scholarly journals Sociocultural and Anthropoecological Distinctive Features of Pedagogical Discourse

2020 ◽  
pp. 37-44
Maksim Vladimirovich Kochetkov

The relevance of the study is due to the complexity of socio-cultural reality due to the aggravation of the contradiction between globalization and national-oriented processes, the increasing struggle of cultures, economies and ideologies, and the acceleration of scientific and technological progress. The purpose of the article is to consider sociocultural and anthropoecological distinctive features of pedagogical discourse. The author points out that anthropo-innovations, such as genetic engineering, cyborgization, cloning, integration with artificial intelligence, pharmaceutical advances, and GMO products threaten the existence of a person in his or her mental and physical integrity. The restriction of anthropological innovations is due to spiritual revival, reliance on traditional cultures, as well as the best cultural and pedagogical national experience, and is determined by the understanding of the soul as an integrating component of a person. In the Humanities, the description of an increasingly complex socio-cultural reality is closely related to its description in the context of various discursive plans. This approach is also promising for pedagogy. At the same time, modern trends in the development of the discursive approach “blur” the boundaries of pedagogical knowledge. The article presents a highly specialized definition of pedagogical discourse. During the study the following methods were applied: analysis of legal documents and scientific and methodical literature. It is proved that the pedagogical category “zone of proximal development” in its socio-cultural and anthropo-ecological contexts favors understanding of the distinctive features of educational and pedagogical discourse. It is concluded that orientation to the zone of proximal development of the individual contributes to the consistency of the socio-cultural experience, including nationally oriented components, transmitted by the teacher, with the life experience of the student, favors his or her emotional involvement in the educational process.

Maksim V. Kochetkov ◽  
Igor’ A. Kovalevich

The relevance of the research is due to the destructive influence of digitalization of society, globalization processes, technological and social progress on a person in his spiritual and physical integrity. These are, first of all, such technological and sociocultural factors as virtualization of the individual’s consciousness, cyborgization, loss of subjectivity in the process of merging with information machine complexes, genetic engineering, cloning, pharmaceutical modifying human influence. It is proved that a broad interpretation of educational and pedagogical discourse is adequate for the modern socio-cultural space, which is becoming more complicated for description, which makes it synonymous with such a basic category for pedagogical science as the pedagogical process. The marked tendency is estimated as negative, as the categorical value of basic concepts for pedagogy is lost, the subject of pedagogical science in the system of human Sciences is blurred. Therefore, a highly specialized definition of specific features of pedagogical discourse is justified. It is concluded that the pedagogical category “zone of immediate development” in its socio-cultural hypostasis contributes to the designation of specific features of educational and pedagogical discourse, focusing on specific pedagogical tasks. For example orientation to the zone of the nearest development of the individual in the process of his constant development and self-development assumes permanent diagnostic correction on the part of the teacher in relation to the student. This favors the consistency of the socio-cultural experience transmitted by the teacher with the life experience of the student, the emotional “inclusion” of the latter in the educational process

Oleksandr Mikhno

In the article, based on the analysis of the works of scientists – the representatives of experimental pedagogy Olexandr Nechaev (1870–1947) and Grigory Rossolimo (1860–1928), their contribution to the development of the problem of the pupil’s profile is highlighted. It has been proved that both scientists paid special attention to this issue, developing it in the following aspects: substantiation of the necessity of studying a pupil by the teacher and improvement of psychological knowledge of the teacher (O. Nechaev); creation of plans for studying the pupil in the form of special questionnaires with detailed recommendations on their use (O. Nechaev, G. Rossolimo), filling out the results of studying the pupil in the form of «psychological profile», which was a graphic representation of the profile (G. Rossolimo). It has been substantiated that, developing a problem of the pupil’s profile, O. Nechaev proceeded from the need to take into account the individual abilities and inclinations of the pupil in the educational process, which could be effectively carried out on the basis of studying the pupil with the subsequent compilation of the pupil’s profile. It has been well-reasoned that relations between scientists were significant in the development of scientific ideas: G. Rossolimo linked the emergence of his method of «psychological profile» directly with the ideas of O. Nechaev. It has been emphasized that the psychological characteristics of various types given by Rossolimo were his contribution to the typology of childhood, along with the typology of P. Lesgaft. These typologies are a significant help to the teacher in the process of learning the pupil and compilation of his profile. It has been emphasized that experimental pedagogy is a scientific phenomenon, the name of which reflects the main method of obtaining empirical knowledge — an experiment that was supposed to guarantee the objectivity of the data obtained, bringing pedagogy to the level of exact sciences; the concept of «experimental pedagogy» is established within the limits of historical–pedagogical discourse as a definition of the scientific phenomenon, characteristic only for the beginning of the XX century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (5) ◽  
pp. 92-98

