Richardo Barry Astro ◽  
Hamsa Doa ◽  
Konstantinus Denny Pareira Meke

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan petunjuk praktikum berbasis video tracking yang valid, praktis, dan efektif, serta mampu meningkatkan minat mahasiswa pada materi gaya gesek di bidang miring. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan mengacu pada model pengembangan 4D (Define, Design, Develop dan Disseminate). Secara umum petunjuk praktikum yang dikembangkan meliputi dua topik kegiatan yakni penentuan koefisien gesek statis dengan memanipulasi kemiringan bidang serta koefisien gesek kinetis dengan menganalisis gerak benda di bidang miring. Petunjuk praktikum dalam rancangan menggunakan model praktikum/percobaan tertutup. Hasil validasi ahli yang mencakup aspek kelayakan isi, penyajian, komponen kebahasaan, dan keterlaksanaan menunjukkan petunjuk praktikum hasil pengembangan dinilai valid dengan perolehan skor rata-rata 4,03 dan layak digunakan. Hasil uji kepraktisan yang terdiri dari komponen kemenarikan, kemudahan penggunaan, dan manfaat petunjuk praktikum yang dikembangkan juga dinilai praktis dengan perolehan nilai rata-rata 3,93. Hasil uji efektifitas terhadap petunjuk praktikum menunjukkan bahwa produk pengembangan ini dinilai efektif untuk meningkatkan minat mahasiswa (kategori tinggi). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk petunjuk praktikum berbasis video tracking ini valid, praktis, efektif untuk digunakan sebagai penuntun praktikum serta mampu meningkatkan minat mahasiswa. Kata kunci: Petunjuk praktikum; video tracking; minat mahasiswa. ABSTRACTThis study is conducted to produce practical video tracking-based instructions that are valid, effective, and can increase student interest in the frictional force material on an inclined plane. The method used in this study was Research and Development (R&D) concerning the 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate). In general, the developed practicum instructions had covered two topics of activity, namely the determination of the coefficient of static friction by manipulating the slope of the plane and the coefficient of kinetic friction by analyzing the motion of objects on an inclined plane. Practical instructions in the design adopted a closed practicum/experimental model. The results of expert validation which include aspects of the feasibility of content, presentation, linguistic components, and implementation indicated that the practicum instructions developed were estimated valid with an average score of 4.03 and were suitable for use. On the other hand, the results of the practicality test consisting of components of attractiveness, ease of use, and the benefits of the developed practicum instructions were also considered practical with an average score of 3.93. Moreover, the results of the effectiveness test on the practicum instructions showed that this development product was considered effective for increasing student interest (high category). Thus, it can be concluded that this video tracking-based practicum guide product is valid, practical, effective to be used as a practicum guide, and is able to increase student interest. Keywords: Practical Instructions; video tracking; student interest.

Fahmi Rifaldi ◽  
Panahatan .

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif menggunakan software adobe flash cs6 pada mata pelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik; (2) untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran interaktif pada mata pelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan (research and development). Langkah-langkah pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif ini meliputi : (1) Analisis (Analysis); (2) Perencanaan (Design); (3) Pengembangan (Development); dan (4) Validasi. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan angket yang berisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan. Validasi media melibatkan 4 orang ahli media dan 2 orang sebagai pengguna (uji coba awal). Hasil uji awal coba oleh  pengguna berdasarkan pada indikator Panduan, indikator Materi Multimedia, indikator Evaluasi, indikator Desain dan Fasilitas Media memperoleh skor rata-rata 4,75 (Sangat Layak). Hasil validasi ahli media berdasarkan panduan informasi, kinerja program,  dan sistematika memperoleh skor rata-rata 4,69 (Sangat Layak). Berdasarkan seluruh hasil yang penelitian yang disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran interaktif sangat layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik di SMK Negeri 13 Medan. Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajaran Interaktif, Adobe Flash CS6 AbstractEnglish translation. English translation. This aims research to: (1) develop interactive learning media using adobe flash cs6 software on electrical lighting installation subjects; (2) to find out the feasibility of interactive learning media in the subjects of electrical lighting installations. This research uses research and development methods. The steps of developing this interactive learning medium include: (1) Analysis; (2) Planning (Design); (3) Development; and (4) Validation. The data collection method in this study uses questionnaires that contain questions. Media validation involves 4 media experts and 2 people as users (initial trial). The results of the initial trial by users based on the Guide indicator, Multimedia Materials indicator, Evaluation indicator, Design indicator and Media Facility obtained an average score of 4.75 (Very Feasible). Media expert validation results based on information guidance, program performance, and systematics earned an average score of 4.69 (Very Decent). Based on all the results of the research concluded that interactive learning media is very suitable to be used as a learning medium in the subjects of electric lighting installation in SMK Negeri 13 Medan.  Keywords: Interactive Learning Media, Adobe Flash CS6

