scholarly journals Efek Bekam terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Dismenore pada Mahasiswi

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Yusro Hadi Maksum ◽  
Sri Lestariningsih ◽  
Septi Widiyanti

<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; tab-stops: 308.15pt;"><strong><em><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi;">Background:</span></em></strong><em><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi;"> The prevalence of Indonesian women with dysmenorrhoea is estimated at 55% of women of childbearing age suffering from pain during menstruation. The most common dysmenorrhoea is reported in 60% -90% of adolescents. <strong>Purpose:</strong> To determine the effect of cupping on dysmenorrhea pain in students 2018. <strong>Methods:</strong> This study used a pre-experimental design with one group pretest and posttest design conducted in 2018. The study population was a student who experience severe pain or pain scale 7-9 (scale 0-10) with a minimum sample size of 32 people. The sampling technique uses consecutive sampling. The variable analyzed was the measurement of the respondent's disminore pain scale before and after cupping treatment. Data analysis by univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using paired samples T-test. <strong>Results:</strong> There was a difference in dismenore pain scale between before (6.78) and after cupping (5.09). Difference in pain 1.69 with p value 0,000. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Cupping provides the effect or effect of reducing the pain scale on dysmenorrhea. Cupping can be one of the therapies or efforts that are recommended to deal with dysmenorrhoea pain disorders and free from the side effects of consuming chemical drugs.</span></em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
M. Ridwan ◽  
Sri Lestariningsih ◽  
Gangsar Indah Lestari

<p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> The prevalence of anemia in adult women aged 15-19 years in Metro City in 2016 was 67%, higher than the national rate of 35.3%. <strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of dates on the increase in hemoglobin (Hb) levels in Madrasah Aliyah students in Metro City. <strong>Methods</strong>: This study was a pre-experimental research design of the one group pretest - posttest. The study population was a class XI Madrasah Aliyah student in Metro city who experienced anemia with a sample of 71 students. The variables analyzed were the average Hb before and after the intervention by giving dates for 7 days. Univariate analysis using mean, median and bivariate analysis using non parametric dependent t test (Wilcoxon test). <strong>Results:</strong> The results of the study average Hb levels before the intervention were 10.45 gr / dL (46.5%) and after the intervention 11.70 gr / dL (49.3%), while the average increase in Hb levels after the intervention 1 , 1 gr / dL. Statistical test results obtained p value = 0,000, meaning that there is an influence of dates on increasing Hb levels. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Consumption of dates for seven days increases the Hb level of 1.1 gr / dL. Prevention of anemia in young women during menstruation can consume dates as a complementary therapy that is still natural.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-42
Yeviza Puspitasari

Hyperbilirubinemia is one of the clinical phenomena most often found in neonates occurring in the first week of life, which is also one of the factors causing infant death is influenced by the immature liver function of the baby to process erythrocytes (red blood cells), resulting in the accumulation of bilirubin. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of birth weight of infants with the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia in RSUD dr. Ibnu Soetowo Baturaja Ogan Komering Ulu Regency in 2019. This study uses analytic methods with a cross-sectional approach. The study population was all infants aged 0-7 days in the neonatal room at RSUD dr. Ibnu Soetowo Baturaja Ogan Komering Ulu Regency in 2019, with a random sampling. Data analysis uses univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using distribution tables and Chi-Square statistical tests, with a 95% confidence level. In the univariate analysis, of 203 respondents found 26.5% had hyperbilirubinemia and those without hyperbilirubinemia 72.5%, 24.6% of infants with LBW and non-LBW infants 75.4%. Bivariate analysis showed that there was an LBW relationship with the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia (p-value 0,000).

