Tauhid Tauhid

The corona virus has an impact on death continued to increase, thus providing fear, trauma and stress for the community. The Community Service Team STISIP Mbojo provides counseling and assistance in changing clean and healthy living behavior for community in Kelurahan Rabangodu Selatan. The method used is counseling and mentoring. Participants include Lurah, , RT, RW and Community. The Result obtained : First; outreach activities in providing information regarding the corona virus disease (covid) 19 epidemic and the causative factors and ways of preventing it are running smoothly. Second; assistence activities through preparing a place to wash hands in every house, encouraging the community to plan a living pharmacy in each house to create a comfortable and healthy environment, familiarize the community with wearing masks, the down movement for a clean environment, and build a harmonious spirit of mutual cooperating in togetherness to crate a healthy village , with wearing masks, the down moverment for a clean environment, and build  a harmonious spirit  of mutual cooperation in togetherness to create a healthy village through the clean Friday movement environment (JUMPA BERLIAN).    

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21
Sudarman Rahman ◽  
Sahidin Sahidin

WHO China Country Office reported pneumonia cases in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The virus was lately identified as a new strain of corona virus called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2. The new cases grow massively and became pandemic. Regarding this rapid transmission, there is a need for socialization to strengthen people’s awareness and role in mitigation and adaptation against this  COVID-19 pandemic. The method used was counseling with socialization or lectures and supported interactions in the form of questions and answers by using power points and leaflets/brochures as information media. This community engagement included the activities of the Movement for Healthy Living Society (GERMAS), Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS), Use of Personal Protective Equipment such as using masks, Use of Antiseptics and Disinfectants, and Planting Family Medicines (TOGA). The implementation of this activity began with socialization to the local community at the village hall, then to the houses of residents to deliver the subject contained in the brochure/leaflet, and last by placing pamphlets in public places to provide information to the community related to the activities that had been done. This socialization is expected to increase public awareness to face against this corona virus disease outbreak.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
Ni Made Sulastri ◽  
Herlina Herlina ◽  
Sarilah Sarilah

The aim of this community service is to provide assistance to a clean and healthy lifestyle for children as an effort to prevent the transmission of the corona virus. The method used in this service is in the form of assisting a clean and healthy lifestyle, providing knowledge of the dangers of the corona virus and its prevention, the question and answer method to find out the level of understanding of children after mentoring and demonstrations to practice one of the healthy lifestyles in the form of washing hands with soap. The result of this activity is an increase in children's knowledge of clean and healthy living behaviors in children. Increased knowledge about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, one of which is by washing hands with the right technique, this can be seen in the ability of children to demonstrate handwashing activities with soap with the correct technique after being given assistance activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 319
Novita Dewi ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi ◽  
Errict Indra Cita

Corona virus infection, also known as COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019), is booming, spreading rapidly, resulting in death. Prevention of the spread of the virus by implementing health protocols carried out by all aspects of society, especially in hospitals, where patients are cared for and the families who look after them, are very vulnerable to contracting COVID-19, so education is needed for the patient's family about the health protocol. The implementation of health protocols can be improved through education on the implementation of health protocols carried out in hospitals. The purpose of community service is to provide education to the families of patients who are hospitalized. The method used is the CBR (Community Based Research) approach, by educating the patient's family directly/offline one by one by implementing health protocols; wear a mask, keep your distance, avoid crowds. The time for the education implementation on December 28, 2020, was carried out on the patient's family with a duration of 20 minutes. Community service is carried out with a community service team consisting of professional students for the 2020/2021 academic year. The media used in the form of leaflets. The results of community service in the form of increased knowledge and changes in the implementation of health protocols. Knowledge is obtained, all of the patient's family understands the material for implementing the health protocol that has been given. Recommendations for community service in the future use interactive learning media so that the education provided can be understood properly

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 214
Heni Sumastri ◽  
Sari Wahyuni

