scholarly journals Strategi Meningkatkan Omzet Tangkal Furniture Melalui Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Pembenahan Pencatatan Keuangan

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Ade Imam Muslim ◽  
Fitri Lestari ◽  
Tri Widiastuty

Tangkal Furniture merupakan suatu bisnis yang tercipta melalui ide kreatif terhadap suatu inovasi mengenai konsep pembuatan furniture. Banyak masyarakat yang menggunakan furniture dengan pilihan bahan baku kayu. Begitupun dengan Tangkal memilih bahan baku kayu dengan jenis Trembesi. Tangkal Furniture ini berlokasi di Jalan Cisaranten Wetan Kecamatan Cinambo Kota Bandung. Lokasi ini kurang memadai karena tidak berada di pinggir jalan umum atau jalan besar dan sulit diakses oleh konsumen bila menggunakan kendaraan roda empat. Tempat produksi masih bergabung dengan rumah tinggal sehingga memiliki keterbatasan tempat. Masalah utama yang dialami oleh Tangkal Furniture adalah kurangnya peralatan untuk menunjang proses produksi, kesulitan dalam menggarap pemasaran melalui media sosial maupun direct marketing (pemasaaran langsung) dan menentukan segmentasi pasar, kurangngnya teknik pemasaran dalam menentukan segmen menengah ke atas dengan kualitas bahan baku trembesi, serta pencatatan keuangan yang belum memadai. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini fokus pada perapihan pencatatan keuangan melalui pelatihan penyusunan laporan keuangan berbasis EMKM dan melakukan pendampingan dalam menentukan segmentasi, target dan posisi pasar yang selanjutnya menentukan media promosi yang tepat untuk memasarkan produknya.Kata Kunci: omset; siApik; media sosial. Strategies to Increase Turnover Tangkal Furniture Through Utilization of Information Technology and Improvement Financial RecordsABSTRACTTangkal Furniture is a business that is created through creative ideas for an innovation regarding the concept of making furniture. Many people use furniture with a choice of wood raw materials. Likewise with Tangkal choosing wood raw materials with the Trembesi type. Tangkal Furniture is located on Jalan Cisaranten Wetan, Cinambo District, Bandung City. This location is inadequate because it is not on the side of a public road or big road and is difficult for consumers to access when using a four-wheeled vehicle. The production site is still joined by a residence so it has limited space. The main problems experienced by Tangkal Furniture are the lack of equipment to support the production process, difficulty in working on marketing through social media and direct marketing (direct marketing) and determining market segmentation, lack of marketing techniques in determining the middle to upper segment with quality raw materials of trembesi, and inadequate financial records. This method of implementing community service activities focuses on tidying up financial records through training in preparing EMKM-based financial reports and providing assistance in determining segmentation, targets and market positions which further determine the appropriate promotional media to market its products.Keyword: omzet, siApik, social media.

Al-Khidmat ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-15
Zidni Husnia Fachrunnisa ◽  
Euys Ayu Nazarilah ◽  
Windi Nasianti ◽  
Afri Ovita

Abstrak Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengatasi dampak Covid -19 terhadap UMKM Getuk Goreng Hj. Tohirin. Permasalahan utama yang dialami oleh UMKM Getuk Goreng Hj. Tohirin di masa pandemi Covid-19 yakni penurunan pendapatan akibat menurunnya jumlah wisatawan yang datang ke Sokaraja. Berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan, terdapat sub permasalahan yang terjadi pada UMKM Getuk Goreng Hj. Tohirin yakni Sumber Daya Manusia yang dimiliki UMKM yang kurang memahami teknologi. Solusi yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut yakni pendampingan pemasaran dan penjualan daring dan pendampingan pemanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk pencatatan transaksi keuangan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini yakni munculnya akun media sosial, akun digital marketplace, dan laporan keuangan terkomputerisasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan UMKM Getuk Goreng Hj. Thohirin dalam melakukan aktivitas bisnisnya. Kegiatan ini juga berhasil meningkatkan keterampilan karyawan untuk mengelola akun media sosial dan akun digital marketplace milik UMKM Getuk Goreng Hj. Thohirin serta keterampilan membuat pembukuan dengan computer.  AbstractThis community service activity aims to overcome the impact of Covid -19 on SMEs Getuk Goreng Hj. Tohirin. The main problem that occurs at SMEs Getuk Goreng Hj. Tohirin during the Covid-19 pandemic, namely a decrease in income due to the decline in the number of tourists who came to Sokaraja. Based on the survey conducted, there are sub-problems that occur in Getuk Goreng SMEs Hj. Tohirin, namely Human Resources owned by SMEs who do not understand technology. Solutions taken to overcome these problems are assistance in online marketing and sales and assistance in the use of information technology for recording financial transactions. The results of this service activity are the emergence of social media accounts, digital marketplace accounts, and computerized financial reports that can be utilized by SMEs Getuk Goreng Hj. Thohirin in carrying out his business activities. This activity also succeeded in improving employees' skills to manage social media accounts and digital marketplace accounts belonging to SMEs Getuk Goreng Hj. Thohirin and his computer bookkeeping skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 376-382
Fidiana Fidiana ◽  
Widhi Ariestianti Rochdianingrum ◽  
Endang Dwi Retnani ◽  
Dini Widyawati

