scholarly journals Nutritional Health Education during Pandemic

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 042-046
Novita Dewi ◽  
Wahyu Dini Metrikayanto ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi

Covid-19 has been booming since December 2019, and is a serious concern in the world. The transmission of this virus is very fast, especially in patients who are hospitalized. So that as a precautionary measure of contracting this virus, actions can be taken in the form of enlightenment in terms of cognitive to the community, in this case in the form of Educational Interactive Communication in the form of Health Education. Health education for patients to meet adequate nutritional intake, so that it is hoped that the spread of this virus can be inhibited with high immunity obtained from varied, balanced nutrition, and all aspects of substances that the body needs can be fulfilled. The purpose of this community service is to provide health education to 15 patients. The method provided is in the form of service learning by providing health education to patients by visiting the patient one by one at each patient. The results of this community service were all participants who understand about nutritional intake, types of balanced nutrition, and things that increase immunity in preventing the transmission of covid-19

Nihad Dukhan ◽  
Mark R. Schumack

Virtually all engineering education organizations from around the world agree on the critical awareness of the societal context of engineering for graduating engineers. Service learning is one viable way that can bring about students’ awareness of their role in society. However, the body of literature addressing service learning as a pedagogy and strategic ways of implementing it in the already-full engineering curricula, as well as its assessment is relatively small. This paper describes a concise engineering service-learning component in a typical heat transfer course for mechanical engineering students. The service-learning component was used to probe the students’ ability to a) articulate the societal context of engineering, b) explain the importance of pro-active community service, and demonstrate an inclination to continue such service in the future, c) exhibit an appreciation of communication with non-engineers and finally, d) challenge some of the students’ stereotypes regarding other members of the community. Reflections were conducted by the students when answering a set of carefully-phrased questions addressing the above four issues. The responses of all students were analyzed as explained in this paper. The recorded benefits of service learning are described and can be expected from similar service-learning components in other engineering courses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-16
Hairil Akbar ◽  
Sarman ◽  
Muhammad Ichsan Hadiansyah

Efforts to achieve Indonesian citizen with quality are closely related to food and nutrition factors. Fulfillment of food and nutrition adequacy can be seen from the level of food provided and the quality and diversity of food and nutrition available. Approximately 70% of cases of food poisoning in the world are caused by ready-to-eat food, namely processed food, especially by catering businesses, restaurants, canteens, restaurants, or street food. Food poisoning is usually caused by the food being contaminated with bacteria or microbes. The purpose of this community service is to increase students' knowledge and understanding regarding selecting, processing, and serving safe food. Methods used consisted of counseling and health education on tips for selecting, processing, and serving food using the zoom cloud meeting application, with the target of Graha Medika Kotamobagu Health Institute students. The activity was held on Monday, October 12, 2020. The results of the community service activities showed that of the 34 students who participated in the activity, 80% of students knew and could mention tips on choosing, processing, and serving safe food. The implementation of social service is very important to increase knowledge in selecting, processing and serving food that is safe for consumption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-22
Ikada Septi Arimurti ◽  
Rita Dwi Pratiwi ◽  
Wannasta Alayya

