2022 ◽  
Nursidik I. Mohamad ◽  
Rifdah Ibtisam El-Ghifary ◽  

The purpose of this research is to find out; The value of Islamic education and traditional values contained in the Mandi Safardi procession, Jin City Village, Atinggola District, North Gorontalo Regency.The method used is a qualitative method, the data is obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data were then analyzed using reduction, display, and verification techniques, while the validity of the data was obtained by using triangulation techniques with methods and sources.The results of this study indicate that the Safar Bathing Tradition is believed to have existed since their ancestors first occupied the Jin City Village area. The Safar Bathing tradition carried out by the Jin City Village community contains Islamic educational values, namely: Worship Values, Moral Values, Moral Values, and Aqidah Values, 4) The Safar Bathing Tradition is maintained and passed down from generation to generation by the Jin City Village community. can be seen as an expressive symbol of the Jin City Village community Inspired by constitutive (religious) symbols that have a corelative-integrative and dynamic relationshipSuggestions from this research include; The Mandi Safar tradition as an ancestral cultural heritage should continue to be preserved for future generations by not eliminating the local Indonesian religious and cultural values contained in it as a medium for introducing ancestral traditions that are full of moral and religious values without ignoring the shari'ah. Islam in practice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Asbah Asbah

BohoOiNdeuis wedding ceremony to the bride and groom using coconut milk and water flowers inserted into the pottery(RoaBou), two bridal wear woven and tied using white thread(EroLanta)to the position of the body facing the Qiblah. It is intended that both partners in the wedding bond remain strong and lasting. The aim of this study to investigate Educational and Cultural values Boho Oi Ndeu in the wedding ceremony of Bimanese at Rabakodo village Bima Regency. The method of this study is a qualitative method and the data was collected used observation to informant, interviews informant to examine ceremony of Boho Oi Ndeu, and documentation to take pictures from an informant by using interviews and took videos while the ceremony of Boho Oi Ndeu was running. The results of this study showed that the Cultural values of the traditions of Boho Oi Ndeu performed by the ceremony are expected that the bride and groom would be lived in a harmonious family, happy, safe and peaceful. The Educational values during the ceremony of Boho Oi Ndeu get from a tool used by the nanny to bathe the bride and groom that consists of pottery, sarong, candles and white thread.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-114
Nina Karerina ◽  
Aniq Ifadah ◽  
Sejati Ayuning Arisholina ◽  
Ayu Wulaningsih ◽  
Luki Ricard ◽  

Local beliefs and cultural values are still attached to the Javanese community, especially in the countryside. Karangpuri Village still preserves the tradition of its general, especially in political terms. Next April there will be a village head election. cakades carries on the tradition of iajen for the smooth running of the pilkades. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach with the foundation of Peter L. Berger's sosial construction theory. This research was conducted in Karangpuri Village, Sidoarjo. The goal is to find out the Karangpuri village community construction against the tradition of the generalthe results of this study are that the community sees this as normal and should be done by everyone who has a desire for fluency, pangestu to ancestors, and as a form of preserving local culture and beliefs inherited from previous ancestors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Shohibul Faza ◽  
Syafik Ubaidilah

