние регуляторов роста «Циркон» и «Эпин-Экстра» на ростовые процессы, величину площади листьев, нарастание биомассы растений, элементы структуры урожая и урожайность семян сорта Касатка северного экотипа. Показано, что стрессовые условия, возникающие на разных этапах продукционного процесса из-за погодных условий, приводят к снижению и нестабильности урожайности сои. Применение природных регуляторов роста «Циркон» и «Эпин-Экстра» позволило достоверно увеличить по сравнению с контролем площадь листьев (ИЛП) в оба года исследований на 12–15%, максимальную за вегетацию (в фазу выполненных бобов) сырую и сухую биомассу — на 11–15%. В засушливых условиях 2019 года более высокая урожайность в вариантах с обработкой препаратами формировалась в основном благодаря увеличению массы 1000 семян, а во влажном 2020 году — за счёт того, что в вариантах с обработкой образовалось большее число бобов и семян в расчёте на растение и единицу площади. High demand for soybean is associated with plant protein deficit as well as expanding market of soybean-based products. Despite ecological friendliness and other advantages of this crop, soybean productivity is unstable often due to abiotic stress such as drought. This research was aimed at testing the effect of “Tsirkon” and “Epin-Ekstra M” preparations on growth and productivity of northern soybean ecotype (“Kasatka”) in the Central Non-Chernozem region. The experiment took place in 2019–2020 on sod-podzolic soil. “Tsirkon” and “Epin-Ekstra M” positively affected plant growth, leaf size, yield properties and seed productivity. Stress-factors at various growing stages decrease soybean yield. “Tsirkon” and “Epin-Ekstra M” significantly improved leaf area by 12–15%, green and dry mass yields — by 11–15%. Under dry weather of 2019 higher productivity of treated plants was obtained due to the increase in 1000 seed weight. Humid conditions of 2020 led to intensive formation of seeds and beans (per plant and square unit) resulting in high productivity of plants treated with the preparations.

D.G. Makarova ◽  
V.I. Vasylenko ◽  
N.V. Moiseichenko ◽  

Cherry is rather sensitive to the temperature and water regime violation that reflects itself primarily on the fruits quantity and quality. The weather conditions in the Right Bank subzone of the Ukraine’s Western Lisosteppe are characterized with the general air temperature increase, less expressed frosty periods during hibernation, shortening of the winter and spring seasons, greater summer duration. The enumerated conditions result in the early exit of the plants from the dormancy state with the considerable loss of the abilities of the acclimation to potential frosts in the springtime period. Due to this the decision was taken to carry out the monitoring researches of the winter and spring periods of 2018-2020 in order to obtain the operative information about the cherry orchards state. This enables to predict the potential of the investigated plants business productivity in the real time. As a result of analyzing the abiotic stress-factors influence on the crop the following unfavourable factors were noted, above all: heavy winds at the beginning and during the mass flowering, violation of the water and temperature regime in the impregnation and infructescense periods. Those factors cause the harvest decrease. However, the formation of the plants high productivity depends in full on their adaptivity to the environmental conditions. Therefore among the 7 explored hybrids the generative buds of 1/20, 1/21 and 2/60 were affected essentially in the form of the little drying of the pistils stigmas, decrease of the pollen qualitative indices and fertility. That indicates the lower trees adaptivity to the abiotic stress-factors as compared to the control cultivar Podbielska. The forms 2/39 and 2/54 distinguish themselves for the high winter-hardiness. This is connected with the high environment adaptivity and characterizes them as early-ripening large-fruited and productive hybrids.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 368-377
I. V. Lyskova ◽  
T. V. Lyskova ◽  
F. A. Popov

