scholarly journals Environmental risks of innovations in the management of motor transport systems

Ganna Zhelnovach ◽  
Svitlana Koversun

In modern conditions, when the negative impact on the components of the environ-ment is constantly increasing, and global environmental problems are becoming more and more urgent, the issues of attracting environmental investments in energy and resource-intensive sectors of the economy are becoming more and more urgent. Among all the sources of destructive influence, one of the least studied are motor transport systems, which are a combination of highway and flow of motorvehicles that move along it. In the current conditions of the modern development of the state road network and the implementation of the "Big Construction" program, the problem of assessing the environmental risks of innovations in the management of motor transport systems becomes especially relevant and requires a solution in the context of ensuring the state's environmental safety. Goal. The goal of the work is to develop approaches to assessing the envi-ronmental risks of innovations in the management of motor transport systems to ensure an appropriate level of the state environmental safety. Methodology. The analytical methods to develop an organizational and economic mechanism for managing environmental risks of innovation in the functioning of the state's motor transport systems were used in the work. Re-sults. The main environmental problems of the functioning of motor transport systems are analyzed and priority ones are highlighted. The general foundations of environmental risk management of innovative activity are analyzed. The efficiency of the state motor transport systems management system is estimated. Measures to determine the environmental risks of innovation have been developed. The organizational and economic mechanism for managing the environmental risks of innovation in the functioning of the transport systems of Ukraine were proposed. Originality. The system of environmental risk man-agement of innovation has been further developed in the context of the eco-innovation process of develop-ment of motor transport systems, which will increase the level of environmental safety of the state. Practical value. The use of the proposed general organizational and economic mechanism for managing the environmental risks of innovation in the functioning of the state's motor transport systems will increase the efficiency of this process. The obtained result is the basis for the development and implementation of effective mechanisms for the ecoinvestment in the development of motor transport systems. In the long term, this will help to improve the state's ecoinvestment climate and indirectly increase the level of environmental safety.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 488
Julio César Félix da Silva ◽  
Clélio Cristiano dos Santos

A produção do espaço urbano em bacias hidrográficas constitui a problemática ambiental dos rios urbanos, já que os rios são negados pela expansão da malha urbana na medida em que suas margens são ocupadas arbitrariamente. Trata-se de um tema de interesse para os pesquisadores que se dedicam ao estudo da urbanização, processo que quase sempre é marcado por sérios problemas ambientais. Diante desse contexto, a ideia desta pesquisa é analisar a problemática ambiental urbana decorrente da ocupação irregular das margens do Riacho da Prata, visando identificar sua origem, as áreas de vulnerabilidade socioambiental e os possíveis riscos ambientais para moradores ribeirinhos da cidade de Lajedo – PE. Esta pesquisa parte de um viés crítico dialético, através da pesquisa documental, bibliográfica, histórica e de campo. Ao final da pesquisa constatou-se que o Riacho da Prata foi negado pelo processo de crescimento urbano alavancado desde a década de 1960, e por isso se encontra sem vegetação ciliar, assoreado e poluído. Enquanto a população residente em suas margens, isto é, em áreas de risco ambiental, onde desenvolve diversas práticas sócio-espaciais que degradam o rio, e que ao mesmo tempo podem comprometê-las nos que se refere à saúde: são elas: criação de animais, crianças brincando nas margens do rio, acúmulo de lixo nas margens e/ou no leito do rio, dentre outras. Além disso, percebeu-se que as comunidades mais pobres são mais vulneráveis aos riscos ambientais, tanto pela escassez de infra-estrutura básica, como pela menor capacidade de se proteger contra algum desastre, como uma inundação.Palavras - chave: Problemática ambiental, Rios urbanos, Riacho da Prata, Vulnerabilidade, Risco Ambiental. Environmental Problems of Urban Rivers: Vulnerabilities and Risks on the Banks of the Silver Creek in the City of Lajedo-PE ABSTRACTThe production of urban space in watersheds is the environmental issue of urban rivers, as the rivers are denied by the expansion of the urban fabric in that its banks are occupied arbitrarily. This is a topic of interest to researchers who are dedicated to the study of urbanization, a process that is often marked by serious environmental problems. In this context, the idea of this research is to analyze the environmental problems caused by urban irregular occupation of the shores of Silver Creek, to identify their origin, areas of environmental vulnerability and potential environmental risks to residents bordering the city of Lajedo - PE. This research starts from a critical dialectical bias through desk research, literature, and historical field. At the end of the study it was found that the Silver Creek was denied by the process of urban growth leveraged since the 1960s, so it is no riparian vegetation, silted and polluted. While the resident population on its banks, that is, in areas of environmental risk, which develops various socio-spatial practices that degrade the river, and at the same time may compromise them in relation to health: they are: creating animals, children playing on the banks of the river, accumulation of garbage in the margins and / or in the riverbed, among others. Moreover, it was noticed that the poorest communities are more vulnerable to environmental risks, both by the lack of basic infrastructure, such as poorer ability to protect against a disaster, like a flood.Keywords: Environmental Issues, Urban Rivers, Silver Creek, Vulnerability, Environmental Risk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (50) ◽  
pp. 170-179
Rabosh I ◽  
Khrutba V ◽  
Kobzysta O ◽  