This research is motivated by the large number of people who assume that in the activities of pencak silat there are many negative things especially to their members. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The results of this study found interesting facts that in this martial arts activities there are Islamic educational values, namely the value of faith (I'tiqodiyyah), moral values ​​(khuluqiyyah), and amaliyah values. The form of internalization of Islamic education values ​​towards pencak silat activities is to teach the values ​​of faith by inviting prayer together before holding exercises and also sparring, inviting that to always trust Allah SWT. Always respect people who are older both in terms of age and knowledge. Always maintain brotherhood and create benefit for the people of the nation's progress. After the researcher gets the data, the writer gives a few suggestions: 1) a trainer or chairman should discipline the training time so that the results of the exercise can be as expected. 2) More emphasis on the values ​​of Islamic education so that its adherents can achieve the basic objectives of the GASMI martial arts. [Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya masyarakat yang beranggapan bahwasanya dalam kegiatan pencak silat itu banyak mengandung hal-hal negatif terlebih pada anggotanya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan fakta menarik bahwasanya dalam kegiatan pencak silat ini terdapat nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam yaitu nilai keimanan (I’tiqodiyyah), nilai akhlak (khuluqiyyah), dan nilai amaliyah. Adapun bentuk internalisasi nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam terhadap kegiatan pencak silat ini adalah dengan mengajarkan nilai-nilai keimanan dengan cara mengajak do’a bersama sebelum diadakannya latihan danjuga latih tanding, mengajak agar supaya selalu tawakal kepada Allah SWT. Selalu menghormati orang yang lebuh tua baik baik dari segi umur maupun ilmunya.Selalu menjaga persaudaraan dan menciptakan kemaslahatan masyarakat kemajuan bangsa. Setelah peneliti mendapatkan data-data maka penulis memberikan sedikit saran: 1) hendaknya seorang pelatih maupun ketua lebih mendisiplinkan waktu latihan agar hasil dari latihan tersebut bisa seperti apa yang di harapkan. 2) Lebih menekankan lagi nilai-nilai pendidikan islam agar para penganutnya bisa mencapai tujuan dasar dari pencak silat GASMI tersebut]

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Afif Muhammad

Abstract: This study is aimed at knowing 1) how Islamic Education developssocial ethics according to A. Qodri A. Azizy and 2) how Islamic Education developssocial ethics in according to A. Qodri A. Azizy in the present implementation ofIslamic education. This is a literary study in which data were gained from books andarticles written by A. Qodri A. Azizy, especially those related to Islamic education.Data were analyzed with qualitative method. This research found that there arethree main points that are transferred by Islamic education, i.e. values, knowledge,and skills. In relation to social ethics, Islamic education emphasizes that Islamprincipally teaches social moral values in regards with the relationship among humanbeing. The main points of materials in Islamic education include belief (aqidah),worship (syari’ah), and moral (akhlak). With the materials, Islamic education isoriented to social values.Keywords: Islamic education, social ethics, A. Qodri A. Azizy. Abstrak: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada tiga hal penting yang akanditransfer melalui pendidikan Agama Islam, yaitu nilai (values), pengetahuan(knowledge), dan keterampilan (skills). Kaitannya dengan etika sosial, terletakpada penekanan terpenting dari ajaran Islam yang pada dasarnya adalah hubungansesama manusia yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai yang berkaitan dengan moralitassosial. Inti materi PAI meliputi; keimanan (akidah), keislaman (syari’ah), dan ikhsan(akhlak). Tiga ajaran inti ini kemudian dijabarkan dalam bentuk rukun Iman, rukunIslam, dan Akhlak; dan beberapa keilmuan: ilmu tauhid, ilmu fiqh dan ilmu akhlak.Berdasarkan materi-materi tersebut, PAI berorientasi pada nilai-nilai sosial kemasyarakatan.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Etika Sosial.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 182
Ismail Ismail ◽  
Heru Nugroho ◽  
G.R. Lono Lastoro Simatupang

The representation of Javanese cultural ethic in the comic Panji Koming can be identified from a few scenes, for example, physical action, speech and moral values through education and learning process since childhood in Javanese culture. The comic performs the Javanese principles and ethics in each edition. Javanese society upholds the manners. Accordingly, respect is the key for harmonious living in the society as a whole. The respect is shown in various ways: gesture, hand movements, voice, greeting, and the level of the language used. However, the discourse on Javanese female stereotype is clearly viewed, because of the simple representation that reduces women to a series of exaggerated characteristics and usually imply a negative connotation. The stereotype has reduced, naturalized, created a basis, and set a difference. While in the perspective of Islamic education the educational values are taught so that their children have good manners and language reflecting the values of Javanese custom which is still applied and maintained.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-118
Juwariyah Juwariyah ◽  
Sumartini Sumartini