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Daryanto Daryanto ◽  
Mulyadi Eko Purnomo ◽  
Helen Sabera Adib

Education that is characterized by the use of technology in learning is education that is in line with the times and globalization. Therefore teachers are required to be able to develop learning that can motivate student interest in learning. Many ways can be done in this case such as developing teaching materials in the form of multimedia learning. Therefore this research develops the PAI teaching material QS al-Fil material for multimedia-based class IV. The method used in this research development is the Research and Development (R and D) method which refers to the Borg and Gall development procedure, with steps as follows: 1) Potential Problems, 2) Data collection, 3) Initial product design, 4) Validation design through FGDs and experts, 5) Design revisions, 6) Product trials. Primary data in this study include interviews, validation sheets (FGD and expert validation),tests to students, and questionnaires to teachers. The secondary data obtained from documentation, books, theses and journals related to research. The results of this study are 1) produce a product namely PAI teaching material QS al-Fil material for classIV SDN 17 Muara Sugihan based on multimedia, 2) expert validation includes material expert validation and application expert validation with an average score of 95% in the very category worthy. 3) the product trial results to see the effectiveness of the product showed a significant difference between before and after the use of the product, namely student learning outcomes increased after the use of the product, while in practicality tests, the practicality of teaching materials tried out for six users obtained an average score 94% with a very decent category.  

Indah Widuri Handayani ◽  
Anggraeni Anggraeni

Tujuan dari penelitian ini, yaitu 1) Menganalisis kebutuhan guru terhadap media Busy Book tema angka untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata pada anak usia dini, 2) Mengetahui prosedur pengembangan media Busy Book tema angka untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata pada anak usia dini, dan 3) Mengetahui hasil validasi ahli terhadap media Busy Book tema angka untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata pada anak usia dini yang dikembangkan oleh penulis.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) dengan lima tahapan, yaitu: 1) potensi dan masalah, 2) pengumpulan data, 3) desain produk, 4) validasi desain, dan 5) revisi desain.Berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan, menunjukkan bahwa pendidik menghendaki adanya pengembangan media baru yang kreatif, inovatif dan efektif yang dilengkapi dengan permainan kecil di setiap halamannya. Hasil validasi oleh ahli materi mendapat nilai rata-rata keseluruhan 8,5 dengan skor 3 yang berarti media layak untuk digunakan, sedangkan hasil validasi oleh ahli media menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran berbentuk Busy Book mendapat nilai rata-rata keseluruhan 93.9 dengan skor 4 yang berarti media sangat layak untuk digunakan. Media kemudian diperbaiki sesuai saran perbaikan yang diberikan para ahli pada aspek-aspek tertentu.The purpose of this study, namely 1) Analyzing the needs of teachers for the Busy Book media of numerical themes to improve vocabulary mastery in early childhood, 2) Knowing the procedures for developing Busy Book media for numerical themes to improve vocabulary mastery in early childhood, and 3) Knowing the results expert validation of the Busy Book media theme of numbers to improve vocabulary mastery in early childhood developed by the author. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) method with five stages, namely: 1) potential and problems, 2) data collection, 3) product design, 4) design validation, and 5) design revision. Based on the results of the needs analysis, it shows that educators want the development of new, creative, innovative and effective media that are equipped with small games on each page. The results of the validation by the material experts got an overall average score of 8.5 with a score of 3 which means the media was suitable for use, while the results of the validation by the media experts showed that the learning media in the form of Busy Book got an overall average score of 93.9 with a score of 4 which means the media very feasible to use. The media is then repaired according to the suggestions given by experts on certain aspects.

