Peran Kantor Urusan Agama dalam Menciptakan Keluarga Sakinah

Al-Mizan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Palwi Rakhman

Every married couple hopes that their home life will be created as a family that is confident and full of love. This article will discuss the role of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) in creating happy families. This research is library research which is analyzed by qualitative descriptive. The approach used is a sociological legal approach. The results showed that the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) made efforts to foster happy families through religious education in the family, religious education in the community, religious education through educational institutions, bridal brokering courses, family counseling, fostering adolescents of marriage age, empowering family economies and improving nutrition. family.

Mely Putri Almanda ◽  
Abdurrahman Abdurrahman

The motivation of this paper is to describe the role of the family in building morals through an exploration type by looking at what methods families use in educating children to build children's morals through family counseling analysis. Furthermore, the role of the family in building the morale of children is analyzed through family counseling as a guide to the importance of building harmony with individuals in the family, especially with children. This research is considered important because lately the lack of morality in children is caused by various factors that occur at this time. It is not only caused by the education of parents, but also due to environmental influences and the continuous development of the times. This research uses the library research method with a theoretical approach. The results of this description are obtained from various existing studies, and literature. The scope of methods that have been used by families in building children's morality is more striking, namely the Islamic religious education method, the method of communication, and the method of moral education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (35) ◽  
pp. 215-224
Ahmad Abd Mustafa Smadi ◽  
Bsaer Ahmad Mustafa al-Qudah ◽  
Najihah Abd Wahid

Talent and creativity development require extraordinary counseling from the members of the family, and as such, it is necessary to highlight the crucial role of family counseling towards developing talent and creativity. The article aims to examine the contributory role of the family in talent and creativity growth. The study shall serve as a reference for families to eliminate challenges growing with talent and creativity maturation. If the family has no awareness of how to deal with their gifted son, it may cause psychological stress and academic problems, thus undoubtedly affect the child’s talent. Hence the importance of this study is to demonstrate the role of family counseling in developing the talent and creativity of the gifted child by providing support and awareness to the family on how to deal with this talent to preserve and develop this talent because the gifted individuals are the basic building blocks in the progress and development of societies. Therefore, the article attempts to analyze the talent and creativity of gifted children and counseling of gifted family. The article includes a quick overview of talent origins, components and techniques, the role of the family in talent and creativity development, family factors influencing talent, creativity, gifted children, and family counseling. The study is qualitative descriptive research since the approach is considered suitable for determining the particular role expected from the family towards developing talent and creativity. The approach used in this study is appropriate for pinpointing the responsibilities of families in the process of growing children’s talent and creativity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-126
Reni Triposa ◽  
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Yudi Hendrilia

The state of the age and its development so rapidly influencing the world become a challenge for students and especially teachers in giving roles and tasks to education especially Christian education. But the role of the teacher in writing that uses library research with a qualitative descriptive approach is expected to improve human resources and bring students to grow in spirituality and character that can build a nation through a person who is strong in relying on God.  The Role of Teachers Christian religious education as a role model in enhancing the spirituality and character of learners must be a priority in learning as a form of implying affective values. Teachers as role models in improving the spirituality and character of students, the teacher in this study was asked to have the first responsibility in carrying out the tasks, roles and responsibilities of teachers of Christian religious education. Then the teacher must realize that the Christian Religious Education teacher is an exemplary leader. And then the Master works closely with the church and family to bring about an increase in spirituality and character. And finally the Master must be led by the Holy Spirit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-115
Nur Jannah ◽  
Khairul Umam

AbstractThis research explains the role that parents should play in the educational process of their children during the Covid-19 pandemic. By using a qualitative descriptive approach to this type of research library, the researchers concluded that the role of parents in the current pandemic is becoming more urgent to develop children's character in a better direction. Three main points need to be internalized to children, namely religious education, social education, and moral education. Religious education is related to the issue of belief in God and all aspects related to Him. Social education is related to the cultivation of the values ​​of social interaction, both those originating from culture and religion and so on which have positive values. Meanwhile, moral education is related to the refraction of moral values, both individually and socially. Individual moral values ​​are related to how to treat oneself, while social moral values ​​are related to how to treat others well. Abstrak Penelitian ini menjelaskan peran yang sewajarnya dan patut untuk dilakanakan oleh orang tua dalam proses pendidikan anak-anak mereka di masa pandemic covid-19. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif jenis library research, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa peran orang tua di masa pandemi saat ini menjadi lebih urgen dalam rangka menumbuhkembangkan karakter anak ke arah yang lebih baik. Terdapat tiga poin utama yang perlu diinternalisasikan kepada anak, yaitu pendidikan agama, pendidikan sosial dan pendidikan akhlak. Pendidikan agama terkait dengan masalah keyakinan kepada Tuhan dan segala aspek yang berhubungan dengan-Nya. Pendidikan sosial berkaitan dengan penanaman nilai-nilai interaksi sosial, baik yang bersumber dari budaya dan agama dan sebagainya yang bernilai positif. Sementara pendidikan akhlak berkaitan dengan pembiasan nilai-nilai moral, baik individual maupun sosial. Nilai moral individual berkaitan dengan bagaimana memperlakukan diri, sementara nilai moral sosial berkaitan dengan bagaimana memperlakukan orang lain dengan baik. Kata Kunci: Peran Orang Tua, Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Keluarga, Pandemi Covid-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-155
Zaenuri Zaenuri

