scholarly journals Editorial

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. vi-viii

The call for papers for this inaugural issue of TURBA opened with two truisms: “Live arts have existed long before history. At all times, and in all cultures around the world, people have performed for others.” Yet we have just lived through more than a year during which the second of these assertions was falsified almost everywhere on the planet. When performing for and near others was not only, as it oft en is, precarious or subversive, but outright life-threatening. Was it wise or necessary, at such a historic juncture, to embark on a new journal that focuses on how cultural communities around the world foster and debate live performances? We obviously believe so.

2021 ◽  
Zayra Ramírez Gaytán

Diabetes is one of the fastest-growing, life-threatening, chronic degenerative diseases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it has affected 422 million people worldwide in 2018. Approximately 50% of all people who suffer diabetes are not diagnosed due to the asymptomatic phase which usually lasts a long time. In this work, a data set of 520 instances has been used. The data set has been analyzed with the next three algorithms: logistic regression algorithm, decision trees and random forest. The results show that the decision tree algorithm had better performance with an AUC of 98%. Also, it was found the most common symptoms that a person with a risk of diabetes presents are polyuria, polydipsia and sudden weight loss.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-39
Kevin Morris ◽  
Mohammad Nami ◽  
Joe F. Bolanos ◽  
Maria A. Lobo ◽  
Melody Sadri-Naini ◽  

Neurological disorders significantly impact the world’s economy due to their often chronic and life-threatening nature afflicting individuals which, in turn, creates a global disease burden. The Group of Twenty (G20) member nations, which represent the largest economies globally, should come together to formulate a plan on how to overcome this burden. The Neuroscience-20 (N20) initiative of the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT) is at the vanguard of this global collaboration to comprehensively raise awareness about brain, spine, and mental disorders worldwide. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the various brain initiatives worldwide and highlight the need for cooperation and recommend ways to bring down costs associated with the discovery and treatment of neurological disorders. Our systematic search revealed that the cost of neurological and psychiatric disorders to the world economy by 2030 is roughly $16T. The cost to the economy of the United States is $1.5T annually and growing given the impact of COVID-19. We also discovered there is a shortfall of effective collaboration between nations and a lack of resources in developing countries. Current statistical analyses on the cost of neurological disorders to the world economy strongly suggest that there is a great need for investment in neurotechnology and innovation or fast-tracking therapeutics and diagnostics to curb these costs. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, SBMT, through this paper, intends to showcase the importance of worldwide collaborations to reduce the population’s economic and health burden, specifically regarding neurological/brain, spine, and mental disorders.

Sara Hayee ◽  
Amna Rehman

Caner a dreadful disease is actually one large group of diseases which dates back to times of “Hippocrates”, The Father of Medicine, (460-370BC) who used this name for the first time to talk about non-ulcer and ulcer forming tumors. Theevidence of its presence from the very past history comes from fossilized “Egyptian Mummies” having tumors on bones. Then Galen (130-200 AD) used the term “Oncos” to explain tumors. So it's a disease involving growth of abnormal cells, their proliferation and metastasizing the other tissues and organs. Now we know that biology has a branch namedOncology to deal with the scientific study of cancer and oncogenes. It took centuries to get knowledge and use modern technologies against this malady. Now we know cancer is a group disease which has hundreds of types. 19th Century saw much advancement towards its cure. Along with surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy were the main methods to cure cancer patients. Day by day, scientists are looking for new methods to control and cure of this curse. Hundreds of natural medicinal compounds are being tested to use clinically for its cure in order to replace the radiotherapy andchemotherapy and lower their side effects. But humanity is still fighting against this disease as the numbers of cases throughout the world are increasing day by day. If we look on the reports p r e s e n t e d b y W H O ( W o r l d H e a l t hOrganization), Cancer is the second leading cause of deaths globally which means one person in every six deaths, dies due to cancer. In 2018, the most common types of cancers reported in men were of liver, prostate, stomach, lung andcolorectal. Whereas in females the most common forms were breast, thyroid, cervical and colorectal. Cancer has become a global disasterfamily of the patient. It imparts physical, emotional and financial crisis. Unfortunately, the condition is bitterer in under developing countries. Cancer has become a lifestyle disease these days. We are living in the world withsuperficial comfort but we are breathing with urbanizations, ozone depletion, exposure to microwave and ultraviolet radiations, hazardous chemicals etc. Moreover, It is becoming a lifestyle disease due to lack of exercise, Obesity, consumptions of drugs, tobacco and alcohols. The cases of cancers are reported more in urban areas than in rural areasmore likely due to above mentioned factors. The ratio of cancer patients is expected to raise up-to 27.5 million by 2040 globally. So the battle is never ending, Humans need to figure out the factors and cutting these from their lives in orderto live a healthy life which is a blessing indeed. which is not only crunching the cancer patient but it also has damaging effects on the whole

