scholarly journals Implementation of the Value of Mutual Cooperation through Local Wisdom in Petik Laut District Mayangan Probolinggo City in Social Studies

Abdul Abdul Halim ◽  
Ludfi Ludfi Arya Wardana
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Fitriah Hanim ◽  
Sariyatun Sariyatun

Social Science lessons that have been in the school curriculum only exemplify and discuss material globally or nationally. And students pay less attention and are less interested because the scope is not in their environment. From these problems, in the social studies curriculum it is necessary to add local historical material related to the local culture. Which in this case is the national material on Islamic material in Indonesia and its cultural results, the example of that culture can be exemplified is Grebeg Suro Jipang. It is expected that from studying this material, students know the benefits of learning to preserve and can benefit from learning, at least from the meaning of the grebeg, the attitude that can be learned is social attitudes such as mutual cooperation, cooperation, and sharing with others. Nor do spiritual attitudes like gratitude.  

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Azharotunnafi Azharotunnafi

AbstrakPada era perkembangan dunia dalam revolusi 4.0, berbagai tuntutan harus dipenuhi untuk mencegah tergerusnya nilai karakter budaya bangsa. Salah satu upaya untuk menanamkan karakter adalah dengan pendidikan karakter yang berbasis nilai keagamaan. Penanaman karakter perlu diintegrasikan ke dalam pembelajaran khususnya Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) karena sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran IPS yaitu agar peserta didik mampu menelaah permasalahan sosial sehingga menjadi warga negara yang baik. Agar tujuan tersebut tercapai, maka pembelajaran perlu dilakukan dengan mengintegrasikan karakter. Integrasi dari nilai keagamaan ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara antara berdoa sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan pembelajaran, menerapkan sikap peduli terhadap sesama, bekerja sama dan gotong royong, menerapkan keteladanan, serta pembiasaan. Pembiasaan ini meliputi tadarus al-Qur’an, sholat berjamaah, menyelipkan dalil atau hadist yang relevan ke dalam pembelajaran dan memasang poster yang bernuansa Islam seperti asmaul husna dan kata-kata mutiara. Penanaman karakter berbasis nilai agama dalam IPS diharapkan mampu untuk diinternalisasikan oleh peserta didik sehingga dapat membangun karakter. Kata kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Nilai keagamaan AbstractIn the era of world development in the 4.0 revolution, various demands must be met to prevent the erosion of the nation's cultural character values. One effort to instill character is by character education based on religious values. Character development needs to be integrated into learning, especially Social Studies because it is matched with the objectives of social studies learning so that students are able to examine social problems so that they become good citizens. In order to achieve these goals, learning needs to be done by integrating character. The integration of religious values can be done by praying before and after learning activities, applying a caring attitude towards others, working together and mutual cooperation, applying exemplary, and habituation. This habit includes reading al-Qur'an, prayer in congregation, slipping relevant propositions, or hadiths into learning and putting up posters with Islamic nuances such as Asmaul Husna and aphorisms. It is hoped that the inculcation of character-based religious values in social studies can be internalized by students so they can build character. Keywords: Character Education, Social Studies, Religious Values

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-75
Yuliyanto Yuliyanto

Tuna satak bathi sanak merupakan kearifan lokal masyarakat Jawa yang mencerminkan nilai-nilai luhur kerja sama dan gotong royong pada masyarakat Jawa. Konsep tersebut dipakai oleh para pedagang untuk menarik para pembeli, rugi sedikit tidak mengapa asalkan bertambah saudara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode studi pustaka pada dokumen-dokumen tertulis berupa buku, artikel, hasil penelitian, jurnal dan artikel media yang terkait dengan konsep tuna sathak bathi sanak serta relevansinya dengan pembelajaran ilmu sosial di sekolah. Hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa integrasi nilai kearifan lokal tuna satak bathi sanak dapat dilakukan dengan strategi mengajak siswa mengobservasi penerapan nilai tersebut di tengah masyarakat, kemudian siswa mendiskusikan di kelas, dan menggali potensi-potensi kearifan lokal lain yang bisa dikembangkan.Tuna satak bathi sanak: integration of local wisdom of Javanese culture in social science learningTuna satak bathi sanak is a Javanese local wisdom reflects the noble values of cooperation and mutual cooperation in Javanese society, especially used by traders to attract buyers, a little loss is tolerable as long as you get more relatives. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out by using the literature study method on written documents in the form of books, articles, research results, journals and media articles related to mental disabilities and their relationship with social studies learning. The explanation of the results of the study was carried out descriptively. Data were analyzed using descriptive methods with a theoretical approach and concepts in accordance with social studies learning. The results obtained are if the integration of local wisdom values of tuna satak bathi sanak can be done with a strategy of inviting students to observe the application of these values in the community, then students discuss in class, and explore other potential local wisdom that can be developed.

