scholarly journals Aromaterapi Kenanga Dibanding Lavender terhadap Nyeri Post Sectio Caesaria

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 257-270
Wasis Pujiati ◽  
Meily Nirnasari ◽  
Hotmaria Julia Dolok Saribu ◽  
Daratullaila Daratullaila

This study aims to compare the effect of cananga and lavender aromatherapy on pain intensity in postoperative patients with Sectio caesaria . This research method uses true experimental design, randomized pretest posttest design. Sampling technique with simple random sampling. intervention group I was given aromatherapy cananga and group II was given lavender aromatherapy. Changes in pain intensity are measured using a Numerical Rating Scale. The pain felt by patients before inhaling cananga aromatherapy is an average of 5.00 (moderate pain) and after therapy of 3.25 (mild pain). Pain that was felt by patients before inhaling lavender aromatherapy was an average of 4.83 (moderate pain) and after therapy of 3.25 (mild pain). The results of the analysis with the Wilcoxon test (p value 0,000) showed that there was an influence of cananga and lavender aromatherapy interventions using inhalation techniques to the intensity of pain in post sectio caesaria  patients. Mann Whitney Test results obtained p value 0.054. Conclusions There is no significant difference in the effect of intervention from the two groups, meaning that both interventions have the same effective effect in reducing the intensity of pain in post-sectional cesarean patients.   Keywords: Aromatherapy Canangium Odoratum, Lavandula, Pain, Sectio caesaria

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Kirnawan Fadholi ◽  
Akhmad Mustofa

Pain management in postoperative patients so far in the Shofa Room of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Temanggung is still limited to pharmacotherapy in the form of 1 gram injection metamizole or 30mg ketorolac injection and the provision of deep breath therapy. Giving this therapy is not optimal in dealing with patient pain. Therefore other therapies need to be given for example non-pharmacology, one of them is a combination of murottal Al-Qur'an therapy and virtual reality when the pharmacotherapy reaction is finished and the complementary therapy has never been done in the room. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a combination of Murottal Al-Qur'an therapy and virtual reality on pain intensity in postoperative patients. The research design used in this study was quasi-experimental with a pre-posttest with a control group design approach. The subjects of this study were 32 post-operative patients at PKU Muhammadiyah Temanggung Hospital. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The instrument used in obtaining data is the Numeric Rating Scale. The results showed that: 1) there were differences in the average pretest and posttest intensity of postoperative pain in the intervention group with a p-value of 0,000; 2) there is a difference in the average pretest and posttest intensity of postoperative pain in the control group with a p-value of 0.003; and 3) there is a significant difference in the decrease in intensity of postoperative pain in the intervention group and the control group with a p-value of 0.009 where the experimental group showed a decrease in intensity more effectively than the control group. The results of this study indicate that the combination of Murottal Al-Qur'an therapy and virtual reality is effective in reducing pain intensity in postoperative patients.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Chandra Sulistyorini

Background: Dysmenorrhea is a painful condition at the abdominal area, cramps and back pain which can disturb daily activities. The prevention done by female teenagers to avoid dysmenorrhea were to ignore it, hold their stomach, take some herbal drinks, lie down and watch television. Some even skip the classes at school and go home during school days, in which 20 % of them go to the school medical room to take a rest when experiencing dysmenorrhea. Aim: To identify the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation on reducing dysmenorrhea pain intensity of female teenagers. Method: This research used the pre-post-test quasi experimental without control design. The sampling technique was accidental sampling with 35 respondents, gathered from April to May 2018. The data were analysed by using Wilcoxon test while the pain intensity was measured by using numerical rating scale and progressive muscle relaxation SOP. Findings: The pain intensity value before the intervention was 5.00 and the value after the intervention was 3.00. The statistical analysis by using Wilcoxon Test showed that the sig value (2-tailed) was 0.000, which was < 0.05. It means that there was a significant difference between the pre and post-test results of the pain intensity. Conclusion: Progressive muscle relaxation had an effective on reducing dysmenorrhea pain intensity. Therefore, it is suggested that female teenagers be able to do a progressive muscle relaxation twice a day before and during the menstruation period in order to reduce the pain intensity and as an alternative for the treatment and prevention of pre-menstrual pain.

