Alfian Rokhmansyah

This study was focused on the comparison of view of life between the main character in the novel Perempuan di Titik Nol by Nawal el-Saadawi and the novel Tuhan, Izinkan Aku Menjadi Pelacur! by Muhidin M. Dahlan. As the method of analysis, content analysis was used along with objective approach. The results showed that there are similar views towards prostitute as profession from the two main female characters in both novel. The main character in the novel Perempuan di Titik Nol considers prostitute as her escape since she rejected to be the object to satisfy the lust of men without certain price. While the main character in the novel Tuhan, Izinkan Aku Menjadi Pelacur! considers prostitute as a force to restore her self-confidence in life.Keywords: comparison of novels, women’s points of view, main character, prostitute

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-116
Muhammad Rosyid H.W.

Penelitian ini bertujuan membahas hubungan intertekstual novel Candra Kirana karya Ajip Rosidi dengan "Tjerita Panji Angreni". Unsur apa saja dan bagaimana novel Candra Kirana memiliki hubungan intertekstual dengan "Tjerita Panji Angreni' sebagai teks hipogramnya adalah pertanyaan penelitian ini. Dalam menelaah hubungan intertekstual ini, penulis menggunakan teori intertekstual Michael Riffaterre yang menitikberatkan pada analisis isi dengan metode pembacaan heuristik dan hermeneutik. Temuan penelitian ini adalah bahwa novel Candra Kirana menunjukkan hubungan intertekstual dengan Tjerita Panji Angreni melalui unsur tema, citra tokoh, dan alur cerita. Meskipun demikian, novel Candra Kirana juga mentransformasikan makna-makna progresif yang berbeda dengan "Tjerita Panji Angreni", seperti makna nasionalisme yang berupa cinta akan kerajaan, makna kesetaraan gender yang berupa kesetiaan laki-laki, keberanian, kekuatan, perjuangan dan ketidakpasrahan perempuan, makna kerakyatan dengan pelibatan tokoh utama dari kalangan rakyat dan makna religiusitas yang berbentuk dasar niat Panji dalam mencari pasangan hidup.[Intertextuality on Novel Candra Kirana and "Tjerita Panji Angreni": Riffaterres Perspective] This research aims to discuss the intertextuality of Candra Kirana novel by Ajip Rosidi with "Tjerita Panji Angreni". What elements and to what extend Candra Kirana novel has an intertextual relationship with Tjerita Panji Angreni as the hipogram text were the questions of this research. In examining this intertextual relationship, the writer used Michael Riffaterre's intertextual theory which focused on content analysis with heuristic and hermeneutic readings. The findings of this study were that the novel Candra Kirana showed intertextuality with the "Tjerita Panji Angreni" through elements of themes, character images, and story lines. Even so, Candra Kirana's novel also transformed progressive meanings that differ from the Tjerita Panji Angreni such as the meaning of nationalism in the form of love for the kingdom, the meaning of gender equality in the form of male loyalty, courage, strength, struggle and women's insecurity, the meaning of populist with engagement the main character of the people and the meaning of religiosity in the form of Panji's intention in finding a life partner.Keywords: intertextuality; novel; "Tjerita Panji Angreni"

Ekawati Marhaenny Dukut ◽  
Nuki Dhamayanti

The world of literature can be a medium of expressing the writer's expressions and ideas. Universal topics such as, love, death, and war often become subject mailers in the world of literature. In the novel, of The Color Purple. Alice Walker describes the oppression experienced by Afro American women in the female characters of Celie, Nellie, Shug Avery, Sofia, and Mary Agnes who faced sexual discrimina!ions in a patriarchal society. Womanhood, education, and lesbianism are factors that help the Afro American women to free themselves from traditional values. The Color Purple puts into words the process of its main character, Celie, who tries to reject and escape from the male domination of her world. The other Afro American women characters that help Celie to find her selfidentity represent the manifestation of the rejection of the traditional values. This article. which uses the socio-historical alld feminism approach. is intended to analyse the Afro-American women's rejection of traditional values by focusing on the major character of' Walker's The Color Purple. Celie. as she develops from being a victim of traditional values to the rejoiceful discovery of her selfidentity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 90-94
N. Telegina ◽  
T. Butsyak

