2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
Ani Riani Hasana ◽  
Ida Ayu Preharsini Kusuma ◽  
Venny Kurnia Andika

ABSTRAKKegiatan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini diawali dengan pengkajian awal terhadap keadaaan di lapangan. Tanaman Pegagan (Centella asiatica) sering digunakan hanya sebagai penutup tanah, Pengkajian awal didapatkan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat kelurahan Kauman atas keberadaan dan manfaat pegagan ditandai dengan kurang optimal pengolahan pegagan dalam kosmetik dan obat kulit. Dengan mempertimbangkan potensi pegagan yang besar dalam segi kesehatan, program kepada masyarakat yang bertujuan pemberian edukasi mengenai manfaat pegagan, pengolahan dalam pembuatan face mist sebagai antioksidan dan pelembab kulit lansia. Adanya pemberdayaan terhadap anggota PKK diharapkan nantinya meningkatkan upaya pencegahan dalam mengatasi permasalahan kulit saat menjelang lansia. Maka peningkatan derajat kesehatan khususnya mengenai kulit saat menjelang lansia dapat teratasi dengan pemanfaatan pegagan (Centella asiatica), yang mempunyai manfaat sebagai antioksidan dan pelembab pada sediaan face mist pada kulit. Berkenaan dalam situasi pandemi maka pelaksanaan dilakukan dalam jaringan (daring) dengan menggunakan media zoom dan dilakukan evaluasi dengan metode pre-test dan post test. Hasil post test yang dilakukan dengan nilai rata-rata 83 dapat menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar jika dibandingkan dengan pre test dimana hanya nilai rata-rata 41. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan anggota PKK Kelurahan Kauman Kota Malang telah meningkat setelah dilakukannya pemberdayaan melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini. Kata kunci: pegagan; face mist; Ibu PKK; lansia. ABSTRACTThis activity begins with an initial assessment of the situation in the field. The gotu kola plant (Centella asiatica) is often used only as a ground cover. The initial assessment found that there was a lack of knowledge of the people of the Kauman village on the benefits of gotu kola, which was marked by the less than optimal processing of gotu kola in cosmetics and skin medicine. Taking into account the great potential of gotu kola in terms of health, this program aimed at providing education about the benefits of gotu kola, processing in making face mist as an antioxidant and moisturizing the skin of the elderly. The existence of empowerment of PKK members is expected to increase prevention efforts in overcoming skin problems when approaching the elderly. So the improvement of health status, especially regarding the skin when approaching the elderly, can be overcome by the use of gotu kola (Centella asiatica), which has benefits as an antioxidant and moisturizer in face mist preparations on the skin. With regard to the pandemic situation, the implementation is carried out online (online) using zoom media and evaluation is carried out using pre-test and post-test methods. The results of the post test carried out with an average value of 83 can answer the questions correctly when compared to the pre test where only the average value is 41. This shows that the knowledge of PKK members in Kauman Village, Malang City has increased after empowerment through community service activities. to this society. Keywords: gotu kola plant; face mist; PKK members; elderly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Daryanto Daryanto ◽  
Mila Triana Sari

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Depression disorder ranks second in the burden of disease in the world in 2020. Data from Riskesdas, the prevalence of depression in Indonesia is 6.1 per mile and only 9% are undergoing medical treatment. Depression prevalence in Jambi 1.8 per mile. As many as 40% of people with depression have suicidal ideation, and about 15% are successful at it. The purpose of the implementation of this community service activity is to increase community participation, especially for elderly posyandu cadres in early detection of risks and symptoms and prevention of depression in advanced , simulation, pre and post test, with the target of cadres at the post Yandu elderly, amounting to 30 people. The outcome of this community service activity is the empowerment of cadres about depression, the risk of depression, early detection and prevention of depression. The results obtained are that the understanding of cadres has increased from an average value of 52.8 to 81.8 regarding detection of risk factors and symptoms and prevention of depression in the elderly. and symptoms and prevention of depression. Conclusion: Community service activities provide benefits to increase cadres understanding and increase cadre participation in early detection of risks and symptoms and prevention of depression. Health cadres are expected to carry out further screening of all elderly people in their area so that further action can be taken in order to meet the welfare of the elderly