Ahmad Tanfidzi Dharma Putra ◽  
Harmanto Harmanto ◽  
Aminuddin Kasdi

The implementation of character education in Indonesia is deemed not optimal, because it has not fully implemented character values to its full potential. The Indonesian government through Presidential Regulation Number 87 in 2017 launched the Strengthening Character Education program in all education units covering nationalist, independent, religious, integrity, and mutual cooperation. The purpose of this study was to document the teacher's response in independent values as one of the values in strengthening character education through social studies learning during the adaption of Covid-19 period. Participants included 19 randomized social studies teachers in East Java. This research is a descriptive study with an instrument form list of interviews. Data in the form of teacher responses were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that 84.2% of teachers had facilitated the growth of independent values in students who were written in the Long Distance Learning Implementation and 52.6% of teachers said that distance learning social studies was less effective, so there needed to be an interesting method for distance learning social studies so the learning become more effective.

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Nasih ◽  
Ersis Warmansyah Abbas ◽  
Syaharuddin Syaharuddin

AbstractThis research discussed moral values of haul K.H. Muhammad Zaini bin Abdul Ghani (Guru Sekumpul). The purpose of this research is to describe the preparation the event of haul Guru Sekumpul and the values which is  included of haul Guru Sekumpul and whether these values can be used as a learning resource of social studies. This study is a qualitative research with a historical approach. The results of the research showed that the preparation of haul Guru Sekumpul includes security, health, transportation, accommodation, facilities and infrastructures. The Implementation of haul Guru Sekumpul carried out within three days that take places  at the house of Guru Sekumpul, at the dome of the Guru Sekumpul and Mushalla AR-Raudhah. The values  from the event of haul Guru Sekumpul  are consist of  (1) religious values (faithfulness, tolerance, love of the environment), (2) nationalist values (love of the homeland and respect for diversity), (3) values of integrity (honesty, politeness, love for truth), (4) independent values (hard work, creative, disciplined, courageous), and (5) the value of mutual cooperation (cooperation and mutual assistance). Keywords: Guru Sekumpul, haul, social studies, moral values AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang nilai-nilai haul K.H. Muhammad Zaini bin Abdul Ghani (Guru Sekumpul). Penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana persiapan dan pelaksanaan haul Guru Sekumpul, serta nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalam haul Guru Sekumpul dan apakah nilai-nilai tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber belajar IPS. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan historis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persiapan haul Guru Sekumpul mencakup bidang pengamanan, kesehatan, perhubungan, akomodasi, dan sarana prasana. Pelaksanaan haul Guru Sekumpul dilaksanakan dalam waktu tiga hari yakni di rumah kediaman almarhum Guru Sekumpul, di Kubah Guru Sekumpul dan di Mushalla Ar-Raudhah. Nilai-nilai yang terdapat di dalam haul Guru Sekumpul yakni (1) nilai religus (beriman-bertakwa, toleransi, cinta lingkungan), (2) nilai nasionalis (cinta tanah air dan menghargai kebhinnekaan), (3) nilai integritas (kejujuran, kesantunan, cinta pada kebenaran), (4) nilai mandiri (kerja keras, kreatif, disiplin, berani), serta (5) nilai gotong royong (kerjasama dan saling menolong).Kata Kunci: Guru Sekumpul, haul, IPS, nilai-nilai

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-84
Linda Zainab

This research is arranged by seeing the reality in school that some of the resources used by teachers are limited with no any various resources to learn social studies subject in junior high school. This research is also done to describe the relevance of the museum that can be benefited as social studies resources. The approachment used for this research is qualitative and descriptive method implemented in Museum Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat. Technique of collecting data used for this research is observation, interview, and documentation. Based on the findings of the research, the museum collection in Museum Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat is relevance with social studies resources for junior high school. As for basic competence of social studies subject which in appropriate with the museum collection is the material on KD (Basic Competence) 3.4 and KD 4.4 class VII, VIII, and IX of junior high school. The values contained in the museum collection are value of struggle, nasionalism, braveness, caring, mutual cooperation, and value of patriotism. The use of this museum is for learning process of social studies which is using Project Based Learning model, for instance, the making of vlog is given to students to tell their observation result from the museum also the teacher could ask students to do self-reflection after visiting the museum.

