2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Hendra Kusuma ◽  
Wiwiek Kusumaning Asmoro

This research is a library research. The method used in this research is Library Research or literature review, which collects data from literature and other sources that support and are related to the discussion of this study. The results of this study are: (1) There are 5 major roles of Start-up Financial Technology, namely, First financial transactions become more practical and safer. Second, it can advance the development of bitcoin. Third, it can improve people's lives. Fourth, it can build banking infrastructure as a solution to increase people's purchasing power. Fifth, can remove loan sharks. (2) The relevance of Financial Technology in today's development, it is very clear that its relationship in the daily life of the community, which provides convenience for the needs of the community in conducting financial transactions, such as payments, buying and selling of shares, borrowing and other transactions through technology. (3) Financial Technology is not contradictory to the Islamic economic system as long as it follows the legal principles of a contract, and meets the conditions and principles as well as the applicable law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 136-161
Muhammad Irwin Muslimin ◽  
Darwanto Darwanto

The existence of Islamic Economics in recent years has risen. This makes the development of Islamic Economics more diverse. This needs to be addressed wisely by examining various points of views, including the thoughts of Islamic Economists regarding the Islamic Economic System, so that the knowledge about the Islamic Economic System is fundamentally known by various parties. This research uses a qualitative method using library research method with a comparative approach. This literature research explains and compares the thoughts of two contemporary Islamic Economists, namely Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi and Yusuf Al-Qardhawi. The data analysis technique used is content analysis and comparison. Union intersection tool is used to compare several dimensions of the thoughts of the two Islamic Economists regarding Islamic Economic System. The results of the research show that the thoughts of Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi and Yusuf Al-Qardhawi regarding Islamic Economic System are related to each other and classified into the same dimensions of basic views, economic ethics and government roles. Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi is famous for his approach of axiomatic approach and Yusuf Al-Qardhawi through ethical approach. Both support integrating Islamic norms and ethics that are sourced from the Qur'an and Hadith into every economic activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-75
Mohammad Ghozali ◽  
Resi Handayani ◽  
Wahyudi Bakri

The existence of an economic system of capitalism, an economic system of socialism, and an economic system of sharia are a response to problems regarding the economy as well as an answer to removing people from the obscurity of the existing economic system. It’s hoped that these systems will be the key to the economic success of a society. But there are always advantages and disadvantages to every existing system. The economic system of capitalism is an economic system hi which investors or owners of capital are the movers and rulers. Meanwhile, the economic system of socialism is a system hi which the government is the main control, this system ignores the position of the individual, everything is regulated by the ruler and no one has the right other than the ruler. The considerations positives and negatives of each system have created a sharia economic system where this system has every positive side of the capitalist and socialist economic system but ignores the shortcomings or negative sides of the two systems. This paper discussed how the economic system of capitalism, the economic system of socialism, the Islamic economic system, and the relationship between them. The method used in this writing was library research, in which the authors used various secondary data from books, article, and many more. The results showed that it is clear that there are far differences between the conventional economic system and the Islamic economic system, the conventional economic system includes the economic system of capitalism and the economic system of socialism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-205
Ahmad Ubaidillah

Science, including Islamic economics, is a systematic knowledge acquired in certain ways agreed upon by scientists. Certain ways to acquire such schematic knowledge are called methodologies. Science is obtained through investigation or investigation. But not every investigation can be called a legitimate and recognized way to gain the knowledge. Science has certain ways or processes called research. Thus, the methodology is in fact the ways or scientific research techniques. The technique here means ways of conducting an investigation and assessing the findings or evidences, ie judging whether the finds are true or false. After seeing how important the methodology is in building a discipline, especially the discipline of Islamic economics, this paper will try to answer the question: how is the methodology offered by Monzer Kahf to build Islamic economics? The research method used in this research concerns types, approaches, sources and data types, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques. The type of this research is library research, namely research conducted by taking and collecting data from the literature related to the issues discussed. Sources of research data obtained are from the existing literature, by collecting primary and secondary data. Primary data in this study refers to the books and other research journals by Monzer Kahf. The secondary data in this research is obtained from books, magazines, journals, articles, and so forth, written by other writer. Analytical technique used is descriptive-analytical analysis method. The results show that the task of describing the Islamic economic system consists of two parts. First, Islamic economists have to find the theory of the components of the economic system and its internal relations. Second, they are to investigate the economic validity and power of the system. Essentially, the approach used to find the Islamic economic system is similar to the approach used to find the general theories and rules of fiqh. Economics as one of the social sciences needs to develop a path to history to explore its experiences and determine the direction of long-term economic life. Islamic economists must revise conventional economic theory to recognize and separate biased postulates. In other words, refining theories is full of the dogmatic, doctrinal, and moral views of the experts and the environment.

