scholarly journals Pengaruh Konseling Kelompok dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa KMS di SMP N 5 Yogyakarta

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
Zaldhi Yusuf Akbar

SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta menerima siswa-siswa kurang mampu atau siswa KMS. Siswa KMS SMPN 5 kelas 8 berjumlah 15 orang. Terdapat permasalahan pada siswa-siswa KMS. Siswa KMS memiliki motivasi yang kurang, prestasi akademik yang rendah Berdasarkan survey awal Guru BK mengatakan bahwa siswa KMS pada kelas VIII menunjukan motivasi belajar yang rendah. Siswa KMS pun jarang aktif ketika pelajaran KBM berlangsung.. Ini juga dikuatkan dengan data FGD terhadap siswa kms yang memiliki motivasi rendah dan prestasi kurang baik. Dalam hal ini penelitian tentang siswa kms sangat menarik untuk diteliti. Metode penelitian eksperiman dengan skala motivasi belajar untuk pretest, post test dan follow up test, Penghitungan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 17 for windows diketahui bahwa nilai t untuk pretest sebesar 39.762 dan untuk posttest sebesar 53.469. Adapun hasil uji beda menunjukkan signifikansi p = 0,004 (p<0,005). Kesimpulannya konseling kelompok yang dilakukan mampu meningkatkan skor motivasi belajar siswa secara signifikan.Kata kunci: Konseling kelompok, Motivasi, Siswa KMS.

2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 213-225 ◽  
Helvi Koch ◽  
Nadine Spörer

Zusammenfassung. Ziel war es, die Effektivität zweier Interventionen zur Förderung der Lesekompetenz von Fünftklässlern zu untersuchen. Beide Treatments wurden von Regellehrkräften implementiert. Die eine Intervention war das reziproke Lehren, welches um Selbstregulationsprozeduren angereichert wurde (RT+SRL). Die zweite war eine von Lehrkräften konzipierte lesestrategiebasierte Unterrichtseinheit (Good Practice, GP). Zusätzlich gab es eine No-Treatment-Kontrollgruppe (KG0). Insgesamt nahmen an der Studie N = 244 Schüler teil. Im Rahmen eines Pre-, Post-, Follow-Up-Test-Untersuchungsplans kamen standardisierte Leseverständnisaufgaben, selbstkonstruierte Lesestrategieaufgaben und eine Selbstwirksamkeitsskala zum Einsatz. Kontrastierende Einzelvergleichsanalysen ergaben, dass sich die Schüler der Treatmentbedingung RT+SRL im Vergleich zu den Schülern der Kontrollgruppe zum Post-Test signifikant stärker im Leseverständnis, in der Lesestrategieanwendung und in der Selbstwirksamkeit verbesserten. Gleiches galt für die Lesestrategieanwendung zum Follow-Up-Test. Schüler der Bedingung GP konnten im Vergleich zu KG0-Schülern weder zum Post- noch zum Follow-Up-Test vorteilige Ergebnisse in den drei Kriteriumsmaßen erzielen.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-57
Anke Buschmann ◽  
Bettina Multhauf

Zusammenfassung. Das Ziel vorliegender Studie bestand in einer Überprüfung der Akzeptanz und Teilnehmerzufriedenheit eines Gruppentrainings für Eltern von Kindern mit Lese- und/oder Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten. Zudem sollten erste Indikatoren bezüglich der Wirksamkeit des Programmes untersucht werden. Dazu wurden Daten von 25 Müttern zu 2 Messzeitpunkten (Post-Test, 3-Monats-Follow-up) analysiert. Die Probandinnen nahmen über einen Zeitraum von 3 Monaten an 5 Sitzungen des Programms «Mein Kind mit Lese- und Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten verstehen, stärken und unterstützen: Heidelberger Elterntraining zum Umgang mit LRS» teil. Ein Paper-Pencil-Fragebogen diente zum Post-Test der Erhebung von Teilnahmeparametern, der Zufriedenheit mit dem Training, der Relevanz einzelner Themen und der wahrgenommenen Veränderungen in wichtigen Zielbereichen. Zusätzlich kam eine für das Gruppensetting adaptierte Form des Goal Attainment Scaling zum Einsatz, um das Erreichen persönlich relevanter Ziele unmittelbar nach dem Training sowie 3 Monate später zu erfassen. Die Analyse des Fragebogens zeigte eine hohe Partizipationsbereitschaft der Mütter. Die Rahmenbedingungen des Trainings (Gruppengröße, Dauer des Trainings und der Sitzungen) sowie die didaktischen Methoden wurden als ideal und die Themen als relevant eingeschätzt. Die Mütter sahen sich in der Lage, die Inhalte im Alltag anzuwenden und nahmen positive Veränderungen hinsichtlich Einfühlungsvermögen, Unterstützung des Kindes, Hausaufgabensituation und Beziehung zum Kind wahr. Das Ausmaß des Erreichens individueller Ziele zum Post-Test variierte je nach Zielbereich: Einfühlen und Verstehen (75 %), Optimierung der Hausaufgabensituation (76 %), Unterstützung psychosozialer Entwicklung (86 %), Lese-Rechtschreibförderung (60 %) und war auch 3 Monate später noch vergleichbar hoch. Die Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit hinsichtlich einer Belastungsreduktion und Kompetenzstärkung seitens der Eltern erfolgt aktuell im Vergleich zu einer unbehandelten Kontrollgruppe.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (01) ◽  
Marzieh . Shamkhani ◽  
Ali . Khalafi