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-79
Aslan H Abashidze ◽  
Vladislav S Malichenko

The article highlights the main steps in the formation of compulsory licensing mechanism before the establishment of the World Trade Organization, and analyzes the main provisions of this mechanism implementation under the TRIPS Agreement and the Doha Declaration. Based on the analysis of examples from different regions of the world, the article determines the main advantages of using compulsory licensing with regard to expand of access to medicines, possible impact on quality of the medicinal products being produced and the investment attractiveness of the countries applying this mechanism are assessed. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main approaches to the implementation of compulsory licensing in order to determine the most effective strategy for using this mechanism in the Russian Federation in order to expand the availability of drug therapy for the treatment of life-threatening diseases. Based on the impact of compulsory licensing implementation, the author concludes that it does not correspond to the objectives of the Russian pharmaceutical industry development identified as a priority by Russian Government. Despite a possibility of using compulsory licensing under regulation of many countries, this mechanism is implemented rarely. A possibility of issuing a compulsory licensing is a strong argument in price negotiations with producers. According to the authors position, implementation of compulsory licensing has to be preceded by cost containment mechanism, primarily based on negotiations with producers.

Adeptus ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 53-63
Monika Bogdzevič

The concept of wisdom in Polish and Lithuanian paremiologyIn this paper, an attempt has been made to present the semantic and axiological substance of wisdom hidden in the consciousnesses of two different, namely Polish and Lithuanian, linguistic-cultural communities. The analysis belongs to a branch of linguistics, interpreting language in terms of concepts, viewing it as a source of knowledge about people themselves, different communities, their mentality, ways of perception and interpretations of the way the world is. As a model to present the most thorough understanding of wisdom, the method of cognitive definition proposed by Jerzy Bartmiński is applied. Linguistic-cultural images of wise [person], understood as the concretizations of wisdom have to reveal him/her in opposition to stupid. The cognitive picture of wise is for the most part based on the analysis of features of character and appearance, portrayed behavior, interpersonal relations and the way others have as a perception of wise. Many cognitive parameters of wisdom are revealed while exploring the interactions between people and that of nature (plants, animals) which surrounds them and investigating deeper interpersonal relations with other people. The material for research was taken from Polish and Lithuanian proverbs. The latter occur as a result of world perception, everyday life observation, confrontations with its phenomenon. The proverbs are taken from compendiums of Polish and Lithuanian proverbs: Nowa księga przysłów i wyrażeń przysłowiowych (The New Book of Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases) by Julian Krzyżanowski and Lietuvių patarlės (Lithuanian Proverbs), Patarlių paralelės (Parallels of Proverbs) by Kazys Grigas. Given as cognitive definitions the cultural visions of wise, despite all the emphasized differences, enable us to perceive many evaluations of wise similar or even common to Polish and Lithuanian cultures. Próba kognitywnego ujęcia mądrości (na materiale przysłów polskich i litewskich)Zamierzeniem artykułu jest próba przedstawienia semantycznej i aksjologicznej treści pojęcia mądrości tkwiącej w świadomości dwóch odrębnych wspólnot językowo-kulturowych – polskiej i litewskiej. Przeprowadzona analiza mieści się w nurcie badań językoznawczych, traktujących język jako źródło wiedzy o człowieku, jego mentalności i systemie wartości, sposobie postrzegania i interpretacji świata. Narzędziem opisu jest zaproponowana przez Jerzego Bartmińskiego metoda definicji kognitywnej. Językowo-kulturowe obrazy człowieka mądrego, stanowiąceukonkretnioną wizję abstrakcyjnego pojęcia mądrości, przedstawiają go w opozycji do człowieka głupiego. Obraz człowieka mądrego obejmuje cechy jego charakteru oraz wyglądu, mechanizmów zachowań, charakterystycznych miejsc przebywania oraz uwidacznia związek z zajmowaną przez niego pozycją społeczną. Wiele parametrów kognitywnych mądrości ujawnia się w trakcie analizy różnorodnych relacji człowieka z otaczającą go przyrodą (roślinami, zwierzętami) oraz wynika z bardziej skomplikowanych układów – ze stosunków z innymi ludźmi. Materiał analityczny stanowiły paremia polskie i litewskie, traktowane jako rezultat poznawania świata, obserwacji życia codziennego, zderzenia z różnymi jego zjawiskami. W badaniach wykorzystane zostały kompendia przysłów polskich i litewskich: Nowa księga przysłów i wyrażeń przysłowiowych pod red. Juliana Krzyżanowskiego oraz Lietuvių patarlės (Przysłowia litewskie), Patarlių paralelės (Paralele przysłów) pod red. Kazysa Grigasa. Ujęte w strukturę definicji kognitywnych kulturowe wizje człowieka mądrego, mimo istniejących różnic, pozwalają wyodrębnić sporo wartościowań podobnych albo nawet wspólnych, charakterystycznych dla kultur polskiej i litewskiej.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 173
M Muslih