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Nurlatifah Nurlatifah

The values contained in the stages of marriage Banjar Adat be a source of learning social studies in the phase prior or pre-marital and post-marital Banjar Adat and used as a source of learning that can integrate learners. Banjar customary marriage has several processes that basasuluh, batatakun or apply, bapapayuan or bapatut honesty, dishonesty or maatar maatar patalian, bakakawinan or walimah, batamat Qur'an, Batimung, badudus or bapapai, salamat badua bride, Bahías or bridal makeup, bridal Maarak , Batatai or basanding, bajajagaan bride, and prostration. The forms of activities cooperativeness community in the village of Hakim Makmur Sungai Pinang The values of mutual cooperation as a source of social studies lesson that can be taught to students of junior high/equivalent Sungai Pinang Banjar Regency in nuptial customs Banjar be a character suggested in the curriculum SBC 2006, which relates to the values of mutual cooperation is tolerance, cooperation, and social care.Keywords: Values of Mutual Cooperation, Marriages Banjar, Learning Resource of IPS Nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam tahapan perkawinan Adat Banjar menjadi sumber pembelajaran IPS dalam tahapan sebelum atau pra perkawinan dan sesudah perkawinan Adat Banjar dan dijadikan sumber pembelajaran yang dapat mengintegrasi peserta didik. Perkawinan adat Banjar mempunyai beberapa proses yaitu basasuluh, batatakun atau melamar, bapapayuan atau bapatut jujuran, maatar jujuran atau maatar patalian, bakakawinan atau walimah, batamat Qur’an, batimung, badudus atau bapapai, badua salamat pengantin, bahias atau merias pengantin, maarak pengantin, batatai atau basanding, bajajagaan pengantin, dan sujud. Bentuk-bentuk kegiatan kegotong-royongan masyarakat di Desa Hakim Makmur Kecamatan Sungai Pinang Nilai-nilai gotong royong sebagai sumber pembelajaran IPS yang dapat diajarkan kepada peserta didik tingkat SMP/sederajat Kecamatan Sungai Pinang Kabupaten Banjar dalam upacara perkawinan adat Banjar berupa karakter yang disarankan dalam kurikulum KTSP 2006 yang berhubungan dengan nilai-nilai gotong royong adalah toleransi, kerjasama, dan peduli sosial.Kata Kunci: Nilai, Gotong Royong, Perkawinan Adat Banjar, Sumber Pembelajaran IPS

Sariyatun Sariyatun

<p><em>This paper seeks to investigate the position of gotong royong (mutual cooperation) in Pancasila and its relevance as peace education in social studies learning. This paper is an effort as well as an offer to build an inclusive culture in order to solve the problems of bullying and intolerance in education. This paper used qualitative method with literature study approach by analyzing literatures related to the research corpus, i.e. Pancasila, mutual cooperation, peace education, and social studies learning. The results showed that mutual cooperation as the </em><em>core principle</em><em> of Pancasila is a treasure of Indonesian culture which is closely related to the substance of divine values, deliberation and consensus, kinship, justice and tolerance (humanitarianism). These values have strategic values to be conveyed in the social studies learning process in the classroom in order to foster a culture of peace for students.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Ani Rahayu

This research is motivated by the researcher’s interest in the values of local wisdom in the ngaji rasa sejarah alam theory on Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandu Indramayu. It is caused by the result of the researcher’s finding that the values of local wisdom in the ngaji rasa sejarah alam theory can be used as a source of learning in social study learning. Where the use of learning resources based on the values of local wisdom in society is still rarely used by educators. The general purpose of this research is to find out the values of local wisdom that exist in the Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandu Indramayu, besides the specific purpose is to find out the characteristics, attempts to maintain the ngaji rasa sejarah alam Theory and identify the values of it in the Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandu Indramayu that can be used as a source of social study learning. In this research, researchers used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results of this search indicate that (a) the characteristics of the Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandu Indramayu are people who wear black and white shorts, bare chests, wear necklace and 3 bracelets on their feet and hands, long-haired, adhere to the natural history theory with its traditional kum-kum, laku pepe, kliwon Friday night ritual, vegetarianism, and devotion to the wives and children. (b) values that are contained: tolerance, ecological intelligence, mutual cooperation, responsibility, and good behavior which is then implemented through the making of the lesson plan based on local wisdom.

2022 ◽  

This study aims to describe: 1) The role of the principal in implementing education quality management at SMP Negeri 2 Arungkeke, Jeneponto Regency, 2) Supporting and inhibiting factors for the principal in implementing education quality management at SMP Negeri 2 Arungkeke, Jeneponto Regency. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative research is a research approach that uncovers certain social situations by properly describing reality, formed by words based on relevant data collection and analysis techniques obtained from natural situations. Sources of data in this study, namely data that shows the quality or quality of something that exists, in the form of circumstances, processes, events or events and others expressed in the form of words. The informants in the study were the principal, social studies teacher for class IX, and social studies teacher for class VII/VIII, English teacher and staff of SMP Negeri 2 Arungkeke. The technique of determining the informant was carried out purposively, namely based on the capacity that provided convenience and willingness in the interview. The results of this study indicate that 1) the leadership role of the principal in implementing education quality management in SMP Negeri 2 Arungkeke, namely: (a) the principal must have the right strategy and (b) apply leadership management. 2) Supporting and inhibiting factors for school principals in implementing education quality management at SMP Negeri 2 Arungkeke, namely: supporting factors (a) mutual cooperation and kinship (b) providing opportunities for teachers in professional application training activities (c) facilitating all school activities, factors inhibiting (a) lack of motivation and enthusiasm of the principal (b) lack of leadership ability of the principal (c) lack of facilities and infrastructure and (d) low mental attitude.

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