scholarly journals Fungsi dan Peran Konseling Islam Dalam Pendidikan

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Abdurrahman Abdurrahman

This article discusses the functions and important role of Islamic counseling in education. The method used is descriptive analysis, by exploring all the resources related to Islamic counseling as a means of education. Islam is the Shari'a of Allah for humans, with the provision of the Shari'a that humans worship as a form of realization to serve Allah SWT. In order for humans to be able to bear and realize the great mandate, the Shari'a requires practice, development and formation known as Islamic education. Of course there will be no realization of Islamic law without any effort to forge themselves, and for that we need an educational role to be introduced from generation to generation. Islamic counseling greatly contributes greatly to education. Islam as a religion full of divine values will give a positive value in the world of education. That way, Islamic counseling plays an important role in the world of education. Humans who basically really understand the values of Godhead that are within them.

An-Nuha ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Nur Afni Lubis ◽  
Imelda Wahyuni

AbstrakTulisan ini membahas tentang pemanfaatan dan kendala menggunakan teknologi ditengah pandemi Covid-19 dalam pembalajaran PAI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana peran teknologi terhadap pembelajaran PAI di tengah pandemi Covid-19, mendeskripsikan kendala dan solusi dari pemanfaatan teknologi pembelajaran PAI di tengah pandemi. Menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data metode dokumentasi dan penyusunannya menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Kesimpulannya ditengah pandemi Covid-19 ini mengharuskan kita untuk belajar secara daring tidak luring lagi. Karena dengan menggunakan teknologi ini sangat berpengaruh penting dalam peranan dunia pendidikan. Selain itu ada beberapa pemanfaatan teknologi ini yang dapat dilakukan pendidik dalam proses pembelajaran PAI yaitu menggunakan platform e-lerning, zoom, Google meet, WhatsApp dan aplikasi lainnya. Kata kunci: Teknologi, Covid-19, Pembelajaran PAI AbstractThis paper discusses the use and constraints of using technology in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic in learning PAI. The purpose of this study is to describe the role of technology in learning Islamic education in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, to describe the constraints and solutions of using Islamic education learning technology in the midst of a pandemic. Using qualitative methods with data collection methods of documentation and compilation using descriptive analysis. The conclusion is that in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, it requires us to study online, not offline anymore. Because using this technology is very influential in the role of the world of education. In addition, there are several uses of this technology that educators can do in the PAI learning process, namely using the e-lerning platform, zoom, Google meet, WhatsApp and other applications.Keywords: Technology, Covid-19, PAI Learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-53
M. Asep Rahmatullah ◽  
Siti Munawati ◽  
Sugih Suryagalih

Abstarct The Political Direction of Islamic Education In the 21st century, history has noted that Islamic education in Indonesia has taken root since the entry of Islam into the archipelago, that Islamic education is perfectly upright and perfect is inseparable from the role of the sultans, scholars, and Muslims continues to try to carry out the study of science majors , discussion, writing in the context of jihad fi sabillilah tafaqohu fiddien for the glory of Islam. It is also supported by Islamic political policies that are very beneficial for the interests of the world of Islamic education. Since the destruction of the Caliphate of the Ottoman Turkish Islamic government and the destruction of the Islamic kingdoms in Indonesia and the world. Then the condition of Islamic education experienced ups and downs and the lack of support from the Indonesian government. Therefore, after Indonesia's independence and the increasingly open world of globalization and modernization, it is necessary to look for ideas and ideal forms that are integrally holistic for the world of Islamic education. As well as being able to influence the policies of the Indonesian government and master the political policies of 21st century Islamic education for the future of Indonesian Muslims.Abstark Arah Politik Pendidikan Islam Abad ke 21, sejarah telah mencatat bahwa pendidikan Islam di Indonesia telah mengakar dari sejak masuknya Islam ke nusantara, pendidikan Islam tegak secara sempurna dan paripurna tidak lepas dari peranan para sultan, ulama, dan kaum muslimin yang terus berupaya melakukan kajian majlis ilmu, diskusi, menulis serta aktif dalam gerakan dakwah dan jihad fi sabillilah untuk kejayaan islam. Setelah menancapkan kekuasaan Islam, maka sistem pendidikan islam di topang oleh kebijakan politik Islam yang sangat menguntungkan bagi kepentingan dunia pendidikan Islam. Sejak kehancuran kekhalifahan pemerintahan Islam turki utsmani dan kehancuran kerajan-kerajaan Islam di Indonesia dan dunia. Maka kondisi pendidikan Islam mengalami pasang surut kemunduran dan kurangnya dukungan pemerintah Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, setelah Indonesia merdeka dan semakin terbukanya dunia globalisasi dan modernisasi, maka perlu mencari ide, dan format yang ideal secara integralistik holistik untuk dunia pendidikan Islam. Serta dapat mempengaruhi kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia dan menguasai kebijakan politik pendidikan Islam abad ke 21 untuk masa depan umat Islam bangsa Indonesia.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 479-492 ◽  

