scholarly journals Variabel Penentu Keputusan Pembelian Minyak Kayu Putih Cap MP di Kota Ambon

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Carla Tousalwa

Kayu putih oil product is one of the famous product of Maluku Province that has many various benefit for health. The purpose of this research is to test the influence of promotion variable and product quality against the consumer decision to buy Kayu Putih oil from MP brand. Survey methods is used in this research, with questioner as the instrument to measure data required. Judgment sampling technique is used in this research, 200 respondent is involved in this research and double regression technique is used as the analysis technique. Result of this research shows that promotion variable especially through personal selling and good quality of products also the services that helps consumer to find products have a big influence in consumer buying decision. Key Word: Promotion, Product Quality, Buying Decision

Jurnal Ecogen ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 785
Reni Anggraeni ◽  
Susi Evanita ◽  
Rani Sofya

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of endorser, price and quality of products toward  Brand Switching Maybelline Solid Powder in Padang. The type of research is descriptive and qualitative research.  The sampling technique used is Purposive sampling.  The type of data used is primary  and secondary data. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression by using t test and F test.  The result of the research shows that there is a positive and insignificant influence between endorser variables on brand switching behavior of Maybelline solid powder in Padang. Then for price variable has no effect on brand switching, but there is significant influence between product quality variable to brand switching of Maybelline solid powder in Padang. Keywords : endorser,  price,  product quality,  brand switching

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-19
Evi Depiana ◽  
Hartelina Hartelina

The rise of trade in this era makes the market tougher competition to make companies have to take appropriate steps and strategies in order to win competition with competitors in the market. This was also experienced by motorcycles, one of which was a Yamaha motorcycle which experienced a decline in sales in 2019 from month to month. Many factors affect it. In this study the variables used are product quality, after sales service, and customer satisfaction. This research uses a descriptive approach, and verification. Samples obtained were 383 respondents who were consumers of PT Ramarayo Perdana Karawang by using purposive sampling technique, data analysis used in this study was the validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, and path analysis. The results of this study indicate the quality of products and after-sales services have a strong enough relationship, which is equal to 50.3%. then partially product quality has an effect of 39.3 then partially after sales service has an effect of 15.3% on customer satisfaction. Together the quality of products and after sales service has an effect of 50.3% which is the contribution of other variables not examined. Then it can be seen that product quality is more dominant in influencing customer satisfaction. PT Ramarayo Perdana Karawang is advised to pay more attention to Product Quality and After Sales Service for customer satisfaction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Wiwik Rachmarwi

<em>Consumer satisfaction for a product is very influential on the sustainability of a business, for that it is necessary to maintain the quality of products and services continuously. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect on the application of business ethics to customer satisfaction. The main object of this research is the customers of Bebek H. Slamet in Joglo branch, West Jakarta. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression. Does the application of business ethics have a positive and significant effect on the satisfaction of Bebek H. Slamet customers in Joglo branch, West Jakarta. Trust is the most dominant variable of the business ethics variable that affects customer satisfaction at Bebek H. Slamet stalls in Joglo branch, West Jakarta</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 142
Hadi Setiawan ◽  
Achmad Firdiansjah ◽  
Junianto Tjahjo Darsono

<p>This study aims to analyze the influence of price and product quality to customer loyalty; analyze the influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty and analyze the influence of price, product quality to customer loyalty through customer satisfaction at Permata Housing Royal Garden Malang. This research is included in the explanatory research category, i.e to find out whether an associate variable or not with other variables, or whether a variabel is caused or influenced or not by other variables. The population in this study is all users of home buyers and who occupy the house in Permata Royal Garden Malang, amounting to 119 people. The sampling technique used is to use the census, which takes the entire data from users who buy and occupy the house in Permata Housing Royal Garden. After the research, the data collected were 87 respondents, because 32 home users are empty and not occupied. The analysis technique uses path analysis.</p><p>Price and quality of the product can increase customer satisfaction, it indicates that customer satisfaction will be created with reasonable price, affordable, isesuai with its quality, competing price, price discount and good quality of production. In this case if the price of a house in Permata Royal Garden is reasonable and affordable, in accordance with its quality, competitive prices, discounted price and good product qualityof home buyers satisfied The price and quality of products that match the expectations of consumers will give rise to satisfaction for consumers and build customer loyalty levels. The price of the house and the qualification of a good product of the Royal Garden Gem can provoke customer loyalty to say positive things to others. Consumer satisfaction can increase customer loyalty. Level consumers' feelings after comparison of what they accept and their expectations that customer satisfaction will lead to customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction is able to mediate price effects, product quality to customer loyalty, which means that the price, quality of home products in the Courtesy of Royal Garden well-matched and goodwill can increase customer loyalty, when the customer feels satisfied with the home purchased at Permata Royal Garden.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 361-374
Yusuf Bagus Prakosa ◽  
Endang Tjahjaningsih

