scholarly journals The use of Filmora and Youtube in creating learning video contents

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (8) ◽  
pp. 1427-1430
Ny. Ayni Suwarni Herry ◽  
Perani Rosyani ◽  
Rinna Rachmatika ◽  
Kecitaan Harefa ◽  
Joko Priambodo

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic witnessed a significant consumption of digital contents. Teaching and learning activities, including at the State Elementary School, Pamulang, Barat, shifted to online domains. Whatsapp was consequently the initial means of engaging the students, but eventually appeared relatively monotonous and boring. This community service intends to provide a quality learning resource on the creation of video contents, using Filmora and Youtube applications. Ultimately, the overall goal is to produce highly creative and innovative teachers. These materials were delivered using sound or captivating animations. Consequently, teachers were sufficiently equipped to generate interesting videos that potentially increase students’ interest and interaction during the online learning process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Syamsul Bahri ◽  
Merta Simbolon ◽  
Desy Kumala Sari ◽  
Abrahan Laurens Rettob

Abstract. The ability to use information technology is an important ability in 21st century learning. This Community Service Activities (PKM) aims to conduct training and describing the pedagogical competency profile of teachers in SMK Negeri 1 Sota in utilizing information technology to support teaching and learning activities. The method used was training, mentoring, and evaluating the results of activities. The instrument used to obtain data after the training was a Likert scale questionnaire consisting of 3 aspects and distributed into 30 statements. The three aspects measured are the ability to use various information technology applications, the ability to utilize online learning media, and the ability to use search engines and data collectors. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively and the results were categorized based on ideal standard deviations. The results obtained in this activity were the ability of teachers in SMK 1 Sota in utilizing information technology to support the learning process is still low.Keywords: online learning media, pedagogical ability, google classroom, google formAbtrak. Kemampuan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi (TI) dalam pembelajaran merupakan kemampuan yang penting dalam pembelajaran abad 21. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan dan mendeskripsikan profil kompetensi pedagogik guru di SMK Negeri 1 Sota dalam memanfaatkan TI untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar. Metode yang digunakan dalam  kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan, pendampingan, serta evaluasi hasil kegiatan. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data setelah dilakukan pelatihan adalah angket dengan skala likert yang terdiri dari 3 aspek dan dijabarkan menjadi 30 pernyataan. Ketiga aspek yang diukur adalah kemampuan menggunakan berbagai aplikasi TI kemampuan dalam memanfaatkan media pembelajaran online, dan kemampuan dalam menggunakan mesin pencari dan pengumpul data. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan hasilnya dikategorikan berdasarkan simpangan baku ideal. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam kegiatan ini adalah kemampuan guru-guru di SMK Negeri 1 Sota dalam menfaatkan TI untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran masih kurang. Kata Kunci: media pembelajaran online, kemampuan pedagogik, google classroom, google form

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 28-32
Karin Widya Ayuningtyas ◽  
Nadhirotuz Zulfah

The Covid-19 pandemic that has spread throughout the country has made the government decide teaching and learning activities to be carried out boldly (online). Learning makes students bored and eventually lazy to learn. Researchers are trying to create new breakthroughs to increase student learning motivation to increase, namely by utilizing interactive learning media based on kahoot in brave learning. This study uses a literature review method where the data obtained from research comes from articles or journals that are relevant to the topic, or other people's research results are then analyzed again to draw a conclusion. The results of this research kahoot interactive media can be used in bold learning because of its easy use and includes a link or website so that it can be accessed by students. This interactive media also makes students not easily bored in the learning process. Learning that increases in fun can make students' learning motivation, this is because students do not feel bored easily when learning takes place, so students feel motivated and feel comfortable when learning using Kahoot media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Dwi Yulistyanti ◽  
Naely Farkhatin ◽  
Dewi Mustari

ABSTRAK Saat pademi in,i pembelajaran harus tetap dilakukan walaupun tidak di langsungkan di kelas, tetapi dengan pembelajaran yang bersifat online. Pengabdian masyarakat kali ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada para Remaja mengenai Aplikasi media E-Learning yang sering digunakan di sekolah dan bisa memilih Aplikasi media pembelajaan yang efektif digunakan dalam E-Learning. Penggunaan Aplikasi (whastapp, zoom, google meet) sebagai media E-Learning ini sudah tidak asing lagi dikalangan remaja di dalam proses belajar mengajar. Tim pelaksana yang berperan sebagai tutor memberikan pengetahuan dan sekaligus melakukan pendampingan pada peserta pelatihan untuk menguasai materi pelatihan. Hal ini memungkinkan para remaja untuk menguasai materi dengan sekaligus melakukan praktik dengan pendampingan instruktur. 8 dari 10 remaja yang mengikuti pelatihan memilih menggunakan whatsapp dengan mempertimbangkan masalah kuota yang dimiliki sehingga pembelajaran bisa tetap berjalan dengan segala keterbatasan terutama masalah biaya pembelian kuota. ABSTRACTDuring this period, learning must still be carried out even though it is not carried out directly in class, but through online learning. This time, community service aims to provide knowledge to teenagers about E-Learning media applications that are often used in schools and can choose learning media applications that are effectively used in E-Learning. The use of applications (whastapp, zoom, google meet) as an E-Learning medium is no stranger to teenagers in the teaching and learning process. The implementation team, which acts as a tutor, provides knowledge and at the same time provides assistance to training participants to master the training material. This allows the youth to master the material while practicing with the instructor's assistance. 8 out of 10 teenagers who participated in the training chose to use WhatsApp by considering the quota problem they had so that learning could continue with all limitations, especially the problem of purchasing a quota.

