scholarly journals Perilaku Pencegahan dan Sumber Informasi Covid 19 di Perdesaan dan Perkotaan

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-93
Tutisurtimanah ◽  
Irfan Nafis Sjamsuddin ◽  
Hasna Hanifah ◽  
Divia Alfianita ◽  
Salma Syifa Audia ◽  

Abstrak Kasus Covid-19 masih bertambah tetapi perilaku pencegahan penularan 3-M yaitu memakai masker, mencuci tangan dengan sabun serta menjaga jarak belum dilakukan seluruh masyarakat. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh jenis tempat tinggal (perdesaan, perkotaan) terhadap perilaku pencegahan Covid-19 dengan mempertimbangkan akses sumber informasi. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian masyarakat Jawa Barat dengan multi stage cluster dan purposive sampling, dipilih dua Rukun Tetangga di kelurahan dan dua Rukun Tetangga di desa dengan jumlah responden 190 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner berupa google form via WhatsApp serta kuesioner tertulis via wawancara langsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukan separuh responden berperilaku pencegahan dalam kategori tinggi. Masyarakat perdesaan lebih banyak berperilaku pencegahan kategori tinggi serta memiliki akses sumber informasi Covid-19 dibandingkan masyarakat perkotaan. Terdapat pengaruh signifikan jenis tempat tinggal terhadap perilaku pencegahan dengan dikontrol akses sumber informasi. Masyarakat perdesaan 2,676 kali berperilaku pencegahan, 2,869 kali berpengetahuan serta 4,203 kali melakukan praktek pencegahan Covid-19 dibanding masyarakat perkotaan dengan dikontrol akses sumber informasi. Prioritas pesan penyuluhan yang akan datang adalah gejala dan respon gejala Covid-19, cara pengobatan, alasan tidak patuh 3M, praktek di kendaraan umum dan mau masuk rumah, pengobatan mandiri dan pelayanan kesehatan keluarga di masa pandemi. Multi sumber informasi sebaiknya digunakan agar menjangkau seluruh segmentasi sasaran, sumber informasi utama tokoh masyarakat, pengumuman pemerintah setempat, televisi disertai media visual dan berbasis internet di perkotaan. Penelitian kualitatif lanjutan untuk mengungkap latar belakang rendahnya akses sumber informasi masyarakat perkotaan diperlukan sebagai bahan intervensi.  Abstract Covid-19 cases are still increasing but the behavior of preventing transmission, namely wearing masks, washing hands with soap and maintaining distance hasn’t been carried out by the whole community. This study aims to determine the effect of type of residence (rural, urban) on Covid-19 prevention behavior by considering access to information sources. Quantitative research method with cross sectional approach. The population of the people of West Java, with a multi-stage cluster and purposive sampling, selected two neighborhood association in the sub-district and two in the village with 190 respondents. Data collection used a questionnaire in the google form via WhatsApp and a written questionnaire via direct interviews. The results showed that half of the respondents behaved in a high category of behavior prevention. Rural communities are more have high prevention behavior and have access to information sources than urban communities. There is a significant influence on the type of residence on prevention behavior with controlled access to information sources. Rural communities have 2.676 times prevention behavior, 2.869 times knowledge and 4.203 times practice prevention of Covid-19 compared to urban communities with controlled access to information sources. The priority of the information message is the symptoms and symptom response, treatment methods, reasons for not compliant, practicing on public transportation and entering homes, self-medication and family health services during the pandemic. Multi sources of information should be used in order to reach all target segmentations. Qualitative research reveals the background of low access to urban community information sources as material for interventions.      

