scholarly journals Aktivasi Akhlak Uswatun Hasanah Nabi Menjawab Patologi–Moral-Sosial Di Indonesia

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Zaitur Rahem

Public confidence in the figures in this negei continues to shrink. People began to turn to a number of figures which are initially considered competent-charismatic. The reason, because practices that are very human behavior. Some unscrupulous public figure to do one action out of the bounds of morality and culture there. Studies in this paper tries to pick a phenomenological facts universally immoral behavior. Through qualitative methods, and data collection techniques snawball sampling, data sources can be tracked easily. Hasilya, portrait decrease civilized behavior is caused by a sense of optimism and spirit tegerusnya elements of the nation (especially Muslims) in addressing the noble values taught by the Prophet in the texts of Islam (Quran and Hadith)

Nila Safira Ramadhanty ◽  
Renny Oktafia

This study aims to determine the strategy of developing financing products in an effort to increase the capacity of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) at Islamic people’s financing bank (BPRS) UMMU in Bangil Pasuruan. This type of research uses qualitative methods. Data sources used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation. The results of this study ate the existence of BPRS UMMU in Bangil Pasuruan is very beneficial for the community especially thosr who have small an medium micro businesses because with the financing can help in terms of capital, increase the capacity to trade and help sustain the economy in Bangil Pasuruan.

M Zidny Nafi’ Hasbi

Investment is funds or resources to obtain future profits. Investment does not have to be in the form of money, sometimes land, agricultural land, thoughts that can build a business, etc. Restaurants, farms, fisheries, villas, wedding organizations are some of the business investments owned by Pondok Pesantren Riyadlul Jannah. This paper aims to find out how the implementation of business investment in Pondok Pesantren Riyadlul Jannah, what are the hardships faced by the company Pondok Pesantren Riyadlul Jannah, and how to overcome these hardships in developing the economy of Pondok Pesantren Riyadlul Jannah. It used qualitative methods which include data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Rijal Mamdud

Abstrak:Kemajuan teknologi saat ini, telah mengantarkan perubahan dalam segala aspek kehidupan manusia khususnya dalam pemenuhan informasi. Masyarakat modern dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasinya lebih mengandalkan media massa sebagai solusinya. Karena lebih mudah, cepat dan hemat, termasuk pemenuhan informasi tentang pengetahuan agamaan mereka. Mereka tinggal duduk manis didepan kotak ajaib (internet, radio, koran dan televisi),  semua kebutuhan dan keingintahuannya akan tercukupi, mereka yaitu masyarakat menganggap apa yang di tampilkan dan ditayangkan oleh media massa adalah sebuah kebenaran yang tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Sehingga semua yang ada dimedia massa, masyarakat cenderung akan meniru atau melakukan apa yang di lihat dan di dengarkannya. Oleh karenanya dalam tulisan ini penulis akan membahas tentang bagaimana masyarakat muslim memeahami agama dengan pesan-pesan dakwah islami yang baik dari media massa yaitu baik dari internet dan televisi. Realita lain mengatakan bahwa para pelaku dan pemilik media massa sekarang ini kebanyakan dari kalangan non muslim. Pastinya pesan dan informasi yang disampaikan lewat mediamassa juga akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh pengelolanya. Karena kita tahu bahwa media tidak bebas nilai. Sehingga fenomena tersebut juga menjadi perhatian penulis dalam kesempatan kali ini. Tulisan ini menunjukan bahwa dakwah lewat media massa menjadi sebuah keharusan. Baik lewat media massa berbentuk, koran, televisi, internet, majalah atau yang lainnya. Karena menurut hemat penulis kegiatan dakwah adalah kegiatan mengajak, dan untuk konteks sekarang kegiatan mengajak akan lebih efektif dan efisien apabila lewat media massa. Sehingga kegiatan dakwah natinya akan lebih banyak dirasakan manfaatnya oleh semua kalangan masyarakat. Abstract:This study addresses two main issues, namely: 1) How is mediator interpersonal communication with litigants in the divorce process in the Tulungagung Religious Court?. To answer this problem, researchers used descriptive qualitative methods oriented to divorce case studies that took place in the Tulungagung District Religious Court. In order to obtain detailed data results, researchers used three methods of data collection, namely interviews, observation and documentation as non-human data sources. The results showed that 1) Mediators applied 5 principles of interpersonal communication in conducting mediation with litigants in divorce cases at the Tulungagung Religion court, namely: empathy, respect, can be heard or understood, clarity of messages, and a humble attitude that was shown through attitude and speech mediator, 2) The success of the mediator in interpersonal communication to reduce divorce rates in the Tulungagung Religious Court is caused by the firm and neutral attitude of the mediator in directing the litigant party and the open attitude of the litigant party.However, on the other hand, interpersonal communication sometimes shows low success because of the problem of complicated bargaining related to property, the firm attitude of the parties to divorce, and reluctance to follow the mediation process as a way to speed up the divorce process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 46
Darisy Syafaah ◽  
Lismawati Lismawati