Sarwahita ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-120
Eman Surachman

ABSTRACTThrough the implementation of Classroom Action Research (PTK) teachers can conduct research on the interaction and participation of students in the learning process, the effectiveness of the use of methods and media learning. In addition, the teacher can also effectively analyze and diagnose what has been done in the classroom in the learning process. In other words through teacher classroom action research can improve the learning practice so that it becomes more effective.Classroom action research can also bridge the gap between educational theory and practice. This occurs because the activity is carried out on its own, in its own classroom, involving its own students through an action planned, implemented, and evaluated. Thus obtained a systematic feedback on what has been done in teaching and learning activities. In addition, it can be proved a theory of teaching and learning to be applied well in the classes that are occupied. If there is a theory that does not fit the conditions in its class, through the TOD the educator can adapt other theories for the benefit of the process and / or product of learning more effectively, optimally, functionally.From a policy perspective in the field of education, the teacher's understanding and ability on classroom action research is very important, especially regarding teacher certification and grade increase. Here then, it is necessary to do community service, in this case the school community in developing classroom action research.   ABSTRAK Melalui  pelaksanaan  Penelitian  Tindakan  Kelas  (PTK)  guru     dapat  melakukan penelitian terhadap interaksi dan partisipasi siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, efektifitas penggunaan metode dan media pembelajaran. Di samping itu  gurujuga secara refektif dapat menganalisis dan mendiagnosis apa yang telah dilakukan di kelas dalam proses pembelajaran. Dengan kata lain   melalui penelitian tindakan kelas guru dapat memperbaiki praktik pembelajaran sehingga menjadi lebih efektif.Penelitian tindakan kelas juga dapat menjembatani kesenjangan antara teori dan praktik pendidikan. Hal ini terjadi karena kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan sendiri, di kelas sendiri, dengan melibatkan siswanya sendiri melalui sebuah tindakan-tindakan yang direncakan, dilaksanakan, dan di evaluasi. Dengan demikian diperoleh umpan balik yang sistematik mengenai apa yang selama ini dilakukan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Di samping itu, dapat dibuktikan suatu teori belajar mengajar untuk diterapkan dengan baik di kelas yang ditekuni. Jika sekiranya ada teori yang tidak cocok dengan kondisi di kelasnya, melalui PTK pendidik dapat mengadaptasikan teori lain untuk kepentingan proses dan atau produk belajar yang lebih efektif, optimal, fungsional.Dari sisi kebijakan dalam bidang pendidikan, pemahaman dan kemampuan guru mengenai penelitian tindakan kelas, sangat penting terutama terkait sertifikasi guru dan kenaikan golongan. Di sinilah kemudian, perlu dilakukan pengabdian masyarakat, dalam hal ini masyarakat persekolahan dalam mengembangkan penelitian tindakan kelas.

Tiodora Fermiska Silalahi ◽  
Ahmad Fakhri Hutauruk

In improving the quality of school education and learning in the future, it is necessary to change the mindset that will be used as the basis for implementing a learning program. What's more in the co-19 pandemic period that requires students to be able to study at home without interacting in class for a while. In the past the learning process was conventional, namely face-to-face in class. But even then, most teaching processes are still dominated by teachers. As a result, teaching and learning activities place more emphasis on teaching and not on learning. Learning activities favor the interests of those who teach. Efforts for learning to be focused on students, it is necessary to apply a cooperative learning model which is a form of change in mindset in learning activities at school. However, during this pandemic, the next challenge is how the cooperative process can take place in the online learning process. The absence of a physical meetup becomes an obstacle that can be minimized by the adaptation of the teacher in the distance learning process. In this case the teacher no longer dominates the learning activities, but rather becomes the facilitator and mediator of the process. The cooperative learning model is designed by giving opportunities to students together to build their own knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Diana Kristanti ◽  
Hary Purwanto ◽  
Maria Lidya Wenas

