scholarly journals Penggunaan Lembar Kerja Digital untuk Mengembangkan Keterampilan Komunikasi Mahasiswa pada Mata kuliah Telaah Kurikulum Fisika

Hikmawati Hikmawati ◽  
Syahrial Ayub

This study aims to develop students' communication skills in the Physics Curriculum Study course through the use of Digital Worksheets. The subjects of this study were 23 students of class 5B. The student came from the Physics Education Study Program, University of Mataram, who attended the Physics Curriculum Study course in the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The research instrument used was a student communication skill observation sheet with three indicators. Observations were made online at the Learning Management System (LMS) equipped with Digital Worksheets on the Discussion Forum menu. Observations were made every meeting, namely 14 times using a 4-scale rating score. The increase in score from the first meeting to the last meeting was calculated using N-gain. The average score of student communication skills is 79.5 which is in good criteria. The improvement of students' communication skills based on the calculation of N-gain is 72.7 which is in the high category. Thus, the use of Digital Worksheets can develop students' communication skills in the Physics Curriculum Study course.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-25
Fitriani Fitriani ◽  
Yulia Anita Siregar ◽  
Wiwik Novitasari

Mathematical communication skills are one of the abilities that students must have to make it easier to solve problems contained in mathematics itself and in everyday life. Because if students have mastered mathematical communication skills, it will make it easier for students to take deeper learning. This study aims to analyze the difficulty of students' mathematical communication skills using the Google Classroom Application in the Algebra course. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study were tree semester students who took Algebra courses in the Mathematics Education study program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan, academic year 2020/2021 as many as 15 people. The instrument used in this study was Test and interview. The results showed that based on the test results obtained: difficulties in the ability to interpret mathematical ideas rationally in writing, difficulties in mathematical problems into mathematical models and difficulties in the ability to express mathematical ideas in the form of descriptions. Meanwhile, based on the results of the interview, namely: (1) technical difficulties, and (2) student adaptation difficulties. To overcome these difficulties, it is necessary which is a combination of Online and Offline learning or also called blended learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-26
Effendi Effendi ◽  
Arini Rosa Sinensis ◽  
Widayanti Widayanti ◽  
Thoha Firdaus

This study aims to determine the Science Process Skills (KPS) of Physics Education Study Program Students in the Optics Subject. This research uses a descriptive method. The analyzed consists of 9 indicators including observing, clarifying, interpreting data, predicting, hypothesizing, analyzing, planning, experimenting / researching, using tools and materials, applying concepts and communicating. The results showed that the Science Process Skills as a whole obtained an average score of 84.10% in the very good category. Thus it is very clear that KPS Physics Education student STKIP Nurul Huda has excellent skills so that it has a positive effect on the development of student thinking patterns and attitudes which will ultimately have an impact on student success in learning..

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 53 ◽  
Antomi Saregar

This study aims to encourage and  increase student mastery of concepts on Physics Education Study Program, Quantum Physics subject in wave particle duality, the odd semester of the academic year 2015/2016, using PhET simulations shaped media through a scientific approach. The research method uses a Class Action Research. The results of the implementation of the act of learning physics simulation assisted with the PhET and LKM scientific approach, it can be concluded that: 1) The interest of students during the learning with media-assisted PhET and LKM scientific approach, increased in each cycle. The percentage interest of students in the cycle I until cycle III are 73.33%, 86.66% and 90%; 2) the students mastering of concepts generally increasing, although is not significant. On average the mastery of the concepts of physics students with scientifically-assisted learning of PhET simulations and LKM of the first cycle until. the third cycle in a row is 62.3; 79.6; and 80.3.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat dan penguasaan konsep mahasiswa Program studi Pendidikan Fisika, mata kuliah Fisika Kuantum materi dualisme gelombang partikel, semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2015/2016, dengan menggunakan media berbentuk simulasi PhET melalui pendekatan saintifik. Metode penelitian menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Hasil pelaksanaan tindakan pembelajaran fisika dengan pendekatan saintifik berbantu simulasi PhET dan LKM, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Minat mahasiswa selama pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik berbantu media PhET dan LKM, mengalami peningkatan pada setiap siklus. Persentase minat mahasiswa pada siklus I s.d. siklus III berturut-turut adalah 73,33%, 86,66%, dan 90%; 2) penguasaan konsep mahasiswa secara umum trennya terus meningkat, walaupun tidak terlalu signifikan. Rata-rata penguasaan konsep fisika mahasiswa dengan pembelajaran saintifik berbantu simulasi PhET dan LKM dari siklus I s.d. siklus III berturut- turut adalah 62,3; 79,6; dan 80,3.

