scholarly journals Modern Approaches to the Formation of a Professional Safety Culture in Future Labor Protection Specialists

Mark Vaintraub

The article is devoted to the problem of formation peculiarities of safety culture of future health and safety professionals under modern conditions.  The security situation, which is under the influence of many complex dynamic processes, has been exacerbated by the anthropogenic pressure on the environment due to the pandemic, which is accompanied by the emergence of new risks and threats to humans. Therefore, the issue of people’s life and health safety is considered a priority in the context of ensuring sustainable development of the state and society as a whole.  Ukraine has created a legal framework based on the Constitution of Ukraine and includes laws of Ukraine in the field of health, labor and environmental protection. In particular, based on the work of international and Ukrainian scientists in the field of security in Ukraine, the concept of education in the field of safety of human’s life and activity is implemented, within which it is taught a set of disciplines on labor protection. However, the current state of affairs suggests that future specialists formation of cultural safety peculiarities in the field of labor protection, especially under pandemic conditions, is insufficient and inconsistent. As security has become a priority goal and need of man, team and society as a whole, it is clear that the assimilation of this culture can be achieved through formation of the new system of views, values, norms and traditions of safe behavior.  The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of the culture of safety in a pandemic for future labor protection specialists during professional training. The research methods are theoretical: analysis (impulse, system, analytical and synthetic, inductive, deductive); synthesis (general scientific, interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary); classification, systematization, generalization; modeling. The results. The relevance and need to develop a culture of safety of future health and safety professionals under pandemic conditions during their professional training are substantiated.  The significance of labor protection at work and other institutions, in social life under pandemic conditions is analyzed. The approaches that contribute to the formation of a culture of safety of future health and safety professionals (environmental, geophysical, medical and biological, algorithmic, strategic, informational, contextual, synergetic, gender, block practice) are substantiated.  The considered appropriate formulas and techniques in the approaches provide an opportunity to make a dynamic management decision to effectively consolidate knowledge and skills on safety culture of future professionals under modern conditions during professional training.  Conclusions. The proposed material will be of interest to teachers of higher education institutions in the field of labor protection and life safety. The research does not cover all the aspects of the problem of forming a safety culture under modern conditions. The prospect of further research requires the forming of the model that provides new principles, forms and methods of safety culture formation of future professionals in the field of labor protection. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 78-85
Abiltarova T.N.