Abstract:The question of whether there is justification for physicians to participate in state-sanctioned corporal punishment has prompted long and heated debates around the world. Several recent and high-profile sentences requiring physician assistance have brought the conversation to Saudi Arabia. Whether a physician is asked to participate actively or to assess prisoners’ ability to withstand this form of punishment, can there be an ethical justification for medical training and skills being put toward these purposes? The aim of this article is to examine aspects of Islamic law along with the different professional and religious obligations of Saudi Arabian physicians, and how these elements may inform the debate.

Al'Adalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-74
Matrapi Matrapi

Pendidikan Islam dewasa ini telah banyak ternodai oleh ulah dan tingkah laku murid yang melakukan asusila dan pelanggaran norma-norma agama lainnya. Oleh karena itu, saat ini perlu adanya kebijakan sekolah untuk menghidupkan suasana keberagamaan di lingkungan sekolah dalam rangka menumbuhkan perilaku murid yang sesuai dengan pendidikan Pancasila dan syariat Islam. Sebagai pemimpin sekolah, peranan kepala madrasah sangat menentukan apabila dikaitkan dengan berbagai persoalan di atas. Sebagai seorang pendidik, dia juga harus mampu menanamkan, mengembangkan, dan meningkatkan nilai-nilai religius. Untuk itu, perlu kebijakan yang dapat mendukung terciptanya suasana yang keberagamaan dan kenyamanan dalam proses belajar-mengajar, yakni setiap guru dan murid harus selalu berperilaku terpuji atau akhlaq al-karimah. Islamic education today has been tarnished by many students who commit immorality and violate other religious norms. Thus, currently, madrasah principals really need to make policies to revive the religious atmosphere within the madrasah in order to foster student behaviour in accordance with Pancasila education and Islamic law. Considering that the principal is also an educator, the role of the principal is very heavy and noble when linked to the various sources above. As an educator, he must be able to instil, promote and enhance various religious values. To support the creation of a religious atmosphere and comfort in the teaching and learning process, every teacher and student must always behave well and show noble character (akhlaq al-karimah).

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-91
Tatang Hidayat ◽  
Toto Suryana

The aim of this present study is to initiate Islamic education in order to rectify the educational paradigm in Indonesia. With respect to the research methodology, this study employed a qualitative approach and literature study method. In its implementation, the collected data was then analyzed using a descriptive analysis method. Based on the results of the discussion, in order to rectify the educational paradigm in Indonesia, it should initially change the secularism paradigm that has been fossilized in the world of education into the paradigm of Islam, al-Qur`an, and Tauhid. As a consequence, this paradigm will have implications for the establishment of the conceptualized education system that inevitably also affects the to-be-achieved educational objectives. In order to realize a good education system, there should be integration between the elements of education practitioners which consist of family, mosques/schools/campuses, and society. As a result, those aforementioned objectives will be successfully achieved in the moment when Islamic rules are fully implemented in all aspects of life. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously educate the public regarding the importance of implementing Islamic rules in all aspects of life, including in the aspect of education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-180
Zeni Sunarti ◽  
Muhamad Hasan Sebyar

Abstract: The participation of women at work domain, does not only contributes in changing the mindset and economic structure of a region, but also has contributed greatly to family welfare. This research uses descriptive analysis method to analyze and describe the role of women in improving the economic welfare of the family in the perspective of maqashid syariah. Based on the results of the research, it is found that the implication is that the role of women is very positive in improving family welfare and in accordance with the objectives of Islam,; falah (prosperous in the world and the hereafter), and in accordance with the five main elements that must be maintained in Islam, namely hifz ad-din, hifz an. -nafs, hifz al-aql, hifz an-nasl, and hifz al-mall. Keywords: Islamic law, the role of women, family welfare.   Abstrak: Partisipasi peran perempuan dalam dalam dunia kerja tidak hanya berkontribusi terhadap berubahnya pola fikir dan tatanan perekonomian suatu daerah, akan tetapi juga telah memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap kesejahteraan keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif untuk menganalisis dan mendiskripsikan peran perempuan dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan ekonomi keluarga perspektif maqashid syariah. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan implikasi bahwa peran perempuan sangat positif dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga dan  sesuai dengan tujuan Islam yaitu falah (sejahtera dunia dan akhirat), serta sesuai dengan lima unsur pokok yang harus dijaga dalam islam, yakni hifz ad-din, hifz an-nafs, hifz al-aql, hifz an-nasl, dan hifz al-mall. Kata-kata kunci: hukum Islam, peran perempuan, kesejahteraan keluarga.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Nuha Qonita

