2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Mila Indah Rahmawati ◽  
Sumarlam Sumarlam

This article discusses the application of the analogy concepts in the short stories series of Kembang Pasren by Impian Nopitasari as a cultural discourse study. The aim is to find and describe the application of such analogies used by the author therein and their relations to the complexity of Javanese culture. This article uses a descriptive qualitative approach and the data were collected using literature study method and reading and writing techniques. The data were analyzed using discourse analysis theories of analogy concept related to Javanese culture. The result showsthat the analogy concepts applied in the short stories series are the analogy of similarity of traits, the analogy of symbol resemblance and the analogy of similarity of state of being.AbstrakArtikel ini membahas pemanfaatan prinsip analogi kumpulan cerkak Kembang Pasren karya Impian Nopitasari dalam tinjauan wacana budaya. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah menemukan dan mendeskripsikan bagaimana pemanfaatan analogi yang diwacanakan dan direpresentasikan oleh Impian Nopitasari dalam kumpulan cerkak Kembang Pasren dan keterkaitannya dengan nuansa Jawa yang melekat dalam diri  masyarakatnya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yangmenggunakan metode penyediaan data berupa metode pustaka dengan teknik simak dan catat. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori analisis wacana, khususnya merujuk pada pemanfaatan prinsip analogi yang kental dengan nilai dan nuansa budaya Jawa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prinsip analogi dalam kumpulan cerkak Kembang Pasren ini berupa analogi persamaan sifat, analogi persamaan simbol, dan analogi persamaan keadaan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sarmianti Sarmianti

A teacher is a character who plays an important role in the education world. His role is so hard and always becames the attention of various parties. This study discusses the characters of teachers in the short stories of “Bintang-Bintang Jasa Cikgu Musa, BA”and “Guru Dungu”. The data are analyzed by using theory of genetic structuralism with descriptive qualitative approach. The result (of the analysis) shows that all the intrinsic factors support the building of character. The background of the author influences the making of work’s factors as well.AbstrakGuru adalah tokoh yang berperan penting dalam dunia pendidikan. Perannya sangat berat dan selalu menjadi sorotan berbagai pihak. Pada tulisan ini dibahas tokoh guru yang berlakuan dalam cerpen “Bintang-Bintang Jasa Cikgu Musa, BA” dan “Guru Dungu”. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui penokohan tokoh utama dan kaitannya dengan unsur-unsur intrinsik dan ekstrinsik. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori strukturalisme genetik dan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Dari analisis ditemukan bahwa seluruh unsur intrinsik mendukung penokohan tokoh guru. Latar belakang pengarang sangat memengaruhi pengolahan unsur-unsur karya.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 155
Eartha Beatricia Gunawan ◽  
Ahmad Junaidi

This study aims to describe the representation of sex education in the film Dua Garis Biru by director Gina S. Noer. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The research method uses Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis with two-way significance and the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth. The subjects of this study are Dara and Bima, the object of this study is a sign of sex education represented in scenes, dialogues, and characters in films. Methods of data collection by observation, literature study, interviews, and documentation. The film Dua Garis Biru tells the story of how Dara and Bima, two teenagers, must be responsible for the consequences that they did not think of before due to free sex. This film also illustrates the important role of parents in communicating information about sex to children. The results of this study indicate that there is a picture of sex education in the film Two Blue Lines. It was concluded that the side or form of sex education is displayed in scenes, dialogues, or characters that insert the importance of knowing sex education and knowing the consequences of every action related to sex. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan representasi pendidikan seks  dalam Film Dua Garis Biru karya sutradara Gina S. Noer. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Metode penelitian menggunakan Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes dengan signifikan dua arah dan pemaknaan denotasi, konotasi, dan mitos. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Dara dan Bima, objek penelitian ini adalah tanda pendidikan seks yang direpresentasikan dalam adegan, dialog, dan karakter dalam film. Metode pengumpulan data dengan observasi, studi pustaka, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Film Dua Garis Biru bercerita tentang bagaimana Dara dan Bima, dua remaja harus bertanggung jawab atas konsekuensi yang tidak mereka pikirkan sebelumnya karena melakukan seks pranikah. Film ini juga menggambarkan pentingnya peran orang tua dalam mengkomunikasikan informasi tentang seks kepada anak. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat gambaran tentang pendidikan seks dalam film. Sisi atau bentuk pendidikan seks ditampilkan dalam cuplikan adegan, dialog, atau karakter tokoh yang menyisipkan pentingnya mengenal pendidikan seks dan mengetahui konsekuensi dari setiap perbuatan yang berhubungan dengan seks.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Arina Rahmatika

The increasingly expansive Wahabi movement in Indonesian has caused debate in various circles, one of which is Nahdhatul Ulama. To answer Wahabi’s development, Nahdhatul Ulama felt it was necessary to provide a response, one of which was through Aula Magazine on edition February 2016. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach and using analysis media text in the form of discourse analysis model Van Dijk. The results obtained are imagery of Wahabi portrayed as an organization that is dangerous for Indonesia because the way of dakwah wahabi is straigh, as Wahabi sometimes blamming someone that doing something different with Nabi Muhamamd (bid’ah) and after that bid’ah can become worse like call someone kafir. Key words : discourse analysis, image, Wahabi.

Mohhamad Kusyanto

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dari keberadaan Masjid Agung Demak yang merupakan masjid pertama di Kabupaten Demak. Masjid yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 1479 M ini memiliki arsitektur masjid yang unik. Keunikan arsitektur masjid ini dilakukan penelitian lebih mendalam sehingga sehingga menjadi rujukan dalam membangun masjid lain di Kabupaten Demak. Arsitektur masjid ini telah terjaga kearifan lokalnya hingga berdiri sampai sekarang ini. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi, merumuskan arsitektur masjid Demakan sebagai salah satu arsitektur masjid yang dilestarikan di Kabupaten Demak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan survei di lapangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan merupakan penelitian eksplorasi. Jenis penelitian bersifat deskriptif yakni menganalis dan menyajikan fakta secara sistematik sehingga mudah untuk dipahami dan disimpulkan. Adapun pengambilan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam pada sejumlah informan, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian dapat dirumuskan bahwa kearifan lokal arsitektur masjid Demakan meliputi : (1) tata ruang yakni ruang utama salat, serambi dan ruang tambahan lain; (2) Struktur ditopang 4 saka guru dan 12 saka penanggap pada ruang utama salat dan struktur ditopang 8 saka guru dan 28 saka penanggap pada ruang serambi; dan (3) Ruang utama salat berbentuk bujur sangkar dengan atap tajug tumpang tiga dan serambi berbentuk persegi panjang dengan atap limasan. Arsitektur masjid Demakan sampai sekarang masih dilestarikan oleh masyarakat KabupatenDemak. This research is motivated by the existence of the Great Mosque of Demak which is the first mosque in the Demak Regency. The mosque, which was founded in 1479 AD, has a unique mosque architecture. The uniqueness of the architecture of the mosque is carried out in-depth research so that it becomes a reference in building other mosques in Demak Regency. The architecture of this mosque has maintained its local wisdom up to now. The purpose of this study is to identify, formulate the architecture of the Demakan mosque as one of the preserved mosque architectures in the Demak Regency. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. The method of data collection is done by field surveys. This research uses a qualitative approach and is an exploratory study. This type of research is descriptive in that it analyzes and presents facts systematically so that it is easy to understand and infer. The data collection through observation, in-depth interviews with a number of informants, and literature study. The results of the study can be formulated that the local wisdom of the mosque architecture of Demakan includes: (1) spatial planning, namely the main prayer room, foyer, and other additional spaces; (2) The structure is supported by 4 saka teachers and 12 saka responders in the main prayer room and the structure is supported by 8 saka teachers and 28 respondent saka in the foyer room; and (3) The main prayer room is square with a overlapping roof and a rectangular porch with a pyramid roof. The architecture of the Demakan mosque is still preserved by the people of the DemakRegency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-99
Ni Made Widiastuti

Photogram is a technique that produces images without using a camera as an image recording aid. However, it makes more use of sunlight and chemicals as recording materials. The photos from this photogram are in the form of a silhouette or an outline of the object being recorded. Considering the dangers of chemicals for children, using natural dyes is friendlier to them. Therefore, the process of conveying messages through photographs by children can run well. This study aims to analyze the 4P elements (Personal, Process, Press, Product) of photogram's work as an enhancer of creativity in children's communication. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach which will elaborate the data by describing them into sentences. The technique of collecting data is in the form of observing photogram works, documenting the work and looking for references through literature study. The photographic works produced by the children will be studied in terms of creativity by describing the 4P elements. Apart from that through the photographic works produced by these children, it can be concluded that creativity arises because of one's own interaction with the environment which is then processed and supported by the people around them and the environment so that it becomes creative photogram work. It is also intended that photogram can become an alternative media in honing children's creativity in communicating with their environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-126
Mastori Mastori ◽  
Zenal Arifin ◽  
Sunardi Bashri Iman

This study seeks to analyze the relationship between ulama and umara' and their implications for Islamic da'wah. The research was conducted by exploring historical and empirical sources related to the relationship between the ulama and umara' past and present which is reflected in the various political thoughts and policies of the ulama and umara'. The data was collected through observation and literature study while the data were analyzed using a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the study show that historically the relationship between ulama and umara' occurred dynamically. During the past Islamic empires, the relationship between ulama and umara' was collaborative and even integrative. While in later times the relationship between ulama and umara' tended to be secularistic-pragmatic. The implication of this integrative relationship is that Islamic da'wah can develop rapidly so that Islam becomes the religion of the majority of the Indonesian people. Meanwhile, pragmatic secularistic relations made da'wah stagnant due to the weak involvement of umara' in the process of IslamizationPenelitian ini berupaya untuk menganalisis relasi ulama dan umara’ dan implikasiinya bagi dakwah Islam. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggali sumber-sumber historis dan empiris terkait hubungan ulama dan umara’ masa lalu dan saat ini yang tercermin dalam beragam pemikiran dan kebijakan politik ulama dan umara’. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan studi pustaka sedangkan data dianalisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskripstif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara historis relasi ulama dan umara’ terjadi secara dinamis. Pada masa kerajaan Islam masa lalu hubungan ulama dan umara’ terjadi secara kolaboratif bahkan integratif. Sementara pada masa sesudahnya hubungan ulama dan umara’ cenderung sekuleristik-pragmatik. Implikasi dari hubungan integratif adalah dakwah Islam dapat berkembang secara cepat sehingga Islam menjadi agama mayoritas rakyat Indonesia. Sementara hubungan sekuleristik pragmatik membuat dakwah stagnan karena lemahnya keterlibatan umara’ dalam proses islamisasi.

2018 ◽  
Siti Rafiah.MH

The aims of this study are trying to give us a deep understanding of what Critical Discourse Analysis is. This study starts with a discussion of the origin of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), then exploring interdisciplinary based on the renowned theories in CDA which proposed by Fairclough, van Dijk and Wodak. In the last part of the article discussed the principles of CDA form Fairclough point of view. The present article uses a descriptive qualitative approach from reputable references which is relevant to the topics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-104
Muh. Rusdi

The purpose of this research is to build a collaboration between the travel business and the relevant government and the people of the City of Parepare in dealing with disasters. In addition, the parties who are members of the collaboration group carry out the stages of the safety process for tourists affected by the disaster to facilitate the handling of accident victims in the field. in the City of Parepare. Then this study, using a descriptive qualitative approach, the data collection techniques used are interviews, literature study, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that it is necessary to establish cooperation carried out by travel business parties to related sectors in the form of collaboration and the need for a soup or guide book to be made as a way to facilitate and understand the duties of each member of the cooperation group. are required to be able to equip their employees by adding skills and training, especially those related to First Aid in Accidents (P3K) this is important for travel businesses and related agencies to avoid more serious accident victims for tourists.

2016 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
I Nyoman Sunarya

Indication that ancient civilization has ever developed here is supported by archaeological remains found in Getasan Village. This research aims to understand the development of Getasan civilization in order to provide the information needed to reconstruct the cultural history of Bali. Data were collected through observation, i.e. excavation and survey, interview, and literature study. Data analysis was done through identification of archaeological remains, associated with the concepts of civilization. The results of analysis were presented using descriptive-qualitative approach. The result of this research shows that the findings of the structure in Getasan Village indicates the development of ancient civilization. The trails of civilization which were found there was a continuity from the previous culture. The interpretation is supported with the findings from survey that covers several locations in Getasan Village.Indikasi bahwa di Desa Getasan pernah berkembang peradaban masa lalu didukung juga dengan tinggalan-tinggalan arkeologinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan peradaban di Desa Getasan agar mampu melengkapi informasi dalam merekonstruksi sejarah kebudayaan Bali. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, meliputi ekskavasi dan survei, wawancara, serta studi kepustakaan. Analisis dilakukan melalui identifikasi tinggalan arkeologi yang dikaitkan dengan konsep-konsep peradaban. Hasil analisis kemudian disajikan secara deskriptif-kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa temuan struktur di Desa Getasan mengindikasikan pernah berkembangnya peradaban kuno di wilayah ini. Desa Getasan memiliki jejak-jejak peradaban yang merupakan kelanjutan dari kebudayaan sebelumnya. Penafsiran tersebut didukung dengan temuan-temuan hasil survei yang dilakukan di beberapa lokasi di wilayah Desa Getasan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-68
Made Susini

Implicit meaning is one of the language phenomena which need overcoming in translation. This present study aims to investigate in what construction the implicit meaning is realized in Indonesian and how implicit meaning is handled when it is rendered into English. This study applied a descriptive qualitative approach. The data were taken from a book of Indonesian short stories entitled Mandi Api (Soethama, 2006) and its translation in English entitled Ordeal by Fire (Cork, 2008). The results of the research showed that implicit meaning in Indonesian texts is conveyed into English in two ways. Firstly, the implicit meaning is kept implicit. Secondly, it is realized in explicit construction. The implicit information of the source texts is made explicit in target texts for some reasons which include grammatical reason, semantic reason, and stylistic reason. In conclusion, although the source and the target texts have different constructions in the translation under study, the source meanings are successfully conveyed into English.

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