scholarly journals Implementation of Management Based School in Improving The Quality Of Secondary Education

Atiek Istijarti ◽  
Yatim Riyanto ◽  
Sri Setyowati

The implementation of school-based management in Indonesia itself is contained in the Act National Education System Number 20 of 2003 which reads "management of education units early childhood, basic education and secondary education are implemented based on standards minimal service with the principle of school-based management. education Department National Republic of Indonesia calls SBM with School-Based Quality Improvement Management which is defined as "a management model that gives school more autonomy and encourage participatory decision making that directly involves school members to improve the quality of schools based on national education policies.

Siraj Siraj ◽  
Sayni Nasrah ◽  
Trisfayani Trisfayani

In the context of implementing decentralization in the education sector, there are many problems that arise, because the implementation of decentralization of education is different from the decentralization of other areas of government which is basically concentrated at the district and city level. Decentralization of education has not only stalled at the district and city level but even more so that it reaches the school level. The existence of autonomy in the management of education is a potential for schools to improve the performance of personnel, offer direct participation from relevant parties, and increase public understanding of the implementation of education in schools. Decentralization of education has encouraged the improvement of services in the field of education to the community, which leads to efforts to improve the quality of education management at the lowest level, namely schools through the implementation of School-Based Management. The implementation of School-Based Management in general is to empower or empower schools through giving authority to schools, giving schools greater flexibility to manage school resources, and encouraging the participation of school members and communities to improve the quality of education.

At-Turats ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 37
Rustam Abong

Curriculum in Indonesia is always related to the constellation of power, and therefore the direction and substance of the curriculum are determined by the decision of state authorities and non-state subsystems, or complying to a certain notion and concept of education. Constellation of power and complexity of curriculum can be seen in the instruction of Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK), school-based curriculum (KTSP) and 2013 Curriculum. After all, there is no guarantee that these curriculums will be able to develop students’ competency and build their character in line with the national education goals as mandated by Law No. 20/2003 on National Education System. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the curriculum; it is the fault of policy makers of education. The Indonesian people need political will of the government. Curriculum is not the only factor that determines the quality of education. Nor is it the only tool to realize the vision of education. However, curriculum can serve as a strategic device to seed the interests of power. Changes in curriculum in fact generate a strong constellation of power in the curriculum itself, especially in determining the content of education, so no wonder education in Indonesia is “subjugated” by curriculums with business and political interests.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-150
Zainur Arifin

Abstract: Education is one of the factors that can sustain the survival of a nation. Through education, it is hoped that it will be able to create quality successors of the nation and can make a positive contribution to the life of the nation. However, the current conditions are inversely proportional to the expected conditions. Teachers are one of the important factors in the delivery of education in schools. Increasing the quality of education also means increasing the quality of teachers. Madrasah-based management is a translation of “school based management”. This term first appeared in the United States when people began to question the relevance of education to local problems and the environment. MBM is a new paradigm of education, which provides broad autonomy at the madrasah level (community involvement) in the framework of national education policies. Professional teachers are educators who have the expertise and philosophical skills of Ki Hajar Dewantoro; ing ngarso sung tulodho, ing madya building karso, tut wuri handayani. A teacher who is sufficiently good at the subject matter will guide students, become an example or role model for students and always encourage students to progress. With MBM it has characters that need to be implemented by madrasas that will implement it. the existence of this, a characteristic that distinguishes it from other madrasas. The principles that must be used in implementing MBM are the strength of commitment of the madrasah principal and teachers, the readiness of madrasah resources, the interaction and awareness of all madrasah citizens so that madrasah can have authority and independence in the madrasah organization, madrasahs have the resistance to adapt to change.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-110