ABSTRACKThe responsibility of education cannot be carried out unilaterally, it requires the cooperation of three components which Ki Hajar Dewantara calls the tricenter of education: family, educational institutions, and society. All three are a unified whole and complement each other. The involvement and role of parents and the community in guarding children's education in the era of globalization is very urgent.This journal aims to discuss the importance of the Three Education Centers as a solution to overcome juvenile delinquency which is increasing in this era of globalization. The writing of this journal uses library research methods, or often also called library research, collecting data from various literatures.The three educational centers both play an important role in the success of education, which basically all are interrelated and mutually cooperate with each other. The three of them must indirectly carry out close guidance in the educational process. The three links can be seen from: Parents carry out their obligations to educate children in the family, educational institutions facilitate teaching various knowledge and skills with full support from students' parents, and the community is expected to be a facilitator for students to be able to actualize their knowledge and skills. Keywords: Responsibility, Tricenter of Education, Juvenile delinquency, Puberty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-99
Suparta Suparta ◽  
Istiqamah Istiqamah

This research aims to: to know, understand and expose the virtues of the formation of good behavioral personality and methods used in the formation of good behavior personality of children in early marriage family environment in Lubuk Besar Sub-District bangka tengah regency. As for finding solutions to the above problems researchers use the following methodology: in this study researchers used a qualitative approach to phenomenology is to observe social symptoms, and the role of each individual to educate children and families in each member of society. Because every education has a purpose to build a good behavior, there is a pattern of empathy and a role that contains and implements educational values or that every family has the right to educate and be responsible for educating children and their families.  The main informants in this study are the key informants in this study are Islamic Religious Education teachers and landfill teachers and the informants in this study are families and children of early marriage perpetrators, then for the supporting informants are the sub-district staff of Lubuk Besar to look for data on the general picture of Lubuk Besar Sub-District. And the data collection techniques in this study are: observation techniques, interviews and documentation. Then the analysis techniques that researchers use are: data reduction, data presentation and data verivcation. The result of this study is that the first, the formation of personality akhlakul kaimah in the early marriage family environment does not go the maximum, because the family as the person shaper of the child does not have enough provision in building a household so that parents who are married early have not been able to apply everything that is the responsibility as a parent in educating and raising the child. Second, as a large number of children have poor adab and morals and some children born to early married parents have physical and psychological disabilities such as being born in un-normal circumstances. Third, among parents who are married early already married two to three times due to various domestic conflicts that occur in early marriage families caused by the economy, as well as other problems. Fourth, most parents who marry early are more entrusted to teachers whether school teachers or teachers where their children learn to pay in providing religious education to the Fifth child, the causative factor of early marriage in Lubuk Besar Subdistrict is mainly due to economic, educational, parental factors and free associations that are stuck with the wrong courtship style. Although in Islam there is no age limit when a person will marry, but early marriage is highly discouraged because it will be fatal in either the home life or the child of an early marriage perpetrator if not provided with sufficient knowledge in educating children and households. Sixth, the average observer is an early marriage and a housewife. Seventh, the adverse effects of early marriage in Lubuk Besar sub-district include depression (crazy), not being able to take care of children, family conflict, early divorce, economic pressures, family disharmony, risky pregnancies, the head of the family difficulty finding work due to the lack of experience before marriage. Thus it is highly discouraged for today's young people to perform underage marriages. Because it will not only affect him and his family but also on the children of early marriage abusers who will become the next generation of the nation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 414
Azizah Maulina Erzad

