scholarly journals The Relationship Between Knowledge and Education With the Implementation of Early Detection of Cervical Cancer Through IVA in Deket Village, Deket District, Lamongan Regency 2019

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Siti Sholikha

ABSTRAK  Kanker serviks merupakan penyebab utama kematian wanita. Tingginya angka kanker serviks disebabkan rendahnya pengetahuan dan kesadaran akan bahaya kanker serviks. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan dan Pendidikan dengan Pelaksanaan Deteksi Dini Kanker Servik melalui IVA. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Analitik Korelasional dengan Desain Penelitian Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua Wanita Usia Subur (15-49 tahun) yang berjumlah 110 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah teknik Porposive Sampling dengan sampel berjumlah 60 orang. Hasil yang didiapatkan dari penelitian ini sebagian besar WUS mempunyai pengetahuan kurang 30 orang (50%) dan yang tidak melaksanakan IVA 50 orang (83,3%), Uji Statistik dengan menggunakan rumus Chi Square yang dianalisis menggunakan program SPSS 16 for windows, diperoleh nilai sig 2 tailed (p) = 0,000 untuk Variable Independent Pengetahuan dimana p < 0,05 maka H0 ditolak, artinya Ada Hubungan antara Pengetahuan dengan Pelaksanaan Deteksi Dini Kanker Servik melalui IVA di Desa Deket Kecamatan Deket Kabupaten Lamongan. Sedangkan untuk Variable Independent Pendidikan diperoleh nilai sig 2 tailed (p) = 0,000 dimana p < 0,05 maka H0 ditolak, artinya Ada Hubungan antara Pendidikan dengan Pelaksanaan Deteksi Dini Kanker Servik melalui IVA di Desa Deket Kecamatan Deket Kabupaten Lamongan. Dari hasil penelitian disarankan, Peningkatan Pengetahuan melalui PKK, Sosialisasi, atau Penyuluhan Kesehatan. Kata Kunci:  Pengetahuan, Pendidikan WUS, Kanker Servik , IVA.ABSTRACT Cervical cancer is a leading cause of death of women. The high rate of cervical cancer is due to the low knowledge and awareness of the dangers of cervical cancer. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and education with the implementation of early cervical cancer detection through IVA. This research is a Correlational Analytic Research with Cross Sectional Research Design. The population in this study were all Fertile Age Women (15-49 years), amounting to 110 people. The sampling technique in this study is the Porposive Sampling technique with a sample of 60 people. The results obtained from this study most of the WUS have less knowledge of 30 people (50%), and who do not carry out IVA 50 people (83.3%), Statistical Tests using the Chi Square formula analyzed using SPSS 16 for windows program, obtained sig 2 tailed value (p) = 0,000 for Variable Independent Knowledge where p <0.05 then H0 is rejected, meaning there is a Relationship between Knowledge and Early Cervical Cancer Detection through IVA in Deket Village, Deket District Lamongan. Whereas for Independent Education Variable obtained sig 2 tailed value (p) = 0,000 where p <0.05 then H0 is rejected, meaning that there is a relationship between Education with the Implementation of Early Detection of Cervical Cancer through IVA in Deket Village, Deket District, Lamongan Regency. From the results of the study it was suggested, Knowledge Enhancement through PKK, Socialization, or Health Education. Keywords: Knowledge, WUS Education, Cervical Cancer, IVA.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Nurul Mouliza

Each year more than 300,000 women die from cervical cancer more than half a million women are diagnosed. Every minute, a woman is being ionogized. Cervical cancer is one of the biggest threats to women's health. Method; analytical survey research method with cross sectional approach. The population of this study were all women of childbearing age in the work area  , totaling 117 people with a sample size of 54 respondents using proportional stratified random sampling technique. Sempel used the total population technique, namely the entire population of the chi-square statistical test. . Result; results of statistical tests, namely the Chi-square, concluded that there was a relationship between husband's support and IVA examination at PUS (p = 0.006 <α = 0.05),. and (p = 0.624> α 0.05), which means that economic status has no influence on the effect of IVA on EFA. and (p = 0.006 <α 0.05) which means that there is an effect of maternal attitudes with IVA examinations at PUS. Conclusion; There is a relationship between partner support, economic status and maternal attitudes with IVA examination at PUS.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Mardianti Mardianti