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Saiful Nurhidayat

Abstract : Hypertension or high blood pressure is an abnormal increase in blood pressure in the arteries continuously over a period. The dangers of hypertension can lead to damage to various organs including kidneys, brain, heart, eye, causing vascular resistance and stroke. Hypertension takes care of the old and continuously. One effective way to lower blood pressure is to obediently take medicine so that it takes the role of families in monitoring patients taking the medication. With the participation of the family are expected to hypertension sufferers can be controlled. This study aims to determine the family's role in monitoring the adherence of hypertensive patients. The study was conducted in rural communities Slahung Ponorogo, a representative sample of 53 respondents taken by purposive sampling. Quantitative design with cross sectional design of the study the family's role in monitoring the adherence of hypertensive patients. Instruments in this study using questionnaires and observation sheets. The results of 53 respondents obtained the majority of the 29 respondents (55%) has the role of both families and 24 respondents (45%) families have a bad role in monitoring medication adherence. Age and education contribute to determining the role family. Intermediate (41-60 years old) and college education contribute to determining the role well. Conversely > 61 years of elementary education and contribute in a bad role.Keywords : the role of the family, medication adherence, hypertension. Abstrak : Hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi adalah suatu peningkatan abnormal tekanan darah dalam pembuluh darah arteri secara terus-menerus lebih dari suatu periode. Bahaya hipertensi dapat memicu rusaknya berbagai organ tubuh diantaranya: ginjal, otak, jantung, mata, menyebabkan resistensi pembuluh darah dan stroke. Penyakit hipertensi membutuhkan perawatan yang lama dan terus menerus. Salah satu cara yang efektif untuk menurunkan tekanan darah adalah dengan patuh minum obat sehingga dibutuhkan peran keluarga dalam memantau minum obat penderita. Dengan adanya peran serta keluarga diharapkan penyakit hipertensi penderita dapat terkontrol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran keluarga dalam memantau kepatuhan minum obat penderita hipertensi. Penelitian dilakukan pada masyarakat desa Slahung Ponorogo,sampel representatif sejumlah 53 responden diambil secara Purposive Sampling. Desain kuantitatif dengan rancangan Cross sectional yang mempelajari peran keluarga dalam memantau kepatuhan minum obat penderita hipertensi. Instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian dari 53 responden didapatkan sebagian besar 29 responden (55 %) keluarga mempunyai peran baik dan 24 responden (45 %) keluarga mempunyai peran buruk dalam memantau kepatuhan minum obat. Faktor usia dan pendidikan berkontribusi dalam menentukan peran keluarga. Usia madya (41-60 tahun) dan jenjang pendidikan perguruan tinggi berkontribusi dalam menentukan peran baik. Sebaliknya > 61 tahun dan jenjang pendidikan SD berkontribusi dalam peran buruk.Kata Kunci : peran keluarga, kepatuhan minum obat, penyakit hipertensi.

2010 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 135
Kate Kelly

A Review of: Veinot, T., Harris, R., Bella, L., Rootman, I., & Krajnak, J. (2006). HIV/AIDS Information exchange in rural communities: Preliminary findings from a three-province study. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 30(3/4), 271-290. Objective –To explore and analyze, against three theoretical frameworks of information behaviours, how people with HIV/AIDS, their friends, and their family living in rural communities find information on HIV/AIDS. Design – Qualitative, individual, in-depth, semi-structured interviews. Setting – Two rural regions in Ontario, Canada. Subjects – Sixteen participants; 10 people with HIV/AIDS (PHAs) and 6 family members or friends. Methods – Participants were recruited through health care providers, social service agencies and through snowball sampling. Semi-structure interviews were conducted focusing on participants’ experience with HIV/AIDS, how they find and use information on HIV/AIDS, networks for information exchange and the effect of technology on information exchange. Interviews were taped, transcribed, analyzed qualitatively using NVivo software. Results were compared to three theoretical frameworks for information behaviour: 1. purposeful information seeking (i.e., the idea that people purposefully seek information to bridge perceived knowledge gaps); 2. non-purposeful or incidental information acquisition (i.e., the idea that people absorb information from going about daily activities); and 3. information gate keeping (i.e., the concept of private individuals who act as community links and filters for information gathering and dissemination). Main Results – Consistent with the theories: • PHAs prefer to receive information from people they have a personal relationship with, particularly their physician and especially other PHAs. • PHAs’ friends and families rely on their friends and family for information, and are particularly reliant upon the PHA in their lives. • Fear of stigma and discrimination cause some to avoid seeking information or to prefer certain sources of information, such as healthcare providers, who are bound by codes of professional conduct. • Emotional support is important in information provision and its presence supersedes the professional role of the provider (social workers and counsellors were identified as key information sources over medical professionals in this instance). Participants responded negatively to the perceived lack of support from providers including doubting the information provided. • PHAs monitor their worlds and keep up to date about HIV/AIDS. Inconsistent with theories: • Reliance on caregivers for information is not solely explained by fear of stigma or exposure. Rather, it is the specialized knowledge and immersion in HIV/AIDS which is valued. • The distinction between peer or kin sources of information and institutional information sources is less clear and relationships with professionals can turn personal over time. • Inter-personal connections include organisations, not just individuals, particularly AIDS Service Organizations and HIV specialist clinics. • Relatively few incidents of finding useful information about HIV/AIDS incidentally were described. The concept of information just being “out there” was not really applicable to rural settings, likely due to the lack of discussion within participant communities and local media. When it was discussed, participants reported being more likely to gain misinformation through their personal networks. • Incidental information acquisition originates mostly from professional and organisational sources. Participants identified posters, leaflets, and, for those who interacted with organisations, information via mail as contributing to current awareness. • The gate keeping concept does not capture all the information sharing activities undertaken by “gate keepers” in rural areas, and neither does it include formal providers of information, yet all PHAs interviewed identified formal providers as key sources. Conclusion – The findings reinforce some of the existing analytical framework theories, particularly the importance of affective components (i.e. emotional supports) of information seeking, the presence of monitoring behaviours, and of interpersonal sources of information. However, alternate theories may need to be explored as the role of institutional information sources in the lives of PHAs doesn’t match the theoretical predication and the “gate keeper” concept doesn’t capture a significant portion of that role in rural HIV/AIDS information exchange.