<p>Abstract: THE PARENTS' ROLE IN EDUCATING CHILDREN SINCE<br />INFANCY IN THE FAMILY. The child is a boon and mandate entrusted by<br />God to His servant who will be asked for the responsibility in the Hereafter.<br />The obligation as a parent is to provide education to children starting from<br />an early age. The development of early childhood is strongly bound by the<br />environment and the family. This paper aims to describe the role of parents<br />to the education of children. The study in this paper uses literature study or<br />library research method. The result of this study is that family is the first<br />place where children get education. Children's character and personality is<br />formed first in the family. Parents should have a concept or provision in<br />educating their children that includes moral or character education,<br />science education, religious education, be fair to the children, and give<br />attention and affection to children. Parents become role models for their<br />children. Therefore, the role of parents is very important in the<br />development and formation of children's character from an early age.</p><p>Anak merupakan anugerah dan sekaligus amanah yang<br />dititipkan oleh Allah kepada hambaNya yang akan dimintai<br />pertanggungjawabannya di akhirat kelak. Kewajiban sebagai orang tua<br />adalah memberikan pendidikan kepada anak yang dimulai sejak usia<br />dini. Perkembangan pada anak usia dini sangat terikat oleh lingkungan<br />dan keluarganya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjabarkan peran orang<br />tua terhadap pendidikan anak. Kajian dalam tulisan ini menggunakan<br />metode studi kepustakaan (library research). Hasil dari kajian ini yaitu<br />bahwa keluarga merupakan tempat pertama dimana anak memperoleh<br />pendidikan. Karakter dan kepribadian anak dibentuk pertama kali di<br />dalam keluarga. Orang tua hendaknya memiliki konsep atau ketentuan<br />dalam mendidik anaknya yang meliputi pendidikan moral atau karakter,<br />pendidikan ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan ilmu agama, bersikap adil<br />terhadap anak, serta memberikan perhatian dan kasih sayang kepada<br />anak. Orang tua menjadi suri tauladan bagi anak-anaknya. Oleh sebab itu<br />peran orang tua sangatlah penting dalam perkembangan dan<br />pembentukan karakter anak sejak dini.</p>

2016 ◽  
pp. 64-66
S.Yu. Vdovichenko ◽  

The objective: to show a role of the family focused technologies in depression of frequency of pathology of pregnancy at women of high obstetric risk. Patients and methods. For determination of efficiency of prophylaxis of pathology of pregnancy on the basis of use of the family focused technologies complex clinical-psychological and laboratory and tool examination of 300 women with factors of obstetric risk which were divided into two groups was conducted. In the main group – 182 women with motivation on partner labors to which provided training on system of individual preparation of married couple to labors. The comparison group consisted of 118 women who were not in prenatal training and had individual support in childbirth, with the traditional approach to pain management. Results. Use of the family focused technologies during pregnancy allows to reduce significantly the frequency of the main complications of pregnancy, especially not incubation and premature births. Conclusion. In our opinion, the technique is simple, available and can widely be used in practical health care at women with high obstetric risk. Key words: obstetric risk, the family focused technologies, prophylaxis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-55
Grecetinovitria Merliana Butar-butar

AbstractPurpose of this study was to describe the meaning of ezer kenegdo and to know position and role of women in the family. The research method used is qualitative research methods (library research). The term of “ ezer kenegdo” refer to a helper but her position withoutsuperiority and inferiority. “The patner model” between men and women is uderstood in relation to one another as the same function, where differences are complementary and mutually beneficial in all walks of life and human endeavors.Keywords: Ezer Kenegdo; Women; Family.AbstrakTujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengertian ezer kenegdo dan mengetahui kedudukan dan peran perempuan dalam keluarga. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif library research. Ungkapan “ezer kenegdo” menunjuk pada seorang penolong namun kedudukannya adalah setara tanpa ada superioritas dan inferioritas. “Model kepatneran” antara laki-laki dan perempuan dipahami dengan hubungan satu dengan yang lain sebagai fungsi yang sama, yang mana perbedaan adalah saling melengkapi dan saling menguntungkan dalam semua lapisan kehidupan dan usaha manusia.Kata Kunci: Ezer Kenegdo, Prerempuan, Keluarga.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 296
Herlinawati Herlinawati ◽  
Muhammad Kristiawan ◽  
Alforqi Alforqi

The principal is a leader in educational institutions that regulates and manages educational activities in schools. Therefore, school principals play an important role in improving the quality of education, especially improving teacher performance to be more enthusiastic and professional in teaching and developing themselves who are in charge of delivering lessons to students. This study aims to identify the role of principal supervision as an effort to improve teacher professionalism in teaching at SMA Negeri 10 OKU.This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 10 OKU. The research was carried out for 3 (three) months, starting from September 2020 to November 2020. The research method used was a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used include: (1) Interview or Interview; (2) Observation; (3) Documentation. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the principal had a role in the supervision carried out as an effort to improve teacher professionalism in teaching. It is known: (1) The role of principal supervision is evidenced by the teacher in planning lesson plans which are made reported and approved by the principal and according to the curriculum; (2) The role of principal supervision is proven by the teacher in carrying out the learning process in accordance with the learning device guidelines and using teaching aids; (3) The role of principal supervision is evidenced by the teacher evaluating the learning outcomes and reporting to the principal; (4) The role of principal supervision is evidenced by the teacher following up on the learning outcomes in accordance with the direction of the principal; (5) The role of principal supervision is evidenced by the teacher providing guidance to students.

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