This community service activity is continuously carried out to develop the creativity of mothers in producing innovative and attractive products. This activity involves training and assistance in preparing financial and marketing reports. This activity was carried out in collaboration with the Sukolilo District and STIESIA Surabaya. MSMEs in Sukolilo District experienced several obstacles related to preparing financial reports, marketing that utilized social media, and other technical obstacles. After this mentoring activity, MSME managers gained several benefits, including having started compiling financial reports. Marketing training activities are carried out using Instagram social media as a means of producing products. In this activity, assistance was carried out to create an Instagram account, taking photos of products to be uploaded on Instagram, assisting in uploading product photos on Instagram accompanied by product descriptions so that they could attract consumers. This activity is carried out to improve the business carried out from the management aspect. The target to be achieved is that MSME players have financial reports that can be used to submit funds or capital to banks for business development, expand marketing networks, and increase sales.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 853
Nurmala Berutu ◽  
Meilinda Suriani Harefa ◽  
M. Ridha Damanik ◽  
Ahmad Hidayat ◽  
Restu Restu

AbstrakPengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan mendampingi Kelompok Sadar Wisata yang berada di Belawan Sicanang untuk mendukung penyebaran informasi dan promosi keberadaan Ekowisata Mangrove Belawan Sicanang sebagai upaya peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat setempat. Metode pendampingan yang dilakukan dengan memberikan bantuan secara langsung papan informasi memperkenalkan keberadaan Ekowisata Mangrove, memasang panduan arah menuju kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove, memasangkan atribut edukasi pada kawasan ekowisata dan pelaksanaan pelatihan yaitu: pelatihan manajemen ekowisata, pelatihan pembuatan media sosial sebagai media promosi ekowisata berbasis Teknologi Informasi (TI) kepada kelompok penggiat ekowisata di Belawan Sicanang. Dari hasil penilaian terhadap motivasi mitra dalam mengembangkan Ekowisata Mangrove sebelum dan setelah kegiatan dilaksanakan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 15,6%, (sebelumnya sebesar 50%). Respon pengunjung terhadap pemasangan media promosi dan publikasi melalui media sosial lebih dari 60%. Dari data pengunjung yang diperoleh sejak diberikannya papan informasi dan penunjuk arah keberadaan Ekowisata Mangrove terjadi perubahan jumlah pengunjung yang datang dan beberapa lembaga bekerjasama untuk melakukan edukasi. Selama 4 Bulan melakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di peroleh jumlah pengunjung mengalami pertambahan sebesar 10%–20% dan mempengaruhi pertambahan pendapatan dari aktifitas wisata sebesar 10%-20% dari pendapatan sebelumnya. Selanjutnya 82% anggota kelompok menyatakan bahwa pendampingan yang berkelanjutan akan memberikan peluang untuk membangun perekonomian masyarakat disekitar kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Belawan Sicanang.Kata kunci: Ekowisata Mangrove Belawan Sicanang, informasi, promosi ekowsiataAbstractThis community service aims to assist the Tourism Awareness Group in Belawan Sicanang to support the dissemination of information and promotion of the existence of the Belawan Sicanang Mangrove Ecotourism as an effort to improve the economy of the local community. The mentoring method that was carried out by providing direct assistance to the information board introduced the existence of Mangrove Ecotourism, installed direction guides to the Mangrove Ecotourism area, paired the attributes of education in the ecotourism area and carried out training namely ecotourism management training, training on making social media as information technology-based ecotourism promotion media (TI) to ecotourism groups in Belawan Sicanang. From the results of the assessment of partner motivation in developing Mangrove Ecotourism before and after the activities carried out an increase of 15.6% (previously 50%). The visitor's response to the installation of promotional media and publications through social media is more than 60%. From the visitor data obtained since the information board was given and a guide to the existence of Mangrove Ecotourism there was a change in the number of visitors who came and several institutions collaborated to educate. During the 4 months of community service activities, the number of visitors experienced an increase of 10% -20% and affected the increase in income from tourism activities by 10% -20% of the previous income. Furthermore, 82% of group members stated that ongoing assistance would provide an opportunity to develop the economy of the community around the Belawan Sicanang Mangrove Ecotourism area.Keywords: Belawan Sicanang Mangrove Ecotourism, information, eco-tourism promotion