2018 ◽  
Emilie Mass Dalhaug ◽  
Lene Annette Hagen Haakstad

BACKGROUND Regular physical activity (PA), adequate gestational weight gain (GWG), and healthy eating are important for the long-term health of both mother and baby. Hence, it is important that women receive current and updated advice on these topics and are encouraged to adopt a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to investigate the main information sources among pregnant women regarding PA, GWG, and nutrition as well as to evaluate how these information sources may affect their health behaviors. METHODS A cross-sectional study design, comprising an electronic questionnaire, was distributed to 2 antenatal clinics, as well as pregnancy-related online chat forums and social media. The inclusion criteria were ≥18 years, ≥20 weeks gestation, and able to read and write Norwegian. In total, 150 pregnant women answered the questionnaire, which was a mix of 11-point Likert scales, close-ended questions, and semi–close-ended questions with the option to elaborate. The relationship between information sources and selected variables, including health behaviors and descriptive variables, were assessed by logistic regression, linear regression, or chi-square as appropriate (P<.05). RESULTS Mean age (years), gestation week, and prepregnancy body mass index (kg/m2) were 31.1 (SD 4.3), 30.6 (SD 5.9), and 24.2 (SD 4.2), respectively. More than eight out of 10 had received or retrieved information about nutrition (88.7%, 133/150) and PA (80.7%, 121/150), whereas 54.0% (81/150) reported information on GWG. When combining all 3 lifestyle factors, 38.5% had retrieved information from blogs and online forums and 26.6%, from their midwife or family physician. Women who reported the internet and media as their primary source of information on weight gain had increased odds of gaining weight below the Institute of Medicine (IOM) guidelines compared with gaining within the guidelines (odds ratio [OR] 15.5, 95% CI 1.4-167.4; P=.02). Higher compliance with nutritional guidelines was seen among those who cited the internet and media as their main source of information on nutrition (beta=.7, 95% CI 0.07-1.3; P=.03). On the other side, receiving advice from friends and family on weight gain was significantly associated with gaining weight above the IOM guidelines compared with gaining within the guidelines (OR 12.0, 95% CI 1.3-111.7; P=.03). No other associations were found between information sources and health behaviors. CONCLUSIONS The small number of health professionals giving information and the extensive use of internet- and media-based sources emphasize the need to address the quality of internet advice and guide women toward trustworthy sources of information during pregnancy. The association between information sources and PA, GWG, and nutrition requires further research.