The influence of after-effect of mineral fertilizers and lime on productivity of meadow clover 'Dymkovsky' with regard to the content of mobile phosphorus in the soil have been studied in a long stationary trial (established in 1971) on sod-podzolic soil developed on clay loam mantle in the Kirov region. The study was conducted in 2008-2018 on soil backgrounds with various acidity and mobile phosphorus sufficiency: without lime application (рН 3.68, Al 11-17 mg/100g of soil, P2O5 142-291 mg/kg of soil) and with lime application (рН 5.5, Al was not revealed, P2O5 120-232 mg/kg). In variants without application of phosphoric fertilizers the mobile phosphorus sufficiency was 77-84 mg/kg against acid background, and 66-89 mg/kg against limed background. The average yield of clover green mass in 2012 was 17.24 t/ha against acid background and 30.77 t/ha against limed background; the increase due to lime application was 78.4%, in 2018 – 13.0 t/ha, 28.3 t/ha, 118%, respectively. Reliable correlation links have been revealed between the degree of soil acidity (рН and Hh) and productivity of clover green mass, r = 0.76 and r = -0.79, respectively. The effect of the content of mobile phosphorus in the soil on clover productivity was insignificant. Weather conditions during the research influenced the content of crude protein in clover dry mass: in 2012 this indicator varied from 11.92 to 12.74% on the average, in 2018 ‒ from 17.47 to 19.88% against acid and limed background, respectively.

Г.Л. Яговенко ◽  
Т.В. Яговенко ◽  
Л.В. Трошина ◽  
Н.В. Грибушенкова

Исследования выполнялись в 2018–2020 годах на опытном поле ВНИИ люпина – филиала ФГБНУ ФНЦ «ВИК им. В. Р. Вильямса» в почвенно-климатических условиях юго-западной части Нечернозёмной зоны. В статье представлены результаты исследований применения новых для люпина узколистного препаратов: регулятора роста «Циркон» и микроудобрения «Аквамикс СТ». Дана оценка их совместного действия на показатели роста, фотосинтез, азотфиксацию, урожайность, качество зерна люпина узколистного сорта Витязь. Совместное использование препаратов усиливало развитие растений, о чём свидетельствует увеличение в вариантах опыта массы клубеньков на растении на 7,0–24,1%, площади листьев — на 22,5–29,4%, сбора сухой массы — на 10,5–28,9%. В среднем за годы исследований бόльшими значениями фотосинтетического потенциала характеризовались варианты, включающие предпосевную обработку семян совместно регулятором роста и микроудобрением. Превышение над контролем находилось в пределах от 22,1 до 30,2%. Обработки препаратами оказывали положительное влияние на накопление азота клубеньками. Максимальным накоплением характеризовался вариант с комплексной обработкой семян регулятором и микроудобрением с последующим опрыскиванием регулятором роста по вегетации. Превышение над контролем составило 5,7%. Условия вегетации в годы исследований не благоприятствовали полной реализации процесса азотфиксации, тем не менее использование «Аквамикса СТ» и «Циркона» способствовало повышению коэффициента азотфиксации. В вариантах опыта этот показатель был выше контроля в среднем на 20,7%. Применение регулятора роста «Циркон» и микроудобрения «Аквамикс СТ» стимулировало рост урожайности семян во всех вариантах. В среднем за годы исследований достоверными прибавками характеризовались варианты, включающие предпосевную комплексную обработку семян «Цирконом» и «Аквамиксом СТ», но максимальной она была в варианте с дополнительной обработкой растений в фазе бутонизации регулятором роста — выше контроля на 24,1%. The investigation took place in the south-west of the Non-Chernozem region in 2018–2020. The article reports on the effectiveness of the growth regulator “Tsirkon” and microfertilizer “Akvamiks ST”. The following parameters of blue lupine “Vityaz” were evaluated: growth, photosynthetic activity, nitrogen fixation, productivity, and grain quality. Combination of “Tsirkon” with “Akvamiks ST” positively affected plant development, increased nodule mass by 7.0–24.1%, leaf area — by 22.5–29.4%, dry mass yield — by 10.5–28.9%. Seed treatment with growth regulator as well as application of the microfertilizer led to a higher photosynthetic activity of lupine plants by 22.1–30.2%. The preparations had positive effect on nitrogen accumulation. The highest N content was observed under seed and plant treatments with the growth regulator combined with the application of microfertilizer. The increase in N concentration amounted to 5.7%. Even though weather conditions did not favor N fixation, application of “Tsirkon” with “Akvamiks ST” improved this process by 20.7%. “Tsirkon” and “Akvamiks ST” increased seed productivity in all the variants. The highest productivity occurred under the additional plant treatment with the growth regulator exceeding the control by 24.1%.