Tribologia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 284 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-64
Wacław Gawędzki ◽  
Mirosław Socha

The paper presents and experimentally verifies a method for the determination of the kinetic friction coefficient of friction pairs. The method involves a direct acceleration measurement of an object sliding down an inclined plane and the determination of the momentary friction force based on acceleration. The laboratory test rig was presented and the theoretical foundations of the method were discussed in detail. The laboratory experiments were conducted for the following material pairs: steel-cast iron, steel-bronze, and for various inclined plane angles. The experiments results were presented, acceleration vs. time curves were plotted, and friction coefficients were determined. These values were compared to the values known from literature [L. 1–3]. The uncertainly analysis of kinetic friction coefficient determination was conducted. The method effectiveness and accuracy was verified, noting the sources of possible measurement errors and the ways to eliminate them.

2008 ◽  
Vol 53 (No. 1) ◽  
pp. 14-19 ◽  
R. Rusinek ◽  
M. Molenda

he present paper examines the static and kinetic coefficient of friction of rapeseed. The project utilized two methods of determination of coefficient of friction of rapeseed: according Eurocode 1 (kinetic) in direct shear test and (static) in model silo. Samples of rapeseed in a range of moisture content from 6 to 15% w.b. were used and the tests were performed for galvanized steel, stainless steel and concrete B 30. Coefficient of friction for both steel types approached stable value for all levels of moisture content w.b. in a range from 0.11 to 0.18, for concrete B 30 it was found in a range from 0.25 to 0.43. The coefficient of static friction found in model silo decreased with an increase in vertical pressure from 0.3 to 0.2 for first loading, while in subsequent loading cycles decreased from 0.2 to 0.1.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Ignasius Layola Dedy ◽  
Dede Suratman ◽  
Munaldus Munaldus

This study aims to develop a product for developing a mathematics learning blog on material in junior high school. The research method used in this research is the research and development method. Research and development are the process of developing a new product or improving an existing product. The data collection tools include a material expert validation questionnaire, a media expert validation questionnaire, and a student response questionnaire. From the results of material expert validation, an average score of 75 was obtained with a good category, the results of media expert validation obtained an average score of 75 with a good category, then the response questionnaire was obtained, namely a positive response with a percentage of 96.18% and a negative response with a percentage of 3.82 %. Based on the data obtained, it can be obtained that the blog development product is as expected and in accordance with the needs and curriculum. The responses that have been submitted to students get a very good response.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-59
T. Firdaus ◽  
M. Toifur ◽  
Y. Pramudya

The layer texture differences of an object have an influence on the friction force caused by both planes. This research aims to determine the static and kinetic friction coefficient on several solid cylinder materials. The benefits of this research can be used to develop experimental learning activities on friction coefficient. This research used experimental method. The research was carried out by rolling samples at various inclined plane angles and measuring the traveled distance traveled in one rotation (D). The results showed that the static and kinetic friction coefficients between aluminum cylinder and glass were 0.146 and 0.097, iron cylinder and glass were 0.136 and 0.096, glass cylinder and brass were 0.132 and 0.094, nylon cylinder and glass were 0.101 and 0.090, and stainsless cylinder and glass were 0.122 and 0.094, respectively.Perbedaan tekstur lapisan sebuah benda mempunyai pengaruh pada gaya gesek yang ditimbulkan oleh kedua bidang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan nilai koefisien gesek statis dan koefisien gesek kinetik pada beberapa bahan silinder pejal. Manfaat yang dapat diambil dari hasil penelitian ini adalah dapat digunakan sebagai mengembangkan kegiatan pembelajaran praktikum koefisien gesekan benda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggelindingkan sampel pada berbagai sudut kemiringan dan mengukur jarak tempuh untuk satu kali putaran (D). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai koefisien gesek statis dan koefisien gesek kinetik secara berurutan untuk silinder aluminium dengan kaca sebesar 0,146  dan 0,097,  untuk silinder besi dengan kaca sebesar 0,136 dan 0,096, untuk silinder kuningan dengan kaca 0,132 dan 0,094, untuk silinder nylon dengan kaca sebesar 0,101 dan 0,090, dan untuk stainsless dengan kaca sebesar 0,122 dan 0,094.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2019 (1) ◽  
pp. 012008
Y F Ilmi ◽  
A B Susila ◽  
B H Iswanto

