scholarly journals The importance of understanding the connection between the characteristics and motivation of visitors

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-125
Ines Milohnić ◽  
Ivana Licul ◽  
Ivona Predović

The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics and motivations of event visitors. The goals are to systematically identify socio-demographic characteristics of visitors to tourist events and identify key motivation for visiting tourist events. In addition, the research aims to investigate the correlation between the socio-demographic characteristics of visitors and their motivations for visiting a tourist event. The research was conducted among the visitors of a tourist event (103 respondents), using the survey method and a pre-designed structured questionnaire. The survey was conducted in April 2017, during the duration of an event which is held every year in the city of Zagreb in the Republic of Croatia. The results of the conducted research have shown significant differences between the different socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents and their motivations. Thus, women are more highly motivated by a desire for cultural experiences (34%), while men are motivated the most by curiosity/desire for new experiences (45%). Furthermore, correlation analysis has led to the conclusion that there is a significant correlation between motivation domains and the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents (gender, age and education). Understanding the visitors’ characteristics and event motivations could serve as a useful tool for event managers. It could help them to develop and manage events, with the aim of improving the event offering to meet the needs and demands of different visitors. Given the growing importance of events as an enrichment element of the tourism offering, this research can contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this field.

2017 ◽  
Vol 70 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 18-24
Dragana Ljusic ◽  
Dragan Ravanic ◽  
Ivan Soldatovic ◽  
Snezana Filipovic-Danic ◽  
Mirjana Stojanovic-Tasic ◽  

Introduction. Psychiatric disorders represent an important risk factor for death by suicide. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of psychiatric disorders among the persons who committed suicide in the territory of the City of Nis in the period 2001 - 2010. Additionally, this study aimed to compare the socio-demographic characteristics between persons with and without psychiatric disorders. Material and methods. This retrospective study included 524 persons who committed suicide (330 with and 194 without psychiatric disorders) in the period 2001 - 2010. Data on socio-demographic characteristics, previous suicide attempts, and methods of suicide were obtained from medical and police records (Police Directorate for the City of Nis, and Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia). Results. We studied the incidence of suicides among the persons with psychiatric disorders compared to persons without any medical condition in the studied period. Depression (104, 31.5%) and personality disorders (103, 31.2%) were the most common psychiatric disorders among the persons who committed suicide, whereas only 21 persons (6.36%) had schizophrenia. Persons with psychiatric disorders had a higher level of education, more of them were divorced, had a private source of income and more frequently attempted suicide compared to persons without any diseases (p<0.001). The most common methods of suicide were hanging and poisoning in both investigated groups. Conclusion. Depression was the most common disorder registered among the persons with psychiatric disorders who committed suicide. It is necessary to develop a national strategy for suicide prevention for groups at high risk of suicide.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 94-105
L. M. Bekenova ◽  
V. A. Korvyakov ◽  
I. M. Drapkin

The purpose of the article is to study the influence of digitalization factors on the investment activity of the largest cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the research, the methods of correlation analysis, indexing, comparison, generalization, and synthesis were applied. The scientific novelty of the study lies in assessing the impact of digitalization on the investment potential of cities. The authors selected and analyzed indicators for assessing the level of digitalization of the megalopolises of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the methodology was modified and the level of digitalization of cities of republican significance of the Republic of Kazakhstan was assessed, conclusions were drawn about the current and future potential of digitalization as a factor in increasing the investment attractiveness of these cities. General conclusions were made that for Almaty and Nur-Sultan, digitalization is already a good factor in attracting investment, while Shymkent needs enhanced development of digital infrastructure for it to become a factor in increasing investment activity in the city. The research results can be used both in the formation of long-term plans for the development of these cities, and as a basis for further research in this direction. Prospects for further research on this topic - in increasing the available reliable and relevant data through the collection of official statistics, expanding the range of digitalization factors affecting investment activity and the use of more comprehensive assessment methods that will determine not only the closeness of the relationship, but also the exact value of the effects of factors each other.

2009 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-117 ◽  
Kumaravelu Chockalingam ◽  
Murugesan Srinivasan

Previous research has established that fear of crime victimization is a result of many factors including age, gender, race, income, neighbourhood variables, prior victimization and so on. The present research was conducted to test the following hypotheses: (1) fear of crime victimization is dependent on the country in which one lives; (2) socio-demographic characteristics affect fear of crime victimization; (3) economic status affects fear of crime victimization; and (4) prior experience of victimization affects fear of crime victimization. Using a structured questionnaire, constructed for the purpose, data were collected from a sample of 725 students from the city of Chennai (India) and 715 students from Mito City in Japan. The results of the study revealed that there was a difference in the level of fear of crime victimization between the respondents from India and Japan. Fear of crime victimization was influenced by some factors such as gender, age and the place of residence of respondents. In contrast to many previous studies relating to influence of prior victimization, it is puzzling to note that prior experience of crime victimization did not influence positively fear of crime victimization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 240
Annisa Meidita Yuritami Putri ◽  
Sambas Ali Muhidin

