
Разработана технология получения СО2экстрактов с повышенным выходом СО2экстрактивных веществ после предварительной обработки зернового и орехового сырья электромагнитным полем низкой частоты (ЭМП НЧ) 28,36 Гц. Растительное сырье семена амаранта, винограда, расторопши пятнистой, ростки пшеницы, арахис, миндаль, ядра фисташковых и ореха грецкого подвергли измельчению в крупку размером 2 3 мм для дальнейшей обработки на вальцевом станке (d 0,2 мм). Измельченное сырье помещали в радиопрозрачный короб и трижды подвергали воздействию ЭМП НЧ по 20 мин с перерывом по 30 мин. Обработанное электромагнитным полем сырье заключили в сетчатую кассету и загрузили внутрь СО2экстрактора, работающего в докритическом режиме при давлении 6,5 МПа и температуре 22С. Продолжительность процесса экстракции сырья, ч: орехового 4,0 зернового 2,5. Установлено увеличение выхода биокомпонентов в экстракт из орехов и зерна, подвергнутых воздействию электромагнитных волн, по сравнению с контрольными образцами без обработки ЭМП НЧ. Выход СО2экстрактивных веществ из сырья до обработки и после обработки ЭМП НЧ составил, : арахис 8,0 и 14,1 орех грецкий 10,2 и 16,3 семена амаранта 4,7 и 5,4 семена винограда 6,0 и 6,5 соответственно. Концентрация фенольных веществ в экстрактах повысилась на 15, витаминов С и Р на 6,2 и 7,0 соответственно. Применение электромагнитного излучения НЧ привело к сокращению продолжительности экстракции из зернового и орехового сырья в 1,2 раза. A technology has been developed for producing CO2 extracts with an increased yield of CO2 extractives after preliminary processing of grain and nut raw materials with a low frequency electromagnetic field (LF EMF) of 28,36 Hz. Vegetable raw materials amaranth seeds, grapes, milk thistle, wheat germ, peanuts, almonds, pistachio kernels and walnuts kernels were crushed into a grain size of 2 3 mm for further processing on a roller machine (d 0,2 mm). The crushed raw material was placed in a radiotransparent box and exposed to LF EMF three times for 20 min with a break of 30 min. The raw material processed by the electromagnetic field was enclosed in a mesh cassette and loaded inside a CO2 extractor operating in a subcritical mode at a pressure of 6,5 MPa and a temperature of 22C. The duration of the extraction process of raw materials, h: nut 4,0 grain 2,5. An increase in the yield of biocomponents in the extract from nuts and grains exposed to electromagnetic waves was established compared with the control samples without processing the LF EMF. The yield of СО2 extractive substances from the raw materials before and after the treatment of LF EMF was, : peanuts 8,0 and 14,1 walnut 10,2 and 16,3 amaranth seeds 4,7 and 5,4 grape seeds 6,0 and 6,5, respectively. The concentration of phenolic substances in the extracts increased by 15, vitamins C and P by 6,2 and 7,0, respectively. The use of electromagnetic radiation of low frequency led to a reduction in the duration of extraction from grain and nut raw materials by 1,2 times.

2018 ◽  
pp. 251-259
Aleksandra Viktorovna Nekhorosheva ◽  
Sergey Viktorovich Nekhoroshev ◽  
Aleksey Anatol'yevich Drenin ◽  
Erkin Hozhiakbirovich Botirov ◽  
Nikolay Viktorovich Gornikov ◽  