One of the educational problems that our nation is currently facing is the issue of the quality of education. Various attempts have been made to improve the quality of national education, including through various training and improvement of teacher competencies, procurement of books and learning tools, improvement of educational facilities and infrastructure, and improving the quality of school management. Leadership is one of the factors that determine the successful implementation of SBM. School Based Management gives flexibility to schools to manage their potential by involving all elements of stakeholders to achieve improvements in the quality of the school. Because schools have very broad authority, the presence of a leader figure is very important. An understanding of the nature of leadership. In implementing SBM, School Based Management gives flexibility to schools to manage their potential by involving all elements of stakeholders to achieve improvements in the quality of the school. Because schools have very broad authority, the presence of a leader figure is very important. An understanding of the nature of leadership. In implementing SBM, principals need to have strong, participatory, and democratic abilities. This research uses a qualitative approach in descriptive form. The use of descriptive methods in this study with the aim to describe an activity of implementing the leadership of the school principal in implementing school-based management which first analyzes the implementation process. The implementation of School Based Management (SBM) at Al-Masthuriyah Sukabumi High School is participatory. This management gives authority from the foundation to the school, and then the school delegates to each teacher and employee. All teachers and employees feel involved starting from planning, implementing, and evaluating school programs. The principle of decentralization considers that the problems that arise in schools will be adjusted as well as possible if the solution is left to the party closest to the existence of the problem. In resolving the problem of education in schools, the most knowledgeable about the problem are the residents of the school itself, especially teachers, staff, school principals and parents of students. The application of participatory management improves the quality and education services so that Al-Masthuriyah High School can compete and produce quality graduates both academically and non-academically. SBM will succeed well if school members have the initiative in carrying out their work and the initiative of each individual is appreciated. What happened at Al-Masthuriyah High School was the lack of school community initiative due to lack of ownership of the school.

Moch. Yusuf Efendi

Indonesia's education system is still not able to fully answer the needs and global challenges for the future. The program of equity and improvement of education quality is a prominent problem in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the number of people at the age of primary education not included in the national education system is still very high. The education environment in Indonesia is still faced with a variety of internal problems that are fundamental and complex. In addition, the Indonesian people still face a number of problems from the basic education to higher education. The quality of education in Indonesia is still far from being expected. It is different from Finland. The government and people realize that a strong commitment to build and develop a national education system is a key determinant of the success of the state to maintain its survival as a small, resource-limited nation living in extreme and less friendly conditions. The development of the nation and nation stands on the pillars of innovation-based education and research and is fully supported by all components of the nation. This paper is expected to be an inspiration for readers to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.The method used is to use a comparative method with a literature review in which the literature related to the topics of the problem is collected, grouped, analyzed and formulated to obtain the differences that are then selected for development into the education curriculum in Indonesia. From the comparative methodology, there are several findings and can be applied in the curriculum of primary schools in Indonesia such as the education system, the implemented curriculum, and the teaching innovation and teachers.

2013 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 553-573
Sudadio Sudadio

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, 1) upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan melalui penerapan manajemen berbasis sekolah pada pen-didikan dasar dan menengah di Provinsi Banten, dan mengetahui, 2) Kontribusi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Terhadap Prestasi Ujian Nasional pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah di Provinsi Banten. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif eksploratif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik kualitatif dan kuantitif. Dari hasil penelitian dapat dinyatakan bahwa; 1) upaya pe-ningkatanan mutu pendidikan melalui penerapan manajemen berbasis sekolah pada pendidikan dasar dan menengah di Provinsi Banten, dapat dinyatakan bahwa secara keseluruhan telah menerapkan manajemen ber-basis sekolah dalam mengelola Sekolah Dasar, Sekolah Menengah Pertama dan Sekolah Menengah Atas, yaitu rata-rata lima komponen (0,635), dari delapan komponen garapan MBS, dan 2) kontribusi manajemen berbasis sekolah terhadap prestasi ujian nasional pada pendidikan dasar dan menengah di Provinsi Banten, dinyatakan berpengaruh dengan besaran kontribusi adalah masing-masing 0,216 persen untuk sekolah dasar, dan 0,242 persen untuk sekolah menengah pertama serta 0,202 persen untuk sekolah menengah atas, atau rata-rata 0,229 persen untuk pendidikan dasar dan 0,202 persen untuk pendidikan menengah.Kata kunci : kontribusi manajemen berbasis sekolah ______________________________________________________________ EDUCATION QUALITY IMPROVEMENT OF BASIC AND SECONDARY IN THE BANTEN PROVINCE BY OPERATION MANAGEMENT SCHOOLAbstract The objectives of this research are to know: 1) effort to improve the quality of education through school-based management in the primary and secondary education in Banten Province, and 2) contribution of school-based management toward the national test achievement for primary and secondary education in Banten Province. This research is explorative descriptive. Data were collected through interview, observation, and docu-mentation. Data were analyzed quantitavely and qualitavely. The result shows 1) effort to improve the quality of education through school-based management in the primary and secondary education has been implement-ted. The average of five components was 0.635. 2) School-based manage-ment contributed to the national test achievement as much as 0,216% for primary schools, 0,242% for junior high, and 0,202% for senior high schools. In average, it is 0,229% for primary schools and 0,202 for secon-dary schools.Keywords: school-based management contribution