The article is devoted to the problem of forming the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers. Thepurposeof the article is to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of professional safety culture in future occupational safety and health engineers. Methods. The work is based on the works of scientists, who applied the principles and ideas of culturological, humanistic, axiological, activity, and personality-oriented approaches, used theoretical methods (analysis and systematization of scientific literature, comparison, generalization, and systematization of information), empirical methods (practical experience, expert evaluation, ranking, expert survey), methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The pedagogical conditions of effective formation of the culture of safety of professional activity (CSPA) in future occupational safety and health engineers are defined: formation of positive motivation to master CSPA; updating the content of professional training of occupational safety and health engineers taking into account CSPA component on the basis of interdisciplinary integration; use of innovative technologies of formation of CSPA in future occupational safety and health engineers; development of creative readiness of future occupational safety and health engineers to provide for safe activities. The implementation of the first pedagogical condition involves the creation of a positive attitude and motivation for safe behavior and health at work. To implement the second pedagogical condition, it is important to ensure the design of integrative content, which should contain the following components: labor, legal, organizational and managerial, ergonomic, health, communicative. In order to implement the third and fourth pedagogical conditions, it is topical to cover the application and implementation of innovative technologies, interactive teaching methods, and information and communication technologies, distance and mixed learning systems; investigation of social networks, blocks, sites of international organizations in the field of labor protection; creation of an atmosphere of creative development, self-learning and self-realization. Conclusions. It is established that ensuring effective pedagogical conditions for the formation of the safety culture in future professionals in the field of labor protection will improve the quality of their training in higher education institutions. It is concluded that further research requires consideration and experimental verification of the detected pedagogical conditions.Key words: safety culture, professional training, occupational safety and health engineer, pedagogical conditions, professional activity, labor protection methods. Стаття присвячена проблемі формування культури безпеки професійної діяльності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці. Мета статті полягає в обґрунтуванні організаційно-педагогічних умов ефективного формування культури безпеки професійної діяльності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці. Методи. Робота ґрунтується на працях учених, у яких застосовано принципи та ідеї культурологічного, гуманістичного, аксіологічного, діяльнісного та особистісно-орієнтованого підходів, використано теоретичні методи (аналіз та систематизація наукової літератури, порівняння, узагальнення та систематизація інформації), емпіричні методи (практичний досвід, експертне оцінювання, ранжування, опитування експертів), методи математичної статистики. Результати. Визначено організаційно-педагогічні умови ефективного формування культури безпеки професійної діяльності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці, такі як формування позитивної мотивації до оволодіння культури безпеки професійної діяльності; оновлення змісту професійної підготовки інженерів з охорони праці з урахуванням компонента культури безпеки професійної діяльності на основі міждисциплінарної інтеграції; використання інноваційних технологій формування культури безпеки професійної діяльності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці; розвиток творчої готовності у майбутніх інженерів з охорони праці до безпечної діяльності. Реалізація першої педагогічної умови передбачає створення позитивного ставлення та мотивації до безпечної поведінки та збереження здоров’я у процесі праці. Для впровадження другої педагогічної умови важливо забезпечити проєктування інтегративного змісту, який має містити такі компоненти, як працеохоронний, правовий, організаційно-управлінський, ергономічний, здоров’язберігаючий, комунікативний. Задля здійснення третьої та четвертої педагогічних умов акту-альними є застосування та впровадження інноваційних технологій, інтерактивних методів навчання, інформаційно-комунікативних технологій, систем дистанційного та змішаного навчання, соціальних мереж, блоків, сайтів міжнародних організацій у галузі охорони праці, створення атмосфери творчого розвитку, самонавчання та самореалізації. Висновки. Встановлено, що забезпечення результативних педагогічних умов формування культури безпеки у майбутніх фахівців у галузі охорони праці підвищить якість їх підготовки у вищому навчальному закладі. Зроблено висновок, що подальше досліджен-ня потребує розгляду та експериментальної перевірки визначених педагогічних умов.Ключові слова: культура безпеки, професійна підготовка, інженер з охорони праці, педагогічні умови, професійна діяльність, методика охорони праці.

2021 ◽  
pp. 40-46

Businesses are continuously researching issues and looking for new opportunities for improvements in health and safety management, as well as factors affecting the development of a safety culture and work culture in general. We present interviews with heads and specialists in labor protection of leading Russian companies, conducted within the framework of the research project "Safety Culture in the CIS Countries" by DuPont.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-286
Meriadi Meriadi ◽  
Fakhry Zamzam ◽  
Luis Marnisah

Research objectives specifically to know the results of the analysis of the implementation of the value of cultural safety through the Baturaja Risk Containment employee Level Junior Manager and Specialist at PT. Semen Baturaja Site Baturaja. The method of research that is used is qualitative descriptive by emphasizing analysis of data obtained in the field. Data collection in the field using observation and interview techniques. Data sources and information obtained from informant that is an employee of the Junior manager and specialist and also key informant from the officials at the Vice president, Senior Manager and Manager who experienced more than six years in the field. The results of the study stated that before the program BRC employees did not care and do not understand the importance of occupational safety. After the implementation of BRC program there is a change in safety culture of employees with increased awareness of 64%, increased adherence to safety rules by 14% and increased understanding of safety culture by 22%. Factors supporting the creation of cultural safety include 60% of consciousness, 25% of fear due to sanctions and 15% pressure from superiors. The positive impact of the BRC program makes employees more concerned about the culture of safety. With the commitment and maximum support from the cement Baturaja, the value of cultural Safety through BRC program for employees of Semen Baturaja in Junior Manager and Specialist disite Baturaja can not only be realized well but also provide a positive image for investors and the public.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Fanny Yam ◽  
Chih Siong Wong ◽  
Cheah Yuat Hoong ◽  
Mansoureh Ebrahimi

