scholarly journals Strategi pengembangan ekowisata mangrove Bandar Bakau Dumai, Riau

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Aras Mulyadi ◽  
Efriyeldi Efriyeldi ◽  
Burhan Marbun

Bandar Bakau Mangrove Ecotourism is one of the most attractive natural tourist destinations in Dumai City. As a reference for future development, this study aims to analyze the mangrove ecotourism development strategy of Bandar Bakau Dumai. Surveys to collect primary data have been carried out in the field and on managers of  Bandar Bakau Mangrove Ecotourism in June - November 2020. Meanwhile, secondary data were collected from the Dumai City Government and related literature. The data collected were analyzed descriptively, and to formulate a development strategy carried out using a SWOT analysis approach (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) from the identification of Internal factors (IFAS) and external factors (EFAS). To make mangrove ecotourism in Bandar Bakau Dumai a natural tourism place that can compete in the future, 4 (four) development strategies have been formulated, namely: 1) Development of Supporting and Supporting Facilities for Mangrove Ecotourism in Bandar Bakau Dumai, 2) Development of Mangrove Ecotourism Products in Bandar Bakau Dumai, 3) Strengthening the Role of Stakeholders in the Development of Mangrove Ecotourism in Bandar Bakau Dumai, and 4) Development of Conservation and Environmental Mitigation of Mangrove Ecotourism in Bandar Bakau Dumai.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 484
Sutrisno Hadi Purnomo ◽  
Endang Tri Rahayu ◽  
Sidiq Budi Antoro

This study was aimed to determine the principal factors that may affect any development of the cattle business and know what strategies can be applied in the development of the cattle business in the District WuryantoroWonogiri. Research method used in this study was a mixed method collect qualitative and quantitative primary data from respondents and secondary data from relevant agencies, namely BPS Wonogiri, Wonogiri District Agriculture Office, and Subdistrict Wuryantoro. Research sampling was determined by convenience sampling of 60 farmers, and 10 respondents from public government and cattle traders. Analysis of data using internal and external situation analysis, also SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis qualitative of internal factors resulted in the identification of Strength and Weakness contained in the cattle business that consists of human resources, financial condition, operations / production, management, marketing. The analysis of external factors resulted in the identification of factors external in the form of opportunity and threats that exist in the beef cattle business as consisting of social, economic, public policy, and technology. The results of the matrix analysis showed results that the internal factors of 1.09 (on the x-axis), and external factors of 0.23 (on the y-axis).Hence,appropriate strategy in the development of beef cattle farms was in quadrant I that support aggressive growth policy (GrowthOriented Strategy),which uses strength to gain opportunities, profits in the cattle business.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 79
Julia ., Lendombela ◽  
Melsje Y. Memah ◽  
Agnes E. Loho

This study aims to identify internal factors and external factors of UD Betris, as well as to determine the strategy for developing the business of bamboo batik handicraft industry UD Betris. Betris in Meras Village. This research was conducted from April to June 2018. The data used were primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through observation and interviews which are divided into two parties, namely internal parties (business owners and labor) and external parties (local government and consumers) with 8 (eight) respondents. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained from literature studies. Analysis of the data used is by using a SWOT analysis. The results showed that internal factors include: raw materials, quality of raw materials, price of raw materials, product uniqueness, business spirit and craftsman skills, product prices, product durability and quality, not having financial records, traditional production equipment, product arrangement that has not been arranged neat, promotion is not efficient, does not have a special place of business, and there is no parking space. external factors include: high market opportunities, government support, opportunities for training, opportunities to participate in exhibitions, plastic substitute goods, interest in business successors, and the existence of competitors using modern production tools. Based on the SWOT diagram, the chosen strategy is a combination of SO, namely: 1) Maintaining product quality and continuing to develop products by innovating to create bamboo handicraft products with new designs. 2) Continue to work with the government and related agencies to develop and expand marketing areas so that products are better known to local and foreign communities through training and exhibition events. *jnkd*.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 131
Arys Susanto ◽  
Arica Dwi Susanto ◽  
Avando Bastari

