2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Muhammad Hifdil Islam

Diversity becomes a necessity in the continuity of human life both from a group to a nation. However, lack of understanding among difference people can be an obstacle that will lead to conflict in public life. In contrast, diversity can become benefits factor in the life of society. And Religion is part of diversity that can become source of conflict between people. Islam as the religion of rahmatan lil'alamin (blessing for the whole universe), from the beginning despite having affirmed that the true religion is Islam, but in principle and social life, Islam recognizes religious entities, other religions and allow their followers to perform and practice their own worship. This paper explains how Islam gives a great respect for religious diversity and teaches the follower to be tolerant to other religion. In this paper, also explained how Al-Qur’an as main source of teaching in Islam gives the description of tolerance in religious diversity and it is supported by the argument of some of scholar of Islam. This paper reminds us that religious appreciation and practice does not stop at the stage of “I” exclusiveness claims that lead to a personal relationship with God, nor at “YOU” inclusiveness stage that mix the teaching all of religion but at the openness of “WE”, where religious appreciation of human values is emphasized (humanist and tolerance) without mix the religious sacredness .

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Resti Nurfaidah

AbstrakFeodalisme muncul pada abad pertengahan sebagai dampak dari implementasi sistem vassal. Feodalisme tidak pernah hilang bahkan setelah era imperialisme telah berakhir. Sistem politik dan sosial yang sangat membanggakan hirarki manusia tersebut selalu hadir dalam kehidupan manusia, terutama di tempat tempat yang masih mengadopsi sistem tuan tanah. Dampak terbesar dari feodalisme adalah penghancuran nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dengan timbulnya diskriminasi yang tidak didasarkan pada prestasi seseorang, tetapi pada posisi dan kekuasaan seseorang. Kajian ini mendapati bahwa dalam novel berjudul Pipisahan, feodalisme menjadi pencetus timbulnya kelompok marginal dalam kehidupan masyarakat, terutama di lingkungan terkecil seperti keluarga. Dalam kajian tersebut, feodalisme terdapat dalam korpus berupa tuturan dan perilaku tokoh bapak mertua terhadap anak dan menantunya. Korpus tersebut dikaji berdasarkan pada konsep feodalisme berikut, antara lain, feodalisme Simorangkir, Reeser, dan Connell. Sementara itu, sisi maskulinitas dikaji berdasarkan konsep Humm sementara konsep tentang meme dilandasi pandangan Dawskins. AbstractFeudalism emerged in the middle ages as a result of the implementation of vassal system. Feudalism never disappear even after the era of imperialism has ended. Political and social system which is very proud of the human hierarchy is present in human life, especially in places that are still adopting the landlord system. The biggest impact of feudalism is destruction of human values with the incidence of discrimination which is not based on individual achievement, but on one's position and power. This study found that in the novel entitled Pipisahan, feudalism trigger the onset of marginalized groups in public life, especially in the smallest environments like family. In this study, feudalism contained in the corpus in the form of speech and behavior of the father figures of children and daughter-in-law. The corpus studied based on the concept of feudalism as follow; feudalism Simorangkir, Reeser, and Connell. Meanwhile, the concept of masculinity assessed based Humm, while the concept of the meme is based on Dawskins.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 146
Yuliati Holifah ◽  
Irene Maya Simon ◽  
Ella Faridati Zen ◽  
Widya Multisari

Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini merupakan penerapan metode kearifan lokal yang sudah dilakukan oleh masyarakat Indonesia dalam menumbuhkan sikap saling tolong menolong dan saling hormat menghormati antar sesama.. Mengingat kader perempuan antar umat beragama merupakan figure dan perwakilan dari agamanya masing-masing, maka mereka harus dibekali sikap toleransi beragama yang cukup sebelum mensosialisasikan sikap toleransi beragama kepada umat yang lain. Program kemitraan masyarakat ini ditujukan untuk kader PAUB Kota Malang. Iptek yang diterapkan berupa strategi menumbuhkan sikap toleransi beragama melalui metode anjangsana. Dengan metode anjangsana ini dapat menumbuhkan penghayatan dan praktik kegamaan tidak hanya berhenti pada tahap klaim eksklusifisme (aku) yang berujung pada hubungan personal dengan Tuhan, tidak juga pada tahap inklusifisme (kamu) dengan perhatiannya pada perekrutan dukungan teologis atau ideologis (solidaritas), melainkan juga tahap keterbukaan (kita), dimana penghayatan religius atas nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dapat mewujudkan toleransi beragama tidak hanya pada level wacana.  Produk luaran yang dihasilkan berupa modul peningkatan sikap toleransi beragama bagi kader PAUB yang dapat diterapkan pada kader perempuan antar umat beragama di kota-kota lain di Jawa Timur. Kata kunci— Kader perempuan, Metode anjangsana, PAUB, Toleransi beragama.AbstractCommunity service activities are the application of local wisdom methods that have been carried out by the Indonesian people in fostering mutual assistance to help and respect each other respectfully. Considering women cadres among religious communities are figures and representatives of their respective religions, they sufficient religious tolerance must be provided before socializing the attitude of religious tolerance to other people. This community partnership program is intended for PAUB cadres in Malang. The applied science and technology in the form of strategies to foster an attitude of religious tolerance through the method of Anjangsana. With this method of Anjangsana can foster appreciation and religious practice not only stop at the stage of claims of exclusiveness (I) that lead to a personal relationship with God, not also at the stage of inclusiveism (you) with attention to the recruitment of theological or ideological support (solidarity), but also the stage of openness (us), where the religious appreciation of human values can realize religious tolerance not only at the level of discourse. The output products produced were in the form of modules to increase religious tolerance for PAUB cadres which could be applied to interfaith women cadres in other cities in East Java.Keywords— Female cadres, Anjangsana method, PAUB, religious tolerance

2021 ◽  
Vol 12(48) (1) ◽  
pp. 5-32
Ryszard |Ficek

The article debates the issues of collectivism and individualism in the context of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński’s personalistic vision of man. The praxeological approach to Wyszyński’s personalism inscribes the Christian social teaching in post-war Poland’s specific socio-political realities. In this context, a critical analysis of the concept of the human person functioning in the dimension of various ideologies is essential. For that reason, the above article will explain the specificity of the collectivist and individualistic ideology. It allows us to understand better the danger of distorting social life’s vision concerning the Western world’s modern civilization. In this sense, a personalistic idea of human life shows that contemporary social life models, if they are to be shaped “a human measure,” must be based on systems promoting “pro-human” values, inscribed in an authentically humanistic vision of man and citizen.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-137
Mustaqim Makki

Zakat merupakan salah satu sendi pokok ajaran Islam. Urgensi zakat yang merupakan anjuran agama Islam untuk menunaikan zakat dan memberikannya kepada yang berhak dengan ketentuan mencapai nishabnya, (kadar minimum harta tertentu) mempunyai nilai sangat signifikan dalam kehidupan manusia. Seorang insan yang sarat akan segala permasalahan pada fitrahnya menuntut untuk selalu berinteraksi kepada sesama, baik berupa materi maupun non materi. Zakat merupakan maliyah ijtima’iyyah yang mengandung nilai-nilai filantropi yang sangat tinggi, karena ketika mengaplikasikan kewajiban zakat kita telah membantu sesama serta mengurangi kesenjangan yang disebabkan beberapa sifat manusia diantaranya adalah sifat kikir, dengki dan iri hati. Menguatnya kembali harapan banyak kalangan terhadap implementasi filantropi Islam, baik dalam bentuk zakat, infak, sedekah, dan wakaf, memiliki keterkaitan erat dengan kondisi bangsa yang belum sepenuhnya bangkit dari keterpurukan sebagai dampak dari krisis ekonomi yang berkepanjangan. Kondisi ini berakibat kesenjangan penguasaan perekonomian antar warga negara menjadi kian lebar. Pada saat itulah, ziswaf (zakat, infak, sedekah, dan wakaf) kembali dilirik dan diharapkan menjadi alternatif solusi terhadap problem kemiskinan umat. Manusia sebagai khalifah fil ardh dalam Al Qurán menekankan muatan fungsional yang harus diemban oleh manusia dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas kesejarahan dalam kehidupannya di muka bumi. Kaitan dengan konsep tersebut, ada dua fungsi manusia. Pertama: Manusia sebagai hamba (ábid), dituntut untuk sukses menjalin hubungan secara vertikal dalam hal ini hubungannya dengan ketuhanan (Teologis). Kedua adalah manusia sebagai khalifah, dituntut untuk sukses menjalin hubungan secara horizontal dalam hal ini hubungan terhadap manusia.Kata kunci: tafsir ayat zakat, filantropi, ekonomi keummatanAbstract:Zakat is one of the main points of Islamic teachings. The urgency of zakat which is suggested by Islam to fulfill and give it to those who are referred to with the provisions to reach their nishab, (minimum level of certain assets) has a very significant value in human life. A person who is full of all problems in his/her natural demands will always get interaction with other people, either material or non-material. Zakat is maliyah ijtima’iyyah which contains very high philanthropic values, because when applying the obligation of zakat we have helped others and reduced the gaps caused by some human traits including miser, jealousy and envy. The reinforcement of the expectations (estimation) from any levels on the implementation of Islamic philanthropy, which in the form of zakat, donation, alms and endowments, has a close relationship with the condition of the country that has not fully risen from bad economic adversity due to economic crisis. This condition causes a widening of the economic mastery among the citizens. At that moment, ziswaf (zakat, infaq, alms, and waqf) was again given a serious attentition and expected to be an alternative solution to the problem of poverty among citizens. Humans as khalifah fil ardh in the Qur'an emphasize the functional content that must be carried by humans in carrying out historical tasks in their lives on earth. In accordance with this concept, there are two human functions. First: Humans as servants (ábid), are required to succeed in establishing a vertical relationship in this case the relationship with God (Theological). Second, humans as caliphs, are required to succeed in establishing horizontal relationships in this case the relationship to humans.