This study aims to analyze the effect of product quality on the purchasing decision process, the influence of lifestyle on the purchasing decision process and the influence of product knowledge on the folding bicycle purchase decision process in Semarang City. This research was conducted from November to December 2020 with the number of samples used as many as 100 respondents with the sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used instrument test, model test, regression test using SPSS 24.0 software. The results showed that product quality, lifestyle, and product knowledge had a positive effect on the purchasing decision process. Product quality has the greatest influence on the purchasing decision process compared to lifestyle and product knowledge. The better the quality of the product, the higher the purchasing decision process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 194
Irfan Aulia Syaiful ◽  
Khairul Rizal ◽  
Anggit Verdaningrum Kumala Sari

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> As changes in purchasing behavior from conventional stores into online stores, fundamental things in consumer psychological processes such as quality perceptions and trust levels need to be reexamined. This research tries to know the contribution of product quality perception and consumer trust in shaping purchasing decision at online store. Sampling in this research was done by incidental sampling technique. Criteria subject used as a sample of research is consumers aged 18-30 years and have been making purchases in online stores at least three times. By using this technique, the subject is 485 people. The results show that product quality and consumer trust are a positive predictor of purchasing decisions at online stores. This study provides evidence that on online purchases, buyers consider almost uniformly the quality of products and online stores that sell products before making a purchase.</p><p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Seiring berubahnya tingkah laku pembelian dari toko konvesionalmenuju toko daring, maka hal mendasar dalam proses psikologis konsumen seperti persepsi kualitas dan tingkat kepercayaan perlu dikaji ulang. Penelitian ini mencoba mengetahui kontribusi persepsi kualitas produk dan kepercayaan konsumen dalam membentuk keputusan pembelian di toko daring. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik incidental sampling<em>. </em>Kriteria subjek yang dijadikan sebagai sampel penelitian adalah konsumen berusia 18 – 30 tahun dan sudah pernah melakukan pembelian di toko daring minimal tiga kali. Dengan menggunakan teknik tersebut diperoleh subjek 485 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produk dan kepercayaan konsumen menjadi prediktor positif terhadap keputusan pembelian pada toko daring. Penelitian ini memberikan bukti bahwa pada pembelian daring, pembeli mempertimbangkan secara hampir seimbang kualitas produk dan toko daring yang menjual produk sebelum melakukan pembelian.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-174
Era Savia ◽  
Edy Marsudi ◽  
T. Makmur

Abstrak. Keputusan konsumen merupakan sebuah tindakan konsumen untuk membeli suatu produk yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu kualitas produk, harga, pelayanan dan lokasi Pengambilan keputusan merupakan suatu kegiatan individu yang secara langsung terlibat dalam mendapatkan dan mempergunakan barang yang ditawarkan. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh kualitas produk, harga, pelayanan dan lokasi terhadap keputusan konsumen rumah makan Aditya Jaya di Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk, harga, pelayanan dan lokasi terhadap keputusan konsumen rumah makan Adiya Jaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode survey dengan menggunakan kuisioner dan wawancara. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para konsumen rumah makan Aditya Jaya. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 100 responden dengan menggunakan teknik Non-Probability Sampling dengan pendekatan Accidental sampling, yaitu teknik penentuan sampel berdasarkan kebetulan, yaitu siapa yang kebetulan bertemu dengan peneliti dapat dijadikan sampel. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu model analisis Chi-Square dengan menggunakan bantuan program SPSS. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa kualitas produk, harga dan pelayanan berpengaruh nyata terhadap keputusan konsumen sedangkan lokasi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap keputusan konsumen rumah makan Aditya Jaya. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat menjelaskan beberapa faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen.An Analysis Of The Impact Of Product Quality, Price, Service And Location Toward Consumer Decision At Aditya Jaya Restaurant In Aceh Besar RegencyAbsract. The consumer decision is an act of consumers to buy a product that is affected by several factors such as product quality, price, service and location Decision-making is an activity of individuals who are directly involved in obtaining and using the goods offered. This study analyzes the influence of product quality, price, service and location toward consumers decision Aditya Jaya restaurant in Aceh Besar Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality, price, service and location of the consumers of Aditya Jaya Restaurant. The method used is a survey method using questionnaires and interviews. The population in this study is the consumers of Aditya Jaya Restaurant. The samples taken as many as 100 respondents using the technique of Non-Probability Sampling with accidental sampling approach, sampling technique based on chance, who happened to meet with the researchers can be sampled. The analytical method used is the model Chi-Square analysis using SPSS. Based on the research that the quality of products, prices and services significantly affect consumer decisions while the location did not significantly affect consumer decisions Aditya Jaya Restaurant. For further research is expected to explain some of the other factors that influence consumer decisions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
Prasetya Hendri Pratama ◽  
Djumali Djumali ◽  
Sri Hartono