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 927-937
Somskaow Bejranonda ◽  
Aekkapat Laksanacom ◽  
Waranan Tantiwat ◽  

Based on the concept of a livable and global age-friendly city, pavements are a public facility that the city should provide to the people. Appropriate pavements will be beneficial for the people, particularly for good quality of life for the elderly to move around in the city. This study explored the behaviour of the elderly in the use of pavements and the problems confronted. The study also evaluated the value of the pavement walking area as it reflected the benefits of pavements to the elderly by applying the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). During March-May 2017, data were collected using interviews with 601 elderly living in Bangkok. The study indicated that the main problem for senior citizens regarding their use of pavements was from being disturbed by motorbikes riding on the pavements. The average value of pavement for the elderly was about THB 160 (USD 5.30) per person per year. Thus, the benefits of pavements to the elderly in Bangkok was approximately THB 158 million (USD 5.2 million) per year. Thus, policy makers should make proper budget allocations for elderly-friendly pavement management and seriously address the problems confronting the elderly in using pavements, to maximize the usefulness of pavements not only for the elderly but also for the public and to support a sustainable urban development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Renol Afrizon ◽  
Hidayati Hidayati ◽  
Relsas Yogica

Mentoring Activities of Applied Science to Improve the Competence of Natural Science Teachers in Prakarya Learning in Sijunjung RegencyAbstract. Junior high school natural science teachers in Sijunjung Regency are still not optimal in teaching of prakarya. This is due to the lack of application of natural science in prakarya learning. Prakarya subjects have four material aspects, namely: crafts, engineering, cultivation, and processing. The material aspect of crafts is more dominantly taught by science teachers in prakarya subjects even though this material aspect is more appropriate to be taught by arts / culture teachers. In addition, there are still very few natural science teachers who are able to compile prakarya student worksheets. The Community Partnership Program in the form of mentoring activities of applied natural science is very much needed by natural science teachers in learning prakarya. This activity aims to motivate and help natural science teachers to continue to improve their competencies, especially professional and pedagogical competencies. Community service activities in the form of mentoring activities use a method that consists of several stages. The initial stage is the orientation and discussion phase. The second stage is the preparation phase of the activity. The third stage is the mentoring stage 1 (in) with use the explanation, demonstration, and practice methods on mentoring activity. Data collection techniques with pre-test and post-test methods and analyzed using normalized gain. This activity has been carried out for 5 months from March to July 2019 at SMP Negeri 11 Sijunjung, Kamang Baru District, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra Province. The results of the activities showed that increasing the pedagogical competence of the Sijunjung district's natural science teachers in the prakarya learning was satisfactory. Meanwhile, increasing professional competence is quite satisfying. So, overall the improvement in the competence of Sijunjung district's natural science teachers in prakarya learning has been satisfactory.Keywords: Community service, applied natural science, prakarya, professional, pedagogicalAbstrak. Guru-guru IPA SMP di Kabupaten Sijunjung masih belum optimal dalam mengajarkan prakarya. Hal ini disebabkan karena masih kurangnya penerapan IPA dalam pembelajaran prakarya. Mata pelajaran prakarya memiliki empat aspek materi yaitu: kerajinan, rekayasa, budidaya, dan pengolahan. Aspek materi kerajinan lebih dominan diajarkan oleh guru IPA dalam mata pelajaran prakarya padahal aspek materi ini lebih tepat diajarkan oleh  guru seni budaya/keterampilan. Selain itu, masih sedikitnya guru IPA yang mampu menyusun bahan ajar prakarya. Program Kemitraan Masyarakat dalam bentuk pendampingan implementasi sains terapan sangat diperlukan guru IPA dalam pembelajaran prakarya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memotivasi dan membantu guru-guru IPA untuk terus meningkatkan kompetensinya terutama kompetensi professional dan pedagogik. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dalam bentuk kegiatan pendampingan ini menggunakan metode yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan. Tahap awal yang dilaksanakan adalah tahap orientasi dan diskusi. Tahap kedua berupa tahap persiapan kegiatan. Tahap ketiga adalah tahap pendampingan 1 (in) dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, demonstrasi, dan praktik pada kegiatan pendampingan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan metode pre-test dan post-test dan dianalisis menggunakan gain ternormalisasi. Kegiatan ini telah dilaksanakan selama 5 bulan dari bulan Maret sampai dengan Juli 2019 di SMP Negeri 11 Sijunjung Kecamatan Kamang Baru, Kabupaten Sijunjung Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik guru-guru IPA kabupaten Sijunjung dalam pembelajaran prakarya sudah memuaskan. Sedangkan, peningkatan kompetensi profesionalnya cukup memuaskan. Jadi, secara keseluruhan peningkatan kompetensi guru-guru IPA kabupaten Sijunjung dalam pembelajaran prakarya sudah memuaskan.Kata Kunci: Pengabdian, sains terapan, prakarya, profesional, pedagogik

