2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Herry Nur Hidayat ◽  
Wasana Wasana

Abstrak: Artikel ini memaparkan hasil penelitian terhadap serial animasi Upin & Ipin yang memperlihatkan bias gender dalam beberapa episodenya. Sebagai salah satu bentuk media yang kemudian menjadi media pembelajaran seharusnya bisa berposisi netral dalam hal gender. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Objek material diamati secara berulang untuk memperoleh indikator yang menunjukkan bias gender yang kemudian dianalisis dalam kerangka sosiologi dan perspektif feminisme. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan muatan bias gender dalam Upin & Ipin terdapat dalam tokoh dan penokohan serta pembentukan latar. Dalam tokoh dan penokohan serial animasi ini, melalui dialog dan lakuannya, terdapat kecenderungan “kepemilikkan” warna dan benda tertentu. Dalam hal ini, warna merah muda dianggap sebagai warna “milik” perempuan. Di samping itu, terdapat pula kecenderungan sifat dan perilaku perempuan dan laki-laki. Perempuan harus memiliki sifat lembut dan rapi sementara laki-laki harus keras dan berani. Dalam latar cerita, muatan bias gender muncul sebagai bentuk wilayah dominasi perempuan dan laki-laki. Perempuan dibatasi dalam wilayah domestik rumah tangga sementara laki-laki berada di wilayah luar (publik). Abstract: This paper reports the results of studying gender bias as reflected on Upin & Ipin the series. It shows that there is an imbalance gender position within several episodes of Upin & Ipin. As one of the media forms that later on becoming an instructional media, it should posit its position neutrally in the term of gender issues. This study employed qualitative research methods in which the objects were observed repeatedly to construct indicators that reflected gender bias. Then it was followed by analyzing them within sociological and feminist perspectives. The content of the gender bias in Upin & Ipin was reflected within characters and settings. It was reflected as the characters articulate their dialogues and behave in their daily life. There was a tendency to determine the ownership of boys and girls based on colors and things. In this case, pink was regarded as belong to girls. In addition, there was a tendency to describe that girls and boys behave differently. For example, girls should be gentle and neat and boys should be strong and brave. In the term of setting, gender bias was reflected in the domination of areas that boys dominate outdoor public area while girls are in the domestic area (households).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-75
Tio Pilus Arisandie

The Pesaguan Dayak tribe is a tribe in West Kalimantan Province. Most of the people of this tribe are Catholic and Protestant. In the initial observation (pre-research), it seems that their understanding of the Bible and its position in the practice of life needs attention. However, in everyday life, the Pesaguan Dayak community is still robust with the customs, ethics, and moral norms of the tribal religion. To obtain a Christian portrait of the Pasaguan Dayak tribe, the researchers used qualitative research methods, emphasizing surveys or observations and interviews. From the results of research and interviews conducted, it was found that in the daily life of the Pesaguan Dayak people, the Bible is not the primary basis for the Pesaguan Dayak tribe. Another portrait of Christianity found in the field is the absence of awareness from the Pesaguan Dayak community to reach out to Malays to believe in Jesus, even though they live next door.   Suku Dayak Pesaguan adalah suku yang berada di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Sebagian besar orang-orang dari suku ini beragama Katolik dan Protestan. Pada obersevasi awal (prapenelitian), tampaknya pemahaman mereka tentang Alkitab dan posisinya dalam praktik kehidupan, perlu mendapat perhatian. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, masyarakat suku Dayak Pesaguan masih sangat kuat dengan adat istiadat, etika dan norma-norma moral agama suku.  Untuk memperoleh potret kekristenan suku Dayak Pasaguan, maka peneliti memanfaatkan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan menekankan pada survei atau observasi dan wawancara. Dari hasil penelitian dan wawancara yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat suku Dayak Pesaguan, Alkitab bukanlah landasan dasar utama yang dimiliki suku Dayak Pesaguan. Potret kekristenan lainya yang ditemukan di lapangan yaitu belum adanya kesadaran dari masyarakat suku Dayak Pesaguan untuk menjangkau orang Melayu untuk percaya pada Yesus, meskipun mereka hidup bertetangga.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-230
Kaharuddin Kaharuddin

The aim of this study was to determine the process of learning speaking skills in this program and its efforts in developing speaking skills. In this study, the authors used descriptive qualitative research methods, with historical, methodological, and opinion approaches. The results showed that speaking skills in the Ma’had Aliy As'adiyah Sengkang-South Sulawesi Program were related to the use of curriculum, learning methods, instructional media, and teaching materials. Meanwhile, the program's efforts in developing speaking skills consist of three parts, namely 1. efforts in practicing Arabic language directly, 2. Efforts to carry out various activities in the use of Arabic, 3. Efforts in the form of solution, namely efforts that will be carried out next by Ma’had Aliy As'adiyah Sengkang, South Sulawesi to improve the previous efforts that have not been effective and successful.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 23
Aufa Athaya ◽  
Dewi K. Soedarsono

Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini (NKCTHI) merupakan salah satu karya sastra dalam bentuk novel yang dikemas dalam bentuk kalimat-kalimat sederhana dengan diksi dan desain grafis yang menarik. NKCTHI merupakan novel dengan genre self healing yang berisi tentang solusi dari permasalahan-permasalahan yang banyak orang alami dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adakah kesamaan pemahaman makna antara penulis dari buku tersebut dengan pembacanya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan paradigma fenomenologi. Dalam mendapatkan data yang kredibel peneliti melakukan penafsiran terhadap novel NKCTHI untuk mengetahui makna kegagalan. Hasil penelitiannya adalah (1) Langkah Simbolik, Gambar yang ada memudahkan proses penafsiran karena menggambarkan situasi pada kalimat yang berada di sebelahnya. (2) Pemberian Makna, Tergiringnya emosi seorang pembaca novel NKCTHI dikarenakan adanya penggunaan diksi yang tepat. (3) Langkah Filosofis, Penggunaan bahasa dan gaya penulisan yang ringkas akan memudahkan proses penafsirkan makna.�Kata Kunci: Pemahaman makna, Hermeneutika Interpretasi, Fenomenologi, Analisis, Novel��ABSTRACTNanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini (NKCTHI) is one of the literary works in the form of novels which are packaged in the form of simple sentences with interesting diction and graphic design. NKCTHI is a novel with self healing genre that contains solutions to problems that many people experience in daily life. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a common understanding of meaning between the author of the book and the reader. This research was conducted with qualitative research methods and using the phenomenology paradigm. In obtaining credible data the researcher interpreted the NKCTHI novel to find out the meaning of it. The results of the study are (1) Symbolic Steps, Existing images ease the process of interpretation because they describe the situation in the sentence next to it. (2) Giving Meanings, The emotion of an NKCTHI novel reader is happened due to the use of the correct diction. (3) Philosophical Steps, Use of language and concise writing style will ease the process of interpreting meaning.Keywords: Understanding of meaning, Hermeneutics Interpretation, Phenomenology, Analysis, Novel

Baidhillah Riyadhi ◽  
Farida Asyari

With all the potential capital God gave, it is believed that man will be able to carry out his duties well. Then it is normal for God to place man as ' masterpiece ' of His own universe.     In Shari'ah there is always a balance between the vertical and horizontal dimensions, the ideal and the realistic side, the constant doctrine (the Sabbath) and the Elastic (Murunah), the interests of the world and the Hereafter, the aspect of birth and the inner, interest of individuals and society, and Etc. The principle of benefit is no less important than the principle of balance. This remembers that it was the cause of the point-of-decline, the takeoff and the final goal in the formulation of a law (Maqashid Syari'ah). This research uses qualitative research methods by examining the Library Research related to the opinions of scholars ' followers of Imam Shafi'i on gender issues. Conclusion of the study: women have the same learning opportunities as men, both in material and learning methods, to achieve what is the essential goal of the education process. That is to achieve the perfection of the Insani that comes down to the self-approach (Taqarrub) to God and the realization of happiness in the world and the hereafter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Krisna Octavianus Dwiputra

One of the health problems that will catch people's attention in 2020 is COVID-19. Various media also highlighted the problem because it was considered a dangerous thing. One of the media that participated in the news was a health media called has been intensively reporting about COVID-19 since January 2020. The aim of the research is to see how the public perception about COVID-19 on This research uses descriptive qualitative research. Methods of data collection using observation, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, informants were selected based on purposive sampling. The data analysis used Stuart Hall's Encoding-Decoding theory, which describes the three positions of the audience in constructing messages, namely dominant position, negotiation, and opposition. The results showed that the position of the audience in constructing messages from the news of COVID-19 on, the majority were in a negotiating position. This position means that the audience may misinterpret some parts of the message and quite understand what is conveyed by Covid-19; Reception; Reporting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Mohammad Muslih ◽  
Abdul Rohman ◽  
Ahmad Ahmad ◽  
Ahmad Saifullah

Sunan Kalijaga was known as a creative da’i in spreading da'wah. One of the media for his da’wah is a literary work entitled Suluk Linglung. In the Suluk Linglung manuscript, two da’wah strategies had been employed by Sunan Kalijaga, both of which were expected to be relevant if applied in Indonesia today, considering the many issues of radicalism. This research is a literature review. Data were collected by using documentation method through a research on Suluk Linglung. Therefore, to dissect the contents of the manuscript, the author uses qualitative research methods and Gadamer's hermeneutic approach. Finally, it suggested that Sunan Kalijaga used two da'wah strategies, Sufistic da'wah strategy and multicultural da’wah strategy. It is expected that the use of the strategies in the current da’wah can dismiss the radicalism movement. Therefore, it brings out the principle of da’wah that is gentle, friendly, and nurturing to people, or da'wah rahmatan li-l 'alamin.Sunan Kalijaga dikenal sebagai seorang da’i yang kreatif dalam menyebarkan dakwah. Salah satu media dakwah beliau adalah melalui karya sastra yang berjudul Suluk Linglung. Dalam manuskrip Suluk Linglung tercermin dua strategi dakwah yang pernah dilakukan oleh Sunan Kalijaga, yang keduanya itu diharapkan akan relevan jika diterapkan di Indonesia pada zaman sekarang meninjau banyak sekali isu radikalisme. Penelitian ini berjenis kajian kepustakaan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi melalui penelitian manuskrip Suluk Linglung. Oleh karenanya, agar dapat membedah isi manuskrip Suluk Linglung, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutika Gadamer.  Adapun untuk teknik analisa data menggunakan teknik analisis isi. Akhirnya, setelah melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut peneliti mendapatkan hasil bahwasanya dalam manuskrip Suluk Linglung, Sunan Kalijaga menggunakan dua strategi dakwah yang meliputi strategi dakwah sufistik dan strategi dakwah multikultural. Jika dua strategi dakwah tersebut diterapkan pada zaman sekarang, maka diharapkan akan berimplikasi terhadap gerakan radikalisme yakni menepis gerakan radikalisme. Sehingga, akan memunculkan prinsip dakwah yang lembut, ramah, dan mengayomi kepada mad’u atau dapat disebut sebagai dakwah rahmatan li-l ‘alamin.

2019 ◽  
tasya hamidah

Abstract. To get something that attracts oneself and others on social media, the choice of words must be used appropriately in expressing the ideas or things mandated. Therefore, a person must have the ability to distinguish precisely the nuances of meaning in accordance with the ideas to be conveyed, and the ability to find forms that are appropriate to the situation and the sense of value of his client. This article aims to find out the role of choosing the right words in activities or daily life in an effort to motivate yourself and others. The writing of this article uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The results of this study indicate that the choice of words on social media is very important to motivate yourself and others, the selection of the right words when giving advice will influence in encouraging people to learn from mistakes they have experienced and become better personal than ever before. In the end, this article is able to contribute knowledge to the character education knowledge, especially the development of self-motivation in everyday life.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 17 ◽  
Ahmet Bildiren

Gifted and talented children show differences in many respects compared to normal developing children. It isexpected that these differences may also arise in daily life of all these children. In this research, it is aimed toinvestigate that whether the responses of three wishes questions of the gifted and talented and normal developingchildren differ or not. The sample of the study consisted of 54 gifted, 28 talented, and 46 normal developing children.Quantitative and qualitative research methods have been used together in the research. The main research questionwas as follows: "What would you wish if you had three wishes". Received responses were coded and analyzed bychi-square test according to the response types of children with gifted, talented, and normal developing children. As aresult of the research, it was determined that the answers given by the gifted, talented, and normal developingchildren to the three right wishes differed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-65
Yosua Sibarani

AbstractA reader of the Bible should know that ancient copies of the Old and New Testaments sometimes use different or inexact wordings regarding certain texts. This fact shows that the Bible needs to be interpreted based on the principle of correct interpretation so that today's readers understand the meaning of the text that is being read. The text of the Gospel of Matthew 11:28 is one of the many biblical texts that Christians have misunderstood as a result of the preacher's error in presenting it. This study aims to describe the concept of "tired and heavy laden" in Matthew 11:28 based on the interpretive principle that places Matthew specifically as one of the Gospels in the New Testament canon using qualitative research methods. As a result of this research, the phrase “weary and laden with weight” refers to Jews who are exhausted from carrying out the demands of the law for salvation, not to people who experience problems or problems of daily life of a physical nature. AbstrakSeorang pembaca Alkitab perlu mengetahui bahwa salinan kuno dari Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru kadang-kadang menggunakan susunan kata yang berbeda atau tidak sama persis mengenai teks tertentu. Fakta tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Alkitab perlu ditafsirkan berdasarkan prinsip penafsiran yang benar agar pembaca masa kini memahami makna teks yang sedang dibaca. Teks Injil Matius 11:28 adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak teks Alkitab yang disalahpahami oleh orang Kristen sebagai akibat dari kekeliruan pengkhotbah menyampaikannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan konsep “letih lesu dan berbeban berat” dalam Matius 11:28 berdasarkan prinsip penafsiran yang menempatkan Matius secara khusus sebagai salah satu dari Injil dalam kanon Perjanjian Baru menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Sebagai hasil dari penelitian ini, frase “letih lesu dan berbeban berat” merujuk kepada orang-orang Yahudi yang mengalami kelelahan karena melakukan tuntutan hukum Taurat untuk mendapatkan keselamatan, bukan orang-orang yang mengalami masalah atau persoalan hidup sehari-hari yang bersifat jasmani.

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