Lia Fitria ◽  
Anisa Febrianti ◽  
Arifah Arifin ◽  
Arifatul Hasanah ◽  
Dianatul Firdausiyeh

Adolescent girls will experience changes in the reproductive system marked by menstruation. Menstruation experienced in adolescents is often accompanied by complaints of menstrual pain. Menstrual pain can interfere with daily activities, so it requires treatment to reduce menstrual pain. One way of handling that can be done is with aromatherapy. Lavender and peppermint aromatherapy is a treatment that uses lavender and peppermint essential oils which contain linalool and linalyl acetate which are useful for reducing menstrual pain. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of lavender aromatherapy with peppermint on the menstrual pain scale in adolescent girls. The research design used was quantitative, quasi-experimental method with a two-group pre-test and post-test design with a sample of 14 respondents, 7 respondents in the lavender aromatherapy group and 7 respondents in the peppermint aromatherapy group. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling. The instrument used is a numerical rating scale (NRS). Data were processed by Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney test. The results of this study indicate that lavender aromatherapy and lemon aromatherapy are effective in reducing menstrual pain scale with p value 0.001 (p < 0.05). Levender aromatherapy and peppermint aromatherapy were effective in reducing menstrual pain scale, but there was no significant difference in reducing pain scale in both lavender and peppermint therapy groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Reny Sulistyowati

Fatigue is a widespread clinical complaint among adults with type 2 diabetes. Fluctuating glucose levels can cause fatigue. Several factors are associated with fatigue in diabetic patients, including physiological factors such as hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, psychological factors such as depression associated with diabetes. Progressive muscle relaxation is a procedure to get relaxation in the muscles through two steps, namely by applying tension to a muscle group and stopping the tension then focusing on how the muscle relaxes, feeling the sensation of relaxation and fatigue is reduced. The aim of this study was to identify the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on fatigue symptoms in type II DM clients in 15 control groups and 15 intervention groups. The research method used a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design approach, consisting of one treatment (in the intervention group) and a control group. Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate analysis using t-independent and t-dependent tests. Wilcoxon test results in the intervention group and the control group showed a significant p-value of 0.002 (<0.05), meaning that there was a significant difference in fatigue symptoms in the intervention group before and after the intervention. This shows that there was a decrease in fatigue symptoms in the intervention group before and after combination OHO therapy and progressive muscle relaxation exercises (previously the average respondent in the intervention group experienced symptoms of severe fatigue, after intervention, the average value of fatigue symptoms turned into mild fatigue ). Conclusion: Progressive muscle relaxation combined with OHO therapy can reduce symptoms of fatigue compared to only OHO therapy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (01) ◽  
pp. 144-158
Vervando Janter Sumilat ◽  
Prabawati Prabawati ◽  
Sudibyo Supardi

Abstract Background: Cancer patients with chemotherapy experience fatigue as cancer effects and cell destruction due to the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs. Objective: Determine the effectiveness of relaxation breathing exercises to fatigue cancer patients who undergoing chemotherapy. Methode: This research used quasi experiment pretest and posttest method. There were 92 respondents who examined using purposive sampling technique and divided into 46 respondents as intervention group and 46 respondents as control group. Relaxation breathing exercise was given four weeks for intervention group on April-July 2018 in Siloam Hospital Manado. Result: The majority of cancer patients were age 45-65 years 69,9%, 54,3% were diagnosed cancer ≤1 year and 79,3% received combination chemotherapy. The result of Wilcoxon test revealed there was significant difference before and after intervention to fatigue (p value = 0,00), with mean rank of reduction 21,97% on fatigue. The result of Mann Whitney test revealed that there was significant difference in fatigue between intervention and control groups (p value = 0,00). Multivariate logistic regression revealed that there was an effect of relaxation breathing exercise on fatigue (p value = 0,00) and relaxation breathing exercise may reduce 60,46 times of fatigue on patients who undergoing chemotherapy. Conclusion: Relaxation Breathing Exercise can reduce fatigue in cancer patients who undergoing chemotherapy in Siloam Hospital Manado. It is recommended to perform relaxation breathing exercise as a routine exercise for cancer patients during chemotherapy to minimize fatigue. Keywords: Relaxation Breathing Exercise, Fatigue, Chemotherapy, Cancer