Havis Aravik ◽  
Achmad Irwan Hamzani ◽  
Nur Khasanah

Islamic economy is a progressive and dynamic economy. Various new theories have been raised as an offer for the development of Islamic economics, one of which was carried out by Abbas Mirakhor. This article discusses the main principles of the economic system to the role of the state; an offer of Abbas Mirakhor to Islamic economics. To know more deeply the Islamic economic thoughts offered by Abbas Mirakhor, from the main principles of the economic system to the role of the state in the economy. This article uses a type of qualitative research using library research. The results of this study indicate that Abbas is a practitioner of Islamic economics and finance who has a good reputation in the world, both Islam and the West and is considered a reformer in the Islamic economy, and is part of the Iqtishad school of thought. In the field of the Islamic economic system, Mirakhor argues that the main principle of the Islamic economic system requires distribution in two mechanisms, namely freedom, and justice, without which prosperity will not be realized. Therefore, there is a need for a hermeneutical approach to answering various problems that occur in the Islamic economic system. In the context of the state, according to Mirakhor, the state has a very significant role in the welfare of society, especially through its productive policies. The state must also be present in realizing justice amid society.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Takiddin Takiddin

Abstract: Money in the Islamic Economic Perspectives. This article aims at giving description about money in the perspective of Islamic economic. The data gathered through library research. Islamic economic system is different from economic system with the basis of socialism, capitalism, mix economic, communism, and traditional; one of the differences is on its perspective towards money. The function of money in Islamic economic perspectives is that it functions as a medium of exchange for goods and services. Islam forbids stacking money and making money as a commodity. Because stacking money slows down the velocity of money. It gives impact on minimizing financial transaction and resulting to the economic decrease. Islam proscribes interest and refuses all pseudo-transactions as happen in money market and capital market.   Keywords: money, Islamic economics Abstrak: Uang Dalam Persfektif Ekonomi Islam. Artikel ini ditulis untuk memberikan gambaran tentang uang dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam. Guna memperoleh data yang dimaksud, penulis melakukan kajian kepustakaan. Sistem Ekonomi Islam berbeda dengan sistem ekonomi kapitalisme, sosialisme, ekonomi campuran, komunisme dan sistem ekonomi tradisional. Salah satu perbedaannya adalah pandangan terhadap fungsi uang. Fungsi uang dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam hanya terbatas pada uang sebagai alat tukar barang dan jasa. Islam melarang penumpukan uang dan menjadikan uang sebagai sebuah komoditas. Karena penimbunan uang berarti memperlambat perputaran uang. Hal ini berarti memperkecil terjadinya transaksi, sehingga perekonomian menjadi lesu. Islam mengharamkan riba dan menolak segala jenis transaksi semu seperti yang terjadi di pasar uang atau pasar modal saat ini.   Kata Kunci: Uang, Ekonomi IslamDOI:10.15408/sjsbs.v1i2.1539

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-84
Mursal Mursal

One difference between the Islamic economic system with the conventional economic system is a paradigm of life dengaan all akitivitasnya. Islamic economic position as the foundation of belief in doing good activity in social interaction maupn financial transactions. Tawhid is expected to establish the integrity of which will help the formation of a good government. The principle of justice is a necessity in the enforcement of Islamic law. By implementing the principles of economy and Isam in all aspects of economic behavior that justice can be expected welfare terujud. So, so that economic agents do not pursue material gains but also the spiritual.Salah satu perbedaan antara sistem ekonomi Islam dengan sistem ekonomi konvensional adalah paradigma kehidupan dengaan semua akitivitasnya.Posisi ekonomi Islam sebagai dasar keyakinan dalam melakukan aktivitas yang baik dalam interaksi sosial maupun transaksi keuangan. Tauhid diharapkan dapat membentuk integritas yang akan membantu pembentukan pemerintah yang baik. Prinsip keadilan merupakan sebuah keharusan dalam penegakkan syariat Islam.Dengan mengimplementasikan prinsip-prinsip ekonomi Isam dalam semua aspek dan prilaku ekonomi diharapkan kesejahteraan yang berkeadilan dapat terujud.Sehingga, sehingga agen ekonomi tidak mengejar keuntungan materi saja melainkan juga spiritual.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Denizar Abdurrahman Mi'raj ◽  
Nissar Ahmad Yatoo