The analysis of the chemical composition of the vegetable raw materials received from leaves of an aspen ordinary, family plants Willow (Salicaceae), growing in the territory of the Khanty-Mansi autonomous district Yugra is provided in article. The choice of raw materials is caused by a large supply and fast reproducibility of a raw resource. In work numerical indicators and indicators of high quality of raw materials are established (humidity, the general ashes, sulphatic ashes, ashes not soluble in 10% to hydrochloric acid, extractive substances). The way of extraction of vegetable raw materials is reasonable, the comparative characteristic of content of extractive substances is provided in the received extracts. It is shown that the average content of extractive substances in native samples is 27.9%, the content of polysaccharides – 10.9%. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of biologically active agents is carried out by method of a highly effective liquid chromatography. The dominating components in samples of the plants growing in the territory of one land plot are салицин 510 mg of %, гиперозид 170 mg of %, routines of 210 mg of %. Influence of process of fermentation on the chemical composition of the vegetable raw materials received from leaves of an aspen ordinary is studied. The greatest exit of phenolic connections at impact on vegetable raw materials of fermentation is established by cold. The positive effect of impact of fermentation by crushing on quantity of the identified biologically active components is defined. Work was carried out for assessment of phytochemical parameters of quality of vegetable raw materials and formation of justification of analytical approaches to diagnostics of vegetable raw materials of the explored territory.


Использование продуктов переработки зеленой массы базилика как природного консерванта позволяет придавать пище оригинальный вкус и аромат, продлять срок ее хранения. Оценены перспективы получения пищевых добавок из листьев и соцветий базилика эвгенольного и базилика обыкновенного. Применен комплексный подход к переработке сырья, включающий получение эфирного масла, сухих пищевых добавок, СО2-экстракта. Исследован фракционный состав эфирного масла паровой перегонки из свежего сырья базилика эвгенольного и базилика обыкновенного с выходом 0,45 и 0,32% соответственно. Выход сухой пищевой добавки из свежего сырья базилика эвгенольного при мягких температурных режимах составил 9,25%, а базилика обыкновенного – 10,5%. Модернизирована экстракционная установка для получения СО2-экстрактов за счет внедрения пилотных устройств, позволяющих предварительно оценивать содержание экстрактивных веществ в поступающем сырье, а также устройств подготовки хладоагента и теплоносителя. Установлены режимы работы СО2-экстракционной установки: рабочее давление 5464–6289 кПа, температура процесса экстракции 18–24°С, продолжительность обработки одной загрузки сырья 4–4,5 ч. Выход СО2-экстракта из сухого базилика эвгенольного составил 3,2%, а из базилика обыкновенного – 2,8%. Даны рекомендации по использованию продуктов переработки растительного сырья базилика в качестве натуральных пищевых добавок. The use of basil green mass processing products as a natural preservative allows you to give food an original taste and aroma, prolong its shelf life. The prospects of obtaining food additives from the leaves and inflorescences of eugenol basil and basil vulgaris are evaluated. A comprehensive approach to the processing of raw materials has been applied, including the production of essential oil, dry food additives, and CO2-extract. The fractional composition of steam-distilled essential oil from fresh raw materials of eugenolic basil and ordinary basil with a yield of 0.45 and 0.32% respectively investigated. The yield of a dry food additive from fresh raw materials of eugenolic basil under mild temperature conditions was 9,25%, and ordinary basil – 10,5%. The extraction plant for producing CO2-extracts has been upgraded through the introduction of pilot devices that allow preliminary assessment of the content of extractive substances in incoming raw materials, as well as devices for the preparation of refrigerant and coolant. The modes of operation of the CO2-extraction plant are set: operating pressure 5464–6289 kPa, extraction process temperature 18–24°C, processing time of one load of raw materials 4–4,5 hours. The yield of CO2-extract from dry eugenolic basil was 3,2%, and from ordinary basil – 2,8%. Recommendations on the use of basil vegetable raw materials processing products as natural food additives are given.

