scholarly journals Orientación del trabajo independiente y el uso de las TIC / Focus of independent study and the use of ICT

Ciencia Unemi ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (14) ◽  
pp. 83
Patricia Aguirre Borja ◽  
Jaqueline Maridueña Macancela ◽  
Brigita Ledesma Acosta

El trabajo independiente de los estudiantes demanda la orientación y motivación y el buen uso de las TIC’S; y, específicamente de Internet por parte de los docentes de la Universidad Estatal de Milagro. Encuestas realizadas a los educandos verificaron la problemática referente al desconocimiento de los docentes en el uso básico y avanzado de las herramientas colaborativas, desmotivando a los estudiantes en el proceso de aprendizaje. Ello ha limitado la calidad del producto, provocando desinterés e insatisfacción en maestros y estudiantes por el trabajo independiente. Se propone la incorporación de un Centro de Asesoría y Servicio Tecnológico, para orientar el trabajo independiente de los estudiantes, dirigido por docentes en sus horas de gestión y vinculación. La preparación de los docentes en el uso del Internet, permitirá cambiar el modelo de estudio, acorde a las exigencias actuales. AbstractThe independent work of students demands guidance, motivation and a proper use of ICT or more specifically the Internet by teachers at the Public University of Milagro. Surveys that were applied to students proved that there is a problem related to the lack of knowledge of teachers about the basic and advanced use of these tools which results in the students demotivation during the learning process. This fact has limited the quality of the product, causing disinterest amongst students and dissatisfaction in teachers. It is therefore proposed that a Counseling and Technological Service Centre be created in order to guide the independent work of students; the guidance will be provided by teachers during their hours dedicated to academic and community work. The training of teachers in the use of the Internet will allow them to change the model of study in line with the current requirements.

2019 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. 138-149
Іванна Іванівна Ворона

The features of using the Internet as a learning resource are described in the research. The necessity of using new educational technologies in the educational process because of the development of information and communication technologies is substantiated. The expediency of using the Internet resources of different purpose and complexity for learning Latin language as well as the list of web-sites is presented. The Internet Information Network offers a huge number of learning and informative materials different in form and content that greatly enhances students’ interest in learning Latin and medical terminology as well as their opportunities to find, study and master the material. Much attention is paid to the use of the Internet by the rising experts in medicine during their independent study of the Latin language. The web resources of the Internet provide access to a wide range of achievements of world science and technology. This is evidenced by a large number of electronic resources of learning, reference, illustrative, game-like and literature content that can affect personal development, education and competence of the students. The access to new information materials is a powerful source of complementation of the theoretical and intellectual component of Latin learning. Using Internet information resources, wisely integrating them into the learning process, makes it possible to cope with a range of both didactic and social as well as cultural tasks more effectively: development of reading skills by using the materials of the network of different degrees of complexity; improvement of writing skills; increase of vocabulary with professional Latin terms; studying history of medical terms, their etymology. As a result of the study the conclusion has been drawn that the Internet with a variety of information and resources has a positive effect on the effectiveness of teaching the Latin language along with the development of motivation and interest of the students. The purposeful and competent use of the Internet resources in teaching Latin significantly improves the efficiency of the learning process and facilitates the study of vocabulary and grammar.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Verawaty Verawaty

The financial information through internet is called IFR (Internet Financial Reporting) which is a combination between the internet multimedia capability and capacity to communicate the financial information interactively. This study is aimed to compare the quality of financial reporting disclosures based on the accessibility of IFR on government website (e-government) by using Accessibility Index Value between two groups of samples. The study looks at Indonesia local government’s use of the internet both in provincial and municipal government. The provincial government must be more highlighted by the public so it is hypothesized it will disclose information in its e-government with better format and quality than the municipal government measured by the index which shows the ability of some citizens to access the data provided in e-government. Based on the testing results with Mann Whitney Test, the results are not significant. The majority has not emphasized the importance of increasing accountability and widening the scope of measurement and reporting systems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 58-68
Tutuk Ningsih

A teacher is one element that is very vital in running education, which is one of the most important aspects in the 4.0 industrial revolution era. For that reason, the quality of a teacher will be a very contributing factor to the success of education in. In such an era, smart teachers should be equipped with innovations and creativity and are able to make a fun and interactive teaching and learning process. They are also expected to be able to encourage students to be active to participate in the learning process in order to make sure that the objectives of learning can be achieved. In this era, teachers’ role in developing students’ character is significant. This is because students will face this millennial era, which come a long with all chances and threat,  and they should equip themselves with good characters as well as specific skills needed. The broad use of the internet  will of course give some impacts to students’ characters, either the good and the bad ones. For that reason, character building at schools is really needed to avoid students from losing their identity.  Building students’ character needs smart teachers who have  four competencies, i.e. professional, paedagogic, personal, and social competencies. Having such competencies, teachers are expected to be able to build students’ good character and can help students to have the characters which go along with parents’ and community’s expectations. The efforts to build students’s characters can be realized through intra and extra-curriculair activities to facilitate students in developing the 18 characters as stated by Education and Culture Ministry of Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 235
Dela Yuliana ◽  
I Komang Ari Mogi

Technological developments are very beneficial for the world of education, such as the use of the internet in finding and managing information and can help in the teaching and learning process. Before using the internet, there was a computer network that played an important role in it. In building a computer network, a concept or method is needed in designing it, and here the PPDIOO method will be used and uses two types of network topologies, namely star and ring topologies. With the design of this computer network, it can help schools in the teaching and learning process and can improve the quality of teaching, the quality of knowledge and the quality of the abilities of students and teachers. Keywords: Education, Technology, Computer Networks, PPDIOO Method, Network Topology