Despite the enforcement of safety protocols, several workplaces and organizations still face accidents in Malaysia. SOSCO reported >34,000 workplace related accidents in 2012, 983 of which were fatal. Leadership is important when creating a culture that supports and promotes health and safety. Management and Team leaders are vital in inspiring workers to higher levels of safety consciousness and productivity, which means they must personally apply good leadership attributions daily. A ‘Safety Culture’ describes a safety management style in the workplace that reflects attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and values shared by all workers with regard to safety. The objectives of this study include raising the awareness among leaders in the workplace of their role and responsibility in the mitigation and construction of a safety culture that approaches zero incidents in the workplace. The methodology used in this paper includes a qualitative literature research on safety culture and leadership in addition to a quantitative survey that focused on safety culture at two Malaysian universities. This research thus provides an in-depth analysis and platform for organizations to identify areas of weakness and concern and can lead to further research that builds on existing systems to strengthen safety culture awareness and praxis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (192) ◽  
pp. 10-14
Inna Levchenko ◽  

The article reveals the theoretical aspects of the influence of the educational environment on the formation of pedagogical consciousness in future professionals (labor protection). The author analyzes the concept of «pedagogical consciousness», identifies the impact of the educational process on the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities that affect the formation of pedagogical consciousness of future professionals. It was found that the problem of forming the pedagogical consciousness of future professionals at the present stage is one of the most pressing problems in the system of higher pedagogical education. The author notes that the educational and pedagogical environment is the place where the formation of pedagogical values and universal relations of future professionals, which positively affect the formation of pedagogical consciousness. The article substantiates the statement of the positive influence of the family, high school, mass media on the formation, formation and development of pedagogical consciousness of future specialists (labor protection). The author notes that the purposeful formation, formation and development of pedagogical consciousness should begin at the university stage of professionalization of future professionals. The main starting points of the system of training future health and safety professionals should be the understanding of the educational process as a specific form of transfer and assimilation of socio-historical experience, which provides unity of teacher and students, the purpose of which is not only students specialists as individuals, but also the formation of professional consciousness on the basis of creating the inner position of the student as a successful, positive-minded professional with real professional plans for the realization of their knowledge and desires. The formation, formation and development of pedagogical consciousness of future specialists (labor protection) can be achieved by combining the efforts of family, high school, media, etc. An important component of the readiness of masters in occupational safety for professional and pedagogical activities is that they have experience of emotional attitude to the future profession.

Elviza Abiltarova

The article focuses on the need to form the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate and develop the structure of the pedagogical system of formation of the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers. Research methods applied: systematization and analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and scientific and methodological documentation; modeling; classification and comparison; generalization. It is determined that the pedagogical system of formation of the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers is a complex dynamic and flexible formation that contains a set of interconnected and interdependent elements as goals, content, organizational forms, methods, tools, techniques and learning outcomes. It is established that the pedagogical system is aimed at increasing and improving the motivational and value sphere, professional knowledge, skills and professionally important qualities for the prevention and obviation of occupational injuries, gaining experience in safe professional activities and communication on occupational safety and is implemented through: educational goals (general, strategic, tactical, final); content of formation (labor protection, organizational and managerial, legal, ergonomic, health-preserving, communicative); forms of organization of educational activities that provide interactive work (problem lecture, lecture-visualization, lecture-dialogue, lectures-discussions, lectures in pairs, practical and laboratory work of interactive cooperation, workshops, problem seminars); methods (problem, moderation, training, brainstorming,  professional activity modeling); interactive pedagogical techniques (game, techniques of cooperation, design, case, vitagenic training techniques, information and communication techniques); complex of educational-methodical and didactic support (programs of academic disciplines and practices, reference notes of lectures, plans of laboratory and practical classes, means of visualization of educational information, legislative and normative documents on labor protection, formats of documents on labor protection, means of assessment of students’ educational achievements). It is concluded that the proposed pedagogical system makes it possible to improve the quality of professional training of future occupational safety and health engineers for their professional activities on the basis of safety culture in accordance with modern requirements.