Bahan ajar sastra yang dipilih oleh guru harus menyajikan berbagai nilai yang bisa diaplikasikan siswa dalam kehidupan nyata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan wujud konflik batin yang mengandung nilai-nilai kehidupan novel Ada Surga di Rumahmu karya Oka Aurora. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah novel berjudul “Ada Surga di Rumahmu” karya Oka Aurora. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis isi. Data dianalisis menggunakan teori psikopragmatik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pembahasan disimpulkan bahwa wujud konflik batin dalam novel Ada Surga di Rumahmu karya Oka Aurora antara lain pertentangan antara pilihan yang tidak sesuai dengan keinginan, kebimbangan dalam menghadapi permasalahan, serta harapan tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan. Kesesuaian konflik batin yang mengandung nilai-nilai kehidupan dalam novel Ada Surga di Rumahmu karya Oka Aurora dapat dilihat dari aspek psikologi. Rekomendasi dari hasil penelitian diharapkan penyajian bahan ajar pembelajaran sastra di SMA senantiasa diperbaiki, diperbarui dan dimutakhirkan sesuai kebutuhan dan standar yang telah ditentukan. Literary teaching materials chosen by the teacher must present various values that can be applied by  students in real life. The purpose of this research is to describe the form of inner conflict that contains the values of life in the novel Ada Surga di Rumahmu by Oka Aurora. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative. The data source in this researchis a novel titledAda Surga di Rumahmu by Oka Aurora. The method used in this researchis content analysis. Data was analyzed using psychopragmatic theory. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it was concluded that the form of inner conflict in the novel titledAda Surga di Rumahmuby Oka Aurora includes contradictions between choices that are not in accordance with desires, doubts in facing problems, and expectations not inaccordance with reality. The values of life contained in the novel titled Ada Surga di Rumahmu by Oka Aurora include moral values, religious values, social values, cultural values and educational values. Compatibility of inner conflict that contain the values of life in the novel Ada Surga di Rumahmu by Oka Aurora can be seen from the aspect of psychology. Recommendations from the results of the study are expected to present literature learning materials in high school always improved, updated and updated.according to the needs and standards that have been determined.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
V. F. Agung Langgeng Prasetyo

Ngalum Ok is one among a large number of tribes in Indonesia. It is one of the major tribes in Papua and its members are those who inhabit Oksibil valley in Pegunungan Bintang Regency of Papua Province. The cultural values of this tribe are reflected in the form, function, and meaning of its traditional house architecture. In response to current developments that incline to modernization, attempts should be made to protect architecture of traditional house of Ngalum Ok Tribe, which is a cultural heritage for the present and future generations. To provide a coherent and complete macro and micro description about the traditional house of Ngalum Ok Tribe, a qualitative method with a descriptive structuralism approach is used. As the result indicates, this study has presented a clear and thorough description of form, function, and meaning of the traditional house of Ngalum Ok Tribe, which is a cultural heritage in this modern era for the present and future generations.

2019 ◽  
Arteks Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur

Ngalum Ok is one among a large number of tribes in Indonesia. It is one of the major tribes in Papua and its members are those who inhabit Oksibil valley in Pegunungan Bintang Regency of Papua Province. The cultural values of this tribe are reflected in the form, function, and meaning of its traditional house architecture. In response to current developments that incline to modernization, attempts should be made to protect architecture of traditional house of Ngalum Ok Tribe, which is a cultural heritage for the present and future generations. To provide a coherent and complete macro and micro description about the traditional house of Ngalum Ok Tribe, a qualitative method with a descriptive structuralism approach is used. As the result indicates, this study has presented a clear and thorough description of form, function, and meaning of the traditional house of Ngalum Ok Tribe, which is a cultural heritage in this modern era for the present and future generations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-52
Fathayatul Husna ◽  
Ratna Sari Dewi