The outcomes of student learning are influenced by many factors, including the learning facilites. Research on these two variabels about learning facility and learning outcomes are usually found in some cases, either partially or simultaneously analyze about the relationship (correlation). The study tries to present the results of research on the relationship of learning facilities with student learning outcomes in vocational school located in the city of Bandung. This study used explanatory survey method with collects data from 60 students from class XII of Office Administration Departement, analyzed through the correlation analysis for nominal variable, to: (1) to find evidence whether there is any correlation between teaching facilities and student learning outcomes, (2) when there is a correlation, to see the amount of correlation between learning facilities and student learning outcomes, and (3) to make sure whether the correlation has any meaning (convincing/significant) or meaningless (inconclusive). Based on the results of correlation analysis, the result is that there is a correlation between learning facilities and student learning outcomes.AbstrakHasil belajar siswa dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, diantaranya fasilitas pembelajaran. Penelitian tentang kedua variabel tersebut, yaitu fasilitas pembelajaran dan hasil belajar telah banyak dilakukan, baik yang mengkaji secara parsial maupun mengkaji keduanya dalam analisis hubungan (korelasi). Salah satunya adalah kajian ini yang mencoba menyajikan hasil penelitian mengenai hubungan fasilitas pembelajaran dengan hasil belajar siswa pada SMK Swasta yang berlokasi di kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei, sementara data yang dikumpulkan melalui terhadap 60 orang siswa kelas XII Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran, dianalisis melalui analisis korelasi untuk variabel nominal-nominal, yaitu untuk melihat: (1) untuk mencari bukti terdapat tidaknya hubungan fasilitas pembelajaran dengan hasil belajar siswa, (2) bila sudah ada hubungan, untuk melihat besar kecilnya hubungan fasilitas pembelajaran dengan hasil belajar siswa, dan (3) untuk memperoleh kejelasan dan kepastian apakah hubungan tersebut berarti (meyakinkan/signifikan) atau tidak berarti (tidak meyakinkan). Berdasarkan hasil analisis korelasi, diperoleh hasil bahwa ada hubungan antara fasilitas pembelajaran dengan hasil belajar siswa.

Simone Maria Castellano ◽  
Thais Reis Silva de Paulo ◽  
Regina Rovigati Simões

Introdução: O ritmo acelerado de vida dos professores em seu ambiente de trabalho, associado às múltiplas funções desempenhadas, conferem a essa categoria um elevado nível de esforço, sendo considerada uma das profissões com maior vulnerabilidade a problemas de saúde.Objetivo: Avaliar os motivos de não adesão à prática habitual de atividade física (PHAF) em professores da Educação Básica.Métodos: Estudo seccional, de abordagem qualitativa, com amostragem por conveniência composta por 193 docentes da cidade de Uberaba-MG. Foi desenvolvido um questionário estruturado para o estudo, constituído por perguntas sobre características sociodemográficas, de saúde e quanto aos motivos da não adesão à PHAF.Resultados: Todos os professores trabalhavam em duas escolas e ministravam, em média, 34 aulas por semana. O principal motivo para a não adesão à PHAF apontado foi a falta de tempo (78,2%), seguido de cansaço (8,8%), falta de ânimo (4,6%), dinheiro (3,6%), comodismo (2,0%), preguiça (1,5%) e falta de hábito (1,0%).Conclusão: A falta de tempo e os fatores secundários estão intimamente interligados e podem estar vinculados ao estresse relacionado à atividade docente afetando a motivação em praticar exercícios. Sugere-se que sejam realizados estudos longitudinais para que seja possível inferir causalidade quanto à associação de hábitos e comportamentos ativos dos professores com a falta de aderência à PHAF. Reasons for non-Adherence to Physical Exercise in Teachers of Basic Education: A Qualitative Sectional Study Introduction: The school work environment imposes on Brazilian teachers an accelerated pace of life, which combined with the multiple functions performed lead to high levels of effort. Therefore, that profession is considered one of the most vulnerable to health problems.Objective: To evaluate the reasons for not adhering to the habitual physical activity (HPA) in Basic Education teachers.Methods: A sectional study, with a qualitative approach, with convenience sampling composed of 193 basic education teachers from the city of Uberaba-MG. A structured questionnaire was developed for the study, consisting of questions about socio-demographic characteristics, health, and reasons for non-adherence to PHAF.Results: All teachers worked in two schools and taught, on average, 34 classes per week. The main reason for not adhering to the PHAF was lack of time (78.2%), followed by fatigue (8.8%), lack of mood (4.6%), money (3.6%), (2.0%), laziness (1.5%) and lack of habit (1.0%).Conclusion: Lack of time and secondary factors are closely intertwined and may be linked to stress related to teacher activity affecting motivation in exercising. It is suggested that longitudinal studies be performed in order to infer causality regarding the association of teachers' active habits and behaviors with the lack of adherence to PHAF.