The founder of humanistic psychology A. Maslow claimed: those who have only a hammer as a tool are inclined to consider the problem as a naill. Is it possible to learn to see in subordinates not nails, but individuals of joint labor activity? What effective management methods are able to identify the true cause and hidden motives of the employee, influence them and get him to voluntarily accept the actions expected and necessary for the manager? The answer to these questions is the purpose of the described study. In management, the Japanese ”Five Why” method is widespread, which, according to the authors, is not productive enough. Having abandoned the formal-logical and relying on the causal-genetic method of research, the technology of adaptive learning in the zone of proximal development, the authors propose another, domestic approach, which has proven its greater efficiency. The article describes the technology of working with it in practice and its advantages. When using the «keyword» technology, the movement towards the result is purposeful. Within the framework of the individual logical trajectory it affects the reasoning of the employee, not the manager. With these questions, the manager constantly assesses and leads the subordinate into an individual zone of proximal development, and the discussion is held within it (that is, the developing effect of the employee’s reflections is ensured). Reliance on the keywords of the respondent ensures that there are no obstacles in the construction of inferences. If in the end there are obstacles, they are quickly leveled by relying on the next keyword of the respondent.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-230
Olesya Nikolaevna Yezhova ◽  
Natalia Ivanovna Ulendeeva

The paper analyzes conditions and requirements for production activities organization at penitentiary system institutions at the present stage of social and economic relations development that imply the necessity for entrepreneurial activities organizational skills. The authors consider approaches to the definition of entrepreneurial activity organizational abilities and their own definition of this concept is given through the individual psychological characteristics of the individual that is necessary for successful productive activities organization that involves effective production resources and factors use to achieve economic goals. For effective professional competencies development in the field of production the authors propose to identify the composition and structure of cadets and students organizational abilities, including cognitive, emotional-volitional and behavioral components. They suggest organizing educational process of Economics and Fundamentals of Management in Law Enforcement students that could study nature and structure of production relations in the penal correction system, identify mechanisms, conditions and factors for convicts professional resources management. In elective classes the authors propose to introduce technology of organizational skills development in entrepreneurial activity through a practice-oriented model of training, which assumes the inter-faculty nature of education where the educational process has a continuous formative character. At the training sessions the authors propose to use integrated tasks that develop cognitive component of organizational abilities in business activity among cadets.

The article is devoted to the current issue of sexuality. Significant expansion and development of psychologists’ professional activity necessitate creating of generalized classification of individuals and married couples’ behavioral erotic types. The destruction of self-reflection, self-perception and the difficulty of interpersonal understanding are due to the substitution of concepts. The study of sexual-psychological characteristics of behavioral patterns of women in erotic relationships is very important in this regard. The new material on the topic under study is generalized. Erotic imagination functions and erotic images impact on the process of forming a fixed erotic Image of a sexual partner in women are determined. The impact of early life experience (imprinting) influenced on the individual erotic code formation is determined. Several motivational schemes of sexual behavior are described. Authors submit the definition of «individual erotic code» for the first time. «Individual erotic code» is found out as the unified recording system of the individual model erotic behavior and her «ideal partner» reactions on this behavior. The types of women individual erotic code, based on the concept of archetypes (K.G. Jung, D. S. Bolen) study are defined. Types of individual erotic code were named after the ancient Greek goddesses: Artemis, Athena, Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Persephone, Aphrodite. The attention is focused on the deep analysis of individual women erotic code stages realization, such as, the genesis of erotic impulse, the tempting process, the sexual act behavior, the pregnancy, the caring of posterity. Materials of research can be used in the practical work of psychologists and psychotherapists which working both with married couples, as well as in individual work with the client.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-49
V.K. Zaretsky

The article presents an analysis of L.S. Vygotsky’s concept of a zone of proximal development (ZPD); considers various ZPD definitions; provides a critical review of the most popular definition of ZPD as adopted from L.S. Vygotsky’s 1935 work and used as basic by English-speaking authors. Taking into account the fact that L.S. Vygotsky’s general methodological intention was to establish psychology as a practice and that his developmental theory as well as the ZPD concept development remained incomplete due to the known life circumstances, we analyze L.S. Vygotsky’s writings that allow for another ZPD conceptualization, which differs from the one implied by the 1935 definition, so as to attempt at reconstructing the concept. In reviewing L.S. Vygotsky’s assumptions regarding the learning-development relationship; ZPD; its relevance for diagnostic assessment and teaching; feasibility of extrapolating the ZPD concept onto different personality aspects, the authors identify substantive aspects of the ZPD concept that the "canonical" definition lacks. The article describes a multidimensional model of ZPD, which has taken shape within the Reflection-Activity Approach to assisting students with overcoming learning difficulties and which integrates Vygotsky's key ZPD-related ideas. E.G. Yudin’s conceptualization of methodological functions of conceptual schemes is used to reconstruct the methodological status of the ZPD concept. The authors demonstrate that, since its inception, the ZPD concept has passed through the stages of an explanatory principle, a research subject, and a methodological tool for constructing new subjects of research and development.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 51-67 ◽  
N.V. Simashkova ◽  
T.P. Klyushnik ◽  
A.A. Koval-Zaitsev ◽  
L.P. Yakupova