This requires an organization to be able to compete by always paying attention to the user's condition. Development strategy is one way to find out competitiveness in each of its power lines. To deal with user competition, especially in the face of global users, an organization must be able to establish a method as the basic foundation for the formulation of development strategies by increasing the value of competitiveness for its output or services. This strategy needs to be involved using the SWOT method as the main method to increase output, internal and external factors become the initial steps to carry out strategies to optimize business to achieve success. The use of an effective SWOT analysis can play an important role in determining the development strategy, in order to know the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by the company in maintaining the survival and continuity of the organization. The problem that the answer in this research is looking for is whether the SWOT analysis is the right strategy to increase output in the organization and how the development strategy applied by the organization in overcoming global friendships. In connection with these problems the following hypothesis is proposed: It is suspected that using a SWOT analysis can increase output so that the organization experiences a profit (surplus). This study uses primary data by providing questionnaires and secondary data to obtain archives or documents. In line with the problem and the research hypothesis, this study was conducted using the IFAS analysis method to analyze internal factors, EFAS analysis for external factors, then, included in the quantitative model, namely the SWOT matrix. The results of the analysis show that, using IFAS and EFAS analysis and using SWOT analysis shows the position of the organization in cell 2, the strategy chosen to support the achievement of the objectives of the organization is ST strategy.Keywords: SWOT, Strategy, Product Marketing, Business.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 698-709
Riyan Nur Rifai

The purpose of this study is to find out what factors influence the implementation of the policy and formulate the strategy for implementing the policy. The main data type is primary data and is equipped with secondary data. Data collection methods are used interviews, questionnaires and literature studies. Research analysis used a SWOT analysis tool. Based on the results of the study that internal factors and external factors that influence the strength of internal factors consisting of easily published policies, adequate human resources, policy objectives and clear sanctions for policy violators. The weakness side is that the level of supervision is not optimal, the implementer rejects the policy, the highest retail price level is not right and the policy information has not been clearly conveyed. Whereas the opportunity side of external factors is the ability to increase rice stocks with imports, the government's readiness to fill rice stocks in the market and the public's encouragement to maintain stability in rice price stability. The threat side is the availability of rice from limited farmers, disruption of rice production factors and a long rice distribution chain. The right strategy used today is a defensive strategy. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan tersebut dan merumuskan strategi implementasi kebijakan tersebut. Jenis data utama digunakan data primer dan dilengkapi data sekunder. Metode pengambilan data digunakan wawancara, kuisioner dan studi kepustakaan. Analisis penelitian digunakan alat analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa faktor internal dan faktor eksternal yang mempengaruhi yaitu dari sisi kekuatan pada faktor internal terdiri dari kebijakan mudah dipublikasikan, sumber daya manusia memadai, tujuan kebijakan dan sanksi jelas bagi pelanggar kebijakan. Sisi kelemahan yaitu tingkat pengawasan belum optimal, pelaksana menolak kebijakan, tingkat harga eceran tertinggi belum tepat dan informasi kebijakan belum tersampaikan dengan jelas. Sedangkan sisi peluang dari faktor eksternal yaitu kemampuan menambah persediaan beras dengan impor, kesiapan pemerintah untuk mengisi persediaan beras di pasar dan dorongan masyarakat untuk menjaga stabilitas stabilitas harga beras. Sisi ancaman yaitu ketersediaan beras dari petani terbatas, gangguan faktor produksi beras dan rantai distribusi beras panjang. Strategi yang tepat digunakan saat ini yaitu strategi defensif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Dina Mayasari Soeswoyo

This study identifies the potential of tourism products in Sukajadi Village Bogor Regency based on ten (10) tourism components as well as its development strategy, which is currently included in the category of a newly developing tourist village. The results of this research are aggressive and serious development strategies in all aspects of the tourism component, namely increasing the quality and diversification of tourist attractions and activities, accessibility, improving the quality and quantity of tourism amenities, improving the quality of human resources & institutions, community support, land use, tourism industry cooperation, as well as marketing aspects. This research type is a descriptive qualitative with a case study exploratory approach. Primary data is obtained from direct observation and interviews with key informants, namely Pokdarwis and the Village Head, while secondary data is the result of literature studies and research documentation. The analysis technique of this research uses SWOT analysis and Matrix, analysis of the work program of the vision for tourism development of the Bogor Regency Government which refers to local government master plan for tourism development (RIPPARDA), and also analysis of the Cleanlines, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) guidelines.