Ruslan Rafisovich Hasanov

On the basis of the archetypic analysis of development trends of a conflictological paradigm the author’s model of minimization of conflict potential in modern society is offered. Institutional construction is the basis for model that is harmonized with a factor of societal identity.It is noted that the problems of social conflicts, according to data from monitor- ing studies of the Ukrainian school of archetype, are increasingly shifted into the sphere of interpersonal relations. It is stimulated by the progression in society of so-called self-sufficient personalities, the “subjectification” of the social space, and at the same time narrowing down to the solution of entirely specific situations in which there is a collision of the interests of two or more parties.Instead, in order to find the optimal solution for resolving the conflict, it is necessary to have interdisciplinary knowledge, in particular understanding of the deep nature of such conflicts. Collision of points of view, thoughts, positions — a very frequent phenomenon of modern social life. In order to develop the correct line of behavior in various conflict situations, it is important to adequately under- stand the nature of the emergence of the modern conflict and the mechanisms for resolving them in substance. Knowledge of conflict nature enriches the culture of communication and makes human life and social groups not only more calm, but also creates conditions for constructive development. It is proved that in modern life one can not but agree with the statement that an individual carries first re- sponsibility for his own life and only then for the life of the social groups to which he belongs. And while making decisions within the framework of modern mecha- nisms (consensus), the properties of human psychology such as extroversion, emo- tionality, irrationality, intuition, externality, and executive ability will not at least contribute to such a task.That is why in the author’s research attracted attention to the archetypal na- ture of the conflict — the primitive images, ideas, feelings inherent in man as a bearer of the collective unconscious.

Ruslan Rafisovich Hasanov

On the basis of the archetypic analysis of development trends of a conflictological paradigm the author’s model of minimization of conflict potential in modern society is offered. Institutional construction is the basis for model that is harmonized with a factor of societal identity. It is noted that the problems of social conflicts, according to data from monitoring studies of the Ukrainian school of archetype, are increasingly shifted into the sphere of interpersonal relations. It is stimulated by the progression in society of so-called self-sufficient personalities, the “subjectification” of the social space, and at the same time narrowing down to the solution of entirely specific situations in which there is a collision of the interests of two or more parties. Instead, in order to find the optimal solution for resolving the conflict, it is necessary to have interdisciplinary knowledge, in particular understanding of the deep nature of such conflicts. Collision of points of view, thoughts, positions — a very frequent phenomenon of modern social life. In order to develop the correct line of behavior in various conflict situations, it is important to adequately understand the nature of the emergence of the modern conflict and the mechanisms for resolving them in substance. Knowledge of conflict nature enriches the culture of communication and makes human life and social groups not only more calm, but also creates conditions for constructive development. It is proved that in modern life one can not but agree with the statement that an individual carries first responsibility for his own life and only then for the life of the social groups to which he belongs. And while making decisions within the framework of modern mechanisms (consensus), the properties of human psychology such as extroversion, emotionality, irrationality, intuition, externality, and executive ability will not at least contribute to such a task. That is why in the author’s research attracted attention to the archetypal nature of the conflict — the primitive images, ideas, feelings inherent in man as a bearer of the collective unconscious.