For the purpose of defining Iris Murdoch’s artistic method a complex investigation of the problems and style of her famous novel “The Black Prince” was made. Special attention was given to the philosophical problems of Good and Evil, Contingency and Necessity in human life, absurdity, choice, aloofness, to the philosophical aspect of the novel, which is revealed with the help of the flash-back technique. The problems raised in the novel, its sensitive main character absorbed in psychoanalysis and looking for the sense of existence, naturalistic details & the postscripts, revealing different subjective points of view on the same events, prove that the novel should be regarded as existentialist

Lire Journal ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-164
M Afifulloh

This paper aims to describe the female characters in the novel Kabar Bunga by Marsiraji Thahir, the conflicts and its causes, and the impact of the conflicts experienced by women in the novel Kabar Bunga by Marsiraji Thahir. This novel is examined by a psychological approach in literature, a literary approach that emphasizes the psychological aspects of the types and laws of psychology that can be applied to literary works. The data is qualitative since the purpose of this research is to explain or describe the phenomena of the researches deeply. The data were obtained by categorizing all the related dialogues in the story, then psychologically analyzed. Triangulation was used to validate the data.  After finishing all the steps of analyzing data, the interpretations were made based on the data and the theory. The results of the research were, psychologically, the main character in this novel is described as a person who often feels worried, frightened, keeping the reality up, and she is burdened by the problems faced. This portrayal is the representation of Wulan as a woman and woman emotionally and mentally is depicted as a weakness persona without having the ability to solve the problems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Adityo Prawinanto ◽  
Hardi Prasetyo ◽  
Barli Bram

This paper investigated English swear words used in a novel. This study was urgent to conduct because using swear words is a natural behavior in communication which is indicated by the employment of certain swear words to express emotion, to reduce frustrated feeling, and to show solidarity to others. Two research points to resolve were as follows: what types of swearing which the main character used and what motives for swearing in the novel. Data, consisting of 46 swear words, were collected from the Antologi Rasa novel written by Ika Natassa, and were investigated using a content analysis. Findings showed the following: 26 (56.5%) occurrences of auxiliary swearing, 12 (26.1%) of expletives swearing, 4 (8.7%) of abusive swearing, and 4 (8.7 %) of humorous swearing. Three motives for the main character to swear were as follows: psychological motives (23 occurrences or 50.0 %), social motives (19 or 41.30%), and linguistic motives (4 or 8.70%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 76
Tsalits Abdul Aziz Al Farisi

Colonial Era Education in Siedjah Novel Written by Nico Vink (Literarure Sociology Study) ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan potret pendidikan, fakta sejarah, latar belakang sosial budaya masyarakat, dan nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terkandung dalam novel Siedjah karya Nico Vink. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode content analysis atau analisis isi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Metode ini menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa data tertulis maupun lisan tentang nilai-nilai pendidikan dalam unsur sosiologi. Metode ini digunakan untuk menelaah isi dari suatu dokumen. Dokumen dalam penelitian ini adalah novel Siedjah karya Nico Vink. Dalam hal ini peneliti mendeskripsikan data yang berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai pendidikan dalam lingkup sosiologi sastra. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini meliputi nilai-nilai pendidikan pada era kolonialisme yang berangkat dari fakta sejarah yang diceritakan ulang oleh tokoh utama Siedjah. Tokoh utama memandang sistem kolonialisme merupakan sistem terpadu yang dilakukan untuk kepentingan tertentu demi menaikkan citra sosial yaitu sebagai kaum pendidik.Kata kunci: Siedjah, Nico Vink, nilai pendidikan, sosiologi sastra, kolonialismeABSTRACTThis study aims to describe the portrait of education, historical facts, the socio-cultural background of the community, and the educational values contained in the novel Siedjah written by Nico Vink. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using content analysis method. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. This method produces descriptive data in the form of written and oral data about the values of education in sociological elements. This method is used to examine the contents of document. The document in this research is the novel Siedjah by Nico Vink. In this case, the researcher describes the data related to the values of education in the sociology of literature. The findings in this study include the values of education in the colonialism era, which begin from historical facts that are retold by the main character Siedjah. The main character views the colonialism system as an integrated system carried out for certain interests in order to raise the social image, namely as educators.Keywords: Seidjah, Nico Vink, Education Values, Sociology of Literature, Colonialism