2020 ◽  
pp. 8-12
Elena Soldatova

Digital technologies are used not only to automate business processes and improve them, but are also increasingly applied in the field of labor protection. They are aimed at creating and training employees in various safety skills. Elena Soldatova, general director of OOO (LLC) Leader Info and founder of SOLDES company, tells about digitalization of business processes, what the level of industrial safety depends on, and how to improve the safety culture at the enterprise.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Ines Testoni ◽  
Erika Iacona ◽  
Cecilia Corso ◽  
Sara Pompele ◽  
Laura Dal Corso ◽  

The systematic removal of death from social life in the West has exposed people living in areas affected by COVID-19 to the risk of being unable to adequately manage the anxiety caused by mortality salience. Death education is a type of intervention that helps people manage their fear of death by offering them effective strategies to deal with loss and anxiety. To that end, a path of death education has been carried out with University students of psychology. The main purpose of the research is to understand how students who participated in the death education course perceive the lockdown experience in light of course teachings. The research was carried out at a University in northern Italy in an area severely affected by COVID-19, during the first year of the pandemic. The group of participants included 38 students, 30 women and 8 men, with an average age of 25.45 years (SD = 7). At the end of the course, the students could respond on an optional basis to the request to comment on the training experience according to what they experienced during the pandemic. A thematic analysis was subsequently carried out on the texts, which made it possible to identify the most relevant thematic areas for the students. The qualitative analyses permitted recognition of three main forms of discovery: the removal of death in contemporary culture; the importance of community, ritual and funeral, and spirituality; and the significance of death education for future health professionals. The texts have highlighted how the removal of these issues exposes people to the risk of being unable to handle extremely painful events such as those related to dying. The results show the positivity of death education pathways conducted at the University level to help students reflect on these issues and manage the related anguish.

Jānis Buliņš ◽  
Rasma Jansone ◽  
Inese Bautre ◽  
Inta Bula-Biteniece

<p><em>Health and safety is based on the choices that people make during lifetime. Each of us chooses to act safely or unsafely, healthy or unhealthy. Specific risk group is children and youngsters. Children and young people often have a desire to test their independence, build a personal identity and expand the social life, so young people often experiment also with different types of behavior. In the situations not favorable to health and safety children and young people behavior often do not comply with their knowledge of how to act. Human (human securitability is an internationally-known concept that characterizes human adaptability skills in a rapidly changing environment. Are distinguished 7 human securitability aspects: health, economic, personal (physical), ecological securitability, nutritional, community and political securitability. In the National development plan (NDP) 2020 strategy one of the priorities is human securitability provision. In our study, we analyzed the personal (physical) securitability of educational institutions. A person with a low sense of securitability feels threatened, does not want to use the opportunities of personal growth, trust others and cooperate with them at workplace and in collectives, does not want to participate in the state national development process, and therefore does not contribute to national growth. The pupils are able to learn successfully at school, develop their ability to form a personality only in an environment with a sustainable securitability. The pupil parents can successfully work and act only in the case they are absolutely certain about their children securitability at school, where they spend most of the working day: at schools, in after-school hobby groups, in sports trainings. Creating a safe environment at schools and being educated, growing and developing in this environment, the pupils form understanding of the necessity for a safe and healthy environment and its importance, and develop motivation to keep it for the needs of family, society and the public. </em></p><p><em>In strengthening securitability equally important is knowledge and skills to act in different situations. Researching education policy documents, the authors draw the conclusion that it is necessary on a state level to strengthen the securitability of each Latvian resident and the issues related to state securitability in educational institutions and society as a whole. Sports teacher can contribute to the promotion of pupil securitability, using the subject content as the means. Human securitability can be promoted by knowledge acquisition and skills development in securitability-oriented sports lesson.</em></p>

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