The article discusses the current state of the problem a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis of infantile autism and early-onset schizophrenia, differentiation of these diseases. The purpose of this study, which has been conducted at the Mental Health Research Center, is to determine the biological (immunological and physiological), pathopsychological markers of infantile autism and early-onset schizophrenia for potential use as an additional differential diagnostic tool in the clinical evaluation of patients. Allocated to types of cognitive dizontogenezis, which are different and specific for infantile autism and early-onset schizophrenia. Timely early diagnosis of autism in childhood is important for follow-up habilitation. Habilitation of children can be built on the basis of the identification of the zone of proximal development, allowing adequately and correctly pick the individual correction programs for each sick child. In turn, the identification of the zone of proximal development can be performed using multidisciplinario approach.

Ayta Sakun

The dominant feature of today is the “knowledge society” – a worldview and scientific concept, updated by social, cultural and philosophical discourses in the process of a thorough rethinking of the theory of “information society”. Gaining increasing popularity in connection with the problematization of the cognitive dimensions of education, economics and technology, this concept gains a modern definition: it is a society whose development is based on internal polyphony and the individual abilities of each of its representatives. Thus, in modern society, not only “information”, but also “knowledge” plays a special role. The separation and differentiation of these two concepts are of fundamental importance. The modern era (having reached the definition of the "era of knowledge") brings a new understanding of "knowledge".

Serg Popel ◽  
Oksana Kryzаnivskaya ◽  
Nadiya Zemskaya ◽  
Eduard Lapkovskyi ◽  
Yaroslav Yatciv ◽  

In the article the individual differentiated approach is reflected to employments by dancing exercises as important mean of optimization of educational process in the specialized schools-boarding-schools, shown role of dances in the increase of level of physical preparedness and somatic health at children 7 years with violations of sight. Examined 45 schoolchildren aged 7–9 years who study at a specialized boarding school for children with violation of sight. The analysis of the influence of dances on the psychoemocyanal sphere of children with violations of sight led to the results of testing the coordination abilities, the level of formation of the need for communication, the diagnosis of the motivational structure of the personality, the definition of communication style, value orientations and the level of communicative complexity. Comparative analysis showed that with age these indicators decrease, and in children with low coordination abilities there is a low level of need for communication and low motor activity. Among the motivations that motivate children with visual impairment to group interaction, 54,3 % fall on the need to establish a wide range of relationships, about 45,4 % to the needs for their own development, the need for personal credibility is 39,5 %. Another 35,2 % of indicators are due to the need for information accumulation, and the opportunity to increase the value of one’s own person is 24,7 %. At the same time, the need for communicative learning and the need to achieve communicative success are pushed to the background and make up only 14,2 and 15,7 %, respectively. Low indicators of communicative training cause significant difficulties in the integrative process, which requires the development of a program to improve and improve the level of coordination abilities in children with violation of sight. The necessity of forming of motivation is marked to the increase of level of motive activity as effective mean of harmonization of physical development, is marked on importance of permanent employments by dances, that substantially promotes efficiency of process of socialization and helps to be deprived psychological complexes.

2018 ◽  
C Anauate ◽  
E Peters Kahhale

Caregiver orientation is very important to promote neurodevelopment on babies. Considering that relations are the key for this development of superior mental functions, we believe that all caregivers, teachers and parents should be present and paying attention to the children, providing opportunity for an ideal neurodevelopmentand humanization. It is important to orientate caregivers so that they can provide qualitative conditions, which integrate affection, conscience and action to promote development to occur according to the potential of the child. We believe that the individual constitutes himself by means of social contact. This work has the goal toapproach the theory which orientates, with specific guidelines and practical work, caregivers aiming a better child neurodevelopment. Bonds are necessary for a better and trustful relation. When you are present in a relation nervous connections are promoted and these lead to a more effective motor, cognitive and affectivedevelopment of the superior mental functions such as memory, attention, language, psychomotricity and executive functions. It uses didactically the following principles of the Social Historical theory of Luria and Vygotsky: mediation, functional units and zone of proximal development. Interactions between the brain and the formation of mental functions require the maturity of the nervous system as well as an active process that emphasizes relations of two or more human beings. Keywords: neurodevelopment, childhood, relation

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