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of positive learning on happiness, Aggression and hope for adolescents with leukemia in Ahvaz. The sample consisted of 30 people who were selected by available sampling method. 15 subjects in the experimental group and 15 in the control group were randomly assigned. The experimental design was a pre-test-post-test type with control group and follow-up period. Measurement tools included Oxford Happiness Inventory (Argyle, 1989); Ahwaz's Aggression Questionnaire (Zahedifar, Najarian, and Shokrkon, 2000); Hope Scale (Schneider, 1991). To run, at first, the pre-test was taken from both groups. Then, the experimental group was trained in 14 sessions of 90 minutes, and after each group, they were subjected to post-test. And one month later, the follow-up process was completed. Data analysis was performed using multivariate covariance analysis (MANCOVA) and one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results showed that positive attitudes toward happiness, aggressiveness and hopefulness of adolescents with leukemia in Ahvaz were effective.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 107
Adi Heryadi ◽  
Evianawati Evianawati

This study aims to prove whether transformational leadership training is effective for building anti-corruption attitudes of villages in Kebonharjo village, subdistrict Samigaluh Kulonprogo. This research is an experimental research with one group pre and posttest design.Subject design is 17 people from village of 21 candidates registered. Measuring tool used in this research is the scale of anti-corruption perception made by the researcher referring to the 9 anti-corruption values with the value of reliability coefficient of 0.871. The module used as an intervention made by the researcher refers to the transformational leadership dimension (Bass, 1990). The data collected is analyzed by statistical analysis of different test Paired Sample Test. Initial data collection results obtained sign value of 0.770 which means> 0.05 or no significant difference between anti-corruption perception score between before and after training. After a period of less than 1 (one) month then conducted again the measurement of follow-up of the study subjects in the measurement again using the scale of anti-corruption perception. The results of the second data collection were analysed with Paired Samples Test and obtained the value of 0.623 sign meaning p> 0.05 or no significant difference between post test data with follow-up data so that the hypothesis of this study was rejected.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Brianna L. Martinez ◽  
Ryan D. Sweeder ◽  
Jessica R. VandenPlas ◽  
Deborah G. Herrington

Abstract Background Engagement with particle-level simulations can help students visualize the motion and interactions of gas particles, thus helping them develop a more scientifically accurate mental model. Such engagement outside of class prior to formal instruction can help meet the needs of students from diverse backgrounds and provide instructors with a common experience upon which to build with further instruction. Yet, even with well-designed scaffolds, students may not attend to the most salient aspects of the simulation. In this case, a screencast where an instructor provides narrated use of the simulation and points students towards the important observations may provide additional benefits. This study, which is part of the larger ChemSims project, investigates the use of simulations and screencasts to support students’ developing understanding of gas properties by examining student learning gains. Results This study indicates that both students manipulating the simulation on their own and those observing a screencast exhibited significant learning gains from pre- to post-assessment. However, students who observed the screencast were more than twice as likely to transition from a macroscopic explanation to a particle-level explanation of gas behavior in answering matched pre- and post-test questions. Eye-tracking studies indicated very similar viewing and usage patterns for both groups of students overall, including when using the simulation to answer follow-up questions. Conclusion Significant learning gains by both groups across all learning objectives indicate that either scaffolded screencast or simulation assignments can be used to support student understanding of gas particle behavior and serve as a first experience upon which to build subsequent instruction. There is some indication that the initial use of the screencast may better help students build correct mental models of gas particle behavior. Further, for this simulation, watching the instructor manipulate the simulation in the screencast allowed students to subsequently use the simulation on their own at a level comparable to those students who had manipulated the simulation on their own throughout the assignment, suggesting that the screencast students were not disadvantaged by not initially manipulating the simulation on their own.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 510-510
Aimee Fox ◽  
Nathaniel Riggs ◽  
Loriena Yancura ◽  
Christine Fruhauf