Indonesia is a country in ASEAN which is ranked top for total deaths of cervical cancer in women and coupled with the number of new cases of about 20 cases per day, West Java ranked 5th with the number of cervical cancer cases as many as 5,786 people or around 11.78% . This incidence increased compared to the previous year which was around 10.38%. Based on data from the Karawang district health office early detection of cervical cancer with IVA examination as much as 10.2% in 2012, 29.6% in 2013. Medical record data at Puskesmas Pedes early detection of cervical cancer by IVA examination as much as 17.8% in 2012, 19.7% of people in 2013. These data show that there has been an increase in Cervical Cancer Early Detection. But it still has not reached the target of an early cervical cancer detection program which is 80%. The purpose of this study is to know the factors related to the behavior of women of childbearing age in early detection of cervical cancer in the village in the early working area of Pedes Public Health Center, Karawang District in 2013. This study used analytical methods with Cross Sectional design. The sample of this study were married women of childbearing age. Sampling with multistage random sampling technique, on 130 respondents using the level of significance (p≤0.05). The results of the study found that as many as 32 respondents (24.6%) had done early detection of cervical cancer while 98 respondents (75.4%) did not do early detection of cervical cancer. Based on the results of statistical tests showed that the 6 variables studied obtained 4 variables meaningful and 2 meaningless variables. The meaningful variables are education variables p = 0.046 (p≤0.05), knowledge variables p = 0.008 (p≤0.05), socioeconomic variables p = 0.000 (p≤0.05) and family support p = 0.037 (p≤0.05) while the non-meaningful variables are age and distance to the place of health services. It is recommended that the puskesmas improve socialization regarding, risk factors and early detection of cervical cancer.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Elia Ika Rahmawati ◽  
Dini Andriyani ◽  
Fathiyatur Rohmah

Cervical cancer is a malignant disease that remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality among women in the world. In Indonesia, only 5% of women of reproductive age screen for cervical cancer. 76.6% of cervical cancer patients are detected with the disease when they entered the advanced stage. Early detection of cervical cancer is the key intervention in the reduction of incidence and mortality of cervical cancer. Other studies reported that the awareness of women of reproductive age to do cervical cancer screening is still very low due to a lack of knowledge about cervical cancer. This study aimed to determine the correlation of knowledge and participation in early detection of cervical cancer in women in reproductive age. This study used an analytical survey with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used incidental sampling with a total of 36 women in reproductive age. Data analysis used Chi-Square test. Statistical results showed that there was a significant correlation between knowledge of women in reproductive age about cervical cancer and participation in early detection of cervical cancer, which is p value = 0.020 ( 0.05) and coefficient of contingency (r) = 0.423. The level of closeness of the correlation is medium. Therefore, there is a need for tailored services that could improve knowledge of women in reproductive age about cervical cancer to improve participation with a view to preventing cervical cancer by early detection.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-48
Ida Rahmawati ◽  
Loren Juksen ◽  
Jopi Ishan Putra

Cataract is eye disease which can cause low vision and blindness. Blindness cases are highest in Indonesia and in the World due to cataract. Cataract could be happened because of degenerative factors that can be influenced by aging. Hypertension is either degenerative disease due to free radicals and decrease in antioxidant so that, can increase of lens opacity.This research aims to know the relationship between hypertension on elderly in Outpatient Eye Care Dr. M Yunus Hospital, Bengkulu Province, years 2018. This technic research used cross sectional. The subject in this research is all of elderly with cataract who getting  treatment in Outpatient Eye Care Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu. The sampling technique uses proportional systematic sampling, obtained 90 respondents. Statistical tests using chi-square (X2). To determine the closeness of the relationship using Contingency Coefficient (C). The result of this research obtained; a) there were 29 respondents (32.2%) with hypertension and 61 respondents or 67.8% without hypertension; b) there were 27 respondents (30.0%) with mature cataract and 63 respondents or 70.0% with immature cataract. The result of Chi Square Analysis obtained p= 0.279 < α = 0.05 meaning there is no relationship between hypertention and cataract