Abstrak: Data Riskesdas tahun 2018 menyatakan bahwa pada bayi umur 0-5 bulan di Indonesia, proporsi pola pemberian ASI sebanyak 37,3% ASI ekslusif, sedangkan pada ASI parsial dan ASI predominan masing-masing sebesar 9,3%, dan 3,3%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa angka ASI eksklusif kita masih tergolong rendah. Perawatan payudara adalah faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan proses menyusui pada ibu nifas, selain faktor lainnya. Penelitian sebelumnya mengungkapkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara perawatan payudara dengan keberhasilan proses menyusui dengan p-value sebesar 0,007. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberi edukasi kepada masyarakat khususnya ibu nifas untuk dapat melakukan perawatan payudara pada masa nifasnya sehingga bisa mendukung program ASI eksklusif. Metode pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan melalui ceramah dan simulasi perawatan payudara. Pendidikan kesehatan dilakukan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa STIKes Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang. Kegiatan bertempat di Posyandu Dewi Sri Pamulang Kota tangerang Selatan. Pelaksanaannya pada saat kegiatan posyandu lalu disertakan pendidikan kesehatan dengan tema perawatan payudara pada ibu nifas. Peserta kegiatan sebanyak 15 orang ibu nifas. Terdapat antusiasme warga saat kegiatan berlangsung. Dampak kegiatan ini peserta mengetahui cara melakukan perawatan pada payudara sehingga sangat bermanfaat dalam proses menyusuinya. Harapan selanjutnya adalah kader posyandu juga dapat terus memberikan pendidikan kesehatan mengenai perawatan payudara pada ibu nifas yang belum memahami bagaimana merawat payudara selama proses menyusui.Abstract: Riskesdas data for 2018 states that in infants aged 0-5 months in Indonesia, the proportion of breastfeeding patterns is 37,3% exclusive breastfeeding, while partial breastfeeding and predominant breastfeedings are 9,3% and 3,3%, respectively. This shows that our exclusive breastfeeding rate is still low. Breast care is one of the factors that influence the success of the breastfeeding process in postpartum mothers and other factors. Previous research revealed a significant relationship between breast care and the success of the breastfeeding process with a p-value = 0,007. This community service aims to provide education to the community, especially postpartum mothers, to carry out breast care during the puerperium so that they can support the exclusive breastfeeding programs. Community service methods are carried out through lectures and simulations of breast care. Health education is carried out by lecturers and students of STIKes Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang. The activity took place at Posyandu Dewi Sri Pamulang, South Tangerang City. It was implemented during the posyandu activities and then included health education with breast care for postpartum mothers. Participants in the activity were about 15 mothers. There was enthusiasm from the residents when the activity took place. The impact of this activity, participants know how to do a treatment on the breast, so it is very beneficial in breastfeeding. The next hope is that posyandu cadres can also continue to provide health education on breast care to mothers who do not understand how to care for the breast during the breastfeeding process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 225-230
Ratih Sakti Prastiwi ◽  
Meyliya Qudriani ◽  
Istiqomah Dwi Andari

Abstrak: Stunting masih menjadi masalah besar di dunia, meskipun dalam satu decade sudah mengalami penurunan namun prevalensinya masih cukup besar. Stunting yang tidak tertangani memiliki dampak panjang pada kehidupan anak. Adanya pandemic COVID-19 menambah beban dalam pelaksanaan penanganan stunting. Oleh karena itu ibu menjadi sasaran yang tepat untuk membantu mencegah terjadinya stunting pada anak. Ibu sebagai pengasuh utama anak harus memiliki informasi yang cukup untuk melakukan deteksi dini dan pencegahan stunting. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya upaya peningkatan pengetahuan ibu terkait pencegahan stunting. Pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan melalui pemberian pendidikan kesehatan dan praktek pembuatan MPASI. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada 13 November 2020 melibatkan 35 ibu yang memiliki balita. Peserta mendapatkan materi terkait stunting dan pencegahannya. Ibu juga diajarkan mengenai deteksi dini stunting melalui cara membaca KMS. Tim juga melakukan demonstrasi memasak makanan untuk anak dimulai dari teknik pengolahan bahan makanan serta teknik memasak yang benar sehingga nutrisi makanan tetap terjaga. Teknik ceramah didukung dengan demonstrasi sangat membantu peserta dalam memahami informasi yang diberikan. Agar tercapai tujuan penurunan angka stunting maka perlu dilakukan pemberian pendidikan kesehatan lebih sering agar informasi yang didapatkan oleh ibu lebih banyak. Dengan pengetahuan yang tepat dan benar maka secara langsung dapat merubah sikap dan perilaku ibu menjadi lebih sehat.Abstract: Stunting is still a significant problem in the world. Although in a decade it had decreased, its prevalence was still quite large. Untreated stunting has a lasting impact on a child's life. The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic adds to the burden in the implementation of handling stunting. Therefore, mothers are the right person to help prevent stunting in children. Mothers, as the primary caregivers of children, must have sufficient information to detect and prevent stunting. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the knowledge of mothers related to stunting prevention. Community service was carried out through providing health education and practice of making complementary foods. The activity was held on November 13, 2020, involving 35 mothers who have toddlers. Participants received material related to stunting and its prevention. Participants also taught about early detection of stunting by reading Health Card. The team also conducted a cooking demonstration starting with food processing techniques and proper cooking techniques to maintain food nutrition. The lecture technique supported by demonstrations helped the participants understand the information provided. Health education to reduce the stunting rate needs to be done more frequently so that mothers can obtain more information. The proper and correct knowledge can directly change the mother's attitude and behavior to become healthier.