2009 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-125
G. Hadi

The dry matter and moisture contents of the aboveground vegetative organs and kernels of four maize hybrids were studied in Martonvásár at five harvest dates, with four replications per hybrid. The dry matter yield per hectare of the kernels and other plant organs were investigated in order to obtain data on the optimum date of harvest for the purposes of biogas and silage production.It was found that the dry mass of the aboveground vegetative organs, both individually and in total, did not increase after silking. During the last third of the ripening period, however, a significant reduction in the dry matter content was sometimes observed as a function of the length of the vegetation period. The data suggest that, with the exception of extreme weather conditions or an extremely long vegetation period, the maximum dry matter yield could be expected to range from 22–42%, depending on the vegetation period of the variety. The harvest date should be chosen to give a kernel moisture content of above 35% for biogas production and below 35% for silage production. In this phenophase most varieties mature when the stalks are still green, so it is unlikely that transport costs can be reduced by waiting for the vegetative mass to dry.

2012 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 683-696 ◽  
F.P. Guimaraes ◽  
R. Aguiar ◽  
J.A. Oliveira ◽  
J.A.A. Silva ◽  
D. Karam

The potential of three aquatic macrophytes, Azoll caroliniana, Salvinia minima and Lemna gibba, was evaluated in this work aimed at selection of plants to be used in remediation of environments contaminated by arsenic (As). The experiments were carried out in a greenhouse during six days in pots containing Hoagland solution (¼ ionic strength) at As concentrations of 0.5; 2.5 and 5.0 mg L-1. The three species showed greater As accumulation as the concentration of the metalloid in solution increased. However, a reduction was detected in fresh and dry mass gain when the plants were exposed to high As concentrations. The macrophytes showed differences in efficiency of removal of As in solution. A. caroliniana, S. minima and L. gibba accumulated, on average, 0.130; 0.200; and 1.397 mg mDM-1, respectively, when exposed to 5.0 mg L-1 of As. The macrophytes absorbed a greater quantity of As in solution with low phosphate content. The greater As concentration in L. gibba tissues lowered the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents as shown by the high chlorosis incidence. Lemna gibba also exhibited a decrease in leaf size, with the total chlorophyll and carotenoid synthesis not being affected by As in A. caroliniana. This species exhibited purplish leaves with high concentration of anthocyanin, whose presence suggested association to phosphate deficiency. Marginal necrosis occurred on S. minima floating leaves, with the released daughter-plants not showing any visual symptoms during the treatment. The percentage of As removed from the solution decreased when the plants were exposed to high concentrations of the pollutant. Among the three species studied, only L. gibba could be considered an As hyper-accumulator. The use of this plant species for remediation of aquatic environments was shown to be limited and requires further investigation.

2019 ◽  
pp. 34-36
Ilya Alexandrovich Khapugin

The influence of mineral fertilizers on seed productivity and quality of obtained seeds of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) was studied in the field small-scale experiment under conditions of unstable moistening of the Mordovia Republic. As a result, it was found that seed productivity varied depending on weather conditions and the types of fertilizers introduced. It was shown that the maximum productivity of Melissa officinalis plants was on the variant with the use of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers at a dose of P60K90 (71.2±78.5 g/m2 in 2017 and 48.8±4.3 g/m2 in 2018), while it exceeded the control variant by 74-91 %. The total germination of seeds of Melissa officinalis practically did not change over the years, and was in the range of 37-39 %. Separation of seeds according to the degree of aging allowed to increase germination 11.4-13.3 %.  