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 48
Isnaeni Rofiqoch

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) is one of the causes of death in the world. Indonesia is a developing country that is facing a double burden of diseases, namely infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases. NCD can appear without symptoms and show no clinical signs, so many people are not aware of the dangers of NCD disease. The purpose of this comunity service is to provide counseling about NCD and measure blood pressure in an effort to detect NCD Early.This community service uses counseling as a method to increases partner knowledge in early detection of NCD. The average of partners knowledge increase by 42.6%. This is calculated by comparing the pre test average value of 5.70 and the post test average value of 8.20. Implementation of community service can increase the knowledge of the elderly posyandu group of Sokaraja Kulon Village so that the participants have the desire to prevent NCD and find out blood pressure from blood pressure measurement results in order to reduce the causes of non-communicable diseases (NCD) and have the intention to inform knowledge about Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) to Family, Relatives and Communities.Keywords :Early Detection,Non-Communicable Diseases

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-249
Arnelia Dwi Yasa ◽  
Denna Delawanti Chrisyarani

Writing is an inseparable activity from everyday human life. Writing skills can be fostered from diligent reading. One of the reading media as well as the media for pouring student work is mading. Mading is a vehicle for applying students' abilities, especially in the field of writing. MI Manbaul Ulum Karangduren is a school located in Malang Regency. The school does not yet have a class bulletin board containing student work. Thus, the opportunity for students to develop their creativity in writing is hampered. Efforts are needed to improve writing skills for students to build a reading culture. One way is to publish bulletin as a teaching aid and coaching. Through bulletin board, it is hoped that students can have creativity in writing. The results of community service activities show that students' writing skills have improved. The average value of N-Gain Creativity Test scores 0.73 in the high category. This shows the level of effectiveness of the treatment has a high effect on the post test.

Novita Sari ◽  
M. Saputra ◽  
Aswin Aswin ◽  
Avitha P ◽  
Mega C

Covid-19 merupakan penyakit pernapasan akut yang disebabkan oleh virus corona jenis baru. Penyakit ini pertama kali merebak di Wuhan, Cina lalu menyebar hampir ke seluruh dunia dan menyebabkan pandemi global. Penyakit ini menyerang semua golongan, dewasa, lansia, maupun anak-anak. Semua lapisan masyarakat dari mulai dewasa hingga anak-anak perlu mendapatkan edukasi yang mudah dipahami mengenai Covid19 dan cara-cara pencegahannya. Hal ini yang menjadi dasar dilaksanakannya praktek kerja pengabdian masyarakat IIB Darmajaya. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk ikut aktif dalam upaya pencegahan virus Covid-19 dengan memberikan sosialisasi tentang Covid-19 dan upaya pencegahannya melalui pembagian APD dan juga pembagian tempat cuci tangan kepada masyarakat Kelurahan Pinang Jaya, Kecamatan Kemiling, Kota Bandar Lampung. Kegiatan ini dilakukan bermitra dengan masyarakat Kelurahan Pinang Jaya . metode yang dipergunakan adalah dengan cara penyuluhan dan sosialisasi tentang pencegahan Covid-19, pengadaan  sarana prasarana pencegahan Covid 19. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat dapat memahami lebih jauh mengenai virus Covid 19 ini sehingga masyarakat dapat turut serta melakukan upaya pencegahan penularan Covid-19 dimulai dari diri mereka masing-masing. Kata Kunci: Pengabdian, Covid-19, Pandemik, Sosialisasi, Edukasi ABSTRACT Covid-19 is an acute respiratory disease caused by a new type of corona virus. This disease first broke out in Wuhan, China then spread almost throughout the world and caused a global pandemic. This disease attacks all groups, adults, the elderly, and children. All levels of society from adults to children need to get education that is easy to understand about Covid19 and ways to prevent it. This is the basis for implementing IIB Darmajaya community service work practices. The purpose of this activity is to actively participate in efforts to prevent the Covid-19 virus by providing socialization about Covid-19 and prevention efforts through the distribution of PPE and also the distribution of hand washing facilities to the people of Pinang Jaya Village, Kemiling District, Bandar Lampung City. This activity is carried out in partnership with the people of Pinang Jaya Village. The method used is by means of counseling and socialization about the prevention of Covid-19, the provision of infrastructure for preventing Covid-19. of themselves. Keywords: Community Service, Covid-19, Pandemic, Socialization, Education