Chunlan Guo ◽  
Timothy Sim ◽  
Guiwu Su

Rural communities are generally more vulnerable to natural hazards when compared to urban communities. Moreover, rural communities are diverse and unique in their place, population, agricultural production and culture, which make it challenging for different rural settings to prepare for disasters. There is a little comparison made about the individual disaster preparedness among rural communities with different geographic landforms. In this study, we examined the individual disaster preparedness of rural residents in three drought-and-flood-prone villages with different landforms (plains, loess plateau and mountains) via a cross-sectional self-report structured questionnaire survey conducted in Northwest China. We also adopted an ecological framework to examine the determinants of villagers’ individual disaster preparedness across different dimensions: place, individual sociodemographic factors, family socioeconomic status, hazard adaptations, community and neighbourhood influences. We found that place was a significant factor for disaster preparedness when controlling individual sociodemographic and family socioeconomic factors. The level of preparedness in the plains was higher than both mountains and plateau. Moreover, the villagers who had out-migrated to work reported a higher level of disaster preparedness than did local villagers. In addition, the community and neighbourhood played an important role in determining individual disaster preparedness. This research highlights the needs for tailored community-based disaster risk reduction programs to improve villagers’ knowledge and skills of disaster preparedness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 05 (04) ◽  
pp. 99-109
Thi Thu Ha Nguyen ◽  
Bich Huong Bui ◽  
Bich Diep Pham

Objectives: To describe people's access to information and the practice of COVID-19 pandemic prevention during the first lockdown in the period from 7thto 30th April. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 319 subjects through a convenient sampling procedure. Online self-administered questionnaires through social networks including Facebook, Zalo, etc were used. Descriptive statistics were used to present the data using mean, frequency and percentage. Results: The most popular information channels which people in urban and rural areas regularly accessed for COVID-19 related information were television and radio (55.6% and 72.7% respectively). The sources of information that the highest percentage of people accessed was the Government's /Ministry of Health’s SMS, followed by social media. People were most interested in searching for information about "Evolution of the epidemic COVID-19" and the least interested in the information about "Prevention according to folk beliefs and methods”. Proactive prevention practices were well implemented during the first lockdown such as "Wear a mask properly" with 99.1%, followed by "Minimize going to the street except in necessary cases" (98.8%) and "Stop non-urgent activities, work from home when needed" with 98.8%. The proportion of people who practiced "Clean the surface of objects with an antiseptic solution" was the lowest at 87.5%. Conclusion: Mass media and the Government information source are regular users to access information by respondents. Therefore, the information channel and source should be taken into account for health education in general and Covid -19 prevention in particular. Keywords: COVID-19, information, prevention.

2022 ◽  
pp. 104365962110668
Wei-Chen Tung ◽  
Daniel Jones ◽  
Minggen Lu

Introduction: Little is known about human papillomavirus (HPV) information sources and communication among Chinese students attending U.S. colleges. We assessed information sources and communication about HPV and HPV vaccines among this population. Methodology: A cross-sectional design with 449 participants was conducted by using a questionnaire and snowball sampling. Summary statistics and multiple logistic regression were used. Results: The most common sources of HPV information included the internet and friends. Communication about HPV occurred most frequently among friends, family, and health professionals. Those who had better HPV knowledge and attitudes and were vaccinated against HPV were more likely to use internet, friends, family, and health professionals as their information sources. Discussion: Because the internet, friends, and families are likely sources for HPV information and communication, future internet-based culturally appropriate education should offer information not only to Chinese students but also to their social circles. Cultural beliefs may affect HPV prevention and should be examined.

2009 ◽  
Vol 24 (S1) ◽  
pp. 1-1
B. Najafianpour

Adolescence is known as a period of major hormonal, physical, and psychological changes. Stress and anxiety during adolescence are associated with different factors. The aim of this study is to investigate and examine the associations between stress and anxiety and different sources of information received by adolescent students regarding puberty, as well as evaluating the intensity and degree of puberty's stress and anxiety. Using a cross-sectional method, two groups of students belonging to two different economic family levels were chosen randomly. Spillberger's test for anxiety and stress was applied utilizing a personal-familial data questionnaire. In this research, parents, teachers, friends, and media (books, TV, radio, magazines, internet, and so on) were considered as the major sources for information regarding puberty for the subjects in the groups under investigation. The obtained results have shown a meaningful impact of the pubertal information sources on the intensity and degree of stress and anxiety experienced by the individuals of each investigated group (p=< 0/001). Hence, characteristics and the types of sources used by adolescents to obtain pubertal information have a significant impact on controlling puberty's stress and anxiety in adolescents.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (Supplement_4) ◽  
Ž Žandaras ◽  
R Stukas