Anggie Aditya Heriyanto ◽  
Sri Handayani ◽  
Mimi Kurnia Nengsih

The aim of being able to see what development strategies are suitable for mangrove tourism in Kampung Sejahtera on Baai Island, Bengkulu City. The research objective was to see the strategy for developing mangrove tourism in Kampung Sejahtera on Baai Island, Bengkulu City with a SWOT analysis. The data collection used was a questionnaire method with a list of questions to the respondents. The analysis method used is a SWOT analysis to see internal factors and external factors, which will then be entered into the SWOT matrix. The research results obtained from the analysis of internal factors and external factors. The result of the internal factor is a strength (strength) of 2.75 while the weakness (weakness) is 1.46, so the value of the internal factor is 2.75-1.46 = 1.29 while from the external factor the opportunity (opportunity) is 2 , 52 and for the threat (threat) is 1.58, the value of the external factor is 2.52-1.58 = 0.94. Based on the analysis diagram, the SWOT strategy is in the Cell (quadrant) I position. This shows that the SO strategy in the SWOT matrix is an aggressive strategy. This strategy explains that Kampung Sejahtera mangrove tourism can take advantage of the surrounding environment. The environment around mangrove tourism is still natural so that it is very likely for the community to add stages such as trading, opening food stalls, and lodging businesses around the mangrove tourism of Kampung Sejahtera on Baai Island, Bengkulu City, and Utilizing mangrove forests so as not to abrasion around mangrove tourism Kampung Sejahtera on Baai Island, Bengkulu City, which makes the tourist area safe and tourists who visit are comfortable and not worried about abrasion

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Rani Kurniawati ◽  
Ninuk Triyanti ◽  
Dahyar Daraba

The sector developed in Indonesia at this time is the tourism sector. The purpose of this study is to find out how the development of attractions, supporting and inhibiting factors, and formulate strategies in the development of tourism objects in Rejang Lebong Regency. This research uses descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. Data in this study were collected through interviews, documentation, observation and data triangulation. The analysis technique used in writing uses the SWOT analysis and Litmust Test to be reduced, presented and concluded. The results of research strategies for developing tourism objects in Rejang Lebong Regency are still not maximal, because there are many weaknesses in each component in the tourism area which become a benchmark for the development of Bengkulu Province tourist destinations, Rejang Lebong. The influencing factors are internal factors, namely strengths and weaknesses and external factors, namely opportunities and threats. Based on these factors, researchers can reformulate the strategy in the development of attractions in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-31
Komang Ema Marsitadewi

Badung Regency is more dominated by beach tourism. More than ten famous beaches in Bali are in Badung Regency. These beaches are only located in a few districts in Badung Regency. Inequality between sub-districts also occurs between areas that have tourism potential such as beaches and areas that have other tourism potential such as waterfalls or other tourism. This will create new problems for Badung Regency in the future. In fact, sub-districts that do not have coastal tourism potential have challenges as well as opportunities to develop. One of them is Petang District, Pelaga Village. This village does not have beach tourism but has other natural potentials that can be used as an attraction for tourists to come and visit Pelaga Village. These potential differences must be implemented which can then be used as opportunities for Pelaga Village. The purpose of this research is to produce a strategy to develop Pelaga Village as a tourism destination. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data obtained from primary data and secondary data. The data is then processed using data triangulation techniques to reduce the researcher's subjectivity and is also analyzed using SWOT analysis to produce a development strategy. In this study, it was found that Pelaga Village has a lot of potential for agro-tourism and can be developed such as asparagus and some hydroponic plants. . Not only that, the community's high interest in developing agro-tourism also supports the development of Pelaga Village. After assessing the potential that is owned by the opportunity, the threat from Pelaga Village came up with several development strategies for Pelaga Village, namely to further activate the community, especially farmer groups in developing their agro products. increasing the existence of the Agricultural Culture Festival in Pelaga Village, refining the missing destination components such as the availability of restaurants and inns, creating an organization that can bring together various farmer groups in Pelaga Village, in relation to the community in developing and managing the potentials of Pelaga Village.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 60
Herlin Herlin ◽  
Rina Trisna Yati