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 254-260 ◽  
Adrian Camargo Amaral Jorge-Araújo ◽  
Marcelo Carlos Bortoluzzi ◽  
Flares Baratto-Filho ◽  
Fábio André Santos ◽  
Márcia Thaís Pochapski

Abstract In spite of advances in root canal therapy and better knowledge of pulpal and periapical inflammation, up 40% of endodontic patients report varying degrees of pain. The aim of this present study was to compare the effect of single preoperative dose of ibuprofen or dexamethasone on post-endodontic pain. Sixty volunteers were divided into three groups (n=20 per group): PL, placebo; IB, 400 mg of ibuprofen; and DE, 8 mg of dexamethasone. The primary outcome was the post-endodontic pain intensity measured with a numerical rating scale (4, 8, 12, 24, and 48 h). Secondary outcomes included number of anesthetic cartridges used and consumption of rescue medication. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests. There was no significant difference among groups (p>0.05) considering the pain intensity. Only 37% of IB group patients and 28% of DE group patients used some rescue medication. On the other hand, 74% of PL group patients mentioned the consumption of rescue medication; PL group had a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in comparison with IB and DE groups. The number of anesthetic cartridges used had no statistically significant difference among the groups (p>0.05). Significant differences were not found in the reduction of pain intensity and the number of anesthetic cartridges used. Considering the consumption of rescue medication (secondary outcome), preoperative administration of Ibuprofen or dexamethasone reduces post-endodontic pain and discomfort in comparison with a placebo. Premedication with anti-inflammatory drugs drugs could be contributed to control of the post-endodontic pain, mainly in patients more sensible for pain.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1259-1265
Uun Kurniasih

Salah satu ketidaknyamanan yang sering timbul pada kehamilan adalah nyeri punggung. Nyeri punggung merupakan gangguan yang banyak dialami oleh ibu hamil sepanjang masa-masa kehamilan hingga periode pasca natal . Salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengurangi nyeri punggung selama kehamilan adalah dengan melakukan senam hamil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui skala nyeri sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan senam hamil dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh senam hamil terhadap nyeri punggung pada ibu hamil di UPTD Puskesmas Mundu Kabupaten Cirebon Tahun 2018.Penelitan ini menggunakan desain penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan pretest–posttest with control group. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 28 responden, 14 subjek untuk kelompok intervensi dan 14 subjek untuk kelompok  kontrol. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi. Sedangkan instrumen yang digunakan adalah Numerical Rating Scale (NRS). Analisa data yang digunakan adalah uji Mann – Whitney.Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil dari pre test dan post test pada kelompok kontrol mayoritas dengan intensitas nyeri sedang yaitu 7 orang (50%) dan nyeri berat yaitu 6 orang (42%), sedangkan pada melompok intervensi mayoritas nyeri ringan yaitu 7 orang (50%) dan nyeri sedang yaitu 7 orang (50%). Berdasarkan analisa statistik didapatkan niai p value adalah  0,001 maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima artinya senam hamil efektif menurunkan intensitas nyeri punggung pada ibu hamill di UPTD Puskesmas Mundu Kabupaten Cirebon tahun 2018Kata Kunci   : Senam, nyeri punggung, ibu hamil  ABSTRACTLow Back pain is one of the discomfort which often occurred during pregnancy. Lowback pain is a condition experienced by many pregnant women troughout pregnancy period to the post  delivery period. One of the solutionto address this issue is by doing exercise for pregnancy women. The studi was conducted to find out the effect of pregnancy exercisseto reduce low back paint issue.This studi aims to determine the scalae of pain before and after pregnancy exercise and to determine the effect of pregnancy exercise againt back pain in pregnancy women in UPTD puskesmas Mundu Cirebon Regency 2018. This research uses quasi experimental research design with Pretest –Posttest with Control Group. Sampling using purposive sampling with the number of samples of 28 respondent, 14 for the intervention group and 14 subjects for the control group. Data collection techniques by observation. While the instrument used is the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS). The data analysis used is Mann –Whitney test. The resukt of this study indicate that resukt of pre-test and post-test in the mayoritycontrol group with moderate pain intensisity of 7 people (50%) and severe pain that is 6 people (42,9%), while in the intervention group the majority of mild pain 7 peiple (50%). Based on statistical analysis in the value of p value is 0,001, then H0 is rejected reduce the intensity of back pain in pregnant women in UPTD Puskesmas Mundu Cirebon  2018.Keywords: Exercise, back pain, pregnancy women