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-124
Nining Loura Sari Nining

KB Village is one of the KKBPK strengthening programs that is managed and managed from, by and for the community to empower and provide facilities for the community. This study aims to look at the relationship between the community and the existence of KB villages. Quantitative research methods with cross sectional methods. The data collection tool consisted of a questionnaire with a sample of 100 respondents. This research uses purposive sampling technique. Statistical tests using chi-square and fisher precisely in the univariate and bivariate analysis. The results of the study found that the effectiveness of the KB respondents' village formation was moderate (50%), the respondent's behavior (62%) was sufficient and the Spearman trial results obtained sig. (2-tailed) of 0.00 so ? <0.01 (?) there is a relationship between the effectiveness of the formation of the KB village with changes in society. KB Village on Jl. Muharto Gang 5B Rw 08 Kotalama Malang needs great appreciation and support from various needs that have been managed, so that it becomes an indicator of the KB village process that began in 2017 and ends in 2019 that can be adjusted to the needs of the community better.

Roni Aldiano ◽  
Fitta Deskawati

The high rate of infant mortality is caused by many factors, including neonatal asphyxia and premature rupture of membranes. KPD followed by infection can increase perinatal morbidity and mortality. Asphyxia is a newborn emergency in the form of respiratory depression that continues, causing various complications. This study aims to determine the relationship between premature rupture of membranes and Asphyxia Neonatorum. Method : The research method used was an analytic survey with a cross sectional approach. Conducted at the ST Hospital. Elisabet, the study was conducted for 6 months, the population in this study were all patients in the delivery room with term delivery at Santa Elisabeth Hospital, Batam City from January to December as many as 1,018 people. The sample in this study was 91 people. The sampling technique was carried out by systematic random sampling technique with research instruments using checklists. Data analysis using Chi square. Result :The results of the study with a sample of 91 in 32 mothers with KPD, showed 20 neonates (62.5%) were not asphyxia and 12 neonates (37.5%) had asphyxia. Meanwhile, 59 non-KPD mothers whose babies were not asphyxiated were 53 neonates (89.8%) and 6 neonates had asphyxia (10.2%). The analysis results obtained p = 0.004 (<0.05). Conclusion : The conclusion is that there is a relationship between PROM and the incidence of neonatal asphyxia at term delivery at Santa Elisabeth Hospital, Batam City. Research suggestion that efforts to reduce the incidence of KPD can be increased.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (T6) ◽  
pp. 111-115
Nina Sumarni ◽  
Laili Rahayuwati ◽  
Dadang Purnama ◽  
Udin Rosidin ◽  
Iwan Shalahuddin ◽  