Oleksiy Andryushayev ◽  
Olena Ruban ◽  
Yuliia Maslii ◽  
Inna Rusak

The aim. To determine the intensified method of extraction of phenolic compounds from Acorus calamus leaves and optimal conditions for the process. Materials and methods. In order to develop the optimal intensified method of extraction samples were prepared in different conditions of raw materials-extractant ratio, temperature, time and multiplicity. As a raw materials spectrophotometrically pre-standardized Acorus calamus leaves were used. The extraction was carried out in a hermetically sealed ultrasonic extraction reactor PEX 1 (REUS, Contes, France). As the criteria of extraction efficiency were indicators of dry residue and total amount of flavonoids determined using methods described in State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. The amount of flavonoids was determined spectrophotometrically on a certified device Specord 200 (Analytik Jena, Germany). Results. According to our research results it was found that ultrasonic action and addition of surfactant significantly improves the efficiency of the extraction process. The optimal conditions for the process were determined. Experimentally proved that the rational raw material-extractant ratio is 1:15. Comparative study of the extraction process with different temperatures showed that the highest amount of extractives is achieved at temperature 70 °C and 45 min of duration. The optimal extraction multiplicity is 3. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the intensified extraction method for Acorus calamus leaves – re-maceration with ultrasound – was established. The conducted researches allowed to develop the method of extraction, expedient in the conditions of the modern pharmaceutical industry.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
K. Gafurov ◽  
B. Muhammadiev ◽  
Sh. Mirzaeva ◽  
F. Kuldosheva

The unique properties of supercritical carbon dioxide as a solvent are widely used for extraction. In supercritical media, the dissolution of molecules of various chemical nature is possible. The purpose of this investigation was to study the extraction process and obtain extracts from valuable regional plant materials by applying CO2 extraction under pre- and supercritical conditions. The objects of research were: ground seeds of melon, pumpkin and licorice roots, as well as mint leaves, mulberry and jida flowers. For extraction, a laboratory setup was used that allows extraction when the CO2 is supplied by a high-pressure plunger pump in the sub- and supercritical state using a heat pump. The pressure range is 3-15 MPa, temperatures 295–330 K, and the volumetric flow rate above the critical CO2 is 800–900 g. Experiments with ground seeds of melon and pumpkin showed that as a result of 4 sequentially performed extraction cycles on a single load with supercritical CO2 parameters ( 315–330 K; 3–7.5 MPa) the decrease in the mass of melon seeds was 90 g (pumpkins 80 g). During the total extraction time (2.5 hours), 20 kg of CO2 were pumped through the reactor (25 l at 290 K and 6.8 MPa), while the average oil content in the extract was 4 g per 1 kg of CO2 (3.0 g per 1 l of SС-CO2) In experiments with jida flowers, the maximum amount of solid extractable substance (2% by weight of the raw material) was obtained at a temperature in the extractor of 308 K and a pressure of 7.5 MPa. Upon extraction under critical conditions in collection 2, the liquid phase was absent; only a yellow-green paste was released in it. According to the results of experiments with mint leaves, the maximum yield of a greenish liquid was observed at T = 315 K and P = 4 MPa., Mulberry - at T = 306 K and P = 6.0 MPa. The results of the extraction of oils and extracts from ground seeds of melon, pumpkin and licorice roots, as well as mint leaves, mulberries and jida flowers confirm that the maximum yield of the extracted substance is achieved with supercritical CO2 parameters in the extractor (310 K, 7.5 MPa). When liquid CO2 is extracted (300 K and 6-8 MPa), up to 2% of a yellow substance is extracted, which does not differ in appearance from a supercritical extract.

Yu. V. Lykholat ◽  
N. O. Khromykh ◽  
T. Yu. Lykholat ◽  
M. I. Nedzvetska ◽  
O. A. Lykholat ◽  