Machi Suka ◽  
Katsumi Yoshida

This chapter introduces an interactive communication tool, the ‘HRA System’. The recent rapid penetration of the Internet has made it a leading mode for gathering and sharing health information. People who access information on the Internet differ considerably in their ‘health literacy’, or the ability to understand and act on health information. The HRA System was developed in an effort to promote health education among people with inadequate health literacy. The system was designed in accordance with the clients’ health literacy skills, as well as the clients’ computer skills. A number of healthcare providers have registered with our research group to provide health education using the HRA System to the general public. The authors provide some ideas regarding how to apply interactive communication technology to health education successfully.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 94-99
A.Rizki Amelia AP ◽  
Reza Aril Ahri

Fasting Ramadan as worship has many benefits for health, so that these two goals can be achieved, it is necessary to regulate diet specifically, especially regulating nutritional intake during iftar and sahur. During fasting the diet will change, because it is only allowed to eat in the morning before dawn and at night. The stomach is left empty for about 13 hours. Generally, the body takes 3-5 days to adapt to a new diet. From the nutritional aspect, fasting will at least reduce nutritional intake, especially energy by around 20-30 percent. This community service activity is carried out using an action study method where mothers in Tonasa Village will practice cooking food according to the nutritional needs needed according to age, then increase knowledge and understanding of balanced nutrition during fasting for PKK mothers in RW 01 In addition, we as a service team will provide tips so that families can continue to do activities without feeling weak. The education provided is about balanced nutrition when fasting through Pre and Post Tests. The implementation time of the service is carried out for 4 months. The expected result of this service is that it can increase the knowledge and skills of mothers regarding a balanced nutritional menu during fasting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Dwi Kartika Pebrianti ◽  
Armina Armina

The case of the Corona Virus is known through a mysterious disease that paralyzed the City of Wuhan, China. The tragedy at the end of 2019 has continued until the spread of the Corona virus has spread throughout the world. Quoted from CNN, here are some things that must be known about the development of the Corona virus, which is commonly called the Corona virus or COVID-19, until it broke out and became a pandemic. Everyone needs to maintain mental health to avoid physical complaints that arise due to stress. Because when someone is stressed, the immune system in the body will decrease. This will cause the body to be susceptible to disease. Realizing that anxiety due to COVID-19 has pervaded many communities, the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020 released a guide for people to jointly maintain mental health. Through community service activities by directly interacting with the community while still implementing the COVID-19 protocol, socialization was carried out about the importance of maintaining mental health in the community during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Community service at RT 30 Recognize Besar, the community can know, recognize and overcome how to recognize mental health disorders including anxiety and depression, it is hoped that the community will always think optimistically in facing the Covid-19 pandemic, by implementing health protocols, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, always think positively, maintain communication with family and friends

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 224-231
Nita Arisanti Yulanda ◽  
Muhammad Ali Maulana ◽  
Djoko Priyono

Lung tuberculosis is a contagious infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) and often manifests in the lungs. This community service is motivated by the high number of cases of BTA (+) Tuberculosis in the Kubu Raya Regency. The purpose of this community service as an effort to provide health education as a form of application of existing nursing theories, namely the Health Promotion Model, which views the importance of health promotion and disease prevention is something that is logical and economical in Punggur Kapuas Village, West Kalimantan. The service method used first is the TB patient survey to identify smear through the sputum of people who are at risk of TB by conducting home visit checks, the second is counseling about TB, and the third is a demonstration of cough ethics and TB Kit for patients and families to reduce the risk of TB transmission. The community service activity was attended by 50 residents of the Kapuas Punggur Village. This activity also provided TB kit media containing masks, alcohol spray, sputum pots that can be used when TB sufferers want to get rid of sputum so that they are not disposed of anywhere, a small medicine box that can remind TB sufferers to take medicine. The results of this activity obtained an increase in the knowledge of residents about TB prevention before providing health education by 27 (54%) to 35 (70%) residents who have sufficient knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 428-432
Henri Setiawan ◽  
Reffi Nantia Khairunnisa ◽  
Windi Oktavia

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the SARS Cov-2 virus which can be transmitted through air or droplets. The palm of the hand is one of the members of the body that is most occupied by viruses, bacteria and microorganisms. To avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus, you can wash your hands in 6 steps. This community service activity in the form of health education aims to improve the behavior of a clean and healthy life by washing hands in 6 steps. The service was carried out at Inspirasi SMP with a total of 76 participants. The material was delivered by lecturing using PowerPoint media plus discussion and question and answer sessions as well as the practice of washing hands in 6 steps. All participants can wash their hands properly according to the instructions and tutorials from the service team. As many as 65% of participants stated that this community service activity was very good and provided great benefits for preventing the transmission of COVID-19 at Inspiration Junior High School. The conclusion of this service activity was carried out smoothly and successfully. Efforts to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 need to be improved with continuous health education for various groups of society. So that nurses and other health workers can optimize preventive efforts as a counselor, negotiator, and educator

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