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Asep Priatna

One of the things implied by the education decentralization policy is to run independent school education management in different perspectives according to the conditions of each region. Decentralization is no longer seen as a concept but should be implemented at all levels of management, not least on the institutional arrangements, systems and educational units, both in the formal and non-formal education channels. New patterns of management education in the form of School Based Management, is actually giving ample space for the community that any decision made by the local government is more "grounded" and provide quality education to the younger generation. In this context, education decentralization implies an effort to bring the community to the decision making on local needs, so that the development of education in accordance with the peculiarities of the region, on the other hand the potential can be utilized. In the end, the real implementation of the School Based Management is on the order of the institution is expected to improve the quality of basic education and excellence in the area of human resources.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Lilik Septiyani ◽  
Soegito Soegito ◽  
Nurkolis Nurkolis

National Education System in the explanation of Article 51 according to UU No. 20/2003, paragraph 1 is explained that "school-based management is a form of autonomy of management education in the educational unit, in this case the principal or madrassas, and the teacher is assisted by a committee of school in managing educational activities". Decentralization of education makes community participation is essential for the life of the school. Collaboration school autonomy by involving the school community and the community's role will directly give birth to the management of the school with School Based Management.Research shows the implementation of School Based Management in Elementary School 02 Bantarbolang Pemalang have school leadership strong, meaning Chief Sekoleh has a strong role in mobilizing all the educational resources available, able to realize the vision, mission, goals and objectives school through a planned and phased program. Elementary School 02 Bantarbolang Pemalang have a principle of independence, accountability, transparency, and strong partnerships that school that provides easy access to information to the school community and the public on what is being done with school by utilizing various communication channels

Society ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-50
Novendra Hidayat

This study aimed to describe and analyze the implementation of decentralization in educational management in Sawahlunto, specifically in School Based Management (SBM) at the level of secondary education. It uses the concept of decentralization, Educational Management, and School-Based Management (SBM). This study applies a qualitative approach design of descriptive analysis case study and collecting the data by interviewing and documentation. Informants were selected by purposive sampling. The study shows the implementation of decentralization in educational management particularly in the implementation at the level of secondary education must be completed so it can be more optimal. In its implementation efforts, carried out the stages to improve the performance of school management organizations, the management of human resources, teaching-learning process, administrative resources, Educational Services School-Based Management, and Quality Improvement of Education and Manpower Education. The local government is currently implementing the three pillars of educational development. In accordance with the Local Government Work Plan (RKPD), School-Based Management Improvement Program is one of the Educational Department programs. It is one form of decentralization in educational management, the implementation is expected to improve the quality of education in Sawahlunto at every level of education

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Munif Kholifah Sulistiyoningrum

<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>School based management determines e? ectiveness, e? ciency and productivity of school organization. It constitutes a new paradigm on educational system that gives wide autonomy to manage human and ? nance resources depending on priority. Its implementation is based on UU No.20 in 2003 regarding national education system article 51. MI Nurul Islam is one of the basic educational institutions that have successfully implemented school-based management. Th is is proved by academic and non-academic outcomes, supported by competitive quality, especially on religious discipline; good implementation stage of school based management (MBS); decentralization of educational implementation and successful character of headmaster of MI Nurul Islam. By using descriptive-qualitative approach, this study tries to explore the implementation strategy of school based management (MBS) in MI Nurul Islam Ngaliyan Semarang.</p><p>Keywords: <em>School Based Management, Implementation Strategy, MI Nurul Islam, autonomy, decentralization.</em></p>

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