Abstract Backgroud For effective non-communicable disease prevention and health promotion programs, it is very important to know from where the targeted audience gets all the information on nutrition (NI). The shortage of this information lead to the aim of this study - to determine the main sources of NI of various socio-economic groups. Methods Cross-sectional study was conducted in 2019. 1007 residents of Lithuania aged 18-75 were surveyed by anonymous questionnaire. Survey was carried out by using multi-stage stratified random sampling. Chi square test was used for the data analysis. Results More than half respondents (58.6% (95% CI: 55.5; 61.6)) indicated that one of their main sources of NI is internet, 47.2% (95% CI: 44.1; 50.3) of respondents trusts television and radio. Only one third of residents (36% (95% CI: 33.1; 39.1)) indicated physicians and pharmacists as the main source of NI and only 20.6% (95% CI: 18.2; 23.2) of them received NI from specialized nutrition and health magazines. Younger people were more likely to choose internet as the main source of NI (65,7%, 58%, 54,1% accordingly (p = 0.004)). Internet as the main source of NI was significantly related to residence, education, income and marital status. The number of respondents who identified television as the main source of IN was significantly higher among the rural population (53.2%) and small-town population (52.9%) than among the population of big cities (39.4%) (p &lt; 0.0001). Choosing television as one of main source of NI was significantly related to age, education, income and marital status. 24.3% of women and 16.4% of man indicated that the main source is specialized nutrition and health magazines (p = 0.002). Conclusions Best place for spreading NI is internet and television. When trying to target young people the best place is internet and for targeting senior citizens NI is better to carry out by television and radio. Key messages Most population gets information about nutrition from internet and television. Most young people gets information about nutrition from internet and most older people gets information from television and radio.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
Effiong Ekong Akpan ◽  
Udeme E. Ekrikpo ◽  
Aniema I. A. Udo ◽  
Bassey Edet Bassey

Recent studies have shown an increasing trend in the prevalence of hypertension in rural communities compared to that of the urban communities. This study was therefore carried out to determine the prevalence of hypertension and its predictors (if any) in both urban and rural communities of Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria.Subjects and Method. This was a cross-sectional study of urban and rural communities of Akwa Ibom State for the prevalence of hypertension and its predictors. Two urban cities and two rural communities were randomly selected from the three senatorial districts of the state. Hypertension was defined based on the Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of Hypertension.Results. Nine hundred and seventy-eight (978) participants were recruited from rural areas and five hundred and ninety (590) from urban centers. The rural populace had higher systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial blood pressure than the urban populace (P<0.001, < 0.002, < 0.001, resp.). The prevalence of hypertension was significantly higher in the rural populace than in the urban populace [44.3% (95% CI 41.1–47.4%) versus 28.6% (95% CI 24.9–32.3%)]. Age, BMI, and proteinuria were independent predictors of hypertension occurrence.Conclusion. There is an epidemiologic change in the prevalence of hypertension in the rural communities of Nigeria.

2021 ◽  
Matthew J Grawitch ◽  
Kristi Lavigne

Vaccine hesitancy among the general population has become a primary concern for contending with the COVID pandemic as policymakers continue to exhaust options to incentivize individuals and vaccination uptake begins stagnating. The current study explores the relative contributions of several potential predictors of vaccine hesitancy. In an online cross-sectional survey study, 917 individuals from the U.S. were assessed on general and COVID-specific vaccine attitudes, COVID conspiracy and pseudoscientific beliefs, trust in various sources of information about COVID, and health and safety concerns surrounding the COVID vaccination. COVID vaccine attitudes, as well as general vaccine attitudes and behaviors, explained a substantial amount of variance, with trust in various information sources being moderately predictive of COVID vaccine attitudes. The data indicated a weak relationship between conspiracy and pseudoscientific beliefs, which disappeared altogether upon controlling for other variables. These findings suggest that efforts to confront vaccine hesitancy should go beyond confronting misinformation and consider initiatives aimed at trust enhancement and attitude change in vaccine-hesitant individuals.

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