Thẹapurposẹ of thisastudy was to dẹtẹrminẹ thẹ ẹffẹct of pricẹ, promotion and product quality on book purchaseadẹcisions at Showroom PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta. This study usẹs survẹy dẹsign. Thẹapopulation of thisarẹsẹarch is allaconsumẹrs of PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta. Thẹ sampling tẹchniquẹ in thẹ study usẹd purposivẹasampling soathat thẹ numbẹraof samplẹsatakẹn in thisastudy wẹrẹ 100 rẹspondẹnts. Dataacollẹction tẹchniquẹsausẹd in thisastudy wẹrẹaquẹstionnairẹs, obsẹrvationaandadocumẹntation. Dataaanalysis was pẹrformẹd usingamultiplẹ linẹararẹgrẹssion. Thẹarẹsults showẹdathat thẹ pricẹ, promotionaand quality of products simultanẹouslyahad a significantaẹffẹct on sufficiẹnt purchasing dẹcisions at PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta. Basẹd on thẹ rẹsultsaof thẹat tẹst, thẹaproduct hasaa positivẹaand significantaẹffẹct on thẹ pricẹ ofapurchasing dẹcisionsaand has a positivẹaand significantaẹffẹct on purchasingaadẹcisions in thẹ book at PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta, this is bẹcausẹ consumẹrs can fẹẹl thẹ bẹnẹfits of thẹ products thẹy havẹ bought and consumẹrs will bẹ satisfiẹd if thẹ bẹnẹfits thẹy gẹt arẹ comparablẹ or ẹvẹn highẹr than thẹ nominal monẹy thẹy spẹnd. Promotionahas a positivẹaand significantaẹffẹct onapurchasing dẹcisionsain books at PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta, thisais bẹcausẹapromotion is onẹaof thẹ importantaaspẹcts inamarkẹting managẹmẹntabẹcausẹ promotionacan makẹ consumẹrsawho arẹ not initiallyaintẹrẹstẹd in a productachangẹ thẹir mindsaand bẹcomẹaintẹrẹstẹd in thẹaproduct. Product qualityahas a positivẹaand significant ẹffẹct on purchasing dẹcisions in books at PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta, thisais duẹ to thẹ conditionaof customẹrs whoaarẹ incrẹasingly critical in tẹrms of quality alsoaforcing companiẹsato bẹ ablẹ to maintainaand improvẹ thẹaquality of thẹir products in ordẹr to avoidaclaims or dissatisfaction with thẹ company's customẹrs in ordẹr to compẹtẹ with othẹr similar companiẹs. Variation in purchasing dẹcisions in books at PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta can bẹ ẹxplainẹdaby changẹsain pricẹ, promotion and product quality by 46.0%, whilẹathẹarẹmaining 54.0% is ẹxplainẹdaby othẹrafactors notaobsẹrvẹd, such as imagẹs, brands, and so on. Kẹywords: pricẹ, promotion, product quality, purchasing dẹcision.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Krisnawati Setyaningrum Nugraheni ◽  
Ray Octafian

Kepuasan Konsumen dipengaruhi oleh variabel kualitas produk dan kepuasan pelayanan merupakan variabel bebas, sedangkan kepuasan konsumen merupakan variabel terikat. Untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh kualitas produk, fasilitas dan lokasi terhadap kepuasan konsumen, dalam pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin yang didapat sebesar 87 dengan tingkat kesalahan 10%. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Accidental sampling yang dilakukan dengan memperoleh data dari sekumpulan populasi, lalu secara insidental atau secara kebetulan saja dengan tidak menggunakan perencanaan tertentu. Nilai R2 sebesar 0.821, artinya 82.1% kepuasan konsumen dapat dijelaskan oleh variable kualitas produk, fasilitas dan lokasi sedangkan 17.9 % dijelaskan oleh variabel lainnya.  Consumer satisfaction is influenced by product quality and service satisfaction variables are independent variables, while customer satisfaction is the dependent variable. To find out the magnitude of the effect of product quality, facilities and location on customer satisfaction, in sampling using the Slovin formula obtained at 87 with an error rate of 10%. The sampling technique uses the method of accidental sampling which is done by obtaining data from a group of population, then incidentally or incidentally by not using a particular plan. R2 value of 0.821, meaning that 82.1% of customer satisfaction can be explained by the variable quality of products, facilities and location while 17.9% is explained by other variables

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Lusmiati Djamuddin ◽  
Dhani Ichsanuddin Nur

The various choices and brands of domestic products as well as the global products offered by manufacturers, provide different preferences to various consumers. The purpose of this study to determine the factors that affect the consumer preferences generation Y to the product brand clothing zara in surabaya. The variables used in this study are: cosmopolitanism, consumer ethnocentrism, relative product quality and consumer preferences generation Y. Measurements were made with Likert scale. The population in this study is the Y-generation consumers who have visited the clothing brand outlets in Surabaya. The analysis technique used is partial least square.The results of this study is that cosmopolitanism contributes to the relative product quality of brand products in Surabaya, the relative quality of products contributes to the Y generation consumer preferences in the zara brand clothing products in Surabaya, cosmopolitanism contributes to consumer ethnocentrism, consumer ethnocentrism contributes to consumer preferences Y generation on zara brand clothing products in Surabaya and cosmopolitanism does not contribute to the Y generation consumer preferences on Zara brand clothing products.

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