scholarly journals Pendidikan Anak Pada Masyarakat Muslim Transmigran di Desa Huwongo Paguyaman Kabupaten Boalemo Provinsi Gorontalo

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Sulfa Potiua

Children's Education in Transmigrant Muslim Communities in Huwongo Paguyaman Village, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo. This paper aims to find out more about formal and non-formal education in the children of Muslim transmigrants in the village of Huwongo Paguyaman, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo.In general, various forms of implementation of education have been seen in the Transmigrant community in Huwongo Village. This can be proven by not having a child from this Transmigrant community who has not received an education. This is due to the encouragement and willingness of the parents themselves because for them, whatever the circumstances, children are still obliged to study, especially in formal schools, this is also evidenced by the achievements of the children of the Transmigrant community in Huwongo village very well, this can be seen from the achievements in every the delivery of report cards in each semester at school is always the superior student achievement is the children of the Transmigrant community of Huwongo village compared to the children of the local community, this is due to the encouragement and motivation of their parents - each of the Transmigrants of Huwongo village.As an obstacle to formal education because there is no formal school specifically for the transmigrant community but it does not spark the intention of parents to send their children to school, even junior high and high school are very far from where they live but it is not a barrier to continue their children in school formal.The problem of children's non-formal education in the Muslim community of Transmigrants in Huwongo Village is not directly proportional to the progress of their formal education. This evidenced by the author's observations and the results of interviews with the community as well as the acknowledgment of the management that there are many obstacles regarding this non-formal education, which is caused by the lack of encouragement from the community. parents and also lack of awareness of the children themselves

Edupedia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Zainol Huda

The responsibility of Islamic education cannot be carried out unilaterally. Ki Hajar Dewantara stated that it requires the cooperation of three components which called as tripusat pendidikan education (center of three in education), they are families, educational institutions, and society. Those three components are one unit and complement each other. This is what happened at MTs Zainur Ridla (Islamic Junior High School Zainur Ridla) and MTs. Bustanul Ulum (Islamic Junior High School Bustanul Ulum), both of them are in Nonggunong District, Sumenep Regency. The findings in this research indicate that student’s guardians in MTs Zainur Ridla and MTs Bustanul Ulum Nonggunong have awareness about the responsibility of Islamic education. Second, all teacher councils in those two Islamic Junior High School stated that educating responsibility was on their control with habituation for their students in the form of reciting Shalawat Nariyah, reciting short surahs before the lesson began, praying before and after the lesson, shaking hands with teacher councils when coming and going home. Third, the participation of the society in realizing the responsibility of Islamic education through the media and the tradition of Kompolan. Fourth, the pattern of cooperation between madrasah (school) and student’s guardians in the form of: Home visits, inviting student’s guardians, forming madrasah supporting body, and report cards. While the pattern of cooperation between madrasah and society is their involvement in PHBI (Commemoration Islamic Feast Day) activities, their involvement in camp activities, their involvement in accepting new students, and their involvement in enforcing the discipline and regulations at madrasah.

Ahmad Syarif Hidayatullah

In the midst of the swift flow of transnational Islamic movements in spreading the ideas and ideologies of puritanism to all levels of Indonesian society that not only to the urban community but also has penetrated into the corners of the village at least it has led to resistance from the Muslim community of Indonesia, especially the Muslim community strongly upholding traditional values ​​in their religious systems. Such resistance is seen in some cases that occur on the island of Bangka which is related to the culture of maulidan, grave, tahlilan, and the reading of talqin which has become a tradition of Muslim communities of Bangka island. However, responding and responding to this, Kampung teachers using and promoting the method of education and teaching 'pengajian kampung' at least enough to stem the flow of movement of ideology of puritanism that began to penetrate into the island community of Bangka. So then the existence of Islamic cultural that characteristic of Malay can still be maintained.

Khatulistiwa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Bayu Suratman Bayu ◽  
Syamsul Kurniawan

This research was conducted in the Peniti Luar village, Siantan Sub-district, Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan Province, where the tradition ot tudang sipulung workshop is still being carried out. The focus of this research is to discuss some basic questions: First, why muslim communities in Peniti Luar are still retaining scavengers. Second, how do muslim communities in the village of Peniti Luar carry out the tudang sipulung. What Islamic values are relevant in tudang sipulung. And the fourth is what is its relevance in building character. This paper departs from a study in which the data obtained from interviews and observations on the location of the research which it conducted in depth. Keywords: Tudang Sipulung, Identity, Islamic Values, Character Building This research was conducted in the Peniti Luar village, Siantan Sub-district, Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan Province, where the tradition ot tudang sipulung workshop is still being carried out. The focus of this research is to discuss some basic questions: First, why muslim communities in Peniti Luar are still retaining scavengers. Second, how do muslim communities in the village of Peniti Luar carry out the tudang sipulung. What Islamic values are relevant in tudang sipulung. And the fourth is what is its relevance in building character. This paper departs from a study in which the data obtained from interviews and observations on the location of the research which it conducted in depth. Keywords: Tudang Sipulung, Identity, Islamic Values, Character Building Kata Kunci:Tudang Sipulung, Identitas, Nilai Islam, Character Building