Abstrak:Penelitian ini membahahas dua persoalan pokok yaitu: 1) Bagaimana komunikasi interpersonal mediator dengan pihak yang berperkara dalam proses perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Tulungagung?, 2) Faktor apa sajakah yang  mendukung dan menghambat komunikasi interpersonal mediator Pengadilan Agama Tulungagung dalam proses mediasi perkara perceraian?. Metode yang digunakan peneliti untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut adalah metode  kualitatif deskriptif  melalui studi kasus perceraian yang terjadi di Pengadilan Agama Negeri Tulungagung. Adapun untuk memperoleh hasil data secara rinci, penelitian ini menggunakan metode  wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  1) Mediator mengaplikasikan 5 prinsip hukum komunikasiefektif dalam  melaksanakan mediasi dengan pihak yang berperkara pada kasus perceraian di pengadilan Agama Tulungagung yaitu: empati, menghormati, dapat didengarkan atau dimengerti, kejelasan pesan, dan sikap rendah hati yang ditunjukkan melalui sikap dan tutur mediator, 2) Keberhasilan mediator dalam komunikasi interpersonal  untuk menekan angka perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Tulungagung disebabkan oleh sikap tegas  dan netral mediator dalam mengarahkan pihak yang berperkara  serta sikap pihak berperkara yang terbuka. Namun di sisi lain, komunikasi interpersonal terkadang menunjukkan keberhasilan yang rendah karena permasalahan tawar menawar yang rumit terkait harta gono gini, sikap kukuh para pihak yang berperkara untuk bercerai, serta keengganan mengikuti proses mediasi sebagai jalan untuk mempercepat proses perceraian Abstract:This study addresses two main issues, namely: 1) How is mediator interpersonal communication with litigants in the divorce process in the Tulungagung Religious Court?. To answer this problem, researchers used descriptive qualitative methods oriented to divorce case studies that took place in the Tulungagung District Religious Court. In order to obtain detailed data results, researchers used three methods of data collection, namely interviews, observation and documentation as non-human data sources. The results showed that 1) Mediators applied 5 principles of interpersonal communication in conducting mediation with litigants in divorce cases at the Tulungagung Religion court, namely: empathy, respect, can be heard or understood, clarity of messages, and a humble attitude that was shown through attitude and speech mediator, 2) The success of the mediator in interpersonal communication to reduce divorce rates in the Tulungagung Religious Court is caused by the firm and neutral attitude of the mediator in directing the litigant party and the open attitude of the litigant party.However, on the other hand, interpersonal communication sometimes shows low success because of the problem of complicated bargaining related to property, the firm attitude of the parties to divorce, and reluctance to follow the mediation process as a way to speed up the divorce process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-21
Aldi Saputra ◽  
Novianita Rulandari

The phenomenon of this research is that entertainment tax revenue in DKI Jakarta has not been maximized. this is because there is still a lack of awareness of taxpayers and entertainment tax collection that has not been running optimally. This study aims to determine the analysis of strategies for increasing entertainment tax revenue in DKI Jakarta. This research method uses descriptive qualitative methods, with data collection techniques through observation, documentation and interviews. Data sources consist of primary data and secondary data. The results of this study indicate: (1) the strategy for entertainment tax revenue can be increased due to cooperation with other agencies and extensification of entertainment tax objects, as well as monitoring and collection. (2) the obstacle is the lack of awareness of taxpayers and resources, and (3) the efforts that have been made, namely by increasing the quality and quantity of resources both within the organization and the taxpayer itself.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 292
Nailul Khasanah

