scholarly journals New design universal working bodies of tillage and seeding equipment

Yu. F. Lachuga ◽  
B. Kh. Akhalaya ◽  
Yu. Kh. Shogenov

New designs of tillage and seeding equipment are presented. Technological and technical deficiencies of the existing working bodies for surface tillage and sowing techniques of row crops are noted. To eliminate the shortcomings, new universal working bodies of tillage and sowing units have been proposed, which provide for the mechanization and automation of working processes of tillage and seeding of various row crops. Their technological and technical advantages over the existing traditional working bodies are given. The technical characteristics of the new working bodies are presented, which allow to simultaneously perform four operations: cultivation, fissure, seeding and leveling the field surface. Execution of the sieve in the form of two discs with rollers on its inner surface allows cutting a slit along the sides from the vertical axis of seed placement, at a depth of almost twice the sowing depth to improve the water-air regime, with simultaneous compaction of the soil by the rollers. The final operation to level the soil across the entire width of the cultivator's paw grip is carried out by embedding a train. Also presented is the design of a modernized pneumatic sowing unit for various sowing methods, ensuring the simultaneous sowing of seeds of several types of row crops with their placement at different planting depth in accordance with agrotechnical requirements

2021 ◽  
Vol 901 (1) ◽  
pp. 012049
S A Otroshko ◽  
A V Shevtsov ◽  
N D Sharikov

Abstract Acceleration of wilting of forage grasses treated during mowing by the working bodies of dynamic conditioners installed on disc mowers is a prerequisite for improving the quality of forage, primarily in terms of the concentration of high-quality protein, vitamins and other biologically active substances, as well as energy. The main working body of modern conditioning devices is a horizontal shaft rotating at a speed of 18-29 m / s with hinged beaters of various configurations placed on its surface, which ensure grass dragging along the surface of corrugated decks, through combs, etc. [1]. Such devices significantly increase the weight of the mowers, which increases their cost by about 1/3, and the use of an additional drive of the conditioner shaft leads to operational difficulties. In this regard, the search for innovative technical solutions aimed at improving this situation is a very urgent task. The article describes the design and principle of operation of a rotary conditioner with a vertical axis of rotation developed in Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production & Agroecology for the KR-2.1M mower of the “Agramak” company, the articulated beams of which are installed directly on its discs. The mower with an innovative conditioner was tested on a mixture of reed fescue with clover of the first cut and on tetraploid meadow fescue of the second. The yield of green mass, the composition of the herbage, its height and lodging, as well as the phase of development were determined in accordance with the guidelines for conducting field experiments with forage crops. The work of the mower was evaluated according to GOST 28722-90. The article presents data on the degree of damage to treated plants and the dynamics of the rate of their dehydration.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (15) ◽  
pp. 4501
Wacław Romaniuk ◽  
Petr Savinykh ◽  
Kinga Borek ◽  
Kamil Roman ◽  
Alexey Y. Isupov ◽  

This article presents the device and the principle of operation of forage grain crushers that use the centrifugal force of inertia to supply the working bodies—which occurs as a result of rotation of the rotor with a vertical axis. The results of some tests of machines working on this principle have been characterized. Attention is drawn to the disadvantages of most research works, namely the lack of premises for creating shredders of this class with a wide range of performance. The aim of this work is to establish the relationship between the design and technological parameters for the operation of a centrifugal-rotary shredder using the theory of similarity and a dimensional analysis. Moreover, the experimental data show an empirical relationship when calculating the efficiency for the shredder model considered above. By applying the similarity criteria, dimensionless complexes were obtained, which allow to determine the significance of the parameters selected at the initial stage for the efficiency of the shredder. The novelty of this research is the application of the theory of similarity and the use of dimensional analysis, which allowed for scaling the results of the experimental data and obtaining a centrifugal-rotary shredder with higher efficiency, while maintaining the quality of the obtained product. This technique indicates the energy costs of the grinding process, which can be used to select the ratio of parameters in the shredder that would ensure that a minimum amount of energy is consumed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2094 (4) ◽  
pp. 042027
Y N Syromyatnikov ◽  
A A Orekhovskaya ◽  
A-M S Dzjasheev ◽  
E A Tikhonov ◽  
M N Kalimullin ◽  