This paper is an attempt to discuss Islamization of economics in historical perspective. Focus of the discussion is not only the Islamization of economics but also realization of an Islamic economic system. This research is based on library research methods and supported by historical analysis. Conclusive information was collected from various studies and analysed for the conception of implementing methodological steps to realize the Islamization of the economic system. Studies were reviewed and investigated in three stages: general, exploratory, and focused learning. The findings of this study reveal that Islamization of economics cannot stand alone without the Islamization of every Muslim and the Islamization of society. Like Islamization of a society is realized with organization of Muslim families, Islamization of economics can be realized by increasing the number of economists who have knowledge of sharia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Ahmad Ubaidillah

Science, including Islamic economics, is a systematic knowledge acquired in certain ways agreed upon by scientists. Certain ways to acquire such schematic knowledge are called methodologies. Science is obtained through investigation or investigation. But not every investigation can be called a legitimate and recognized way to gain the knowledge. Science has certain ways or processes called research. Thus, the methodology is in fact the ways or scientific research techniques. The technique here means ways of conducting an investigation and assessing the findings or evidences, ie judging whether the finds are true or false. After seeing how important the methodology is in building a discipline, especially the discipline of Islamic economics, this paper will try to answer the question: how is the methodology offered by Monzer Kahf to build Islamic economics? The research method used in this research concerns types, approaches, sources and data types, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques. The type of this research is library research, namely research conducted by taking and collecting data from the literature related to the issues discussed. Sources of research data obtained are from the existing literature, by collecting primary and secondary data. Primary data in this study refers to the books and other research journals by Monzer Kahf. The secondary data in this research is obtained from books, magazines, journals, articles, and so forth, written by other writer. Analytical technique used is descriptive-analytical analysis method. The results show that the task of describing the Islamic economic system consists of two parts. First, Islamic economists have to find the theory of the components of the economic system and its internal relations. Second, they are to investigate the economic validity and power of the system. Essentially, the approach used to find the Islamic economic system is similar to the approach used to find the general theories and rules of fiqh. Economics as one of the social sciences needs to develop a path to history to explore its experiences and determine the direction of long-term economic life. Islamic economists must revise conventional economic theory to recognize and separate biased postulates. In other words, refining theories is full of the dogmatic, doctrinal, and moral views of the experts and the environment. Keywords: Islamic Economics, Methodology, Monzer Kahf

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Budi Kolistiawan

Islamic law is basically a standard concept. As the time goes by, there is an ijtihad in some aspects of life, but they do not deviate from the teaching of Islam. So Islam in solving the problem is in accordance with Islamic teaching. It is an economic system that is part of human life. Islamic economic system is expected to solve the problems of human life without deviating from Islamic law of Allah SWT. Along with the development of the era, nowadays there are many emerging Islamic-based financial institutions or commonly called as Islamic financial institutions amid community. The purpose of this study is to determine how far the reediness of Islamic financial institutions in facing the ASEAN Economic Community. The method of discussion used in this study is analysis technique based on data and references of library research. Hukum Islam pada dasarnya merupakan konsep yang baku. Tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu, terdapat ijtihad dalam beberapa bidang kehidupan, namun tetap berada pada batasan yang tidak menyimpang dari ajaran Islam. Sehingga Islam dalam menyelesaikan masalah akan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Demikian juga dengan sistem ekonomi yang merupakan bagian dari bidang kehidupan manusia. Sistem ekonomi Islam diharapkan bisa menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada pada kehidupan manusia tanpa melanggar ketentuan hukum syariat Allah SWT. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, saat ini telah banyak bermunculan lembaga keuangan yang berbasis Islam atau sering disebut lembaga keuangan syariah ditengah masyarakat. Tujuan dari pembahasan ini untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kesiapan lembaga keuangan syariah menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean. Metode pembahasan dalam artikel ini menggunakan teknik analisis berdasarkan data dan referensi kepustakaan yang ada. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 341-346
Abdurrahman Siregar

The aim of this research is to know how the concept of property ownership in Islamic economics according to Afzalur Rahman, to know how to implement the concept of property ownership in Islamic economics by Afzalur Rahman at this time and to know how Afzalur Rahman's thought analysis of concepts ownership of property in Islamic economics. The research method that writer use is library research (library research) where the data and data sources are obtained from a review of the literature according to the problem. The result showed that the opinion expressed by Afzalur Rahman on the concept of ownership in the Islamic economic system is in harmony with the economic principles that require the system an economy compatible with the Qur'an and Sunnah. Where Islam also wants every person in possession of good property in the form of goods or services obtained in a way halal both the form of substance and how to get it, not destroy and destroy human nature, nor do the persecution and exploitation, the purpose ultimately is to fight for the needs of human life and seek pleasure Hereafter is blessed by Allah SWT.

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