Temida ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 63-78 ◽  
Kumaravelu Chockalingam ◽  
Murugesan Srinivasan

Previous research has established that the perception of victim treatment is influenced by a number of factors such as socio-demographic characteristics, economic status of the people, prior victimization and so on. Against this background, a study was conducted to examine the factors influencing the perception of victim treatment by police and courts. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire from a sample of 725 students from the city of Chennai (India) and 715 students from the city of Mito in Japan. The results revealed that while some of the factors such as gender, age, religion and community of the respondents have significantly influenced the perception of victim treatment, the effects of place of stay, nativity and income on the perception of victim treatment were not found to be significant.

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 (4) ◽  
pp. 405-411
Elena Ju. Gorbatkova

Introduction. The important factors affecting health and performance of young people are the conditions of education, in particular, a comfortable microclimate in the classrooms of higher educational institutions. Materials and methods. In view of the urgency of this problem, an analysis was made of the microclimate parameters of educational organizations of different profiles (Ufa city, the Republic of Bashkortostan). 294 classrooms were studied in 22 buildings of 4 leading universities in Ufa. A total of 3,822 measurements were taken to determine the parameters of the microclimate. The analysis of ionizing radiation in the aerial environment of classrooms. There was performed determination of radon and its affiliated products content. In order to assess the conditions and lifestyle of students of 4 higher educational institutions of the city of Ufa, we conducted an anonymous survey of 1,820 students of I and IV years of education. Results. The average temperature in the classrooms of all universities studied was 23.9±0.09 C. The average relative humidity in all classrooms was 34.2 ± 0.42%. Analysis of ionizing radiation (radon and its daughter products decay) in the aerial environment of the classrooms and sports halls located in the basement determined that the average annual equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity of the radon daughter products (EROA ± Δ222Rn) ranged from 28 ± 14 to 69 ± 34.5 meter, which meets the requirements established by SanPiN. Conclusion. The hygienic assessment of the microclimate parameters of educational institutions of various profile revealed a number of deviations from the regulated norms. The results indicate the need to control the parameters of the microclimate, both from the administration of universities, and from the professors. According to the results of the study, recommendations were prepared for the management of higher educational institutions in Ufa.

R. T. Kamilova ◽  
J. A. Kamilov

Relevance. Characteristics of eruption of secondary teeth is of diagnostic and prognostic interest, is the basis for implementation of targeted therapeutic and preventive measures among children. No research has ever been carried out in Uzbekistan to study an age and gender regional features of secondary teeth eruption. The aim is to determine the timing and symmetry of secondary teeth eruption in children of the city of Tashkent of the Republic of Uzbekistan and comparative assessment with the children of different cities of Russia.Materials and methods. 3,834 children between 3 and 17 years were conducted dental examination. A comparative analysis was made of the initial, intermediate and final periods of eruption of secondary teeth for children of Uzbekistan (Tashkent city) and Russia (Saratov, Izhevsk and Sergach).Results. In Tashkent children of both gender, in most cases, lower teeth were erupted before than their antagonists. In girls, teeth were erupted earlier than their male counterparts. At the initial stage of eruption, asymmetry was more pronounced in boys than in girls, while in the middle and final stages it was more pronounced in the opposite direction. Observed asymmetry of antimere’s teeth were indicated left-handed permanent dentition in boys and right-handed in girls. Children of Tashkent city were observed permanent dentition in one group of teeth 1-16 months earlier, and in others – 1-24 months later than their peers in Russian cities. Revealed differences were more pronounced among boys than among girls. Children in Tashkent differed more from their peers in Sergach and less from those in Izhevsk. Conclusions. Regional peculiarities of permanent dentition in children of Tashkent city and revealed expressed differences with indicators of Russian children are the basis for development of separate age and  gender normative assessment permanent dentition tables for children of Uzbekistan. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Shamsher Singh ◽  
Ameet Sao

The retail sector is growing a faster pace in India due to demographic shift in population and growing middle class. It is an opportunity for both organized and unorganized sectors. The purpose of this article is to study the customer perception and shopping experience about organized and unorganized retailing with special reference to Delhi and NCR and find out whether the preferences for organized and unorganized retailing are dependent or independent demographic characteristics of consumers. The study has used the primary data collected from 200 respondents through survey method using structured questionnaire. Convenient sampling method was used during the

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