П.А. Котяк

Представлены результаты исследования уровня общей токсичности и микробного токсикоза дерново-подзолистой глееватой почвы при антропогенной нагрузке. Изучение токсичности почвы особенно актуально в агроценозах, где человек в значительной мере регулирует условия произрастания растений. Использование показателей токсичности при оценке агротехнических приёмов позволяет усовершенствовать существующие технологии, чтобы избежать нежелательных сопутствующих эффектов при агрогенном воздействии на агроэкосистемы. Сравнительный анализ полученных результатов показал, что почва опытного участка в начале вегетации имела класс средней и низкой токсичности (индекс токсичности фактора (ИТФ) от 0,63 до 0,82), а в конце вегетации – класс высокой и средней токсичности (ИТФ от 0,35 до 0,55). Оценка микробиологической токсичности почвы исследуемых вариантов опыта по всхожести семян тест-культуры показала в основном средний уровень микробного токсикоза: 69,75% – на индуцированных образцах, 60,97% – на контрольных образцах. Урожайность зелёной массы ярового рапса находилась на невысоком уровне, что могло быть связано с неблагоприятными погодными условиями вегетационного периода и варьировала в пределах от 76 до 218 ц/га. Проведённые исследования по установлению влияния антропогенной нагрузки на токсический статус дерново-подзолистой почвы в условиях Ярославской области показали, что лучшими характеристиками обладают варианты: система отвальной обработки почвы, фон «Органо-минеральный субстрат + NPK» как с внесением гербицида, так и без его применения при возделывании ярового рапса. В этих условиях снижается общая токсичность почвы, статус микробного токсикоза не меняется, что позволяет сохранять почвенное плодородие, иметь оптимальное фитосанитарное состояние и получать качественный урожай выращиваемых культур. The results of the research of general toxicity level and microbial toxicosis of soddy podzolic gleyic soil at man-caused load are presented. The study of soil toxicity is especially important in agrocenoses, where a person largely regulates the conditions of plant growth. The use of toxicity indicators in assessing agricultural practices allows improving existing technologies in order to avoid undesirable concomitant effects during agrogenic effects on agroecosystems. A comparative analysis of the obtained results showed that the soil of the test area at the beginning of the growing season had a medium and low toxicity class (factor toxicity index (FTI) from 0.63 to 0.82) and at the end of the growing season it had a high and medium toxicity class (FTI from 0.35 to 0.55). Assessment of the microbiological toxicity of the soil of test variants under investigation by seed germination of the test-crop showed mainly the average level of microbial toxicosis: 69.75% on the induced samples, 60.97% on the control samples. The yield of green mass of spring rape was at a low level, which could be associated with unfavorable weather conditions of the growing season and varied from 76 to 218 hkg / ha. Researches conducted to establish influence of man's activities on the toxic status of soddy podzolic soil in the conditions of the Yaroslavl region showed that the best characteristics are options: a system of moldboard tillage, background "Organic-mineral substrate + NPK" both with the herbicide application and without its use in the cultivation of spring rape. Under these conditions the general toxicity of the soil decreases, the status of microbial toxicosis does not change which allows maintaining soil fertility, having an optimal phytosanitary condition and obtaining a quality yield of crops grown.