Abstract The subject research is operation of a combined machine for soil preparation and seeding of sunflower and corn seeds. Technological process of machine operation with installed guides, passive rotating flat discs with flanges (which properly ensure movement of soil along the plough share to loosening-separating device), a sowing device, a seed tube, a furrow former, a rotor, a separating grid, a parallelogram mechanism, a spring, a share is described. Dynamic prerequisites for increasing uniformity of depth of groove formation and seed placement in depth in soil are considered. Values of length of links of parallelogram mechanism, initial angle of their installation and stiffness of spring, values of deviations of combined machine section from given depth of movement of plough share are determined. It is proved that with an increase in length of levers of parallelogram mechanism, maximum deviations of section increase. An increase in initial angle of inclination of levers of parallelogram mechanism causes an increase in maximum deflections. As spring stiffness increases, maximum deflections decrease. Relevance of study lies in ensuring stability of copying soil surface by working bodies of combined machine while depth of seeding remains unchanged along entire length of movement, which will make it possible to increase movement speed and unit width. Target group of consumers of information in the article - designers, specialists involved in development of tillage machines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (10) ◽  
Naira Moreli de Freitas ◽  
Vanessa Francieli Vital Silva ◽  
Celso Augusto Sato Teixeira ◽  
Luiz Augusto Inojosa Ferreira ◽  
Lucas Matheus Padovese ◽  

ABSTRACT: Knowledge on weed biology and ecology is fundamental to provide suitable control practices in weed management systems. The objective of this research was to understand the effect of light and temperature on germination of Chamaesyce hirta, as well as to evaluate the effect of depth of seed placement in the soil in the emergence of the plant. Two experiments were conducted. In the first one, in the laboratory, the seeds were placed to germinate in plastic boxes and kept in a B.O.D. germination chamber, under constant temperatures of 20, 25, 30 and 35 ºC, either in the dark or under continuous light. Daily germination assessments were performed. The percentage of germinated seeds in the 10-day period and the germination speed index (GSI) were calculated. In the second trial, carried out in greenhouse conditions, 100 seeds were planted, under six levels of seeding depth (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cm) and three soil cover conditions: no straw, under black oats (Avena strigosa) straw and under corn (Zea mays) straw. Daily plant emergence was counted along 30 days and total emergence and GSI were calculated. Germination of C. hirta seeds occurs both in the presence and absence of light. For the highest temperature, both increased germination and GSI were reported in the presence of light. The highest levels of emergence were obtained with the absence of plant cover and under corn straw at 0 cm depth. The presence of black oat straw on the soil reduced the emergence of C. hirta.

2018 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 343-354 ◽  
Mehrab Yadegari

This research was conducted to investigate the effects of salinity, temperature, pH and sowing depth on germination characters of two species of thyme in 2017. Two separate experiments with four replications using a randomized complete design were conducted in laboratory conditions. Treatments contained: a) fluctuating temperatures in a germinator 5/15, 10/20, 15/25, 15/30 and 20/3500C (day/night), b) concentrations of salinity by using solutions of 0, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 mM NaCl, c) sowing depths of 0, 1.5, 3 and 6 cm, pH values of 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Results showed that the effects of different treatments were significant on germination percentage, germination rate and seed vigour. In most cases, upper concentrations of treatments had negative effects on germination indices. The emergence decreased with an increased concentration of salinity, planting depth and pH. In both species, the highest germination percentage (94%) was obtained in the combination treatment of 15/25C (day/night), 0 mM of NaCl, 1 cm of planting depth and pH=7. Germination was stopped in the combination of treatments of 35/20 (day/night), 320mM of NaCl, 6 cm of planting depth and pH=9. The combination of treatments in the upper level had a more inhibitory and destructive effect than single treatments.