Zhang Zhehua

In the era of education information and globalization, a new mode of teaching and micro class has emerged in the background of the Internet, which brings new challenges and opportunities to the teaching of the classroom. MOOCs has been piloted and applied in many universities in the form of SPOC. As a new form of curriculum, micro course has been applied to the teaching and learning process. The integration of Moor and micro class resources helps to turn the classroom into a mixed mode. This article will focus on this hot topic to analyse the characteristics of the class, the characteristics of the micro class and the influence on the students and teachers, to improve the quality of teaching and to realize the individualized and active study of the students. The article summarizes the results of blended teaching mode at home and abroad, and explores the development and application of MOOC and micro class resources.

2007 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 14 ◽  
John Carlo Bertot ◽  
Charles R. McClure

Based on data collected as part of the 2006 Public Libraries and the Internet study, the authors assess the degree to which public libraries provide sufficient and quality bandwidth to support the library’s networked services and resources. The topic is complex due to the arbitrary assignment of a number of kilobytes per second (kbps) used to define bandwidth. Such arbitrary definitions to describe bandwidth sufficiency and quality are not useful. Public libraries are indeed connected to the Internet and do provide public-access services and resources. It is, however, time to move beyond connectivity type and speed questions and consider issues of bandwidth sufficiency, quality, and the range of networked services that should be available to the public from public libraries. A secondary, but important issue is the extent to which libraries, particularly in rural areas, have access to broadband telecommunications services.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Lukis Alam

Abstrak: Teknologi  informasi  dan  komunikasi  yang  berkembang  saat  ini, telah  menciptakan  perubahan  pada  banyak  hal.  Terlebih  dengan kehadiran  internet,  berbagai  keunggulannya  semakin  menambah keunggulan  dalam  dinamika  kehidupan  modern.  Ratusan juta manusia di seluruh dunia mengakses internet setiap harinya, dan jumlahnya terus bertambah dari waktu ke waktu. Hal ini berdampak pada penggunaan internet untuk kegiatan dakwah.Secara umum dakwah dilaksanakan secara konvensional. Namun, seiring perkembangan teknologi informasi, bermunculan dakwah yang menggunakan internet, yang biasa disebut dengan cyber dakwah. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini berupaya untuk melihat keterkaitan keduanya dalam konstruksi keberagamaan, yang karenanya media internet memberikan kemudahan dalam penyebaran informasi kepada masyarakat. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, dengan menggunakan metode field work yang dipadukan dengan studi kepustakaan.Diharapkan penelitian ini akan membuka ruang diskusi baru mengenai studi keislaman kontemporer yang lebih integratif dengan isu-isu kekinian. Selain itu, untuk memperkaya cakrawala terhadap diskursus perkembangan media yang menjadi bagian dari wacana keislaman global dan masyarakat modern. Abtsract: Information and communication technology that has developed at this time has created changes in many things. Especially with the presence of the internet, various advantages have added to the dynamics of modern life. Hundreds of millions of people around the world access the internet every day, and the number continues to increase from time to time. This has an impact on the use of the internet for da'wah activities.In general, preaching is carried out conventionally. However, along with the development of information technology, da'wah has sprung up using the internet, commonly referred to as cyber da'wah. Related to this, this study seeks to see the relationship between the two in religious construction, which is why internet media makes it easy to disseminate information to the public. The type of this study is qualitative, using the field work method combined with library studies.It is hoped that this research will open up new discussion space regarding contemporary Islamic studies that are more integrative with current issues. In addition, to enrich the horizon of the discourse of media development which is part of a global Islamic discourse and modern society.

2012 ◽  
pp. 11-19
András Cseh

Nowadays the different IT tools and use of the internet have appeared almost in every sectors of the economy, so it may give several benefits and help to the agricultural producers. In this article I give a brief overview about e-government and its’ opportunities, then I give a short description of a few important governmental and specialized administration on-line services which are provided to the farmers. According to many experts using of informatics may cause essential change in the operation of the administration because of the fact that the electronic administration may evolve. Generally speaking, today the egovernment services are already an indispensable device to the reformation of the public administration, the modification of services which suits to people's demands and the creation of the more adaptable, clearer public administration. The electronicdocuments are free from formal errors which is either important for clients or offices. The cases can be arranged even from home in 24 hours of the day. The spread and success of the use of electronic services depend not only on the quality of services, but the IT readiness of the target audience is also very important factor. Unfortunately the affect of e-gap is bigger in case of the farmers.

First Monday ◽  
2014 ◽  
Mei-Yuit Chan ◽  
Shameem Rafik-Galea ◽  
Ngee-Thai Yap

A recent development in Malaysia was the unprecedented rise in young Malaysians’ participation in the country’s social and political affairs, facilitated almost entirely by the Internet. This phenomenon caught many by surprise considering that university students in the country had been barred through legislation from active involvement in political activities for more than 30 years. Through a survey of 514 university students in a Malaysian public university, supplemented by interview data and samples of students’ writing, this study investigated in which ways Malaysian tertiary students are participating in the public sphere through the Internet. Following Hauser’s (1999) conception of public discourse as personal, interactive, informal, and distributed voices among the citizenry, we argue for a perspective that explains how online interactions in the friendship frame among young people represent their participation in the public sphere in the context of contemporary society.

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