ABSTRAKVirus Corona merupakan bagian dari keluarga virus yang menyebabkan penyakit mulai dari flu hingga penyakit yang lebih berat. World Health Organization (WHO) memberi nama virus ini Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) dan nama penyakitnya sebagai Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Infeksi SARS-CoV-2 pada manusia menimbulkan gejala gangguan pernapasan akut. Bukti saat ini mengindikasikan bahwa transmisi SARS-CoV-2 terjadi terutama dari orang ke orang melalui kontak langsung, tidak langsung, atau erat dengan orang yang terinfeksi melalui sekresi terinfeksi. Rekomendasi standar untuk mencegah penyebaran infeksi adalah melalui cuci tangan secara teratur, menerapkan etika batuk dan bersin, menghindari kontak secara langsung. Selain rekomendasi diatas, pemerintah juga mengajurkan untuk dapat menerapkan Slogan 4M untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran COVID-19 yakni dengan Memakai Masker, Mencuci Tangan, Menjaga Jarak, Menghindari Kerumunan. Berdasarkan hasil observasi didapatkan bahwa pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai cara mencegah penyebaran COVID-19 masih rendah serta kurang disiplinnya masyarakat dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mengenai cara pencegahan penularan COVID-19 melalui penerapan protokol kesehatan 4M. Kegiatan dilakukan di Desa Pegayut Kabupaten Ogan Ilir pada Desember 2020 yang diikuti oleh 35 orang. Kegiatan diawali dengan persiapan, pembagian leaflet, penjelasan materi dengan metode ceramah tanya jawab, demonstrasi dan evaluasi. Hasil dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat desa mengenai cara pencegahan penularan COVID-19 melalui penerapan protokol kesehatan 4M. Luaran yang dicapai adalah peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai cara pencegahan penularan COVID-19 dan keterampilan memakai masker dan mencuci tangan dengan benar. Kata Kunci : covid-19; pencegahan; penularan; protokol kesehatan. ABSTRACT Coronaviruses are part of a family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the flu to more severe diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) named this virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the name of the disease Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans causes symptoms of acute respiratory distress. Current evidence indicates that SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs primarily from person to person through direct, indirect, or close contact with an infected person through infected secretions. Standard recommendations to prevent the spread of infection are through regular hand washing, practicing coughing and sneezing etiquette, avoiding direct contact. In addition to the suggestions above, the government also recommends implementing the 4M Slogan to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19, namely by wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds. Based on the results of observations, it was found that public knowledge about how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is still low and the community lacks discipline in implementing health protocols. This community service aims to increase knowledge and skills regarding how to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 through the application of the 4M health protocol. The activity was carried out in Pegayut Village, Ogan Ilir Regency, in December 2020, which was attended by 35 people. The training begins with preparation, distribution of leaflets, explanation of the material using the question and answers lecture method, demonstration, and evaluation. The results in this community service were an increase in the knowledge of the village community about how to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 through the application of the 4M health protocol. The output achieved was an increase in public knowledge about how to avoid the transmission of COVID-19 and skills to wear masks and wash hands properly. Keywords: covid-19: prevention; transmission; health protocol. 

Malikhatul Khayati ◽  
Purwanto Purwanto ◽  
Ahmad Mustofa

Masa kenormalan baru menuntut masyarakat untuk beradaptasi terhadap virus corona. Sehingga pemerintah desa mengeluarkan kebijakan agar masyarakat membiasakan diri untuk menerapkan perilaku hidup sehat. Namun kebijakan tersebut belum dapat dilakukan dengan baik karena keterbatasan pengetahuan, tidak ada pengalaman dan penglihatan, dan banyaknya berita bohong yang beredar di media sosial. Kepercayaan masyarakat yang rendah terhadap keberadaan virus corona juga merupakan salah satu masalah yang serius jika tidak segera ditindaklanjuti. Banyak masyarakat menganggap bahwa virus corona merupakan konspirasi orang elit yang mempunyai kepentingan tersendiri menurut berita bohong yang beredar di media sosial. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pendampingan khususnya masyarakat Desa Bangsri agar mematuhi protokol kesehatan dengan berperilaku hidup sehat. Metode pendampingan yang digunakan adalah metode PAR (Participation Action Research). Dengan demikian dalam proses pengabdian tim terlibat secara partisipatif di antara masyarakat untuk mendorong terjadinya perubahan perilaku terkait perilaku hidup sehat. Setelah pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan, masyarakat Desa Bangsri menjadi antusias dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan dan berperilaku hidup sehat seperti selalu memakai masker dimanapun, rajin cuci tangan memakai sabun, jaga jarak, menghindari kerumunan, rajin mengonsumsi vitamin, olahraga secara teratur, rajin membersihkan lingkungan sekitar dan rajin mengonsumsi empon-empon.  Kata kunci: Hidup Sehat, Kenormalan Baru, Desa Bangsri ABSTRACT The new normality requires people to adapt to the corona virus. So that the village government issued a policy so that people get used to implementing healthy living habits. However, this policy has not been implemented properly due to limited knowledge, lack of experience and vision, and the large number of fake news circulating on social media. The low public trust in the existence of the corona virus is also a serious problem if it is not followed up immediately. Many people think that the corona virus is a conspiracy of elite people who have their own interests according to fake news circulating on social media. Therefore, Community service activities are needed in the form of assistance, especially for the Bangsri Village community to comply with health protocols by behaving in a healthy life. The mentoring method used is the PAR (Participation Action Research) method. Thus in the process of community service, the team is involved in a participatory manner among the community to encourage behavior change related to healthy living behaviors. After the community service was carried out, the people of Bangsri Village became enthusiastic in implementing health protocols and behaving in a healthy life such as always wearing a mask wherever, diligently washing hands with soap, keeping distance, avoiding crowds, diligently consuming vitamins, exercising regularly, diligently cleaning the surrounding environment and diligently consume empon-empon. Keywords: Healthy living, New normalcy, Bangsri  