The introduction of fruit plants into a culture enriches the diversity of the species composition of the regional flora and at the same time creates an opportunity for expansion of the plant raw material base for the needs of the food industry, inclusion in a full-fledged functional nutrition of the population. Among the fruit plants of the Dniprovsk region, every year, more attention should be paid to introduced low-frequency non-traditional fruit species, in which the fruits, leaves, stems and other parts have high nutritional value and are the source of physiologically active compounds that have anti-cancer, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, carry cardio protective, antihypertensive, anti-diabetic effects, stimulate the central nervous system, etc., and can contribute to the prevention and treatment of many diseases.   Antioxidants additives in the raw materials and finished products ensures their prevention damage, reduce losses, increase shelf life and production of high quality products which keep for a long time characteristics inherent fresh, complete products. Preservation, restoration and introduction to the culture of any species depends primarily on its ability to multiply seed and vegetative methods. A comparative analysis of the fruit and seed ability of Berberis L. representatives grown in the botanical garden of Oles Gonchar’  Dniprovsky National University was carried out. The use of integrated research methods made it possible to carry out an integrated assessment of the regenerative capacity of the investigated representatives of the Berberis L. and to establish their biological ability to seed propagation depending on the seed quality of the seeds. The seeds length varied from 4.5 mm (B. canadensis) to 5.2 mm (B. declinata, B. amurensis), width was from 1.8 mm (B. amurensis, B. vulgares) to 2.1 mm ( B. coreana). The weight of 1000 seeds, which, depending on their size and completeness, amounted to an average of 10.16 grams. Largest weight 1000 pcs. seed is marked in B. coreana. As a result of the total antioxidant ability of the fruits, the species examined can be arranged in the following order:  B. koreana > B. x declinata > B. vulgaris > B. amurensis > B. canadensis. When comparing total antioxidant capacity level of the plants, the highest indices were characteristic for B. koreana and B. x declinata fruits, which exceeded the values of other species in 1.7-1.9 times. The relatively low antioxidants concentration in B. amurensis fruits is offset by a greater weight of the fruits of this species.  In order to enrich the range of ornamental and fruit plants, it is expedient to introduce into production of new crops and to expand the species diversity of Berberis L. representatives. Barberry reproduction process depends on many factors related to the environment. All investigated representatives of the Berberis L. are promising for further use in the planting system and as fruit plants that can be included in the functional nutrition of the population and use in the food industry in the conditions of the Steppe Prydniprovya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-131
Farzad Ashrafi ◽  
Amir Rezaei ◽  
Arash Azhideh ◽  
Faraj Tabeie ◽  
Latif Gachkar ◽  

Introduction: Stroke is one of the most devastating neurologic conditions in the world. Despite all the efforts that have been made for effective treatment, the prevalence of this medical condition is still high. One of the new methods in the treatment of patients is the use of low power laser and pulsed magnetic fields. The previous studies investigated the effectiveness of these methods individually. However, the present study aimed to investigate their effectiveness in combination. Methods: We divided the patients into control (n=26) and experimental (n=26) groups. The primary variables included the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). The experimental group received extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (EMF-ELF) treatment with 1 mT power and laser in rejection with a wavelength of 840 nm for 5 days and 45 min/d. Results: The variable measured during this study, in addition to comparing the results of the intervention between the control and experimental groups, showed a significant difference in all indicators before and after the intervention. The mean and standard deviations of the modified Rankin scale (mRS), functional status (Barthel’s index), and cognitive status (MMSE) (P<0.001) were signed between 2 groups. Conclusion: Laser and magnetic field combination can be effective in the treatment of stroke. Further studies are recommended to ensure a better comparison.

2020 ◽  
Purwo Subekti

This researchs aims to to find out about the potential of palm oil as a raw material of foam firefighting peat fires in Indonesia.By using the method of literature approach to previous researchers, can be in the know that the vegetable raw materials with thepotential to be developed in Indonesia as a raw material of foam extinguishing peat fires is palm oil. In addition to theavailability of environmentally friendly palm oil is also guaranteed and sustained since 2015, Indonesia produced palm oil andits derivatives amounted to 32.5 million tons, to meet the domestic demand of 18.77% while exports amounted to 81.23%..Utilization of palm oil as a raw material foam fire extinguisher is one form of support to the Indonesian government in order toincrease the downstream and value-added palm oil products as well as reduce the level of risk of peat fires

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Zainul Arifin ◽  
Istutik Istutik ◽  
Amir Kusnanto