Learning activities have an essential role in improving learning, which serves to see how understanding students receive new knowledge from the teaching and learning process, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic with audiovisual materials at Kana Ungaran Integrated Kindergarten. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative (survey). The data collection method used a questionnaire. The results showed that: (1) aspects of children's learning activities in participating in the learning process in terms of prayer (93%) were stated to be very active; (2) then the observing aspect (76%) can be noted that children are involved in online learning; (3) then the aspect of remembering (94%) can be stated that the child is very active in participating in the learning process in terms of placing; and (4) the next aspect is understanding (66%) can be stated that they are pretty active in the learning process. From the research results, the lowest aspect is understanding (66%), and the highest aspect is remembering (94%). This study suggests that teachers and parents work together and entrust the child to the supervisor during the online learning process. Aktivitas belajar memiliki peranan penting dalam proses peningkatan pembelajaran, yang berfungsi untuk melihat seberapa paham siswa menerima pengetahuan baru dari proses belajar mengajar terlebih pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dengan berbantuan audio visual di TK Terpadu Kana Ungaran.  Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ialah kuantitatif deskriptif (survei). Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Hasil penelitian bahwa: (1) aspek aktivitas belajar anak dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran dari dalam hal berdoa (93%) sebelumnya (53%) dinyatakan sangat aktif; (2) kemudian aspek mengamati (76%) sebelumnya (45%) dapat dinyatakan anak aktif dalam pembelajaran daring; (3) selanjutnya aspek mengingat (94%) sebelumnya (59%) dapat dinyatakan anak sangat aktif dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran dalam hal mengingat; dan (4) aspek yang keberikutnya ialah memahami (66%) sebelumnya (36%) dapat dinyatakan cukup aktif dalam proses pembelajarannya. Dari hasil penelitian menghasilkan aspek terendah ialah memahami (66%) dan aspek tertinggi ialah mengingat (94%).  Dalam penelitian ini disarankan kepada guru dan orang tua murid untuk bekerjasama dan mempercayakan anak kepada pembimbing selama proses pembelajaran daring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-147
Suyanto ◽  
Nurul Maulida Surbakti ◽  
Syahriol Sitorus ◽  
Rosman Siregar ◽  

The online learning system is still having problems. As a result of the observations of the USU team, several obstacles were felt not only by the teachers at MIN 2 Serdang Bedagai but also by students and parents. The problems that occur are quite diverse. Starting from limited signal, limited devices suitable for online learning, to the lack of technological knowledge of teachers and students on online applications that support the teaching and learning process. There are various online applications available today, such as Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet, Youtube, and others. These various online applications play an important role in helping students and teachers in the distance learning process. The USU team conducted training using the online application Google Classroom and Zoom. Google Classroom and Zoom were chosen because they are easier for the teacher to implement, besides that the two online applications facilitate coordination and communication between teachers and students, so that the material being taught can be discussed more easily, more freely and can be updated more quickly. In this community service, Online Learning training was conducted for the Elementary School / Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Level with Various Online Applications at MIN 2 Serdang Bedagai. This community service has reached the implementation stage of training which begins with the initial survey stage, provision of training modules and also training. The next stage is monitoring and evaluation and feedback. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 391
Rina Listia ◽  
Noor Eka Chandra ◽  
Elsa Rosalina ◽  
Eka Puteri Elyani