2020 ◽  
pp. 84-87
S. V. Koroleva ◽  
N. B. Shulyak

Relevance. The most complex and common physiological disease on the cabbage is a tip burn, associated with impaired Ca2 + transport inside the plant. Of all the ways to control this physiological disease, the most effective is the cultivation of tolerant hybrids. Material and methods.The aim of the research was to evaluate the mid-late and late ripening F1 hybrids of white cabbage for a tip burn and to determine the degree of hybrids responsiveness to calcium deficiency depending on weather conditions. The studies were carried out at breeding and experimental plot of the vegetable growing department at All-Russian Rice Research Institute in 2017-2019 on drip irrigation. Material - hybrid combinations of ARRRI breeding.Results. The manifestation of a physiological disturbance called “burn of the top of the inner leaves of the cabbage head” or “tip burn” on individual hybrids was observed during all years of cultivation, but to a different degree; The greatest damage to the heads was recorded in the years (2017 and 2019) with high productivity, which is due to the intensive assimilation ability against the background of warm sunny weather. In 2019, the manifestation of burns was noted in 25% of hybrids, which allowed them to be divided into 4 groups, depending on the degree of damage and the spread of the disease.It was established that hybrids with overmature standing for 2.5-3 weeks and also hybrids that were promptly removed at the time of mass technical ripeness had a high degree of damage. The lines that are most often found in hybrid combinations with signs of burns (269-824, Agr1321, 269Jas13, Byum112, Yas25, etc.) were identified, but it is rather difficult to assume the nature of inheritance, and, therefore, to develop the principle of pair selection when developing relatively stable hybrids also not yet possible.

Aldair de Souza Medeiros ◽  
Reginaldo Gomes Nobre ◽  
Eliane da Silva Ferreira ◽  
Whalamys Lourenço de Araújo ◽  
Manoel Moises Ferreira de Queiroz

<p><span>A utilização da água vem gerando alguns conflitos devido o aumento da escassez hídrica em todo o mundo, os setores de maior consumo são a agricultura responde por 70%, o setor industrial 22% e 8% corresponde ao uso doméstico. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os efeitos causados pelas doses de nitrogênio e fósforo e a irrigação com água de reúso doméstica pós-tratada em filtro de areia com fluxo intermitente durante o crescimento inicial da berinjeleira na região semiárida paraibana. O experimento foi realizado em ambiente protegido, no Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia Agroalimentar (CCTA/UFCG), Campus de Pombal – PB, e cujos tratamentos resultaram na combinação de dois fatores: quatro doses de adubação nitrogenada (N<sub>1 </sub>- 3,55; N<sub>2</sub> - 6,2; N<sub>3</sub> - 8,9; N<sub>4</sub> - 11,55 g de N/vaso) e quatro doses de adubação fosfatada (P<sub>1</sub> - 15,28; P<sub>2</sub> - 26,74; P<sub>3</sub> - 38,2; P<sub>4</sub> - 49,66 g de P/vaso) correspondendo respectivamente a 40; 70; 100; 130% conforme indicação de adubação para a cultura da berinjela quando cultivada em vasos, irrigada com água de reúso pós-tratada em filtro de areia intermitente (AR). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos inteiramente casualizados, com os tratamentos arranjados em esquema fatorial 4 x 4, com quatro repetições. Conclui-se que a prática da irrigação com água de reúso surge como uma fonte hídrica e nutricional para a cultura da berinjela, nas condições edafoclimáticas do semiárido; Doses de 3,55 g de N e 15,28 g de P por planta quando se utiliza água de reúso na irrigação de plantas de berinjela são suficientes para suprir as necessidades nutricionais da cultura. A massa fresca da folha de plantas de berinjela decresceu linearmente com o incremento das doses de N aplicadas. A produção de massa fresca e seca da parte aérea de plantas de berinjela irrigadas com água de reúso com 40% da adubação com N e P não diferiu das plantas que receberam 100% indicação de N e P.</span></p><p align="center"><strong><em>Eggplant early growth under nitrogen and phosphate and irrigated with reuse water</em></strong></p><p><strong>ABSTRACT - </strong>The use of water has generated some conflicts due to increasing water scarcity around the world, the largest consumer sectors are agriculture accounts for 70 %, the industrial sector 22% and 8% corresponds to the household. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects caused by nitrogen and phosphorus and irrigation with reclaimed water post- treated domestic sand filter with intermittent flow during the initial growth of eggplant in Paraíba semi-arid region.The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, in the Science and Technology Center Agrifood (CCTA / UFCG), Campus de Pombal - PB, and the treatments resulted in the combination of two factors: four doses of nitrogen (N1 - 3.55; N2 - 6.2; N3 - 8.9; N4 - 11.55 g N / pot) and four doses of phosphorus fertilization (P1 - 15.28; P2 - 26.74; P3 - 38.2; P4 - 49 66 g P / pot) corresponding respectively to 40; 70; 100; 130% as fertilizer indication for eggplants when grown in pots irrigated with treated wastewater post-intermittent sand filter (AR). The experimental design was a completely randomized design, with treatments arranged in a factorial 4 x 4, with four replications. We conclude it the practice of irrigation with reclaimed water emerges as a water and nutrient source for the eggplant crop, soil and weather conditions in the semiarid; Doses of 3,55 g of N and 15,28 g P per plant when using reclaimed water in irrigation eggplants are sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of the crop. The fresh weight of eggplants sheet decreased linearly with increasing N rates. The production shoot fresh and dry mass of eggplant plants irrigated with reclaimed water to 40% of fertilization with N and P did not differ from plants that received 100 % of N and P indication.</p><p><span><br /></span></p>