In recent years, the state of the road transport infrastructure in Ukraine has deteriorated significantly. With the process of urbanization and the expansion of the transport infrastructure, the ecological danger of the functioning of these strategically important objects increases, which requires effective methods of detailed study of the state of environmental components in areas of urban pollution in order to prevent negative consequences. Working with the problematic, using robots, we analyzed the methods to monitor the environmental situation around the road transport infrastructure for the development of recommendations for advancing efficiency. An algorithm for assessing the environmental situation around the objects of motor transport infrastructure is considered, based on monitoring the impact of these objects on the components of the environment and determining the main factors of this influence. The regularities and dependences of the influence of the motor transport infrastructure from the standpoint of environmental safety have been established. The indicators of pollution of the components of the environment in the study areas and methods of their production are analyzed. It has been concluded that a complex combination of chemical research methods with biodication is observable, makes it possible to analyze the effect of vehicles on various components of the environment (atmospheric air, soil and soil solutions, plants, animals, surface waters, etc.) and to establish the level of anthropogenic load. KEY WORDS: MOTOR VEHICLE INFRASTRUCTURE, ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, HARMFUL SUBSTANCES, POLLUTION

Yu.S. Pozdnyak ◽  

Heat production activities are accompanied by a huge amount of harmful emissions that enter the environment and cause harm to it, and this is an environmental problem that requires attention. Therefore, the environmental safety of thermal production should be in the first place, since the issue of reducing the negative impact on the ecological system directly affects the sustainable existence of wildlife and humans.The article provides an assessment of environmental risks based on the following factors: the volume of the environmental impact on the environment, the severity of the consequences for the environment, the probability of the environmental impact, the duration of the environmental impact, as well as a scale of assessments of the significance of environmental aspects, the form of the register of environmental aspects and the list of significant environmental aspects.

Purpose. Describe the categories of environmental risk, the degree of their impact on the environment. Results. The place of ecological risk in the system of environmental impact assessment is substantiated. Modern methodology for environmental risk assessment involves a parallel consideration of risks to human health and environmental risks caused by disturbance of ecosystems and adverse effects on environmental components, risks of deteriorating quality and deteriorating living conditions. The reasons for the risk are unplanned events in the environment that may adversely affect the company, the progress of its plans. These include both predictable and unpredictable events. Risk factors are the conditions under which risk causes may arise. Among them are: political, scientific and technical, socio-economic, environmental and more. Conclusions. In the strategic perspective, it is necessary to improve the national environmental policy and create a national system of environmental safety and an effective system of environmental monitoring as a universal tool for its implementation. One of the tasks of this system is effective environmental risk management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2(71)) ◽  
pp. 109-120