Abstract Experiments related to friction in schools are mostly done by direct observation, and it becomes more difficult to determine the value of the coefficients of static and kinetic friction due to the low level of accuracy. This study aims to develop a friction coefficient practicum tool using the accelerometer sensor on a smartphone with the Phyphox application. The research was conducted using the 4D Thiagarajan method (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). This tool demonstrates experimental friction on an inclined plane with a variety of surface materials (aluminium, wood, glass, acrylic). The results recorded by Phyphox are spreadsheets of object acceleration data per unit time in x, y, and z coordinate graphs. The sliding plane frame is designed using an Arduino microcontroller which can make it easier for students to automatically form inclined plane angles. This tool has been tested by experts with an average score are 85.25% and has been tested on physics teachers with an average score of 82.5% in the good category. This friction coefficient practicum tool is feasible and can help students understand the concept of friction

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-24
Mazetha Ramadayanty ◽  
Sutarno Sutarno ◽  
Eko Risdianto

 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kelayakan dan karakteristik e-modul fisika berbasis multiple representation untuk melatihkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah siswa SMA pada materi alat optik. Model pengembangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan 3D yaitu define, design, dan develop. Tahap define terdiri dari merancang instrumen untuk tahap define, analisis RPP, analisis perangkat pembelajaran (modul). Tahap design terdiri dari rancangan e-modul dan rancangan instrumen untuk mengevaluasi e-modul. Tahap develop terdiri dari pengembangan instrumen untuk mengevaluasi e-modul dan validasi ahli serta revisi berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli. Berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli, diperoleh persentase skor rata-rata pada aspek media adalah 78% dengan kategori valid, aspek isi sebesar 76% dengan kategori valid, aspek penyajian sebesar 81% dengan kategori sangat valid dan aspek bahasa sebesar 76% dengan kategori valid dengan nilai rata-rata keseluruhan sebesar 78% dengan kategori valid. Berdasarkan hasil validasi yang telah dilakukan oleh ahli dapat disimpulkan bahwa e-modul yang dikembangkan sudah “layak” untuk digunakan. Karakteristik e-modul antara lain: isi e-modul berbasis multiple representation, representasi yang digunakan ditunjukkan untuk menstimulus keterampilan pemecahan masalah siswa dan kegiatan pendahuluan pembelajaran serta soal pada e-modul melatihkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah siswa. Kata kunci: Penelitian dan Pengembangan, e-modul, multiple representation, keterampilan pemecahan masalah ABSTRACT This research was a research and development (R&D) which aims to describe the feasibility and characteristics of multiple representation-based physics e-modules to train high school students' problem solving skills in optical instrument material. The development model used in this study was a 3D development model, namely define, design, and develop. The define stage consists of designing instruments for the define stage, RPP analysis, analysis of learning tools (modules). The design stage consists of e-module design and instrument design for evaluating the e-module. The develop stage consists of developing instruments for evaluating the e-module and expert validation and revisions based on the results of expert validation. Based on the results of expert validation, the percentage of the average score on the media aspect is 78% with the valid category, the content aspect is 76% with the valid category, the presentation aspect is 81% with the very valid category and the language aspect is 76% with the valid category with the value the overall average is 78% with the valid category. Based on the validation results that have been carried out by experts, it can be concluded that the e-module developed is feasible with the characteristics of e-module, including: the content of e-module based on multiple representation, the representation used is shown to stimulate student problem solving skills and preliminary learning activities as well as questions on the e-module train students' problem solving skills. Keywords: Research and Development, e-module, multiple representation, problem solving skills

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