Mila Triana Sari ◽  
Daryanto Daryanto

Lanjut usia (Lansia) merupakan kelompok yang paling beresiko terkena Covid-19, dikarenakan lansia umumnya memiliki beberapa penyakit komorbid serta tingginya angka mortalitas pada lansia. Salah satu upaya untuk pencegahan penularan Covid-19 pada lansia ialah dengan langkah promotif dan preventif, antara lain dengan pemberian edukasi pada lansia. Selain itu, perlu juga diperhatikan agar lansia tetap sehat dan bahagia di masa pandemi Covid-19 sehingga kualitas hidup lansia tetap terjaga dan resiko tertular Covid-19 pada lansia dapat dikurangi. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap lansia tentang protokol kesehatan dan upaya lansia sehat dan bahagia di masa pandemi Covid-19, dengan jumlah lansia sebanyak 20 orang. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diawali dengan pendampingan para lansia untuk berkumpul diruang aula, pemberian kuesioner untuk pre-test, penyampaian informasi dilakukan dengan slide power point tentang protokol kesehatan dan upaya lansia sehat dan bahagia, video, kartu SMART, demonstrasi teknik relaksasi nafas dalam serta diakhiri dengan sesi tanya jawab, post-test, dan pemberian makanan tambahan sehat untuk lansia. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan menambah pengetahuan para lansia tentang pencegahan terjadinya infeksi Covid-19, meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap bahaya penularan serta menjadi lansia yang SMART. Kata Kunci: Edukasi, Lansia, Sehat, Bahagia, SMART, Covid-19 ABSTRACT Elderly is the group most at risk of contracting Covid-19, because the elderly generally have several comorbid diseases and high mortality rates in the elderly. One of the efforts to prevent Covid-19 transmission in the elderly is by promoting and preventive steps, including providing education to the elderly. In addition, it should also be noted that the elderly remain healthy and happy during the Covid-19 pandemic so that the quality of life for the elderly is maintained and the risk of contracting Covid-19 in the elderly can be reduced. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the knowledge and attitudes of the elderly about health protocols and efforts for healthy and happy elderly people during the Covid-19 pandemic, with 20 elderly people. The method of implementing this community service activity begins with the assistance of the elderly to gather in the hall, giving questionnaires for pre-test, delivering information with power point slides about health protocols and efforts for healthy and happy elderly people, videos, SMART cards, demonstrations of deep breathing relaxation techniques. and ended with a question and answer session, post-test, and providing healthy supplementary food for the elderly. The results of this community service activity are expected to increase the knowledge of the elderly about preventing the occurrence of Covid-19 infection, increase awareness of the dangers of transmission and become SMART elderly. Keywords: Education, Elderly, Healthy, Happy, SMART, Covid-19

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Dian Dwiana Maydinar ◽  
S. Effendi ◽  
Afifa Tusholehah

Depression in the elderly if not immediately dealt with quickly can cause brain shrinkage, so that the elderly will experience a decrease in quality of life, decreased social and physical function, disability, suicide risk and increased mortality in the elderly. This study aimed to determine the effect of reminscene group therapy on depression in the elderly at BPPLU Kota Bengkulu. This study used a pre-experimental one group pre test and post test design. The population in this study were 60 elderly at the BPPLU in Bengkulu City. The sampling technique used Purposive Sampling techniques as many as 14 elderly. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis with Shapiro Wilk data normality test and Paired T test. The results showed that the average depression before reminiscene therapy was 8.21 with a standard deviation of 1.626, the average value of depression after reminiscene therapy was 6.71 with a standard deviation of 2.234, there was an effect of reminiscene group therapy on depression in the BPPLU city Bengkulu. It is expected that health workers can routinely carry out group therapy in treating depression in the elderly. Keywords: depression, elderly, reminiscene group therapy