Background: The status of global pandemic that has been going on for more than one year has forced countries around the world to adopt new habitual adaptations, including Indonesia. The application of new norm adjustments is applied in all areas that intersect with the public, such as public transportation, places of worship, offices, supermarkets, inns and restaurants. Control of the spread of Covid-19 is carried out by the government with various efforts so its spread can be controlled but in reality on the ground it is increasingly rampant, controlling the spread of Covid-19 can be successful if the entire community participates in taking precautions for its spread. Aims: Research objective was to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitude and behavior of SMKN I students in efforts to prevent Covid-19. Methods: The type of this research was processed using descriptive correlative method which described the relationship between knowledge, attitude and behavior of students in efforts to prevent Covid-19. The population in this research were students that majoring in Pharmacy and Computer and Network Engineering Departments of SMKN 1 Garut, the sample was using total sampling technique as many as 160 respondents, the instrument in this research was questionnaire. Data analysis used chi-square. Results: The result showed that the level of students' knowledge about the efforts to prevent Covid-19 was in the sufficient category (72%). Most of the students' attitude about the prevention of Covid-19 was in the sufficient category (74%). Most of the sufferers' behavior regarding the prevention of Covid-19 was in the good category (79%). Based on the result of statistical tests using Chi Square, the result showed that there was a relationship between students' knowledge and behavior in efforts to prevent Covid-19 (p value = 0.63) and there was a relationship between students' attitude and behavior in efforts to prevent Covid-19 (p value = 0.83). The conclusion was that there was a relationship between knowledge, attitude and behavior of students in efforts to prevent Covid-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Chindy Maria Orizani ◽  
Gea Sanimustofies

An individual's ability or self-empowerment of the elderly in meeting needs, solving problems, utilizing existing resources for their lives. Self empowerment experienced by the elderly causes changes in the quality of life. The purpose of the study was to identify the relationship between self-empowerment and the quality of life of the elderly in RW 02, TKK sub-district/district, Surabaya City. This research uses cross sectional approach and correlational method. The independent variable is self-empowerment and the dependent variable is quality of life. The population in this study were all elderly who were in the RW 02 area, TKK sub-district/district, Surabaya as many as 34 elderly. Sampling used a total sampling technique, namely 34 respondents. The measuring instrument used is the WHOQOL questionnaire and the self-empowerment questionnaire. The results of the study were statistical tests using chi-square and showed that there was a significant relationship (p = 0,000) and was a strong relationship (r = 1,000) between self empowerment and the quality of life of the elderly in RW 02, TKK sub-district/district, Surabaya City. Problems that arise in the elderly include the inability to access health services, no old-age insurance and lack of social support. As a result of these problems, the elderly feel powerless and useless (lack of self-empowerment) in everyday life.                     Keywords: Self Empowerment, Quality of Life, Elderly

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 1762-1768
Nur indah noviyanti Rahman ◽  
Hukmiyah Aspar ◽  

Relationship of Knowledge of Pregnant Women to Compliance with Health Protocols during the COVID-19 Pandemic at Kassi-Kassi Health Center Makassar in 2021. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge of pregnant women and adherence to health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Kassi-Kassi Health Center Makassar. This study uses analytical research methods by carrying out a Cross Sectional Study approach to determine the relationship between knowledge of pregnant women and adherence to health protocols during the COVID-19 Pandemic at the Kassi-Kassi Health Center Makassar. With a population of pregnant women who perform ANC examinations at the Kassi-Kassi Health Center Makassar and the number of samples is 30 respondents using the Accidental Sampling technique. From the results of statistical tests using the Chi-Square (Continuity Correction) test, the value of (0.039) < (0.050) is obtained, so Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected, this study shows that there is a relationship between knowledge of pregnant women and adherence to health protocols.

Ni Made Rai Widiastuti ◽  
Joce Desak Made Sri Witati

Background: Patients with cervical cancer late to realize that they have been infected with the disease and come treated in an advanced stage, this will increase the number of morbidity and mortality in women. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors associated with delay in cervical cancer patients do early detection.Methods: Cross-sectional analytic research design with 90 samples of cervical cancer patients who came to visit Poly Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology Sanglah Central Hospital Denpasar using consecutive sampling technique. Data were analyzed gradually including univariate, bivariate (chi square) and multivariate (poisson regression).Results: This study showed 61 respondents (67.8%) came to the service already in the state of advanced stage (>IIB). The variables that are significantly related to the time of self examination are education, occupation, family income, knowledge, attitude, information presentation, availability of service place, and family support. Education, knowledge, and attitude are the dominant variables.Conclusions: Efforts to increase early detection by improving the quality and quantity of education by health personnel and all supporting components.

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