Shubhi Mahmashony Harimurti ◽  
Eka Dewi Rahayu ◽  
Yebi Yuriandala ◽  
Noorfaiz Athallah Koeswandana ◽  
Rikado Adhi Laksono Sugiyanto ◽  

Pengabdian masyarakat yang merupakan bagian dari Tri Darma perguruan tinggi harus tetap berjalan meskipun pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) belum berakhir. Hal ini dikarenakan publik masih membutuhkan kontribusi kampus dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan yang muncul. Salah satu persoalan yang berkembang di masyarakat adalah meningkatnya timbulan sampah anorganik di rumah tangga saat kebijakan Work from Home (WfH) diberlakukan. Masyarakat seharusnya paham bahwa sampah anorganik tersebut dapat mendatangkan manfaat apabila dikelola dengan baik. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat terutama dalam hal kesehatan dan ekonomi. Dua bidang yang cukup terdampak pada era tatanan kehidupan baru. Community service ini melibatkan mahasiswa dengan metode Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PPM). KKN PPM sendiri berlangsung secara hybrid yang menggabungkan online dan offline. Mahasiswa tidak sepenuhnya berada di tengah masyarakat sebagai upaya mitigasi penyebaran pandemi Covid-19. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat Desa Ringinputih, Kecamatan Karangdowo, Kabupaten Klaten, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat menjadi meningkat pemahaman tentang pengolahan sampah karena dapat menjaga kesehatan dan meningkatkan pendapatan ekonomi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (03) ◽  
pp. 18-18
Christian Thede

SummaryIn Reaktion auf den massiven Ausbruch von Covid-19-Erkrankungen in der Region Wuhan wurde von staatlicher Seite bereits Ende Januar 2020 eine Expertenkommission namhafter chinesischer TCM-Fachleute berufen. Nach der Sichtung einer größeren Anzahl von Patienten in Wuhan wurdenTherapieprotokolle für verschiedene Krankheitsstadien formuliert, die in den „Guidance for Corona Virus Disease 2019“ des Generalbüros der Nationalen Hygiene und Gesundheitskommission und des Büros der staatlichen Verwaltung für traditionelle chinesische Medizin aufgenommen wurden.

Andreas Andrie DJATMIKO

Community Service is one of the programs that are needed by the community today. This is done as an effort to respond to the needs of the community and is real program and realistic, especially in the fields of education, social, economic and cultural. Community Service Program is a program that is learning, studying and serving that is realized in the form of introduction and appreciation of community development through the clarity of planned change programs and problem solving methods regarding the ability to choose and use the right skills. A big nation is a nation that wants to respect its culture. Indonesia has a diversity of cultures that are characteristic and assets of the Indonesian nation. But most of the younger generation has forgotten a lot of the culture of the nation. The tendency of the younger generation now prefers outside cultures and many younger generations are less able to sort out most of which have negative impacts rather than a positive impact on themselves and others as well as the environment. There is a need for character education so that the younger generation can be relied upon in the future according to the nation's culture, such as being responsible for mutual cooperation, mutual assistance and good manners. Reog Kendhang's art proves that local culture can increase the sense of community nationalism and be able to become social controls so as not to fall into bad lifestyle. The formation of a national culture that can truly reunite all components of the nation's culture, therefore it is necessary to have a deeper introduction to history and cultural heritage in search of the identity of a pluralistic Indonesian society.

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