Riska Rahayu Roisiah ◽  
Pramudana Ihsan ◽  
Wijayadi Wijayadi

Narcissism is one of the most common diseases in psychology, but its concern is the least. Therefore, this research was focused on narcissism disorder of one of the main characters named Megan Hipwell in the novel The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkin. The analysis was done by applying psychoanalytic theory, in narcissism, which is the most common mental disorder among the members of a society. The method of research was qualitative, which required an in-depth analysis of the literary works used by the writers of this research according to the selected theories. The analysis was aimed to find illustrations and evidence of the main character in the novel The Girl on the Train to illustrate narcissism disorder. In this research, it was found that the main character suffered from narcissistic disorder, such as big ego, over-self confidence, exploitation of Interpersonal relationships, arrogance, and deficient social conscience. The triggers were rationalization and projection.

Text Matters ◽  
2011 ◽  
pp. 135-144
Monika Rogalińska

Women characters in Muriel Spark's novels are diverse, some strong and powerful, some weak and unable to make decisions. And there are characters who develop throughout the novel and learn from their own mistakes. From being passive, they gradually start acting and making their own choices. Loitering with Intent and The Public Image present women characters who go through metamorphosis, from being dependent on others into living their own lives and freeing themselves from former influences. Such kaleidoscopic change enables them not only to be able to finally make their own decisions but also to overcome many difficult situations threatening their future life. Fleur Talbot, a heroine in Loitering with Intent, finds herself at a point in which she thinks that everything she cares for is lost. Chronically passive and naïve, she cannot imagine another way of being until she understands that she is being cheated, that her life will be ruined if she does not act. Everyone around her seems to be in conspiracy against her; only taking a firm stand and opposing her surrounding world can help. Fleur's life has become totally dependent on her ability to be strong and decisive. She knows that if she remains what she is, her career and prospects for the future will be lost, so she decides to prove her determination and her will to be finally happy. Her transformation into a powerful character saves her dignity and makes her a successful writer. Annabel, a character in The Public Image is the same type of person as Fleur, as she lacks self-confidence and has no support from anybody, even her own husband. Muriel Spark, however, presents her as another example of a heroine who develops as the action progresses, able to evoke strength in herself when her situation seems hopeless. Annabel, at first treated as a puppet in the hands of other people, who use her image for their own benefit, shows that she is capable of anything by the book's end. When her career and reputation are threatened and her privacy invaded, she decides to leave the country. This requires both effort and sacrifice, as she has to leave behind everything she has worked for all her life, but this is the necessary price for her freedom. The ability of both female characters to show so much determination reveals an inherent inner strength, and their weakness and vulnerability as just superficial. When the situation requires it, both Annabel and Fleur are ready to fight for their rights, for their freedom and self esteem, and they discover that they are indeed capable of changing their lives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-48
Galuh Dilah ◽  
Azizatuz Zahro'

This study is intended to describe the intelligence of emotional, that the main character has in the novel entitled “Assalamualaikum Beijing” by Asma Nadia. This study used qualitative approach with the study of literary psychology. The qualitative approach using the study of literary psychology is chosen because this study is meant to describe the phenomena in form of words and language regarding the mental aspects of the main character. A type and method of this study were using document study and content analysis. This study belonged to the document study because the researcher was reviewing the written document in the form of a novel entitled “Assalamualaikum Beijing” by Asma Nadia. The data analysis is done by presenting the data, interpreting the data, and drawing the conclution. The results of this study showed that the emotional intelligence of the Muslim women in the novel covered (1) the ability of managing the emotions, (2) the ability of motivating herself, and (3) the ability of building relationship. The ability to manage emotions in the form of the ability to control impulses and overcome anxiety and sadness. The ability to motivate themselves in the form of a character's desire to succeed and take advantage of other situations, obstacles, and self-problems as motivation. The ability to build relationships is demonstrated through the interaction of characters in creating close relationships, maintaining relationships, building comfort and moving others.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-34
Maulana Husada ◽  
Ninuk Ninuk Lustyantie ◽  
Nuruddin Nuruddin