Abstract Grandparents often protect against childhood trauma and promote resilience through their nurturance, love, and support when raising grandchildren. Despite the beneficial role grandparents have on their grandchildren, grandparents may experience challenges of their own, including physical, mental, and emotional health issues, lack of resources, and social isolation. Few interventions exist to help grandparents successfully adapt to the challenges they face as primary parenting figures. The purpose of this study was to test preliminary efficacy of a strengths-based intervention for grandparents raising grandchildren aimed at increasing self-care behaviors, managing emotions, and connecting to community resources. Grandparents (N = 137) providing primary care to grandchildren were recruited to participate in a single-group, pre- and post-test design, 6-week intervention. Self-efficacy was assessed at baseline, post-intervention, and at a 6-month follow-up. To evaluate who the intervention might be most beneficial for, grandparents’ service knowledge, perceived support from others, and length of care provided, measured at baseline, were analyzed for moderating effects. Results of paired-samples t-tests reveal significant increases in self-efficacy (p = .013) from baseline to post-test, which were maintained at the 6-month follow-up (p = .010). Hierarchical multiple regression showed interaction effects of the hypothesized moderators were not significant, indicating improvements in self-efficacy regardless of individual variability at baseline. As demonstrated, interventions can be effective at increasing self-efficacy in grandparents raising grandchildren and strengths-based approaches have the potential to provide universal benefits to grandparents, thus improving functioning in grandfamilies and promoting the health and well-being of grandparents and their grandchildren.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
pp. 546-553 ◽  
Canaan J. Hancock ◽  
Peter G. Delaney ◽  
Zachary J. Eisner ◽  
Eric Kroner ◽  
Issa Mahamet-Nuur ◽  

AbstractIntroduction:The World Health Organization (WHO; Geneva, Switzerland) recommends lay first responder (LFR) programs as a first step toward establishing formal Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to address injury. There is a scarcity of research investigating LFR program development in predominantly rural settings of LMICs.Study Objective:A pilot LFR program was launched and assessed over 12 months to investigate the feasibility of leveraging pre-existing transportation providers to scale up prehospital emergency care in rural, low-resource settings of LMICs.Methods:An LFR program was established in rural Chad to evaluate curriculum efficacy, using a validated 15-question pre-/post-test to measure participant knowledge improvement. Pre-/post-test score distributions were compared using a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test. For test evaluation, each pre-test question was mapped to its corresponding post-test analog and compared using McNemar’s Chi-Squared Test to examine knowledge acquisition on a by-question basis. Longitudinal prehospital care was evaluated with incident reports, while program cost was tracked using a one-way sensitivity analysis. Qualitative follow-up surveys and semi-interviews were conducted at 12 months, with initial participants and randomly sampled motorcycle taxi drivers, and used a constructivist grounded theory approach to understand the factors motivating continued voluntary participation to inform future program continuity. The consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) checklist was used to guide design, analysis, and reporting the qualitative results.Results:A total of 108 motorcycle taxi participants demonstrated significant knowledge improvement (P <.001) across three of four curricular categories: scene safety, airway and breathing, and bleeding control. Lay first responders treated 71 patients over six months, encountering five deaths, and provided patient transport in 82% of encounters. Lay first responders reported an average confidence score of 8.53/10 (n = 38). In qualitative follow-up surveys and semi-structured interviews, the ability to care for the injured, new knowledge/skills, and the resultant gain in social status and customer acquisition motivated continued involvement as LFRs. Ninety-six percent of untrained, randomly sampled motorcycle taxi drivers reported they would be willing to pay to participate in future training courses.Conclusion:Lay first responder programs appear feasible and cost-effective in rural LMIC settings. Participants demonstrate significant knowledge acquisition, and after 12 months of providing emergency care, report sustained voluntary participation due to social and financial benefits, suggesting sustainability and scalability of LFR programs in low-resource settings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 237796082110261
Marwa H. Ageiz ◽  
Hayam A. Elshrief ◽  
Huda M. Bakeer