Desi Hariani

ABSTRAK Ketuban pecah dini adalah pecahnya selaput ketuban pada setiap saat sebelum permulaan persalinan tanpa memandang apakah pecahnya selaput ketuban terjadi pada kehamilan 24 minggu atau 44 minggu. Kadar hemoglobin adalah ukuran pigmen respiratorik dalam butiran-butiran darah merah. Kelainan letak janin merupakan malpresentasi janin atau kelainan letak janin yang dapat membuat ketuban bagian terendah langsung menerima tekanan intra uteri yang dominan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan kadar hemoglobin ibu dan letak janin dengan kejadian ketuban pecah dini di klinik alisa talang keramat kenten Palembang Tahun 2018. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan crossectional. Sampel berjumlah 63 orang. Pengambilan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar checklist.Hasil analisis univariat didapatkan jumlah ibu yang mengalami ketuban pecah dini (22,3%), HB tidak normal (41,3%) dan letak sungsang (6,3%).  Dari hasil analisis bivariat dengan uji statistik Chi – Square ada hubungan bermakna antara kadar hemoglobin ibu p value  = 0,001 < α 0,05 nilai OR = 0,049 dan letak janin p value = 0,001 < α 0,05 nilai OR = 0,032 dengan kejadian ketuban pecah dini secara statistik terbukti. Melalui penelitian ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang lebih baik lagi pada ibu hamil dan bersalin sehingga tidak terjadi komplikasi.   Kata Kunci : Ketuban Pecah Dini, Kadar Hemoglobin, Letak Janin ABSTRACT Premature rupture of membranes isthe  rupture of the membranes at any time before the onset of labor, regardless of whether the rupture of the membranes occurs at 24 weeks or 44 weeks' gestation. Hemoglobin levels are the size of respiratory pigments in red blood granules. Fetal abnormalities are malpresentations of fetuses or fetal abnormalities that can make the lowest part of the membrane directly accept the dominant intrauterine pressure. The aim of this study is to know the correlation between maternal hemoglobin level and fetal location toward the incidence of premature rupture of membranes at klinik alisa talang keramat kenten The study design using analytical survey method with crossectional approach. The sample numbered 63 people. Taking by using total sampling technique. Data collection using checklist sheet. The result of univariate analysis showed that the number of mothers who had membranes rupturedearly was (22.3%), HB was not normal  (41.3%) and breech position was (6.3%). From bivariate analysis with Chi-Square statistical test there was a significant correlation between maternal hemoglobin level p value = 0.001 <α 0.05 value OR = 0.049 and fetal location p value = 0.001 <α 0.05 value OR = 0.032 with incidence of premature rupture of membranes was statistically proven. Through this research, it is expected to provide better health services in pregnant and maternity women so thereis no complications occur. Key word  : Premature rupture of membranes, Hemoglobin levels, Fetal Location

Suryono ◽  
Bambang Wiseno ◽  
Fannidya Hamdani Zeho

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a very significant impact on every area of ​​the organization, especially the health sector, especially hospitals. One of the impacts experienced is the work pressure felt by hospital employees. This study aims to analyze the work pressure experienced by hospital employees during the covid-19 pandemic which was obtained from the type of work and stressor factors that influenced it. This type of research was quantitative with a cross sectional approach. The sample of this study was 120 employees at Hospital "X" in Indonesia. The sampling technique is probability sampling with random sampling method. Univariate analysis test was used to see the distribution of frequency and percentage of each variable and bivariate analysis with chi-square test to determine the relationship between variables (p value <0.05). It was found that the type of employee's work was significantly related to the employee's work pressure. Then an analysis of the level of work pressure is carried out with the influencing work pressure stressor. Based on the Spearman Correlation Test, a correlation value of 0.589 with a sig value of 0.000 means that the sig value is smaller than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05) indicating that there is a significant effect between stressor and work pressure at Hospital "X". The cause of high work pressure from this type of work is the demands of the organization in relation to the high role of tasks, especially medical personnel, which increases during the pandemic. Then the stressor factors that influence are role overload, role conflict and role ambiguity caused by the demands of the duties and roles of employees, poor communication, and lack of direct guidance from the leadership on the tasks and regulations given.