<p class="ABSTRACT">This paper revealed the result of research regarding the position of teacher, focusing on the importance of empowering teacher of religious education in multicultural society, such as Indonesia. Methodologically, it is a qualitative undertaking of literary research. Employing the technique of content analysis this study scrutinized features of multicultural society, an exemplary profile of teacher of religious education, as well as how to empower this kind of teacher in order to fit in with a diverse society. The findings of this research are, multicultural society can be understood as a society which consists of several cultural communities with their overlapping but the distinct conception of the world, a system of meaning, values, forms of social organizations, histories, customs, and practices. The idealized profile of teacher of religious education is a type of teacher who meets the certain qualifications prescribed by Islamic teachings and guided by the law and regulation in Indonesia, in particular.  Teacher of religious education has a very important role in preparing students to be good citizens in a multicultural society. Therefore the teacher of religious education must have an awareness that he or she is part of a multicultural society. The teacher should be empowered to instill in his or her students an inclusive religious understanding to make them tolerant and respectful of other people of different cultures and religions, which is essential in order to strengthen harmony and national unity.</p><p class="ABSTRAK">Makalah ini mengungkapkan hasil penelitian mengenai posisi guru, berfokus pada pentingnya memberdayakan guru pendidikan agama dalam masyarakat multikultural, seperti Indonesia. Secara metodologis, ini adalah sebuah upaya penelitian literatur (kualitatif). Dengan menggunakan teknik content analysis penelitian ini menganalisa features  masyarakat multikultural, profil ideal guru pendidikan agama, serta bagaimana memberdayakan guru semacam ini agar sesuai dengan kondisi masyarakat yang beraneka ragam. Temuan penelitian ini adalah, masyarakat multikultural dapat dipahami sebagai masyarakat yang terdiri dari beberapa komunitas budaya dengan konsepsi yang tumpang tindih tapi berbeda tentang dunia, sistem makna, nilai, bentuk organisasi sosial, sejarah, adat istiadat dan praktek.  Profil ideal guru pendidikan agama adalah jenis guru yang memenuhi kualifikasi tertentu yang ditentukan oleh ajaran Islam dan dipandu oleh hukum dan peraturan di Indonesia, khususnya. Guru pendidikan agama memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam mempersiapkan murid-murid untuk menjadi warga negara yang baik di tengah masyarakat multikulural. Oleh karena itu guru pendidikan agama harus memiliki kesadaran bahwa ia adalah bagian dari masyarakat multikultural. Guru tersebut harus diberdayakan untuk menanamkan dalam diri muridnya pemahaman keagamaan yang inklusif untuk membuat mereka toleran dan hormat pada orang lain yang berbeda kultur dan agama, ini penting dilakukan agar dapat mempekuat harmoni dan kesatuan nasional.</p>