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-185
Christina Irwati Tanan ◽  
Dian Dhamayanti

This research was conducted in the Abepura District of Jayapura in three locations namely: Kotaraja, Abepura, and Kamkey Tanah Hitam towards three micro-enterprise (UMKM) groups consist of food stalls, general kiosks, and noken creative crafts. The objective of this community service program is to increase the engaged community’s knowledge and skill of entrepreneurship as well as management of micro-finance. This program is done through the identification of UMKM problems, lectures and discussions, entrepreneurship and micro-finance management assistance, and finished by monitoring and evaluation. Found the results that the UMKM community can utilize the potential of raw materials that have not been utilized maximally through product innovation, but also that they can create simple financial reports for micro-enterprises in order to increase the profitability. This program is expected to be completed by continued working with the government, micro-financing credit fund body, and other stakeholders to overcome capital and other potential problems of UMKM. Keywords: assistance, entrepreneurship, micro-enterprise (UMKM), micro-finance   Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan di Distrik Abepura Jayapura di tiga lokasi yaitu: Kotaraja, Abepura, dan Kamkey Tanah Hitam terhadap tiga kelompok usaha mikro (UMKM) yang terdiri dari warung makan, kios umum, dan kerajinan kreatif noken. Tujuan dari program layanan masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kewirausahaan komunitas yang terlibat serta pengelolaan keuangan mikro. Program ini dilakukan melalui identifikasi masalah UMKM, ceramah dan diskusi, pelatihan kewirausahaan dan manajemen keuangan mikro, dan diselesaikan dengan pemantauan dan evaluasi. Ditemukan hasil bahwa komunitas UMKM dapat memanfaatkan potensi bahan baku yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal melalui inovasi produk, juga bahwa mereka dapat membuat laporan keuangan sederhana untuk usaha mikro untuk meningkatkan profitabilitas. Program ini diharapkan dapat dilanjutkan dengan program pemerintah, lembaga kredit mikro, dan pihak terkait lainnya untuk mengatasi masalah permodalan dan potensi masalah UMKM yang ada.  Kata Kunci: keuangan mikro, kewirausahaan, pendampingan, usaha mikro

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-88
Hotnida Sinaga ◽  
Linda Masniary Lubis ◽  
Siti Kadijah Nasution

This community service activity was intended to assist entrepreneurs engaged in the production of alen-alen, a product made from cassava. There are some problems encountered in the production process, such as washing raw materials manually, work safety during the production practice, products that are not in accordance with standard hygiene and sanitation and packaging process that has not been designed properly. The entrepreneurs want to increase production but the equipment and processing machinery are very limited. To overcome this problem, several methods can be performed by the academics, such as facilitating them with appropriate tools that meet the needs in the field. A cassava washer unit and specific boiler tools to avoid hot steam when taking the material were offered. In addition, entrepreneurs were trained in hygiene and sanitation in alen-alen making, educated for packaging technology quality, raw material selection and the use of food coloring, formulating variations for alen-alen manufacture, as well as financial bookkeeping training. The implementation of these activities is expected to generate shorter production process time leading to further increase in the production, income and welfare of the entrepreneurs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 575-581
Esther Sorta Mauli Nababan ◽  
Nelson Manumpak Siahaan ◽  
Agus Salim Harahap ◽  
Pramio Garson Sembiring ◽  
Meyman Sokhi Ziliwu

