scholarly journals Status Kesuburan Perairan Laut ditinjau dari Keragaman Plankton di Kawasan Kepala Burung, Papua Barat

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Suharno Suharno ◽  
Daniel Lantang

Papua is well known asa megabiodiversity area because it has high diverse biological resources; on the other hand the diversity of plankton biota has not been much studied. Plankton has an important role in the food chain system in the waters, both at sea, freshwater and brackish. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of marine water fertility based on the presence of plankton diversity in the Kepala Burung, West Papua Province. The method used was a survey, with sampling at six (6) point coordinates in Manokwari and Sorong regency. The results showed that there were 66 types of plankton found in marine waters Manokwari and Sorong, Kepala Burung region, West Papua Province. Therefore these waters are still quite fertile with diversity index (H') in Manokwari was 2.80 (32 types of plankton), whereas in Sorong 3.16 (48 species).Key words: plankton, water fertility, Manokwari, Sorong, West Papua Province.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Dida Kusnida ◽  
Tommy Naibaho ◽  
Yulinar Firdaus ◽  
Ali Albab

Studi rekaman seismik multi-kanal dari Cekungan Aru, Papua Barat yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan KR Geomarin III pada tahun 2016, bertujuan untuk menginventarisir dan memetakan aspek-aspek geologi serta untuk studi geo-tektonik dan sejarah geologi. Data seismik menunjukan bahwa urutan sedimen di Cekungan Aru ditandai oleh sedimen pra-ekstensi, sedimen sin-ekstensi, sedimen pos-ekstensi dan sedimen sin-inversi. Pengamatan mikroskopis inti sedimen permukaan dasar laut umumnya menunjukkan adanya fragmen cangkang kerang dan foraminifera, mineral mafik dan residu organik dari lignit berwarna coklat kehitaman. Kata kunci: Cekungan Aru, stratigrafi seismik, sedimen.Study on multi-channel seismic records from the Aru Basin, West Papua obtained using RV Geomarin III in 2016 were aimed to invent and map geological aspects and for geo-tectonic and geological history studies. Seismic data confirmed that sediment sequence in Aru Basin is characterized by pre-extension sediments, syn-extension sediments, syn-extension sediments and syn-inversion sediments. Microscopic observations of the core of surficial sediments generally show the presence of shell fragments and foraminiferas, mafic minerals and organic residuals of blackish-brownish lignite. Key words: Aru Basin, seismic stratigraphy, sediments.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
. Alianto ◽  
. Hendri ◽  
. Suhaemi

Total Nitrogen (TN) and Phosphate (TP) are the two bio-elements essential that determine the source of life in the waters, including marine waters. This study aims to determine the concentration of TN and TP in the Doreri Bay. The study was conducted from January to March 2012. The sampling of seawater in situ performed three times in the six research stations. Measurement of sea water samples also carried out ex-situ by using method persulphate and peroxidisulphate for each concentration of TN and TP. The measurement results obtained an average TN concentration ranging from 0.053 to 0.165 mg/L with a higher tendency at station 1, 2 and 5 respectively of 0.102 mg/L; 0.100 mg/L; and 0.165 mg/L. While TP concentrations ranged from 0.017 to 0.038 mg/L with a value equal concentrations tended at each station observations. The results showed the value of the concentration of TN tend to vary and TP relatively stable or not varies.Total Nitrogen (TN) dan Fosfat (TP) merupakan dua unsur bioelemen penting yang menentukan sumber kehidupan di perairan termasuk perairan laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi TN dan TP di perairan Teluk Doreri. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Januari 2012 sampai Maret 2012. Pengambilan contoh air laut dilakukan secara in situ sebanyak tiga kali pada enam stasiun penelitian. Pengukuran contoh air laut dilakukan secara eks situ, konsentrasi TN diukur  dengan metode persulphate dan TP dengan metode peroxodisulphate. Hasil pengukuran diperoleh rata-rata konsentrasi TN berkisar dari 0,053 – 0,165 mg/L dengan kecenderungan lebih tinggi pada stasiun 1, 2 dan 5 dengan nilai konsentrasi secara berturut-turut sebesar 0,102 mg/L; 0,100 mg/L; dan 0,165 mg/L.  Konsentasi TP berkisar dari  0,017 – 0,038 mg/L dengan nilai konsentrasi yang cenderung sama pada setiap stasiun pengamatan.  Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan nilai konsentrasi TN cenderung  bervariasi dan TP relatif stabil atau tidak bervariasi. 

2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 67 ◽  
Muh. Dassir

The plant diversity using shanon index and the farmer income level were investigated in this study. This information is very important to contribute some improvement of agroforestry pattern related to the farmer welfare and the ecological productivity in upperstream Minraleng Sub Watershed. Results show that the diversity index of mix public forest was higher than the other patterns, eventhough it has a lower contribution compared to paddyfield. Paddyfield and unirigated-land have a higher contribution to farmer income, but they have lower diversity indexes. In contrast, candlenut monoculture and mix garden have higher diversity indexes and lower contribution to farmer income. A plant diversification under candlenut stands and an economical plant intensification on mix garden were needed to increase the farmer income and the diversity of economic plants. Key words: Diversity index, farmer income, agroforestry, Minraleng Sub Watershed References

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-58
Sudarmono Sudarmono

Waigeo Island people in Warsamdin Village are remote from the West Papua mainland. But now transportation is easier after becoming a maritime tourism destination for the international community and traditional influences turn out to be modern as is the use of traditional medicine. Traditional knowledge about medicines still relies naturally on utilizing medicinal plants. This study aims to explore the potential of medicinal plants in the Warsamdin community, Waigeo Island, West Papua for generations. The method used by interviewing indigenous elders known as Old Man is either the local name of a medicinal plant, how to use it and as a traditional medicine and traced the morphology of the plant species. Local names are some commonly used species, namely Min ikanu (Morinda citryfolia), Kanaul leaves (Hibiscus sp), Deawas (Psidium guava), red fruit (Pandanus conoideus), Kokanu kaluku, Kiom ikanui, Umare ukani, Bim ikani, Wit ikani , Kokanu matalu. Kabaji and Gaviol. Knowledge of medicinal plants is a knowledge gained through the use of local customs that are descended from the origin of the tribe from Biak Island. These limitations are also influenced by the species of medicinal plants available in the area. The role of medicinal plants is still believed to be able to cure diseases and help cure pain.   Key words: etnomedicine, Warsamdin village, Waigeo island, Raja Ampat, West Papua

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-79
Reza Saputra ◽  
Djefry Tibalia ◽  
Fajar Darwis ◽  
Akbar Sumirto

Orchid diversity studies have been conducted at the Sorong Nature Park, Sorong City, West Papua. There are 84 collection numbers consisting of 69 epiphytic orchids, 14 terrestrial orchids, and 1 holomycotrophic orchid. This number belongs to 34 genera and 84 species, which are native species with at least 36 endemic species.  Dendrobium, Bulbophyllum, and Taeniophyllum are the three genera with the highest numbers of species. Key words: Orchid, Diversity, Sorong National Park, West Papua. 

2017 ◽  
Ismail Suardi Wekke

This paper identifies three pillar of society in great area of Sorong. West Papua reflects a cooperation and harmony on religious encounter. They live in multicultural society. In addition, this situation is living as religiosity practice. This paper discusses the condition on West Papua and its exercise to understanding others. On the other hand, there are dissimilarities and differences on daily life.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Troce Mayor ◽  
Herny EI Simbala ◽  
Roni Koneri

Abstrak            Hutan mangrove merupakan formasi hutan yang tumbuh dan berkembang pada daerah landai di muara sungai dan pesisir pantai yang dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut dan pantai berlumpur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biodiversitas mangrove di Pulau Mansuar Kabupaten Raja Ampat, Provinsi Papua Barat. Metode yang digunakan yaitu transek kuadrat. Hasil penelitian ditemukan sebanyak 6 famili 11 spesies dan 554 individu mangrove. Komposisi individu tertinggi dimiliki oleh spesies Rhizophora apiculata, sedangkan terendah yaitu spesies Xylocarpus rumpii. Indeks keanekaragaman, kekayaan, dan kelimpahan spesies mangrove pada semua tingkat pertumbuhan tertinggi pada stasiun 3, sedangkan terendah pada stasiun 1. Berdasarkan besaran kriteria yang dikemukakan oleh Shannon-Weiner maka indeks keanekaragaman mangrove di Pantai Yenbubua, Kepulauan Mansuar tergolong kategori sedang. Kata kunci: biodiversitas, kekayaan spesies, Pulau Mansuar, Rhizophora apiculata. