scholarly journals Hubungan Panjang-Berat, Nisbah Kelamin, dan Indeks Kematangan Gonad Kerang Darah (Anadara granosa LINN. 1758) di Perairan Muara Gembong – Bekasi

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Safar Dody ◽  
Fia Sri Mumpuni ◽  
Wahid Madi

This research was conducted in the waters of  Muara Gembong, Bekasi, on  January to March, 2018. Sampling of blood cockle is carried out in 3 station vertically to the direction of the sea. Determination of station is carried out based on  the fishing ground of the fisherman. Analyses of blood cockle is carried out in the Laboratory of the Research Center for Oceanography, LIPI, Ancol – North Jakarta. This research was aimed to analyze the reproductive biological aspects  which includes the ratio of gender, the gonad maturity rate, the gonad maturity index, the length-weight relationship, the condition factor of Anadara granosa in the waters of Muara Gembong, Bekasi. The results of observation of 400 samples showed that the length-weight relationship of blood cockle of  female and  male  has the pattern of the negative  allometric relationship. The overall ratio of gender between the blood cockle of male and female is 1.3:1. The average value of the gonad maturity index of the male blood cockle is 1.1874 and the  value of the gonad maturity index of the female blood cockle is 1.1983. Key words: Anadara granosa, growth, the ratio of gender, gonad maturity index

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Melani Andi ◽  
Muhammad Irfan ◽  
Juharni Juharni

One type of marine ornamental fish that can be developed through cultivation is betok Ambon fish. Cultivation of this fish is quite profitable, and easy to maintain. To maintain the sustainability and sustainability of Betok Ambon fish farming, one way to take is to understand and know the growth and reproduction aspects of this type of fish through the provision of inferent hormones appropriately. Review article This aims to reveal the role of the inferent hormone on the aspects of reproduction and growth of Betok Ambon fish. Reproduction is the reproduction process in living things including Betok Ambon fish. The number of eggs produced by Betok Ambon fish varies between 900 and 3,500. Inferent hormone is one type of reproductive hormone that functions to spur and accelerate the level of gonad maturity in animals including fish. The determination of the inferent hormone dosage is based on the determination of the inferent dose in fish, generally around 10 mg - 80 mg or about 0.1 ml - 0.8 ml. Generally, fish that are given inferent hormone at a dose of 40-60 mg / l can increase the gonad maturity index by 25%, in betok Ambon fish by 30%. Inferent hormone doses around 20-40 mg can increase the growth and survival of ambon betok fish.

Margaretha Solang ◽  
Djuna Lamondo ◽  
Ramli Utina ◽  
Syam Kumaji ◽  
Zuliyanto Zakaria

Blood cockles (Anadara granosa) are filter feeder that can accumulate heavy metals and microbes so that need to pay attention to the maximum intake. The objective of this study was to evaluate the content of Fe, Zn, a total of microbes and maximum tolerable intake value (MTI). The study employed quantitative analysis. The samples were collected from Wonggarasi Timur Village, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo, Indonesia. The determination of Fe and Zn was carried out through Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and the microbes total was done by using the Total Plate Count test. Maximum Tolerable Intake value was calculated according to the provisions of JEFCA. The results of the study showed that the Fe and Zn average of blood cockles ranged from 227.85±5.04 ppm – 247.98±6.77ppm and 2.77±0.07ppm-2.82±0.09ppm. Microbes total ranged from 1.7 x 103 colonies/g – 2.4 x 103 colonies/g. The MTI value assumed for person weighing 70 kg based on Fe and Zn content of blood cockle is 0.226kg/day - 0.467kg/day and 24.822kg/day - 24.911kg/day. Blood cockles are a source of Fe, Zn and are safe for consumption according to MTI. Consumption of blood cockles helps reduce the problem of deficiency of Fe and Zn. The content of Fe is higher than the content of Zn in blood cockles. Blood cockles from Pohuwato regency are safe for consumption according to MTI. The microbes total in blood cockles ranged from 1.7x103 colonies/g -2, 4x 103 colonies/g. This total is below the Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan/ Indonesian National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) standard, which is 5 x 105 CFU/g so that the blood cockles are safe for consumption.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 169 ◽  
Umi Chodrijah ◽  
Ria Faizah

Ikan selar bentong (Selar crumenophthalmus Bloch, 1793) merupakan salah satu ikan ekonomis penting yang tertangkap di perairan Kwandang, Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui biologi reproduksi ikan selar bentong. Pengumpulan data panjang berat, jenis kelamin dan tingkat kematangan gonad dilakukan dari periode Februari hingga November 2017. Jumlah contoh ikan yang diamati sebanyak 3.820 ekor. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh persamaan hubungan panjang-berat ikan selar bentong yang diukur yaitu W = 0,0092 L3,1857. Nilai b dari persamaan ini adalah 3,18 yang mengindikasikan bahwa pola pertumbuhannya bersifat isometrik. Ukuran pertama kali matang gonad (Lm) adalah 17,69 cmFL. Rasio kelamin antara betina terhadap jantan yaitu 1 : 1,2. Musim pemijahan atau bersifat multiple spawner diduga terjadi antara Bulan November – Februari.Bigeye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus Bloch, 1793) was one of the important economic species in the artisanal fishery in Kwandang waters North, Sulawesi. The aim of this study was to determine the biological reproduction of big eye scad in the Kwandang waters, Sulawesi Sea. Data collection of lengths and weights, sex, and the gonad maturity stage were done between January-November 2016. A total of 3820 specimens was collected al together and examined in the study. The result showed that length-weight relationship for big eye scad were W = 0,0092 L3,1857. The exponent values (b slope) of length-weight relationship of big eye scad was 3,185 indicating isometric growth pattern. The length at first maturity (Lm) for bigeye scad was 17,69 cmFL. The sex-ratio between female and male was 1 : 1.2. The spawning season was estimated between November and February (multiple spawner).

Komang Suryati ◽  
Fauziyah Fauziyah ◽  
Ngudiantoro Ngudiantoro

Management of euryhaline species, such as Anguillid eel, is very important. Anguillid eel is an important economic fish which the partly of its life cycle spent in inland waters then migrates into the ocean for spawning. The objective of this study is to identify the morphological diversity and length-weight relationship of Anguillid eels in this province. The total of 148 individuals of elver and adult Anguillid eels were caught was identified using the comparison of ano-dorsal with total length parameter. Cluster analysis was obtained based on measurement of morphometric parameter. The current work used cluster analysis and dendrogram to group the population characteristic of Anguilla eel. It revealed that in the Jenggalu, Kungkai and Manna rivers of Bengkulu province, there are two groups of Anguilla eel with significant difference of ano-dorsal length. The value of the ano-dorsal varied from 2.56 ± 1.54 and 17.78 ± 1.33 for A.bicolor bicolor and A.marmorata, respectively. The length-weight relationships between total length (TL) and weight (W) for Anguilla bicolor and A.marmorata were found to be highly significant (r2 > 0.94, p < 0.001). The average value of 'b' for length and weight were higher than 3, i.e., 3.2677 and 3.4821 in A.bicolor and A.marmorata respectively which indicated a positive allometric growth trend of this species in the studied area.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Syahroma Husni Nasution ◽  
Ismudi Muschsin ◽  
Sulistiono Sulistiono

Ikan bonti-bonti (Paratherina striata) selain endemik, statusnya tergolong rawan punah (vulnerable species) dan hanya terdapat di Danau Towuti dan Danau Mahalona. Masyarakat di sekitar danau memanfaatkan ikan ini sebagai ikan konsumsi, ikan hias, dan bahan pakan hewan. Populasi ikan ini dikhawatirkan mengalami penurunan, diduga karena degradasi kualitas lingkungan dan penangkapan ikan yang cenderung intensif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi rekrut ikan bonti-bonti sebagai dasar pengelolaannya. Pengamatan dilakukan di Danau Towuti setiap bulan selama 12 bulan dari bulan Mei 2006-April 2007. Contoh ikan diperoleh menggunakan jaring insang eksperimental dengan ukuran mata jaring 0,625, 0,75, 1,0, dan 1,25 inci yang dioperasikan di lima stasiun (Tanjung Bakara; inlet Danau Towuti; Pulau Loeha; outlet Danau Towuti dan Beau). Potensi rekrut ikan dapat dilihat dari nisbah kelamin, diameter telur, fekunditas, dan indeks kematangan gonad. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa nisbah kelamin total ikan bonti-bonti jantan dan betina 1,0:0,9. Fekunditasikan bonti-bonti 818-6.051 butir. Diameter telur ikan bonti-bonti berkisar antara 0,01-1,50 mm. Nilai indeks kematangan gonad ikan bonti-bonti jantan dan betina paling tinggi dijumpai di stasiun II, masing-masing 3,96 dan 6,77%. Ditinjau dari fekunditas, potensi rekrut ikan bonti-bonti lebih tinggi dibandingkan ikan Telmatherinidae lain. Secara temporal, nilai rata-rata indeks kematangan gonad tertinggi pada ikan jantan terjadi pada bulan Mei dan Nopember dengan nilai 2,09±1,36% dan 1,85±1,06%, demikian pula pada ikan betina dengan nilai 3,39±1,47 dan 3,47±1,37%. Rekruitmen ikan bonti-bonti terjadi setiap bulan dengan periode tertinggi antara bulan Oktober-Nopember. Bonti-bonti (Paratherina striata), is one of endemic and vulnerable fish in Lake Towuti and Mahalona. Bonti-bonti have been utilized by people around the lake as consumption fish; ornamental fish and as raw material for animal feed. The population tend to decrease due to environmental quality deterioration and increasing exploitation. This study was aimed to reveal the recruit potential of bontibonti as the foundation for its management. This research was conducted in Lake Towuti, South Sulawesi from May 2006 to April 2007. Samples were collected monthly at five stations (Tanjung Bakara; Inlet of Lake Towuti; Pulau Loeha; Outlet of Lake Towuti, and Beau) using experimental gillnet sized 0.625, 0.75, 1.0, and 1.25 inches. Recruitment potential could be evaluated from sex ratio, egg diameter, fecundity, and gonad maturity index. Total sex ratio of male and female bonti-bonti are 1.0:0.9. Fecundity of bonti-bonti are 818-6.051. Egg diameter of bonti-bonti range from 0.01-1.50 mm. Gonad maturity index value of male and female was found highest at station II (inlet of Lake Towuti) as high as 3.96 and 6.77% respectively. Based on fecundity, recruitment potential of bontibonti is higher compared to the other Telmatherinid. Temporally, the average value of gonad maturity index was found highest on male in May and November with the values of 2.09±1.36% and 1.85±1.06%, and for female with the values of 3.39±1.47 and 3.47±1.37%. Fish recruitment occured each month with the highest period occur in October-November.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Evi Susanti ◽  
Arief Setyanto ◽  
Daduk Setyohadi ◽  
Irwan Jatmiko

Ikan kembung lelaki (Rastrelliger kanagurta) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan pelagis kecil yang bermanfaat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan protein masyarakat, dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai umpan dalam perikanan rawai tuna (tuna long line). Kebutuhan yang tinggi akan jenis ikan ini dapat menimbulkan tekanan terhadap populasi ikan ini sehingga menyebabkan penangkapan yang berlebih. Dalam mengelola sumberdaya ikan diperlukan informasi mengenai biologi reproduksi dan aspek biologi lainnya. Salah satu aspek biologi yang terkait dengan informasi reproduksi adalah tingkat kematangan gonad. Dalam studi ini menganalisis hubungan panjang berat, nisbah kelamin, tingkat kematangan gonad (TKG), indeks kematangan gonad (IKG), dan hubungan antara IKG dengan berat ikan kembung lelaki. Pengamatan TKG dilakukan secara morfologi dan histologi. Pengambilan contoh ikan dilakukan di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Mayangan, Probolinggo, Jawa Timur, selama bulan Februari sampai April 2018. Hasil analisa hubungan panjang berat menunjukkan bahwa ikan kembung lelaki memiliki pola pertumbuhan allometrik positif, nisbah kelamin ikan kembung lelaki jantan dan betina yaitu 87%:13% (6:1), Hasil pengamatan tingkat kematangan gonad secara morfologi pada 400 ikan contoh menunjukkan dalam keadaan belum matang gonad (tingkat kematangan I, II, III), pengamatan gonad secara histologi pada 8 ikan contoh menujukkan dalam keadaan tingkat kematangan gonad III dan IV. Ukuran diameter telur pada tingkat kematangan gonad III antara 280,91 -314,74 µm dengan rerata 296,78 µm dan pada tingkat kematangan gonad IV antara 287,99-315,31 µm dengan rerata 303,89 µm dengan nilai fekunditas antara 4.863,96-28.255,32 butir telur. Indeks kematangan gonad pada bulan Februari, Maret, April adalah 1,78, 1,32, dan 0,55. Analisa korelasi antara hubungan berat dengan IKG mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan tingkat keeratan yang rendah.Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) is one of the small pelagic fish that is useful a need of protein requirement of the people while, and can also be used as bait in (tuna long line). High demand for this fish can cause pressure on this fish population, then cause overfishing. In managing fish resources, information about reproductive biology and other aspects of biology is needed. One aspect of biology related to reproductive information is the level of gonad maturity. In this study analyzed the relationship of leng weight relationship, sex ratio, gonad maturity level (GML), gonado somatic index (GSI) and relationship of GSI with weight of the indian mackerel. Fish sampling was conducted at Fish Auction Hall of Mayangan, Probolinggo, East Java during February to April 2018. The analysis result of length weight relationship show that indian mackerel has a positive allometric growth pattern, sex ratio of male and female is 87%: 13% (6:1). Morphological observation of gonad maturity level at 400 fish samples showed that the gonads were immature (gonad maturity levels I, II, III), histologic gonad observation on 8 fish samples showed in maturity state of gonad III and IV. The size of egg diameter at maturity level of gonad III between 280.91 -314.74 ìm with an average of 296.78 ìm and at maturity level of gonad IV between 287.99-315.31 ìm with an average of 303.89 ìm with a fecundity value between 4,863.96-28,255.32 eggs. Index of gonad maturity in February, March, April was 1.78, 1.32, and 0.55. Correlation analysis between the weight with GSI has a significant relationship but has a low level of closeness. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-47
M Aldhy Nur Pradana ◽  
Abdullah Aman Damai ◽  
Indra Gumay Yudha ◽  
Suparmono Suparmono

Sulphur goatfish (Upeneus sulphureus) is the dominant caught with a fairly high level of utilization. This research aimed to analyze aspects of growth and reproduction sulphur goatfish caught by rampus nets landed at the fishing port of PPI Kalianda. Growth aspects that were observed included the length-weight, while the reproductive aspects observed is the sex ratio, gonad maturity level, and the size of sulphur goatfish at first maturity. This research was conducted in May-July 202 with the research method used simple random sampling method.  The fish samples obtained during the study were 600 individuals, the results showed that Sulphur goatfish had negative allometric growth. The equation for the long-weight relationship of sulphur goatfish is log W = -4,6 + 2,9 log L or W = 2,8x10-5L2,9. The sex ratio of sulphur goatfish in May and July were not 1: 1, while the ideal condition was achieved in June. The gonad maturity level distribution of sulphur goatfish was dominated by TKG III and IV for female, while male sulphur goatfish was dominated by TKG II and III. Size at first maturity of sulphur goatfish females was 169,1 ± 1,03mm.

Fumio Watari ◽  
J. M. Cowley

STEM coupled with the optical system was used for the investigation of the early oxidation on the surface of Cr. Cr thin films (30 – 1000Å) were prepared by evaporation onto the polished or air-cleaved NaCl substrates at room temperature and 45°C in a vacuum of 10−6 Torr with an evaporation speed 0.3Å/sec. Rather thick specimens (200 – 1000Å) with various preferred orientations were used for the investigation of the oxidation at moderately high temperature (600 − 1100°C). Selected area diffraction patterns in these specimens are usually very much complicated by the existence of the different kinds of oxides and their multiple twinning. The determination of the epitaxial orientation relationship of the oxides formed on the Cr surface was made possible by intensive use of the optical system and microdiffraction techniques. Prior to the formation of the known rhombohedral Cr2O3, a thin spinel oxide, probably analogous to γ -Al203 or γ -Fe203, was formed. Fig. 1a shows the distinct epitaxial growth of the spinel (001) as well as the rhombohedral (125) on the well-oriented Cr(001) surface. In the case of the Cr specimen with the (001) preferred orientation (Fig. 1b), the rings explainable by spinel structure appeared as well as the well defined epitaxial spots of the spinel (001). The microdif fraction from 20A areas (Fig. 2a) clearly shows the same pattern as Fig. Ia with the weaker oxide spots among the more intense Cr spots, indicating that the thickness of the oxide is much less than that of Cr. The rhombohedral Cr2O3 was nucleated preferably at the Cr(011) sites provided by the polycrystalline nature of the present specimens with the relation Cr2O3 (001)//Cr(011), and by further oxidation it grew into full coverage of the rest of the Cr surface with the orientation determined by the initial nucleation.

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