<p class="06IsiAbstrak"><span lang="EN-GB">This article is an endeavor in revealing the messages of Sufism in the film When Love is Open. In his preaching message, the film portrays the struggle of young people in their limitations, but does not forget to decorate life with Sufism behavior, such as fasting, being patient and piety. This study is a library research that uses primary literature as the main reference with qualitative methods. The data collection techniques by collecting messages contained in the film and analyzed with several theories that are considered relevant. So the results obtained conclude that there are three components that must be preserved in human life, aqeedah, sharia and and morality. In the language of hadith commonly referred to as Faith, Islam and Ihsan which must synergize in human behavior.</span></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-21
Miswar Miswar

This study aims to analyze Ibn Miskawaih's thoughts on moral education. This research uses qualitative methods with a literature-based approach. Data collection was carried out by exploring Ibn Miskawaih's thoughts as contained in his works, the main data sources came from his work of tahzibul Akhlak, and the supporting data sources came from other works, and books and journals related to his thoughts. The results showed that according to Ibn Miskawaih, morals are mental states that invite someone to do actions without thinking and being taken into account. So that it can be used as human nature and the results of the actions that have been done, become self-righteousness that can give birth to good khuluq. Miskawaih was not only a philosopher but he was a moralist, writer, chemist, historian. So that the work that he produces is not only about one scientific aspect. According to Ibn Miskawayh, the goal of moral education is the realization of an inner attitude that is able to spontaneously encourage the birth of all righteous deeds to achieve perfection and obtain true and perfect happiness. The goal of moral education formulated by Ibn Miskawaih is the realization of an inner attitude that is able to spontaneously induce all actions of good value. So as to achieve perfection and obtain true happiness that is perfect and complete.

Endang Maruti

The research aims to uncover the symbols in the novel The Alchemist and to gain knowledge about the moral teachings in the symbol. This research is descriptive qualitative approach. Data sources in this study are words, phrases or sentences in the novel Alchemist. Data collection method is a literature study method with note taking technique. Data were analyzed using description and content analysis methods. The results showed that the novel The Alchemist contained many symbols. These symbols include: (1) wise parents, who symbolize both negative and positive things. From his appearance, parents can symbolize something bad, but behind his old age he symbolizes a knowledge that is very much and wise; (2) stones that symbolize something hard, not easily broken, and can provide clues to something; and (3) deserts or deserts which can be interpreted as symbols of drought, aridity, unattractiveness, emptiness, despair, determination for ignorance, and also as symbols of devotion.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 85-98
Bojan Kostadinov ◽  
Mile Jovanov ◽  

Data collection and machine learning are changing the world. Whether it is medicine, sports or education, companies and institutions are investing a lot of time and money in systems that gather, process and analyse data. Likewise, to improve competitiveness, a lot of countries are making changes to their educational policy by supporting STEM disciplines. Therefore, it’s important to put effort into using various data sources to help students succeed in STEM. In this paper, we present a platform that can analyse student’s activity on various contest and e-learning systems, combine and process the data, and then present it in various ways that are easy to understand. This in turn enables teachers and organizers to recognize talented and hardworking students, identify issues, and/or motivate students to practice and work on areas where they’re weaker.

2019 ◽  
Adib Rifqi Setiawan

This work examines what it has been and continues to be like for Clara Ng to be a home mother and an author in the publishing industry. Our exploration uses qualitative methods of narrative approaches in the form of biographical studies. Participants as data sources were selected using a purposive sampling technique which was collected based on retrospective interviewing techniques and then checked for validity and reliability using external audit. It gained that Clara Ng is a remarkable female whose synthesizes the difference between home mother and author’s career in the publishing industry. She did not seek fame nor did she seek self aggrandizement, her whole life was one of service to humanity, an indefatigable work ethic, and humility. Clara Ng’s journey offers insights offers examples of many ways in which home mothers can, and should, work to improve the career opportunities available to those who follow in their footsteps.

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