<p>Islamic finance continues to grow over the world, the development of technology plays a crucial role to support Islamic finance. The great innovation of technology may come to dig up the potential of Islamic financing, yet digital system needs for sharia compliance, both are in similar needs for sharia overviews regardless different opinions of ijtihad in this modern time. Emphasizing case by case of Islamic finance has been done by the sharia scholars in producing the new product of Islamic banking and financing. The Islamic jurisprudence however should consider the substence and maqasid form of sharia. The objective of this paper is to enlight some vital parts of Islamic legal theory as part of Islamic law in implementing sharia compliance. Furthermore, provide the role of legal system which takes a crucial place in implementing the system, it should be harmonized in the existing condition of Islamic finance. This paper is qualitative methods with deep analysis on Islamic legal theory among muslim scholars.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 213
Nasrul Hasan

Transformation is any displacement of science, the intellectual activity, from teacher to student and so in the context of the growth and development of education in the early history of Islam. The purpose of this discussion to determine the form peralihanilmu and development of Islamic education in the early history of Islam. This writing method descriptive analysis. Discussion regarding the form of change and transition of science in the early history of Islam. Makkah period, the process of transition of knowledge from the companions of the Prophet to be done with the system dealing directly with the Prophet (musyafahah) .After the system says, memorizing and teaching returned as received from the teacher (talaqqi). Both systems are considered to be very tested and most noble among sistempendidikan that ever existed in the world of education. Medina period, is aimed more at political and social education and citizenship. The subject matter of this education is basic thoughts contained in the Charter of Medina and also the teaching of the Koran remains a priority

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 591
Dikha San Mahresi ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

The legal system or the rules of “Mbaham” tribe customs in Fak-Fak town Papua and Islamic legal system headed for the adopted-children and biological children about the inheritance can be compared, because both of these rules can be different systems and can also be the same, especially in determining the rights of each child's portion. It also refers to a notary whose position has specific tasks to do the agreement of inheritance when the heirs want the services of a notary. The main problems of the research as follows; one, how the comparison of the adopted-children's and the biological children’s rights in inheritance according to “Mbaham” tribe customary law and Islamic law as well as the role of the public notary in the creation of the certificate. Second, what is the equality of the rights of biological  children and adopted-children in the inheritance according to the customary law of Mbahan tribe and Islamic law. Third, what is the difference of the rights of biological children and adopted children in the inheritance according to the customary law of “Mbaham” tribe and Islamic law. This research used a juridic empirical approach, with the specification research of descriptive analysis. The type and source of data which were used, namely primary and secondary data and the techniques of data gathering was the primary, secondary, and tertiary data. This research also used qualitative analysis to analyze the data. The results of this research showed that, Islamically the system was Individual, where the inheritance became the property of the class who has been defined in the provisions of Islamic law based on bilateral kinship. Being in the customs of “Mbaham” tribe was not necessarily because it could accept Islamic law as the guideline, but sometimes, it differed in accordance with custom. For the role of the public notary can be used in the manufacture of the agreement of inheritance when the heirs want to disburse the funds stored in the bank. The consequences of the law which was happened headed for the adopted-children and biological children was both still get each inheritance, but all were depended on the provisions within the follow, whether the customary law or Islamic law. The notary could give advice and help the beneficiary in the making of inheritance agreement.Keywords: Comparison; Inheritance; Notary

2017 ◽  
pp. 273
Sultan Hasanuddin

Pig hunting tradition (maddengeng) is one of cultures in Ponre District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi. It is done because pigs are declared as big pest that can cause agricultural and environmental damage. This study aims to describe the important role of Islamic Education on pig hunting tradition  done by people of Ponre. This study used intrinsic and extrinsic approach. It employed qualitative descriptive method by describing the Islamic values from the observed culture. The data were collected by using some techniques including observation, interview, and documentation. In the case of data analysis, the gathered data were analyzed by using data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. The result shows that pig hunting tradition of Ponre people is divided into two activities, namely local pig hunting and massive pig hunting. Local pig hunting is usually done to identify the core of pest location by using simple utilities. Conversely, massive pig hunting is done by involving many people massively and using more complete utilities as well as systematic steps. In fact, in its realization, there are some deviations done by Ponre people which against the Islamic law, such as doing some rituals that contain the elements of animism and dynamism before doing the process of pig hunting. Therefore, Islamic Education has an important role in straightening those deviate concepts by changing those rituals with praying together to Allah before doing pig hunting, and giving some understanding about how to properly clean things touched with pigs according to Islamic law.

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