2021 ◽  
Junya Hirata ◽  
Minori Tomiyama ◽  
Yasuhiro Koike ◽  
Manabu Yoshimura ◽  
Keiko Inoue

Abstract Background: The evaluation of pain catastrophizing and self-efficacy is useful for predicting pain and is also associated with shoulder pain. The purposes of our study were to examine the relationship between pain catastrophizing, self-efficacy, and pain intensity in patients with a frozen shoulder.Methods: Ninety-three patients who were diagnosed with frozen shoulder were included in this study. Pain intensity (Numerical Rating Scale: NRS), pain catastrophizing (Pain Catastrophizing Scale: PCS), and self-efficacy (Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire: PSEQ) were measured at the first examination, and the relationship was examined using Bayesian estimation method. We developed a hypothesis model in which self-efficacy affects pain catastrophizing and pain catastrophizing affects pain intensity.Results: The path coefficients from the PSEQ score to the PCS score and from the PCS score to the NRS score were significant. The convergence of the hypothesized model was confirmed and validated (posterior prediction p-value 0.35). Conclusion: Our results suggest that self-efficacy affects pain catastrophizing, and pain catastrophizing affects pain intensity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (T2) ◽  
pp. 55-58
Sri Rezkiani Kas ◽  
Nur Nasry Noor ◽  
Muh Tahir Abdullla ◽  
Anwar Mallongi ◽  
Erniwati Ibrahim

BACKGROUND: Reproductive health is an important issue and needs to get more attention, especially among adolescents because adolescents are the nation’s next generation so adolescents should have excellent reproductive health because adolescents will later marry and become parents, so the quality of life of adolescents must improve to better direction. AIM: This study aimed to determine the effect of celery therapy and abdominal stretching exercise on pain intensity in adolescents with dysmenorrhea in Soppeng District High School. METHODS: This research uses quasi-experimental. A sample of 30 was selected by consecutive sampling that met the inclusion criteria. Samples taken are non-randomized pre-posttest one-group design with accidental sampling method. Data collection using numeric rating scale measurement tools. Data were not normally distributed by analyzing the Wilcoxon test. RESULTS: The results showed that the characteristics of respondents for age were 14–15 years as many as 16 (53.3%). Based on grade level, the average respondent in class one also had details of 16 (53.3%). The average pain intensity before and after intervention, where the mean value + SD is 0.67 + 0.479–0.27 + 0.450 with p value (P = 0.001 <0.05) which means that there is a difference in the average pain intensity significant before and after therapeutic interventions were given. Celery therapy and abdominal stretching exercise need to be recommended to be used as therapy to treat primary dysmenorrhea in young women at SMAN 1 Watan Soppeng. CONCLUSION: Based on the results of research and hypotheses, it can be concluded that there are significant differences after therapy which means that the administration of celery therapy and abdominal stretching exercise 3 times before menstruation is more effective in reducing pain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Veronica Silalahi

Objective: to identify the effectiveness of health education about menarche using audiovisual media and leaflets on the attitudes of teenage girls Methods: This article used a quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group design. This study divided the subjects into two groups, the intervention group and the control group with 31 respondents each, that is class III and IV in Sawunggaling 1 primary school, Surabaya. This article used a simple random sampling. Data processing was carried out by pretest and posttest and health education interventions using audiovisuals and leaflets for the intervention group, and for the control group using leaflet. Data analysis used the Mann Whitney test to assess the mean increase in attitudes in both groups, and the Wilcoxon test to see an increase in attitudes after the intervention in both groups.Results: The results showed p-value = 0.000 (p <0.05) in the intervention groups. This means that there is a significant increase in the attitude of teenage girls before and after being given health education which shows the effectiveness of health education about menarche using audiovisual media and leaflets. Whereas in the control group data obtained that 0.754 (p> 0.005), this means that there is no significant difference from the attitudes of teenage girls before and after being given health education about menarche with media leafletsConclusion : health education using audiovisuals and leaflets that are effective in improving the attitudes of teenage girls in facing menarche 

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