Festy Ladyani ◽  
Nur Fitria Dewi

Background: Acute appendicitis is one of the most common acute abdominal pain. A late check up and diagnosis could bring harms which is turning into perforated appendicitis. Leukocyte count is a laboratory collation that is generous and quick to diagnose the acute apendicitis and perforated appendicitis, however there’s no certain limit of the leukocytes count to recognize whether it is acute apendicitis or perforated appendicitis.Purpose: This research was to find out the comparison of leucocyte count average between acute appendicitis and perforation appendicitis in Dr. H. Abdul Moeleok public hospital of Lampung province in 2014-2016.Methods: An analytic research with cross sectional approach. Population was 382 patients with appendicitis in Dr. Hi. Abdul Moeloek public hospital. Samples were taken using total sampling technique with 196 respondent samples for acute appendicitis and 196 respondent samples for perforation appendicitis. Data were analyzed by using univariate analysis with percentage and bivariate analysis with t-test.Results: the average of leucocyte count of acute appendicitis patients was 10,907 with minimum and maximum leucocyte count of 5,000 and 18,500 respectively. The average of leucocyte count of perforation appendicitis patients was 22,789 with minimum and maximum leucocyte count of 16,500 and 31,000 respectively. There were differences of leucocyte counts between acute appendicitis patients and perforation appendicitis patients with p-value < 0.05.Conclusion: there were significant differences of leucocyte count averages between acute appendicitis and perforation appendicitis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-107
Reny Sulistyowati ◽  
Syam�ani Syam�ani

Stress is an individual's adaptive response to various external pressures or demands and produces a variety of disorders including physical, emotional and behavioral disorders. Final year students often experience feelings of stress so that it can interfere with concentration to attend lectures and can even hamper completing education in a timely manner. There are several ways of managing stress, one of which is using aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is a non-pharmacological therapy, which is a type of therapy that applies direct body contact and has a therapeutic effect that combines physiological effects, caused by massage on the body, with psychological effects, which are derived from essential oils. The general purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of aromatherapy on blood pressure and stress levels by using the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale in final semester students. The research method used a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design approach, in 28 intervention groups, namely respondents who were given lavender aromatherapy massage and 28 respondents in the control group. The univariate analysis was conducted to show frequency distribution and bivariate analysis was conducted by independent sample T-test and dependent sample T-test. The results showed that there were significant differences in systolic blood pressure before and after the intervention in the intervention and the control group with a p-value of 0.01 < 0.05. Whereas the stress level variable found that there is no difference in stress levels in the intervention and the control group before and after the intervention with p-value 0.169> 0.05.

Suryanti . ◽  
Acholder Tahi Perdoman

A condom is a sheath made of latex which is caused by an erect penis or vagina that acts as a protector to prevent semen or fluid from ejaculating when the penis is in the vagina. Men's participation in joining the Family Planning program is quite low. This has also reduced men's participation in using condom contraception. The purpose of this study was to determine the Relationship between Knowledge and Perceptions of Men with Condom Use in the work area of the Rimbo Data Center. This research is quantitative research with analytic descriptive design and cross-sectional approach conducted in January 2019. The sampling technique is purposive sampling with a sample size of 80 people. Data were analyzed univariately and bivariate by computer using the chi-square statistical test. The results obtained from 80 samples, based on this univariate analysis (46.2%) had a low level of knowledge, (53.8%) had a negative perception, and most (63.8%) respondents did not use contraceptives condom. Based on bivariate analysis states there is a significant relationship between male knowledge with the use of condoms with a value of p-value = 0,000 <0.05. The perception of men with the use of condoms states that there is a significant relationship between perception with the use of condoms with the results of p-value = 0,000 <0.05. It is expected that the results of this study can increase the knowledge and perception of the community through counseling, especially regarding condom contraception. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that there is a relationship between Knowledge and Perceptions of Men with Condom Use in the work area of Rimbo Data Center.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 200-206
Supartiningsih Supartiningsih ◽  
RD.Siti Riski Ainun