Candy is a snack that is loved by children and adolescents, because it tastes sweet, has a distinctive aroma and is affordable. Many types of candy both made from artificial ingredients and from natural ingredients. Specially soft and chewy jelly candy is much loved by young people.A businessman partner named Dian Falah Fitriyana, ST is located at Jl. Ikan Hiu II / 19 Tunjungsekar Village, Lowokwaru District, Malang City innovates by producing jelly candy from fruit raw materials (apple jelly candy and dragon fruit jelly candy) and made from vegetable raw materials (Moringa jelly candy and carrot jelly candy). As it is known that apples, dragon fruit and vegetable Moringa and carrots have many health benefits. Raw material for jelly candy is only taken from the juice and not added with preservatives.The purpose of the PKM program is to increase the production capacity of partner entrepreneurs and provide online marketing training, training and accounting assistance, so that partner entrepreneurs can make financial reports needed for a productive business.The problem of micro entrepreneurs in general is not being able to increase their production because of limited capital, which has the effect of not being able to add or replace their more modern production facilities. Marketing limitations and not doing financial records properly. The Community Partnership Program (PKM), which provides production support equipment and management improvements, will certainly increase production outputThe solutions offered by the PKM program to increase the production capacity of partner entrepreneurs are to provide juicers, sterilitators, sealers, digital scales, LPG ovens, containers, trays, containers. Meanwhile, to improve financial management and product marketing, the Team provides training and mentoring in accounting and marketing training. It is expected that partner entrepreneurs are able to make financial records (cash flow) and market their products through internet marketing.Partner entrepreneurs with the help of new equipment from the PKM program are targeting production to increase by 50% to 100%. This optimistic target is achieved due to juice, sterilitators, chopper machines, large ovens and more modern production facilities, entrepreneurs will be able to serve the demands of more consumers.The progress of PKM program activities has reached 70% of the target, but there are still activities to assist in making financial reporting and online marketing.


Рассмотрены перспективы получения пищевых волокон (ПВ) из вторичных продуктов АПК. Приведены результаты анализа опубликованных исследований о перспективах получения ПВ, проявляющих детоксикационную и адсорбционную активность, с целью обогащения ими продуктов питания. Рассмотрены современные технологические решения получения ПВ из продуктов переработки сахарной свеклы и яблок. Признано целесообразным дальнейшее проведение научно-экспериментальных разработок новых технологий получения ПВ из растительного сырья с применением электромагнитного поля крайне низких и сверхвысоких частот. The prospects of obtaining dietary fibers (DF) from secondary products of agriculture are considered. Results of the analysis of sources on the prospects of receiving the DF showing detoxification and adsorption activity for the purpose of enrichment of food by them are given. Modern technology solutions of receiving DF from products of processing of sugar beet and apples are given. Further carrying out scientific and experimental developments of new technologies of receiving DF from vegetable raw materials with application of the electromagnetic field of extremely low and ultrahigh frequencies is perspective.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 2001
Vladimir Kochemirovsky ◽  
Svetlanav Kochemirovskaia ◽  
Michael Malygin ◽  
Alexey Kuzmin ◽  
Maxim Novomlinsky ◽  

The development of an algorithm to automate the process of measuring the magnetic properties of macroscopic objects in motion is an important problem in various industries, especially in ferrous metallurgy and at factories where ferrous scrap is a strategic raw material. The parameter that requires work control is the hidden mass fraction of a non-magnetic substance that is present in the ferromagnetic raw material. The solution to this problem has no prototypes. In our work, a simple measuring device and a mathematical algorithm for calculating the mass fraction of the non-magnetic fraction in a strongly magnetic matrix were developed. The device is an inductance coil, in which the angle of the electromagnet losses is related to the mass of the magnetic material moving the coil. The magnitude of the instantaneous values of the lost angle integral was compared with the result of weighing the object on scales. This allowed us to calculate the proportion of the magnetic and non-magnetic fractions. The use of this prototype is herein illustrated. The experimental results of the determination of the magnetic-fractional composition depending on the mass of scrap metal and its bulk and the magnetic characteristics are presented.

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