Pendidikan tak bisa lepas dari proses belajar mengajar karena sejatinya pendidikan adalah wadah resmi untuk mendapat ilmu. Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan tren pengajaran Abad 21 membuat semua guru dan para pendidik harus memperbaharui cara mengajar mereka. Proses pengajaran yang erat kaitannya dengan subjek pengajaran membuat para pendidik harus senantiasa belajar lebih dalam tentang teknologi dalam proses belajar mengajar. Pembelajaran dalam jaringan (online) datang sebagai solusi, dan teknologi adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari tren pembelajaran baru ini. Pembelajaran dalam jaringan (online) ini menjadi sangat dibutukan dalam beberapa waktu terakhir dikarenakan adanya wabah COVID-19. Pendidikan terdampak dengan adanya peraturan LFH (learning from home) dan WFH (work from home). Dampaknya, keadaan ini memaksa para guru melakukan pengajaran jarak jauh/online yang tentu saja tidak bisa lepas dari penggunaan teknologi. Pembelajaran dalam jaringan (online) memerlukan bahan ajar yang cocok serta bahan ajar yang dapat dibuat melalui bantuan teknologi. Guru-guru Bahasa Inggris yang mengajar di SMK Banjarbaru masih kekurangan informasi mengenai penyusunan bahan ajar Bahasa Inggris berbasiskan keterampilan (skill-based) yang menggunakan teknologi sehingga kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini merupakan langkah untuk melakukan pendampingan pada para guru untuk dapat mendesain bahan ajar yang sesuai dengan subjek pelajaran pada siswa SMK yang berbasis keterampilan dengan bantuan teknologi. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini yaitu berupa penyampaian tentang materi bahan ajar, kemudian praktik pembuatan bahan ajar dan evaluasi dari bahan ajar yang dihasilkan para peserta selama pelatihan oleh narasumber. Sasaran dari kegiatan ini yaitu para guru Bahasa Inggris yang mengajar di SMK se-kota Banjarbaru yang berjumlah 35 peserta. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini berupa bahan ajar bahasa Inggris yang mengintegrasikan teknologi didalamnya yang dibuat oleh para peserta. Education cannot be separated from the teaching and learning process because education is an official place to gain knowledge. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the 21st Century teaching trends make all teachers and educators have to update their teaching methods. The teaching process which is closely related to the teaching subject makes teachers and educators constantly learn more about technology in the teaching and learning process. Online learning is coming as a solution, and technology is an integral part of this new learning trend. Online learning has become very necessary in recent times due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Education is impacted by the existence of LFH (learning from home) and WFH (work from home) regulations. As a result, this situation forces teachers to conduct distance/online teaching which of course cannot be separated from the use of technology. Online learning requires suitable teaching materials and teaching materials that can be made through technology assistance. English teachers who teach at SMK Banjarbaru still lack information about the preparation of skill-based English teaching materials that use technology so that the existence of this community service activity is a step to provide assistance to teachers to be able to design appropriate teaching materials with the subject of skills-based vocational school students with the help of technology. The methods used for this training are first explaining about teaching material, second, practice to make teaching material which integrated with technology, and last, evaluation from the speaker to fix the teaching materials which is made by the participants. The participants for this community service are 35 English vocational high school teachers in Banjarbaru. The result of this community service was teaching materials which integrated with technology designed by the participants.

Muhammad Isradi ◽  
Sumiyati Sumiyati

Nearly 300 million students worldwide are disrupted in teaching and learning activities, and will threaten the rights of education in the future. The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak is a serious epidemic that must be dealt with by universities, as a result of this outbreak resulted in a change in the system of learning patterns that are ongoing. Mercu Buana University is preparing itself and adapting to face these uncertain conditions, one of which is setting up the system Perkuliahan Online Sementara / Temporer (POST) . So that the teaching and learning process and lectures can continue. Implementation of the system Perkuliahan Online Sementara / Temporer (POST) can be applied and used as a model to replace the conventional lecture system. Can be used as an evaluation in online learning, know the most dominant variable in influencing online learning

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-76
Sri Nurhayati ◽  
M Fajar Wicaksono ◽  
Riani Lubis ◽  
Myrna Dwi Rahmatya ◽  
Hidayat Hidayat

ABSTRACT The purpose of this community service is to improve the ability of teachers to utilize information technology for online learning. The current COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on education in Indonesia. Under these conditions, there will be a shift in the learning process from what is done in school to learning from home. One of the innovations made by the world of education during this pandemic is online learning. With this program and in the current pandemic conditions, of course SMA Negeri 5 Cimahi inevitably has to do online learning. However, online learning in secondary schools, not all students and teachers use the e-learning system synchronously in the teaching and learning process. The methods used in this service activity are in the form of training, discussions, and simulations conducted through webinars using the Zoom Meeting application. During the training, in addition to provide materials, pre-test and post-test were also given to participants. The training material was a google meet application for online learning. The result of this service activity was an increase in the ability of teachers to utilize information technology in online learning, namely synchronous e-learning using the Google Meet application. Keywords: Information technology, online learning, synchronous e-learning   ABSTRAK Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk pembelajaran online. Pandemi COVID-19 saat ini berdampak besar pada pendidikan di Indonesia. Dengan kondisi tersebut maka akan terjadi pergeseran proses pembelajaran dari apa yang dilakukan di sekolah menjadi belajar dari rumah. Salah satu inovasi yang dilakukan oleh dunia pendidikan selama pandemi ini adalah pembelajaran online. Dengan adanya program ini dan dalam kondisi pandemi saat ini tentunya SMA Negeri 5 Cimahi mau tidak mau harus melakukan pembelajaran secara online. Namun, pembelajaran online di sekolah menengah, tidak semua siswa dan guru menggunakan sistem e-learning secara sinkron dalam proses belajar mengajar. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini berupa pelatihan, diskusi, dan simulasi yang dilakukan melalui webinar dengan menggunakan aplikasi Zoom Meeting. Selama pelatihan, selain pemberian materi, juga diberikan pre-test dan post-test kepada peserta. Materi pelatihannya berupa aplikasi google meet untuk pembelajaran online. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran online yaitu e-learning sinkron dengan menggunakan aplikasi Google Meet. Kata kunci: Teknologi informasi, pembelajaran online, e-learning sinkron

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