ABSTRACT  The incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis is still very high and difficult to reduce due to the lack of compliance in taking anti-tuberculosis drugs. The lack of knowledge and family support are some of the factors that affect the level of patients’ compliancein taking anti-tuberculosis drugs. The purpose of this study is to have an overview of patients’ compliance and to see how the relationship between knowledge and family support can affect TB outpatients in taking anti- tuberculosis drugs at the Sindar Raya Community Health Center. This type of research is quantitative using a cross-sectional approach to 20 respondents who do outpatient treatment at the Sindar Raya Community Center. The sampling technique uses the total sampling technique. The data collecting is done by giving questionnaires to each respondent. The data analysis uses univariate analysis and Chi Square test on bivariate analysis. The results of the univariate research showed that there were 10 respondents (50.0%) with a good level of knowledge,8 respondents (40.0%) with moderate level knowledge, and2 respondents (10.0%) with the lack of knowledge. Good family support showed as many as 9 respondents (45.0%),5 respondents (25.0%) with moderate support, and6 respondents (30.0%) with lack of support. As many as 15 respondents (75.0%) showed a good level of compliance while 5 respondents (25.0%) showed the lack of compliance level. Based on bivariate analysis with the chi square test, there was a significant relationship between knowledge and compliance to taking anti-tuberculosis drugs (P value = 0.036), and there was also a significant relationship between family support and compliance to taking anti-tuberculosis drugs (P value = 0.017).    

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Idris Idris ◽  
Enggar Enggar

Breastfeeding is a physiological process to provide optimal nutrition for babies and one of the first steps for humans to have a healthy and prosperous life. The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding is still a big problem for the State of Indonesia. There are several ways that can be done to increase exclusive breastfeeding, one of which is health education. The use of video as a means of education is now starting to be developed in line with current technological advances. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of exclusive breastfeeding counseling with audio visual on the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women in the work area of Singgani Health Center. This research is a pre-experimental study with the design of one group pretest-posttest. The number of samples is 33 respondents. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The analysis used in this study was the Wilcoxon test. The results of the univariate analysis of data on pretest knowledge with good categories were 24 people (72.7%) and the poor categories were 9 people (27.3%) Knowledge of posttest with good categories as many as 21 people (63.6%) were less than 12 people (36.4%). The pretest attitude in the good category was 16 people (48.4%), the poor category was 17 people (51.6%). The posttest attitude in the good category was 21 people (63.6%) in the poor category of 12 people (36.4%). The results of the bivariate analysis of the knowledge of the pretest posttest knowledge (p-value 0.002). The posttest pretest attitude (p-value 0.363. The conclusion shows that there is the influence of exclusive breastfeeding counseling with video media on the knowledge of pregnant women in the Singgani Health. There is no effect of exclusive breastfeeding counseling with audio visual on the attitudes of pregnant women in the Singgani Health Center. The suggestion is that midwives are expected to further increase the use of increasingly developing technology, one of which is the use of audio visual to provide counseling

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
William Lie ◽  
Ika Febianti Buntoro ◽  
Rahel Rara Woda ◽  
Christina Olly Lada

Background: Indonesia is a country with the third highest tuberculosis incident in the world. Nutritional status is very important to patients with tuberculosis, an optimal nutritional status created an optimal immune system. Lack of adequate nutritional intake, prolonged the anti-tuberculosis drug treatment and caused them to get a slower recovery. Therefore, the writer found the need of knowing the relation of intensive phase treatment of anti-tuberculosis drugs with nutritional status of patients with tuberculosis in Kupang City.Objectives: To know the relation between intensive phase treatment of anti tuberculosis drugs with nutritional status of patients with tuberculosis in Kupang City.Methods: This study was an observational analytic study with a nested cohort design conducted by 11 public health centers in Kupang City by taking secondary data from medical records. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling with 84 respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study was analyzed univariately, and bivariately using Mc Nemar.Results: From 84 respondents, before intensive phase tuberculosis treatment 61 respondents (72.6%) had abnormal nutrition status, and 23 respondents (27.4%) had normal nutritional status, while after intensive phase tuberculosis treatment from 84 respondents it was found that 50 respondents (59.5%) had abnormal nutrition status, and 34 respondents (40.5%) had normal nutritional status. The result of the bivariate analysis test shows a significant different in nutritional status before and after tuberculosis treatment with p value = 0.001.Conclusions: There was a significant different in nutritional status before and after tuberculosis treatment indicating that anti-tuberculosis drug treatment can affect the nutritional status of patients with tuberculosis.Cl

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