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Alfina Citrasukmawati ◽  
Rahardjo Rahardjo ◽  
Tjandrakirana Tjandrakirana

The topic Nutrition and Energy Transformation concepts are abstract and difficult to comprehend. To overcome such a difficulty, it is necessary to develop a set of instructional package incorporating Macromedia flash. The Dick and Carey instructional development model was used for that purpose. Before the implementation of the instructional programs, all of the components of the instructional package consisted of lesson implementation plan, media, student worksheet Guided discovery type, student workbook, and assesment intrument, were validated and met the prescribed criteria. Implementation in the school only observe one class without replication. Thirty Junior High School Students involvedin this investigation using One Group Pretest-Postest Design. Result of this research shows the lesson plan is good (3,5), learning modul is good (3,0), student worksheet type Guided discovery is good (3,5), media is good (3,5), and student achievement mastery also good (3,0). Implementation lesson plan in class using direct instruction is good (3,67), with reliability around 82% (good/reliable). Student activity commonly is good (13,25) with reliable average 92%. Student respon is good, above 83%. Student achievement increase with Gain score above 0.7. The result of observation of the teaching and learning process, conducted during its implementation, showed that there was a consistency betweenthe prescribed teaching and learning experienced with its implementation. Students had met the 80% minimum mastery criteria. So it can be concluded that the development instructional package is effective to increase the junior High School student achievement. Materi proses perolehan nutrisi dan transformasi energi pada tumbuhan hijau sulit dipahami oleh siswa karena bersifat abstrak, sehingga tidak dapat dilihat secara nyata. Atas dasar itu, perlu kiranya mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan bantuan tampilan media Macro flash. Untuk itu, telah dilakukan suatu penelitian pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran, yang berorientasi Dick and Carey dan bertujuan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini hanya dilakukan pada satu kelas saja, tanpa melakukan ulangan. Subyek penelitian 30 orang siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 22 Surabaya, dengan rancangan Short Case Pretest-Postest, sedangkan analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penilaian RPP baik (3,5), BAS baik (3,0), LKS bercirikan Guided discovery baik (3,5), media baik (3,5) dan tes hasil belajar baik (3,0). Pengelolaan pelaksanaan di kelas dengan pembelajaran langsung termasuk baik (3,67) dengan reliabilitas 82% (baik/reliabel). Aktivitas siswa secara umum baik (13,25)dengan reliabilitas rata-rata 92%. Respon siswa secara umum tertarik sebesar 83% lebih. Tes hasil belajar menunjukan peningkatan tinggi dengan Gain score diatas 0,7. Simpulan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran biologi berbasis Macromedia flash di SMP, layak digunakan, keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, aktivitas dan respon siswa baik, serta dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Warno Edi

This study was aimed to identify English as an international language is used in countries throughout the World, including Indonesia. Last few years, English has been taught at Junior High School. It has been accepted in Indonesia in line with the government’s plan on the nine-year compulsory study. Based on the 2013 curriculum, English at Junior High School level is taught as local content to serve the need of the local community. Thus, this study attempted to use an action research as methodology in teaching English vocabulary to young learners, particularly to the first graders.  In applying this study, the writer use the instruments.The instruments of the study in this research are a Environmental technique, tests, field notes and a questionnaire.After giving all the instrument, the writer analyze the result using statistical formulas. Then the writer compared the results in pre-test and post-test. The students’ mastery of vocabularies of fruits, animals, road sign, parts of body, and things in the classroom have improved after the Environmental techniques was given. It was supported by the significant different result of the pretest that was lower (56.64%) than post-test (96.19%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Rikhardus Haman ◽  
I Ketut Darmana ◽  
Aliffiati .

One of the traditions that is still preserved today in the village of Gurng Liwut is the wuat wa'i tradition. The procession of the Wuat Wa'i tradition emphasizes the participation of the local community. The preservation of the tradition of wuat wa'i is based on community behavior which upholds the value of solidarity and integrity towards an innovative society in advancing and prospering social life.  The formulation of the problems in this study include (1). How is the function of wa'i in the community of Gurung Liwut Village, Borong District, East Manggarai Regency? (2). What is the existence of the Wuat Wa'i tradition in the people of Gurung Liwut Village? This study aims to determine the function of the Wuat Wa'i tradition and explain the meaning of the Wuat Wa'i tradition for the people of Gurung Liwut Village. This research uses functional theory from Bronislaw Malinowski and Giving from Marcel Mauss. The method used is a qualitative research method. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and literature study. The analysis used is descriptive qualitative.  The results of this study reveal that in the tradition of wuat wa'i there is a relationship between moral values, economic improvement, and improvement in formal education. The implementation of the Wuat Wa'i tradition is a social movement that raises funds to finance formal education and increase capital for someone who goes abroad, both at home and abroad. There are various processes in carrying out the tradition of wuat wa'i, namely the deliberation of the event organizers, determining the good day, the completeness of the event material.  The conclusion of this research is that the tradition of wuat  wa'i is a clear proof of the motivation of the local community for the importance of learning through formal education and desires to improve the community's economy through experience gained in the land of thechain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 178
Khotimatun Nafi’ah ◽  
Abdul Latif