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh penggambaran mendalam mengenai aktualisasi diri pada tokoh utama dalam novel Pasung Jiwa karya Okky Madasari. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi dengan pendekatan struktural dan psikoanalisis sastra. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi pustaka, observasi tentang aktualisasi diri dalam novel, dan dianalisis dengan memanfaatkan ulasan novel serta wawancara. Prosedur pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tujuh langkah, yaitu: (1) Membaca novel Pasung Jiwa. (2) Mencari fenomena menarik dalam isi cerita. (3) Menetapkan aktualisasi diri pada tokoh utama sebagai fokus penelitian. (4) Menetapkan novel Pasung Jiwa karya Okky Madasari sebagai sumber data penelitian. (5) Menetapkan analisis isi sebagai metode penelitian. (6) Menetapkan pendekatan struktural dan pendekatan psikoanalisis sastra sebagai pendekatan penelitian. (7) Melakukan studi pustaka, dan pengamatan aktualisasi diri pada tokoh utama. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Sasana (Sasa) dan Jaka Wani (Cak Jek) sebagai tokoh utama mengalami pergulatan batin dan perjuangan mencari kebebasan. Ketidakseimbangan struktur kepribadian id, ego, dan superego tokoh utama mengarahkan pada kebutuhan aktualisasi diri. Terpenuhinya aktualisasi diri pada tokoh utama karena adanya keinginan dan potensi menjadi pribadi kreatif dan bebas. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan keenam kebutuhan yang memotivasi tokoh utama, yaitu kebutuhan fisiologis, kebutuhan akan keamanan, kebutuhan akan rasa cinta dan memiliki-dimiliki, kebutuhan akan penghargaan, kebutuhan aktualisasi diri, dan kebutuhan transendental diri. Di samping kebutuhan aktualisasi diri, ditemukan dua jenis hambatan, yaitu dari diri sendiri dan dari lingkungan. Selain itu, ditemukan pula lima belas karakteristik aktualisasi diri. Temuan penelitian direkomendasikan kepada pengajar sastra, pembaca dan pembelajar sastra, peneliti sastra, dan orang tua.Kata kunci: Novel, Tokoh Utama, Aktualisasi diri, dan Psikoanalisis. AbstractThis research aimed to obtain a deep depiction of self-actualization on the maincharacter in the novel Pasung Jiwa by Okky Madasari. This research is a qualitativeresearch with content analysis method with structural literary approach andpsychoanalytic literary approach. The data were collected through literature studies,data observations about self-actualization in the novel, and were checked with novelreviews as well as interviews. Data collection procedure is done with seven steps,namely: (1) Reading novel Pasung Jiwa. (2) Looking for interesting phenomena instory content. (3) Establish self-actualization on the main figure as the focus ofresearch. (4) Establish the novel Pasung Jiwa by Okky Madasari as a source ofresearch data. (5) Establish content analysis as a research method. (6) Establishing astructural approach and a literary psychoanalytic approach as a research approach.(7) conducting literature study, and self-actualization observation on the maincharacter. The results of this research indicates that Sasana (Sasa) and Jaka Wani(Cak Jek) as the main character who experienced inner struggle and struggle forfreedom. Imbalance of personality structure id, ego, and superego main characterleads to the needs of self-actualization. Fulfillment of self-actualization of the maincharacter because of the desire and potential to be creative and free person. In thisresearch found six needs that motivate the main character, the physiological needs, theneed for security, the need for a sense of love and have-owned, the need forappreciation, needs self-actualization, and transcendence needs. In addition to theneeds of self-actualization, found two types of barriers, namely from self and from theenvironment. In addition, there were also fifteen characteristics of self-actualization.Research findings are recommended to literature teachers, literary readers andlearners, literary researchers, and parents.Keywords: novel, main figure, the needs of self-actualization, and psychoanalysis

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