2021 ◽  
pp. 683
Yoanita Widjaja ◽  
Winny Tjongarta ◽  
Windy Hazmi Fadhilah

Uncontrolled blood pressure can cause fatal complications for the patients. The high number of hypertension patients in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta is caused by a lack of self-awareness and low motivation from families. Those encourage the team to conduct education activities related to preventing high blood pressure and tips so that blood pressure can be controlled. The team coordinated with West Jakarta Tomang sub-district citizens in the implementation of community service so that health education activities can be realized. This activity is carried out by providing health education related to the ways in preventing hypertension and the benefits of it during this pandemic situation. The target people of the activity is young adults in West Jakarta area, especially those with risk factors related to hypertension, hypertension patients and their families. The activity was attended by 38 participants in accordance with the target of counseling activities. The result of the average pre-test score was 35.09 and the post-test average score was 62.28; there was an increase in the knowledge of participants who attended this education about 77.5%. This activity and other similar activities need to be carried out routinely so that the people can apply healthy life habits consistently.Tekanan darah yang tidak terkontrol dapat menimbulkan komplikasi dan berakibat fatal bagi penderitanya. Masih tingginya angka kejadian hipertensi di Indonesia terutama di Jakarta, disebabkan karena kurangnya kesadaran diri serta rendahnya motivasi dari keluarga. Hal tersebut mendorong tim pengabdian melakukan edukasi terkait pencegahan tekanan darah tinggi serta kiat-kiat agar tekanan darah dapat terkontrol. Tim pengabdian berkoordinasi dengan kader kelurahan Tomang Jakarta Barat dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat agar kegiatan edukasi kesehatan dapat terealisasi. Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dengan  memberikan edukasi kesehatan terkait informasi cara pencegahan hipertensi serta manfaat pencegahan  hipertensi pada masa pandemi. Sasaran dari kegiatan adalah dewasa muda di daerah Jakarta Barat terutama yang memiliki faktor resiko terkait hipertensi, penderita hipertensi dan keluarganya. Kegiatan dihadiri 38 peserta yang sesuai dengan target sasaran kegiatan penyuluhan. Hasil nilai rata-rata pre-tets adalah 35,09 dan nilai rata-rata post-test adalah 62,28, terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan peserta yang mengikuti edukasi dengan materi pencegahan hipertensi sebesar 77,5%. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dan kegiatan serupa perlu dilaksanakan secara rutin agar perubahan gaya hidup dapat diterapkan secara konsisten oleh masyarakat.

Alotrop ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Diana Sumiati ◽  
Amrul Bahar ◽  
Dewi Handayani

This study aimed to improve learning activities and learning outcomes of students in class X MIA 1 of Senior High School (SMAN) 8 Bengkulu on the subject of chemical bonds through the application of Auditory, Intellectualy, and Repetition (AIR) learning models by using learning media with lottery card. This study is a classroom action research consisting of three cycles, each cycle consisting of four stages, planning, action, observation and reflection. In collection of data was done by non-test and test methods, teacher observation sheets, student observation sheets and post-test. The data was processed by using simple quantitative data analysis techniques, the total value of each student, the average value, the percentage of absorptive power, learning completeness and the average observation score.The results of the study in the 2018/2019 school year showed that the application of the Auditory Intellectualy Repitition learning model using learning media with lottery  cards in class X MIA 1 of SMA Negeri 8 Kota Bengkulu could improve teacher activities, student activities and student chemistry learning outcomes. This can be seen from the average score of teacher activities in the first cycle to the third cycle in a row : 23, 27.5 and 31.5. Student activity also showed improvement in each cycle. The average score of student activity in cycle I to cycle III was sequentially 20, 25 29.5. Learning outcomes also increase in each cycle. This can be seen from the average value of the test results in each cycle, in the first cycle of 61.82, in the second cycle of 67.88, in the third cycle of 79.09. Classical absorption in cycle I, cycle II, cycle III are 61.82%, 67.88%, 79.09%, with the percentage of completeness learning in each cycle of 42%, 73%, and 87.8 %.

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