В.А. Волошин

В данной статье представлены результаты сравнительной оценки 11 сортов клевера лугового и одного образца-дикороса, проведённой в Пермском НИИ сельского хозяйства в 2018–2019 годах. Все селекционные сорта сформировали полноценные первый и второй укосы или отаву в оба года использования. Дикорастущая форма формировала только один укос, демонстрируя особенность позднеспелого одноукосного типа. Сорта Кретуновский и Ранний 2 показали себя как типичные раннеспелые двухукосные. Другие сорта занимали промежуточное положение. Наибольший сбор сухого вещества обеспечивал образец-дикорос в оба года при крайне различных погодных условиях (1,266 и 1,259 кг/м2 соответственно). Дикорастущая форма и сорт Ранний 2 обеспечивали стабильные урожаи зелёной массы и сухого вещества независимо от возраста и погодных условий. Образец дикорастущего клевера имел более однородный фенотип по сравнению с сортом Пермский местный — стандартом для позднеспелого типа, что указывает на большую генетическую однородность. Согласно всесторонней оценке, включающей степень перезимовки, урожайность зелёной и сухой массы, характер цветения, созревания, формирования и конечный урожай семян, образец-дикорос имеет отличительные признаки позднеспелого (одноукосного) типа и может использоваться в качестве исходного генетического материала для дальнейшей селекции позднеспелых одноукосных сортов клевера лугового, характеризующихся экономически ценными свойствами: высокой устойчивостью к неблагоприятным условиям окружающей среды, высокой и стабильной урожайностью зелёной массы и семян. Исследования будут продолжены с оценкой ряда образцов дикорастущих форм клевера лугового, обнаруженных в 2019 году в природных биоценозах Пермского края. This article deals with the competitive trial of 11 varieties and 1 wild genotype of red clover conducted at the Research Institute of Agriculture in 2018–2019. All the varieties provided good yields of green mass both in the first and second cuts. Wild genotype provided only one cut as long-season one-cut type. “Kretunovskiy” and “Ranniy 2” performed as typical short-season two-cut varieties. Wild genotype produced the highest yield of dry matter (DM) under contrast weather conditions (1.266 and 1.259 kg/m2, respectively). Wild genotype and “Ranniy 2” formed stable yields of green mass and DM regardless of time period and weather. Wild genotype showed homogeneous phenotype compared to “Permskiy mestnyy” — long-season standard variety indicating high genetic uniformity. Such traits as winter hardiness, green and dry mass yields, flowering pattern, seed maturation, formation and production were evaluated. According to this evaluation wild genotype performed as long-season (one-cut) type showing high resistance to unfavorable conditions, high and stable yield of green mass and seeds. Therefore, it can be used a source of economically important traits for future breeding programs of red clover. Further investigations will focus on the evaluation of wild genotypes of red clover found in the Perm region in 2019.

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