This paper aims to give method, media and evaluation innovation in vocabulary learning at Arabic language class of LHI Junior High School Yogyakarta. The learning with same methods repeatedly will make the students not excited, so it need method, media and evaluation innovation in the learning for better learning quality and student achievement. The method of this research is using collect data from school with details interview and the author add some literatures as a reference. The methods innovation are using variation of methods in a week (4x30 minutes), and the methods is repetition words, direct method with contextual, games/singing, and reading or understanding. The medias innovation are using picture, real object/environment, video/film, and android aplication (games). And the last, the evaluations innovation are two kinds: speaking and writing, the students do an examination and memorize the vocabularies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Hasan Hasan

<p><strong><em>Abstract. </em></strong><em>Education is a process of improvement, strengthening, and refinement of all human potential and potential . Through education, life is expected to experience a change to a better direction. Although the government's efforts in equitable education have been done, but in reality there are still many Indonesian people, especially those who are in the countryside have not received education. Under these conditions, innovations needed to address the potential of rural areas that can support the assurance of increased knowledge through non-formal education for the sustainability of economic activities in rural areas. Therefore, Indonesia needs non-formal education innovation with local content that is Kampung Pendidikan. A social movement project initiated by the youth of the village (Inspirator) as a manifestation of awareness to improve the living standards of rural communities through character education and competitiveness that involves the community to take part in advancing education by learning and innovating by putting forward local content (Local Culture ) to participate in contributing to build Indonesia. There are several Kampung Pendidikan programs: DIDIKMASYARAKAT (Collaboration and Synergy), DIDIKPEMUDA (Global Thinking, Acting Local), DIDIKKAMPUNG. Based on research conducted in Desa Kuajang, Binuang District Polewali Mandar Regency, West Sulawesi, the local community, desperately needs the presence of Kampung Pendidikan as a forum to build the potential of both the village of human resources, as well as natural resources.</em><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: Kampung Pendidikan, rural, education.</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><strong>Abstrak. </strong>Pendidikan merupakan proses perbaikan, penguatan, dan penyempurnaan terhadap semua kemampuan dan potensi manusia.Melalui pendidikan, diharapkan kehidupan akan mengalami perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik. Walaupun upaya pemerintah dalam pemerataan pendidikan telah dilakukan, namun dalam kenyataannya masih banyak masyarakat Indonesia khususnya mereka yang berada di pedesaan belum mengenyam pendidikan. Dengan kondisi tersebut maka dibutuhkan inovasi penanganan potensi pedesaan yang dapat mendukung terjaminnya peningkatan pengetahuan melalui pendidikan nonformal demi keberlanjutan kegiatan perekonomian di pedesaan. Olehnya itu Indonesia perlu inovasi pendidikan nonformal yang bernuansa muatan lokal yaituKampung Pendidikan. Sebuah gerakan sosial project yang di inisiasioleh para pemuda kampung (Inspirator) sebagai wujud kepedulian untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat desa melalui pendidikan berkarakter dan berdaya saing yang melibatkan masyarakat untuk ambil andil dalam memajukan pendidikan dengan cara belajar dan berinovasi dengan mengedepankan muatan lokal (Budaya Setempat) untuk ikut turut kontribusi membangun Indonesia. Ada beberapa program Kampung Pendidikan yaitu: DIDIKMASYARAKAT (Kolaborasi dan Sinergi), DIDIKPEMUDA (Berpikir Global, Bertindak Lokal), DIDIKKAMPUNG. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan di di Desa Kuajang, Kecamatan Binuang Kabupaten Polewali Mandar, Sulawesi Barat, masyarakat setempat, sangat membutuhkan hadirnya Kampung Pendidikan sebagai wadah untuk membangun potensi desa baik sumber daya manusia, maupun sumber daya alam. <strong></strong></p><p><strong>Kata Kunci : Kampung Pendidikan, pedesaan, pendidikan. </strong><strong></strong></p>

ScienceEdu ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 67
Muhammad Fiky Mayshandy

Abstract Character education of junior high schools in Indonesia is arguably less preferred. In fact, it only becomes limited to discourse in formal education. This article discusses the importance of character education in formal education. Starting from looking example of applications in China. Then, the business continued its application in formal junior high school education. These efforts include the establishment of character education as one of the reasons why the important of character building for student capital to mature.   Keywords: character education, design

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