The mangrove forests that stretch along the coast of the Nias islands have great potential to improve the economy of the surrounding communities. One of the largest and most extensive mangrove areas is in Ba'a bay, located in Sisarahili bay, Siabang village, Sawo District, North Nias Regency. Mangrove forest turns out to be a natural resource and tourism potential that is crowded with visitors, supported by its existence in a wide stretch of coastline. However, the development of tourism potential still needs to be done to further increase the arrival of both domestic and foreign tourists. Several things have been done to support increased publication and promotion by increasing the human resources of tourism awareness groups through training and workshops, improving facilities and infrastructure, transportation and accommodation and also the application of information technology media to maximize publication and promotion, so that visitors are not only local people but also from outside the region. The use of page-based information technology and social media as media is implemented to support publication and promotion in accordance with the results of a survey conducted by the community service team for visitors who come.  As many as 65% of visitors get information about mangrove tourism in Teluk ba'a from printed social media and 15% from websites / pages, while 20% get information from friends, online newspapers and communities around the mangrove tourism environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-31
Titus Kristanto ◽  
Nanang Fakhrur Rozi ◽  
Eka Cahya Muliawati ◽  
Rachman Arief ◽  
Syaiful Hidayat ◽  

In the millennial era 4.0, the growth of the home industry is growing more rapidly with the development of information technology, thus making needs increase and create new business opportunities. One of the new business opportunities is the krawu rice business. Krawu rice is a typical food from Gresik Regency. The krawu rice home industry is a partner of a community service activity named Nasi Krawu Buk Tiban. The problem that occurs in the community service partners is the marketing of krawu rice that is still around the Nasi Krawu Buk Tiban environment and marketing through the internet media. The method used is to provide training in the form of online media marketing and social media assistance. The result of community service activities can increase krawu rice revenue turnover, can operate and promote krawu rice marketing through online media and social media.

An information system audit is a way to check and assess needs and assess the extent to which information systems can answer a need in the production process. Production is the core activity of a company. In the production system occurs an input of raw materials, raw materials processing, and output of the process of making these raw materials. In this research object selected is PT. Tunas Alfin Tbk. PT. Tunas Alfin Tbk is a manufacturer of printing and packing for food and no food products that stood since 1977. Dives more than 25 years old and supported by technology and capabilities with attention to and improve product quality, hygienist, and food safety the production process at PT. TUNAS ALFIN TBK utilizes information technology to run its business, and the company realizes that using IT in business operations will assist in their production management process to produce maximum output. Therefore, the need for Information System evaluation to be a benchmark. Whether the application of IT in production has been applied correctly or not. The information audit method to be used is COBIT 5 with the DSS domain (Deliver, Service, and Support). where the COBIT 5 model of management standards has received full recognition, developed by the Information Technology Governance Institute (ITGI) and the Information System Audit Control Association (ISACA).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Dian Efriyenti ◽  
Tukino Tukino

The implementation of community service activities that will be carried out is in the form of fostering the preparation of financial reports and marketing empowerment based on e-commerce for small and medium-sized enterprises of bank sampah Mandiri. Based on the results of interviews in the field, this Mandiri Garbage Bank UKM has problems in marketing production and financial records. The methods used in coaching the SME Bank Sampah Mandiri that will be provided are survey methods, The results of the SME service feel that there is still a need for adjustments to the preparation of financial statements with financial accounting standards for entities without public accountability, there has been a separation of financial reports that have been commonly prepared by SMEs through business profits and personal cash and the availability of SME social media pages that are run by participants and understand it. about what to do with the page to maximize sales.

Asri Andrias ◽  
Siti Belinda Amri ◽  
Aspin Aspin

Discourse on green construction and sustainable development is currently a major topic in everywhere, including Indonesia. In every production activities, the manufacturing process always produces waste or residual production. In connection with the issue of sustainable development, certainly, the problem of waste utilization that frequently occur in the industrial sector should be minimized and handled so that no adverse impact to the environment. The interior design enterprise is one of the creative industries which is mostly using wood as a raw materials, waste generated from this manufacturing is not in small amount. The community service was collaborated with two interior design enterprises, namely CV Abstrak 3D and CV Garis Pratama, both located in Kendari and classified as a small enterprises. The main activity was to given assistance on the production process-based eco-design, which is a production process that applies the principles of environmentally friendly in every process. Environmentally friendly starting from the identification phase, production, waste processing, until the marketing phase. Through this community service, an increase in productivity as well as knowledge were achieved by both of partners. One of examples of productivity improvement is the ability of the enterprises to process production waste into some valuable goods Keywords:  creative industry, interior design, furniture, eco-design, wood waste utilization

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