Ta dib ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Ahmad Nizar Rangkuti ◽  
Fitriani Fitriani

This research was conducted at Mathematics Education Study Program at Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculties of IAIN Padangsidimpuan at the third semester 2018-2019 academic year. Research method used is quantitative method with bivariate comparative analysis approach aiming to find out the significant differences in students' mathematical communication skills in statistical subjects. The design of this research is a one short case study  comparing the result of two treatments after the post tests. The research was conducted in one classroom, in which one treatment preceding the other treatment with different materials yet contain similar components and difficulties. The result of the research shows that there is significant difference in ability of mathematical communication between problem based learning and project based learning with tcount > ttable: 3,673 > 2,042; in which PjBL is higher than PBL.  In conclusion, PjBL is significantly better than PBL in term of students’ ability in mathematical communication

Fatma Hamid ◽  
Saprudin Saprudin

This research is a survei that aims to describe the profile of pre-service physics teachers (PPT)' pedagogical and professional competencies. This survei was involved 60 PPT for the sixth semester to eighth semester on the 2015-2016 academic year in the physics education study program at a LPTK in Ternate, Indonesia. Data was collected through teacher competency tests and documentation studies. The results of the data analysis showed that the PPT' pedagogical and professional competencies can be categorized as low with a percentage of 34.0% and 25.8%. The results of this survei are expected to be used as a reference in formulating appropriate actions related to improving the PPT' pedagogical and professional competencies at the research location.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Hariawan Hariawan ◽  
Muslimin Muslimin ◽  
I Komang Werdhiana

The skills to construct and interpret graphs are a form of science skills and are an important component in learning physics. The purpose of this study was to describe the ability of undergraduate physics education students to construct graphs based on practicum data and interpret them. Data obtained through respondent answer sheets, thinking-aloud recordings, and interviews. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Untad and the research subjects of the Physics Education Study Program students were 6 people obtained based on the values of Basic Physics I and Basic Physics practicum II then divided into three groups of levels (high, medium, and low) with each category as many as 2 people. The results of this study indicate: 1) in general, respondents in the high, medium, and low categories can construct graphs but are not based on the prerequisite ability to construct graphs, especially in determining the x-axis and y-axis variables, 2) on the ability to interpret graphs, respondents can interpret graphs the relationship between variables on the graph but not supported by an explanation or evaluation based on proper physics concepts, 3) The strategy used by respondents in constructing graphs, in general, is to convert data in decimal form or scientific notation and 4) The difficulties experienced by respondents when constructing graphs are converting data, determining the scale and how to determine the variables on each graph axis.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Teja Putri Solihan ◽  
Stepanus Sahala Sitompul ◽  
Syaiful B Arsyid

This meta-analysis aims to determine the effect of research characteristics on the effect size of the direct instruction learning model in the undergraduate thesis of the Physics Education Study Program FKIP UNTAN, published in 2016-2019. This type of research is a survey research with purposive sampling technique consisting of 6 theses. Data collection techniques in this research are documentary studies. The results of undergraduate thesis Physics Education study programs that use the direct instruction learning model obtained an average effect size of 1.00 which high effectiveness categories based on the John Hattie barometer. In this study, there are 2 characteristics of researchers examined, among others: the gender of the researcher and Grade Point Average (GPA) of the researcher. Based on the 2 characteristics of the researchers, it did not have a significant effect on the effect size of the undergraduate students' thesis in the Physics Education study program that uses the direct instruction learning model. In this study there were 13 characteristics of the methodology studied including: research location, school level, sample size, number of classes, number of meetings, material sub-fields, learning tools or media, test reliability coefficient, instrument validity, test forms, forms of research, designs experiments, and data collection tools. Of the 13 characteristics of the methodology, it did not have a significant effect on the effect size of the undergraduate students' thesis in the Physics Education study program that used the direct instruction learning model.Kata Kunci: Meta-analisis, Skripsi, Model Pembelajaran Direct Instruction

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Ilyas Ilyas ◽  
An Nisaa Al Mu’min Liu ◽  
Hamsah Doa