Topicality. Market mechanisms of the functioning of the economy as a set of levers used in the management system, requires in-depth theoretical developments on the basis of objective economic patterns and the introduction of real commodity-money relations, taking into account environmental components. An important point is the regulation of entrepreneurship based on the improvement of the economic mechanism. The accelerated growth of the population of the planet caused a general increase in anthropogenic load on the biosphere, bringing it in some cases to a critical level. Waste human life and production have become the cause of almost universal pollution of air, water and soil. The gradual change in environmental pollution and the depletion of natural resources has led to a process of changing (deteriorating) the quality of the environment. As a result, there was a threat of irreversible degradation of the natural environment, when the growth of people's needs and the need to provide life to a growing population were in conflict with natural environmental constraints. It became clear that society, guided by the concept of sustainable development, should pay particular attention to the creation of zones (areas) of the "green economy", where local, state and global problems of preserving the natural potential of the territory, which may consist of several such zones, will be addressed.The adverse effects on the population of possible changes in the environment in real ecosystems always contribute to the emergence of zones of environmental risk, and in consequence, and areas of environmental disaster.Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to define the economic mechanism of regulation of entrepreneurship in the zones of development of the "green economy" in Ukraine. To do this, you should identify the concept and the essence of the zones of qualitative change in the natural environment. At the same time, regardless of the more widespread use of the principles of the green economy, the green business and the awareness of the benefits that they give to both entrepreneurs and society, the boundaries of determining these zones remain rather blurred.Research results. The conceptual bases and methodical principles of the implementation of the economic mechanism of regulation of entrepreneurship in the zones of development of the "green economy" (ZRZE) in Ukraine are considered. The article considers the role of tax and price mechanisms in the efficiency of the functioning of green economy development zones. Both scientific and practical value is determined by providing privileges for attracting foreign and national capital, which will allow to overcome the socio-ecological and economic crisis in the ecological situation both in separate regions and in Ukraine as a whole. Local authorities should be empowered to develop and approve their programs for the creation and operation of the SRZE based on the specifics of the economy and the ecological state of the regions concerned. Regional programs are implemented at the expense of benefits provided within the relevant local taxes and fees, as well as the budgets of the respective regions.There is a need for a certain system of tax deduction, based on the essence of the economic activity of the enterprise, the specific features of production and economic and environmental potential of these areas. Depending on the conditions of activity and resulting from the end-product or service on some sites ZRZE, consideration should be given to determining the value of the tax based on the ratio of the amount of income to the amount of the cost of the active part of fixed assets (excluding turnover because it would have led to the intentional increase their value, and, accordingly, prices). Thus, the tax should be charged depending on the efficiency of the use of fixed assets, that is, on their profitability. This would exclude the exploitation of the equipment to its full depreciation, ensured the receipt of net income without unnecessary trouble and allocation of appropriate funds for its restoration and the introduction of advanced, progressive low-waste technologies in order to reduce the given ratio, and with it the amount of taxes. Thus, we can prevent the reduction of production, price increases, the complication of industrial relations and pollution of the environment. In order to ensure a corresponding increase in wages, it is necessary to carry out the renovation of fixed assets, to increase labor productivity, which will lead to the accelerated development of productive forces and to indirectly influence the development of the "green economy" in such zones.Conclusion. An ecologically-oriented state approach to the potential reduction of environmental risk areas (which can become areas of environmental disaster) will improve the quality of natural resource potential and the state of the environment. An important direction in stimulating the introduction of environmentally friendly, low-waste technologies, production of environmentally friendly products in the creation and operation of the ZRZE is the formation of contractual relations in the area of pricing between the state, the management bodies of ZRZE and entrepreneurs of any form of ownership.

S.A. Yeprintsev ◽  

ic health requires processing large amounts of data from long-term research, which necessitates the use of modern geoinformation technologies. Geoinformation technologies are a mechanism for assessing environmental risks to public health in conditions of man-made air pollution in cities. The results obtained in the course of long-term monitoring studies are summarized in the GIS environment “Environmental and socio-economic conditions of cities in Central Russia”. The collection of information to characterize the functional and planning structure and landscape and environmental conditions for the model regions was carried out on the basis of special field research, processing of stock, including cartographic, material of regional integrated and sectoral environmental agencies. Currently, Russia and the world have different approaches to assessing the environmental risk for the population living in industrial cities. In Russia, the methodology of the center for hygiene is most widely used. Erisman, as well as the methodology for assessing environmental risk developed by Professor V. Prevalence. Of studies environmental and social conditions in the city of Voronezh, conducted by researchers of Voronezh state University under the direction of Professor S.A. Kurolap collected in electronic health-environmental GIS-Atlas of the city of Voronezh. The Atlas contains maps showing the state of the environment, public health, and environmental risks in various parts of the city of Voronezh. Currently, various researchers have proposed a number of methodologies for geoinformation assessment of environmental safety of the population of large cities. At the same time, there is no unified approach to assessing environmental comfort that covers its various components, which makes it advisable to develop an integrated methodology based on the data available to us.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 368-376 ◽  
O. Ulytsky ◽  
V. Yermakov ◽  
O. Lunova ◽  
O. Buglak

Modern environmental risks and threats relate with the negative impact of anthropogenic and natural factors on ecosystems, man-caused negative impact of industrial and potentially hazardous objects, pollution of drinking water sources, agricultural land, atmospheric air, deviation of the geological environment and subsoil on the safety of life in certain areas. Coal enterprises are one of the objects of high ecological danger and critical infrastructure. Today, environmental safety in the east of Ukraine should be considered in close connection with the ecological and man-made threats associated with combat operations in these territories. The authors carried out an analysis of scientific researches of past years and provided an assessment of environmental risks in the territories of coal mining enterprises in the present conditions considering the structural-geological, geofiltration and mining-geological parameters typically for the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine. The article considers the location of mines in Donetsk and Lugansk regions as zones of high ecological danger. The existing ecological threats and risks are determined, recommendations for minimization threats and risks in case of anthropogenic and environmental disasters are provided. The equation of calculating the coefficient of filtration in rocks is made, mineral-technical parameters of coal mines are analyzed. It is shown that one of the most probable factors of the transition of the territory into a zone of an emergency situation of a regional scale is the emergence of real threats to the life of a large number of people in the conditions of mass flooding of mines due to the termination of power supply of drainage and ventilation systems. Also in the article scientifically substantiated the provision of an acceptable level of environmental safety of the constituent parts of the environment (water environment) for the population living within the mining and agglomeration, taking into account the environ- mental factors of the negative factor-forming factors, as well as forecasting the hydrodynamic situation.