Background Developing a professional identity is rooted in the dimensions of professionalism and professional development. Moreover, the need for teaching professionalism has a mutual relationship with the formation of a desirable professional identity. Aim The current study aimed at developing a professionalism manual for the nurse managers to improve their perception regarding professionalism and professional identity. Design Quasi-experimental research design with pre-test, post-test, and follow-up was used. Setting The study was conducted at two different hospitals; Menoufia University hospital and Al-helal Insurance hospital, Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. Subjects The participants included all nurse managers at different levels from the two different hospitals ( n =100). Tools: tool 1: Professionalism Questionnaire and tool 2: Professional Identity Assessment Questionnaire were used to collect data. Results there was a statistically significant improvement in professionalism perception and professional identity level immediately after administering the professionalism manual and after three months in the follow-up phase than the pre-test phase. Additionally, there was a statistically significant positive correlation between two variables of the study at the post and follow-up phases, but not significant at the pre-test phase. Conclusion the professionalism manual was effective in improving nurse managers’ perceptions regarding professionalism and professional identity. Recommendations: Incorporate the attributes of professionalism that were included in the professionalism manual as a guide for the performance review processes of nurses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Justin Cikuru ◽  
Ali Bitenga ◽  
Juvenal Bazilashe Mukungu Balegamire ◽  
Prince Mujumbe Salama ◽  
Michelle M. Hood ◽  

Abstract Background To assess whether Healing in Harmony (HiH), a form of music therapy, improved women's mental health following conflict-related trauma and sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Methods This study used a step-wedged design and included 167 women, who completed up to two pre-tests, a post-test, and up to two follow-up interviews at 3 and 6 months after completing the program. The Hopkins Symptoms Checklist was used to measure anxiety and depression. The Harvard Trauma Questionnaire was used to measure post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Generalized estimating equations with unstructured covariance were used to estimate mean change in mental health scores and relative risks (RRs) for screening positive. Results Prior to starting the HiH program, 73.9, 84.2, and 68.5% screened positive with median scores being 2.20, 2.70, and 2.06 for depression, anxiety, and PTSD, respectively. The RR for screening positive declined significantly (RR = 0.49 for depression, 0.61 for anxiety, and 0.54 for PTSD) and mean scores declined significantly by −0.54, −0.67, and −0.53 points, respectively, from the pre- to the post-test, declines that were sustained at the 3-month and 6-month follow-up interviews. Conclusion The HiH program was associated with significant improvement in women's mental health that was sustained up to 6 months post completion of the program despite instability in the region and evidence of continued experience of conflict-related trauma during the study. These data support the value of providing psychological care in the context of ongoing humanitarian crises.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Prof. Dr. A. Velayudhan ◽  
Palanisamy. V

Rural underprivileged youth from India are mostly failing to get decent job due to lack of life-skills. The chances are very less for rural underprivileged adolescents to acquire necessary skills from their cultural context. Hence Indian Adolescents from rural area presently requiring basic life skills for complete their education effectively and get a suitable job in India or abroad. As attaining this task present study examined the effectiveness of social learning intervention on enhancing self-leadership skills and communication skills among rural adolescents. Purposive sampling method was used to select the sample (N=50), it included 25 female and 25 male adolescents from underprivileged category. The sample was selected from the Government higher secondary school located in rural area of Coimbatore district in Tamil Nadu. This study consists following four phases which are Pre-test, Intervention, Post-test, and follow up phases. The social learning intervention was designed based on Bandura’s social learning theory therefore modeling, role play, and constructive feedback methods were used. Weekly one training session was taken totally 12 training sessions, 2 hour for each session. Revised self-leadership questionnaire and communication locus of control scale were used to collect the data in pre-test, post-test, and follow up phases. Mean, SD, repeated measure of ANOVO and Post-Hoc test was used to analysis the data and the results shows that self-leadership skills and communication skills was significantly improved after social learning intervention.

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