This study aims to determine learning outcomes and the scientific attitudes of students at physics education study programs using virtual lab. This type of research is quantitative research. It uses descriptive statistical analysis and inferential stattistics to illustrate data learning outcomes and the scientific attitudes of students at physics education study Universitas Flores using the virtual lab. Data collection techniques used in this study were test for learning outcomes and observatory techniques for the scientific attitude. From the results of descriptive analysis for learning outcomes, it shows that the average is 75,05 in the enough category. The results of inferential statistics show t count is 2,770, sig(2-tailed) 0,011. Because the sig(2-tailed) value of 0,011 is smaller than 0,05, thus it can be concluded that use of the virtual lab influences the learning outcomes. For the scientific attitudes it shows that the average is 76,14 in the enough category. The results of inferential statistics show t count is 3,875, sig(2-tailed) 0,001. Because the sig(2-tailed) value of 0,001 is smaller than 0,05, thus it can be concluded that use of the virtual lab influences the scientific attitudes of students at physics education study Universitas Flores.Keywords: Virtual Lab, Learning Outcomes, Scientific AttitudePenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar dan sikap ilmiah mahasiswa program studi pendidikan fisika Universitas Flores dengan menggunakan virtual laboratorium. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif , dengan analisis statistik deskfiptif dan statistik inferensial untuk menggambarkan hasil belajar dan sikap ilmiah mahasiswa program studi pendidikan fisika Universitas Flores menggunakan Virtual Laboratorium. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah instrumen tes untuk mengukur hasil belajar serta lembar observasi untuk mengukur sikap ilmiah mahasiswa program studi pendidikan fisika. Dari hasil analisis deskriptif untuk hasil belajar menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata hasil belajar mahasiswa adalah 75,05 dalam kategori cukup, sedangkan hasil statistik inferensial menunjukkan nilai t hitung 2,770, sig(2-tailed) 0,011. Karena nilai sig(2-tailed) 0,011 lebih kecil dari 0,05 hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan virtual laboratorium berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar fisika mahasiswa program studi pendidikan fisika Universitas Flores. Untuk sikap ilmiah berdasarkan analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata 76,14 dalam kategori cukup, sedangkan hasil statistik inferensial menunjukkan nilai t hitung 3,875, sig(2-tailed) 0,001. Karena nilai sig(2-tailed) 0,001 lebih kecil dari 0,05 hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan virtual lab berpengaruh terhadap sikap ilmiah mahasiswa program studi pendidikan fisika Universitas Flores.Kata kunci: Virtual Laboratorium, Hasil Belajar,  Sikap Ilmiah

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-55
Irma Sakti ◽  
Reski Idamayanti

This research aims to develop a valid, practical and effective basic physics  practicum guide 2 used for students of the Physics Education Study Program of the Muslim University of Maros. This research employs a 4-D development model research with 4 stages, namely: Define Phase (Define), Planning Stage (Design), Development Stage (Develop), Dissemination Stage (Disseminate). The practicum guide was tested to 10 students of Physics Education in the even semester, the Academic Year of 2019/2020. The research instruments include validation sheets, observation sheets, and practicum assessment documentation. The results showed that the basic physics practicum guide 2 that was developed had met the valid criteria with a validity value of 0.93. Besides, the practices with the implementation of the device was mostly in category 3 and was found effective as 83% of the students reached scores above 70.

Ayu Lestari ◽  
Sofendi Sofendi ◽  
Ismail Petrus

The objectives of this study were (1) to describe the students’ Reading habit, multiple intelligences, and writing mastery, (2) to find out whether or not there was significant correlation among the students’ Reading habit, multiple intelligences, and writing mastery, and (3) to find out whether or not the students’ Reading habit and multiple intelligences contributed to their writing mastery. In this study, 76 undergraduate EFL students of English Education Study Program of Sriwijaya University in the academic year 2017/2018 were chosen as a samples by means of purposive sampling. This study applied correlational research design. The data were collected by using questionnaires and test, and were analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient and regression analysis. The results showed that (1) most of the students (50%)  were in the average level of reading habit; most of the students (15.7%) had six dominant intelligences; most of the students (57.8%) were in the good level of writing mastery; (2) reading attitude was the only habit which had a negative and significant correlation to the students’ writing mastery (r= -271, p< 0.018); reading attitude also had positive and negative and significant correlation to the students’ ideas  (r= 0.367, p< 0.001) and thesis voice audience (r= -0.236, p=< 0.040); logical intelligence was the only intelligence which had negative and significant correlation to the students’ writing mastery (r= -0.238, p= 0.038); ideas was the only the aspect of writing had a positive  and significant correlation to the students’ logical intelligence (r= 0.267, p= 0.020) and intrapersonal intelligence (r= 0.250, p= 0.029); (3) reading attitude became the best predictor and influenced the students’ writing mastery with 7.3% contribution (R2 = 0.073).

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