2016 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-59 ◽  
Michael DeLand

This article investigates the production and re-production of a recurring pickup basketball game at a public park in Santa Monica, California. I argue that it is best understood as a recurring “scene”—an ecologically shaped, biographically significant, interactionally accomplished, and narratively organized pattern of social life—colloquially known as the “Ocean Run.” Drawing on Kenneth Burke’s dramatism, I suggest that the scene is constituted by the interrelation of the park’s socioecological landscape (“stage”), the diverse personal meanings that players construct through their participation (“cast”), and the practical work of re-creating the scene through situated interactions (“performance”). The park stage facilitates a sense of intimacy for players with very different personal relationships to each other and to the scene. Those players then actively mix themselves up, re-creating the scene through an “improvisational” style of team formation. Place, people, and action are dialectically related in the patterning of public life. This method of analysis is replicable in a wide variety of public scenes and sets up concrete grounds for comparison and theoretical generalizability.

2021 ◽  
Dewi Yermawati Enjhela

AbstractThe challenges in today’s global word are increasingle surprising human life, especially at the end of 2019, with the emergence of a pendemic, namely the Corona Virus (Covid-19). The emergence of this pandemic raises various concerns for the world and especially for social life. Of these challenges the autor treis to provide various explanations about these challenges and in relation to how our attitudes or interactions with others, especially in the world of cristian education. This article offers an approach using qualitative approach literature in Theological theory research, and qualitive desciptive research, that the application of cristianeducational behavior in responding to chelenges in this pandemic era is the value of applying the faith of a Cristian in social relations between people in the mids of challenges. In times of this pandemic.


The effect of Social Media (SM) technology on human life in the 21St century cannot be denied; the use of SM platforms can be seen in various fields, such as education, medicine, politics, social life, communication methods, and daily life. The research aimed to investigate SM’s impact on Female Saudi International Students’ (FSIS) English language learning and creation of identities. This study utilized a qualitative method to obtain in-depth knowledge of FSIS’ practices on SM and the effects on their learning and identity. The semi-structured interview was used to collect the data from eight FSIS. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Three main themes were generated: FSIS’ daily practices, FSIS’ digital identity, and FSIS’languages on SM. The findings show that FSIS is active on SM, having accounts on different SM platforms. They communicate with people from Saudi Arabia and of different nationalities. Also, the findings assert that FSIS has a strong digital identity on SM. Moreover, the findings emphasized that using SM helps some of the FSIS to improve their English language proficiency. They use SM as a learning tool for English language acquisition. The limitations and the implications of the study are stated in the Conclusion. For further research, suggestions are made to investigate more phenomena regarding Saudis’ using of SM.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 82-93
Aleksandr Subetto

It is proved that the current era is characterized by many governments around the world as dictatorship of "appearance" or "simulation" of the most activities transforming politics, even the tragic events like local ecological catastrophes, local wars, "colour revolutions", the elections in a "theatre", "acting", on the background of market ecocide – really accelerating processes of the first phase of a Global Environmental Disaster, which, at the transition "point of no return" in the near future, may turn into a process of irreversible environmental destruction of all mankind. This dictatorship of "appearance" or simulation as a "curtain" market democracy, hiding the capitalism-led, process of dehumanization of man, is an indicator of the inadequacy of states and political "elites" imperative of survival of mankind, as the imperative out of the ecological impasse of history in market-capitalist format. There comes a reckoning for this departure into the " market-capitalist illusion of apparent prosperity. The societies of the world, including Rossiya, have faced a dilemma:either environmental destruction, or the Noosphere Breakthrough, which, in its essence, is a change in the social organization of social life and its reproduction – the transition from the dominance of capitalism and the market to the Noosphere Ecological Spiritual Socialism on the basis of scientific and educational society and the management of socionatural evolution.

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