The purpose of this study was to find out how the strategy of developing Tikus island of Bengkulu province tourism. This type of research is a descriptive exploratory study, using primary (observation and questionnaire) and secondary data obtained by the Bengkulu Province Tourism Office, with samples in this study totaling 125 people. Methods of data analysis using SWOT Analysis. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis (Strenghts, Weakness, Opportunity and Treaths) showed that the strategy of developing Tikus Island Bengkulu province consisting of internal strategic factors (IFAS) consisting of Strength (S) and Weakness (W) obtained a total score of 4.28, this means that the attraction Tikus Island Bengkulu province has a strength that is greater than weakness. Whereas external factors (EFAS), which consist of opportunities and Threats (T) with a total score of 4.25 and opportunities (O) of 2.32, which means that the attraction Tikus Island Bengkulu province has a greater opportunity from threats. The meeting point between strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is in quadrant I, which means that the strategy implemented is to support aggressive strategy. In this quadrant I shows that attractions Tikus Island Bengkulu province have equal opportunities and Weakness (W) so that the strategy that can be applied is to support aggressive policies (Growth Oriented Strategy, namely by developing transportation and supporting facilities to the region).

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 235
Jevon Ona Ivena ◽  
Idiannor Mahyudin ◽  
Emmy Sri Mahreda ◽  
Wahyuni Ilham

Natural attractions Labuan Cermin Lakes one of the potential of this attraction to be developed in order to increase investment, employment, business opportunity and ultimately to improve the welfare of society. The development of tourism sector in the economy has a trickle-down effect to other sectors. This study aims to identify the conditions of the environmental setting Subdistrict Biduk-biduk in terms of the socio-economic and cultural as well as the structure of the population, analyzing the perception of tourists to the natural attractions of Labuan Cermin Lakes, analyzing the growth of travelers who make Danau Labuan Cermin as a tourist destination, analyze the economic valuation of resource benefits environment and natural nature Labuan Cermin Lakes and designing models of development and management of Labuan Cermin Lakes nature in a sustainable manner. The method used is descriptive analysis method, analysis Travel Cost Method and SWOT analysis by respondents as many as 100 tourists and is supported by other primary and secondary data. The results based on primary and secondary data, Subdistrict Biduk-biduk with an area of 3.002.99 km, tropical climate and altitude of 1 (one) to 3 (three) meters above sea level. The total population of 5,631 inhabitants with a growth of 3.38% in 2014. The majority of fishermen and coconut plantations for copra. There are three tourist destinations, Labuan Cermin Lakes, Kaniungan Island and Bidadari Waterfalls. Perception rating of the facility Labuan Cermin Lakes is quite satisfactory with the percentage of 30% and the perception of tourists to services is 51%. Trend tourists who come to the tourist attraction of Labuan Cermin Lakes continue to increase from year to year with forecasts in 2016 to 2021 there was an increase of 12.4% annually. The magnitude of the economic value of natural resources and environmental benefits nature Labuan Cermin Lakes, 100 respondents from eight zones pay to enjoy the natural scenery of Lake Labuan Cermin Rp.1.099.437,- and if in 2015 as many as 22 504 tourists then obtained the value of tourism resources of Labuan Cermin Lakes Rp. 24,741,741,500,- as well as the surplus value amounted Rp.2.969.008.980,- travel traveler growth at 12.4% per year. Shape the direction of the development strategy of Labuan Cermin Lakes nature in a sustainable manner, Labuan Cermin Lakes facilities must have a good support for, the development of additional recreational facilities, development of creative entrepreneurial community and increased accessibility to Labuan Cermin Lakes.

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