Russian vine ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 31-39
G.G. Parkhomenko ◽  
S.I. Kambulov ◽  

Used in Russia mechanized technology in the vineyards characterized by an increase in en-ergy costs 2.5–3.4 times compared to foreign countries. Most of the energy costs account for processing vineyard soil. It is necessary to improve the methods of mechanized soil cul-tivation in vineyards in terms of reducing en-ergy consumption while maintaining quality. The aim of the study is to develop mecha-nized universal technical means and working bodies for processing row-spacing of vine-yards with the lowest energy consumption without damaging the root system of the bushes. The designed multioperational chisel is capable of performing tiered tillage in ac-cordance with the architectonics of the root system of the bushes. Loosening depth 9–45 cm. The original design of the working bodies of the chisel with an additional degree of freedom provides a reduction in traction resistance by 12–14% and specific energy consumption by 1.2 and more times. Chisel complies with agrotechnical requirements in terms of fulfilling the quality indicators of the technological process. The number of frac-tions up to 50 mm 57.5–76.5 %, lumps over 100 mm 8–9 %. Universal design multiopera-tional garden and vineyard chisel allow its use in technologies of cultivation not only fruit, but also grain and row crops.

1990 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 367 ◽  
FJ Lambert ◽  
M Bower ◽  
RDB Whalley ◽  
AC Andrews ◽  
WD Bellotti

The effect of various wet and dry day sequences on emergence of seedlings of Astrebla lappacea (Mitchell grass) from both spikelets and caryopses was studied in a glasshouse experiment. Three wet days were required to obtain maximum emergence while periods of 2-4 dry days delayed emergence but did not affect final emergence, provided moisture was re-supplied. The soil reached a water potential of -6 MPa after 2 dry days, which was sufficient to prevent the germination processes from proceeding. Maximum emergence was reached in 8 days for the caryopses and 10 days for the spikelets, so long as each wet day in the period was separated by no more than 2 dry days. At least 40% of the A. lappacea caryopses sown emerged as seedlings from a sowing depth of 60 mm in a sand medium, and from a sowing depth of 45 mm in a clay medium. The maximum depth from which seedlings emerged was 60 mm in the clay medium, and from 80 mm in the sand medium. Both media were maintained at 90% of field capacity. The emergence from single caryopses in sand was greater and more rapid than from clay. Planting depth significantly affected the length of the subcoleoptile internode of A. lappacea during a glasshouse experiment. All seedlings initiated their secondary roots at the soil surface irrespective of sowing depth. Increasing sowing depth retarded the early development of the secondary root system, but by week five, there were no significant differences between the dry weights of secondary roots from plants sown at different depths.

2021 ◽  
Vol 335 (1) ◽  
pp. 132-139
A.S. Rzaliyev ◽  
Sh.B. Bekmuhametov ◽  
V.P. Goloboroko

In the southern zone of Kazakhstan, agricultural crops are cultivated, both on irrigated and rain-fed lands. The main technology used for tillage is traditional, which accounts for 90% of all cultivated crops. This technology provides for multiple passes of machine-tractor units (MTU) across the field, which causes a large load on the soil, leading to the destruction of its structure. In the South of the Republic, combined tools supplied from neighboring countries (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine) are mainly used for pre-sowing tillage. They do not correspond to the soil and climate conditions and technologies used. To ensure the required quality of soil preparation, it is necessary to use machines adapted to zonal conditions. To develop a combined tool for pre-sowing and basic tillage, the parameters of its working bodies were justified. Based on the conducted research, a prototype of the combined OKP-4,0 machine was manufactured at the experimental plant of "SPC of agricultural engineering " LLP, and its acceptance tests were carried out during the operation of pre-sowing soil preparation for corn sowing, according to which the quality of soil treatment corresponded to agricultural requirements. There were no breakdowns or failures in operation.

Roman Hevko ◽  
Yurii Nykerui ◽  
Taras Dovbush ◽  
Vasyl Oleksyuk

The article provides a theoretical substantiation of the structural parameters of the frame structure for the placement of piece loads, as well as clamping levers with rollers and their arrangement, which interact with the inner surface of the guide ropes of the developed transport system. The established limits of rational parameters and angular positions of levers and their compression springs to the inclined sidewalls for the right and left sides of the movable elements of the frame structure relative to the central vertical axis, as well as the angle of the guide ropes to the horizon. On the basis of the results of calculations and recommendations for the choice of parameters of the proposed technical solutions, a rope mechanism for storing piece loadings into small warehouses was manufactured and preliminary experimental studies were carried out.

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