A. Nikonenko ◽  
A. Nikonenko ◽  
S. Matvieiev ◽  
V. Osaulenko ◽  
S. Nakonechniy

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a major life-threatening illness which remains one of the main causes of sudden death throughout the world. The analysis of diagnosis and treatment of 472 patients with acute pulmonary embolism for a period of 10 years was performed. High efficiency of diagnosis using multispiral computer angiopulmonography (MSCT APG) has been established, thus this method completely supersedes the traditional selective angiopulmonography. Seventeen (3.6 %) patients died due to PE recurrence, another 8 (1.7 %) patients died due to the bleeding after using fibrinolytics and anticoagulants, and 14 (2.9 %) died due to progression of organs failure. This emphasizes the need to improve measures aimed to prevent PE recurrence and identify sources of possible bleeding and refrain from aggressive fibrinolytic therapy. The use of differentiated approach to the treatment with thrombolytic therapy and anticoagulants enabled to achieve recovery in 433 (91.7 %) patients who were discharged for outpatient treatment. New oral anticoagulants were prescribed to 94 (21.7 %) patients after discharge.

Д. Пол Шафер

We are going through a very challenging period in human history. Not only has the COVID-19 pandemic had a disastrous effect on people and countries in all parts of the world, but also many other dangerous and life threatening problems have to be addressed and overcome, especially the environmental crisis, huge disparities in income and wealth, systemic racism, and conflicts between different genders, groups, regions, countries, and cultures. In order to come to grips with these problems, and others, it is imperative to make transcendental and not just transformational changes in our lifestyles, values, worldviews, actions, behaviour, and ways of life. The key to this lies in creating an effective balance between materialism and spiritualism, as well as placing a much higher priority on the cultivation of spirituality in our lives in the traditional and contemporary sense. Not only will this make it possible to reduce the colossal demands we are making on the natural environment – largely because most spiritual activities are "human intensive" rather than "material intensive" and therefore don’t consume as many natural resources as most other activities – but also it will enable present and future generations to experience a great deal more exuberance, exhilaration, and ecstasy in life without having to resort to drugs and other substances and devices to create "highs" and "peak experiences" because spiritual activities achieve this naturally. Many of these activities involve participating in causes that are greater than ourselves, joining protest movements aimed at creating more equality and justice in the world, going within ourselves to discover who we really are and what we were intended to realize in life, broaden and deepen our experiences in the arts, cultures, and the cultural heritage of humankind, and engage in explorations in nature and the natural realm that are capable of bringing us into contact with the sublime and possibly even the divine.

2020 ◽  
Vol 92 (3) ◽  
pp. 125-131
V. D. Zakiev ◽  
A. D. Gvozdeva ◽  
T. V. Martynyuk

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a progressive disease which is characterized with the increase of pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance. Such condition leads to right ventricular heart failure and premature death of patients. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) has the status of an orphan disease. However in Russia only idiopathic PH is included in the list of 24 life-threatening and chronic progressive rare diseases, while other forms of PH are not in it. Inclusion in this list guarantees drug provision for patients at the expense of the regional budget, while patients with other forms of PH can rely on free medication only if they have a disability. The lack of criteria for revising this list as well as the imperfection of legal regulation in the field of drug support for orphan diseases leads to high disability, a significant decrease in the duration and quality of life of patients with PH. As part of a multicriteria approach, a clinical and economic analysis of the disease burden can be one of the tools for policy development and decision-making on the distribution of funding in the healthcare. The article provides a review of the economic burden of various forms of PH in the world.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 32009.1-32009.2
Solmaz Nekoueifard ◽  
Mohammad Majidi ◽  

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first declared in December 2019 from Wuhan, China [1, 2]. It then has been reported a pandemic in March 2020 by the World Health Organization [3]. Clinical features of COVID-19 are different from asymptomatic to mild to moderate symptoms, such as fever, headache, myalgia, sore throat, anosmia, cough, fatigue headache, hemoptysis, and dyspnea to the life-threatening complications, including shock, pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, myocarditis, myocardial infarction, acute kidney injury, multi-organ failure, and even death [1, 2].

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