This article examines the Islamic cartoon film Nussa and Rara. The author used Nussa and Rara as a window to see the emergence of Islamic cartoon films. Its strengths are in conveying educational values to children and as a learning medium to build character education for children aged 12 years and under. To explain this phenomenon, the author employed the content analysis method and combined it with relevant data; those were strengthened by many research results and literature studies. Through this method, the author showed that Nussa and Rara movie shares Islamic value in each segment, such as the value of honesty, asking for prayers on time, respecting neighbors, and so on. The author tried to see how every figure, especially Umma as Nussa and Rara’s mother, explains and exemplifies how to be a good Muslim. Through this article, it could be concluded that films are not always judged to have a negative impact on the audience. Even films can contribute as a medium for education and dissemination of Islamic da'wah. Besides, through films, it can also contribute to building good character for children under 12 years of age. Some learning methods that can be used are the many steps or methods that can be planted in children, such as the habituation and storytelling methods. These methods can be used to apply the values of faith, moral values, and worship values. Thus, this article greatly contributes to enriching academic discourse related to character learning for children under 12 years of age. This article concluded that the Nussa and Rara cartoon film really strives to spread Islamic da'wah and build children's character from an early age with daily customs and begin to familiarize children to apply the values of Islamic teachings perfectly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 289-309
Ridhwan Ridhwan ◽  
Sri Astuti A. Samad ◽  
Khaeruddin Kiramang ◽  
Hasan Hasan

Kalindaqdaq is a literary work of Mandar community which is considered as an old poetry and one of the actualizations of religion and local wisdom harmonization. Several studies on Kalindaqdaq have been conducted but none explores from ethno-pedagogical perspective. This study is aimed at supporting the importance of local wisdom in Islamic education because the education process cannot be separated from the expression of culture and customary orders proven to be capable of educating humans.  This study employs a qualitative method with ethno pedagogical approach. The data are collected through a library research by identifying, selecting, and reviewing research outputs relevant to the topic and literary works about Kalindaqdaq. The analysis is conducted by finding out the integration or interconnection relationships of the local wisdom with education. The findings reveal that Kalindaqdaq functions as a means of religious education, morals, traditional socialization media, communication tools for traditional narratives and entertainment. Kalindaqdaq as a cultural product contains Islamic educational values, such as monotheism, worship, morals, social and heroism. The implication of this study derives from the findings. The findings imply that kalindaqdaq is important under an ethnopedagogical perspective, applicable in the educational process. This study is the evidence of Islam and local wisdom harmonization, which highly supports the development of Islamic education as an integral part of education in Indonesia.Kalindaqdaq merupakan karya sastra masyarakat Mandar yang tergolong sebagai puisi lama dan dianggap sebagai salah satu aktualisasi harmonisasi agama dan kearifan lokal. Beberapa penelitian tentang Kalindaqdaq telah dilakukan tetapi belum ada yang mengeksplorasi harmonisasi pendidikan Islam dan kearifan lokal dengan perspektif etnopedagogis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnopedagogis. Signifikansi kajian ini adalah untuk menegaskan bahwa keberadaan kearifan lokal dalam pendidikan Islam menjadi penting karena proses pendidikan tidak lepas dari ekspresi budaya dan tatanan adat yang dapat mendidik manusia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi pustaka dengan mengidentifikasi, memilih, dan mengkaji literature ilmiah yang relevan dengan topik penelitian dan karya sastra tentang Kalindaqdaq. Analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui keterpaduan atau keterkaitan kearifan lokal dengan pendidikan. Temuan mengungkapkan bahwa Kalindaqdaq memiliki fungsi sebagai sarana pendidikan agama, moral, media sosialisasi tradisional, alat komunikasi untuk narasi tradisional dan hiburan. Kalindaqdaq sebagai produk budaya mengandung nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam seperti tauhid, ibadah, akhlak, sosial dan kepahlawanan. Implikasi dari penelitian ini berasal dari temuan. Temuan ini menyiratkan bahwa kalindaqdaq penting dari perspektif etnopedagogis, yaitu penggunaan kearifan lokal dalam proses pendidikan. Kajian ini merupakan bukti harmonisasi dan adat Islam serta mendukung pengembangan pendidikan Islam sebagai bagian integral dari pendidikan di Indonesia.

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