Liubov Orlova

The aim of the study is to identify how we can use some methods of environmental risk management at the macro, meso and micro levels. It is necessary for minimizing and reducing the consequences of environmental disasters; identify opportunities and practical tools for neutralizing environmental risks and threats. The general scientific and special methods, such ascontent analysis method, system analysis method, retrospective analysis method, statistical survey methods, benchmarking were chosen and used as the scientific tools for this study. The research was informed by analytical developments of the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA), The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), the Federal State Statistics Service. The works of researchers in sustainable development, green economy and risk management filds were used as the theoretical and methodological basis of the study. The definitions of environmental management and sustainable development were the basis of the study. The development of an integrated approach to environmental risk management at all levels of the economy is the result of research. The integration of risk management helps to increase adaptability to the risks resulting from change. Some practices of implementing a risk-oriented approach in solving environmental problems at the state, regional and urban, enterprise and individual levels are un the article. Strategic development programmes, national projects and programmes are the practices at the state level; technological and digital innovation are the practices at the regional and urban levels; environmental compliance and environmental due diligence are the practices at the enterprise level; environmental thinking and culture is to form at the individual level. As an issue to be debated, the author considers the application of the acceptable risk principle (the assessment of environmental risks as «cost-benefit-risk»), and identifies the need to apply the zero environmental risk principle everywhere.

2001 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. 998-1007
Vadim M. Gilmundinov ◽  

The paper examines the problems of assessing the long-term impact of intensive exploitation of natural resources on the environment of a large region. Data for empirical study obtained from information of Rosstat and Annual State Reports «On the state and protection of the environment of the Russian Federation». The vast territory of Asian Russia was chosen as the object of research. The results indicate a significant increase in environmental problems at each stage of industrial development in this region. These problems are especially acute in connection with the entry of Asian Russia into the next wave of accelerated industrialization of raw materials, characterized, first of all, by a significant expansion of projects for the extraction and processing of solid minerals and hydrocarbons to new mostly undeveloped territories. This, taking into account the already accumulated environmental problems, makes additional requirements for the substantiation of plans to accelerate the socio-economic development of the region and the launch of new raw materials projects, bringing to the first place not only economic and strategic aspects, but also issues of environmental safety. This, in turn, requires not only constant monitoring of the state of the environment and protection activities of business entities, increasing the reliability and completeness of the results obtained on its basis, but also assessing the compliance of the existing institutional environment with the tasks of eliminating environmental problems accumulated in the region and reducing the negative anthropogenic impact on the environment. At the same time, the results of the analysis of both current approaches to statistical observation in this area and environmental mechanisms indicate the presence of significant imperfections in them. In this regard, it is necessary to improve the institutional mechanisms for regulating environmental protection in order to increase the sustainability of the region’s development

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 359-366

Introduction. The article substantiates the important role of the state in the regulation of invest-ment mechanisms for the development of regional structural transformations in agribusiness. The modern development of agribusiness at all levels cannot be effectively implemented in the face of significant transformational changes, global challenges and complex economic environment. Agribusiness entities need state-level support for the investment providing of reproduction processes in order to enhance their competitiveness, which will have a positive impact on all other related industries. The purpose of the article is to study the experience of using the state regulation mechanisms of the development of regional structural transformations in agribusiness. Results. The investing efficiency in agribusiness is achieved only under the conditions of action rationality of the activation instruments complex of entrepreneurial activity, both in the field of agrarian production, in related industries, as well as in the activity of private and public investors. The tools of business activation and the means of their use, a set of prerequisites and the driving factors for attracting / investing in the agro-sphere form the basis of the organizational and economic mechanism of investment activity development in the region agribusiness. In order to develop and implement an effective mechanism and determine the set of its necessary levers and tools, it is need to investigate in detail the object to which this mechanism is aimed – investment activity in the agro-sphere of a particular region, to identify their peculiarities, conditions and factors of positive and negative impact on the investment potential and o enterprise activity and organizations of the agro-sphere, to develop a conceptual model of the mechanism of investment activity development in the region agribusiness. Conclusions. In order to create a favorable investment climate in the agricultural sector, it is necessary to ensure a stable economic and political situation; development of a science-based market reform strategy; availability of appropriate legal framework. Real priority should be given to the development of agriculture and agro-industrial production; effective functioning of the agricultural market infrastructure; overcoming inflationary processes and corruption and shadowing the economic sphere. Important steps in this direction will be to curb the growth of external public debt and to restructure payments for its servicing; establishing clear mechanisms for regulating international investment cooperation; strengthen regional policy activity; to create modern information and methodological support for investment activities. Key words: evaluation, investment, regulation, investment mechanism, regional development, investment attraction, government support, agribusiness.

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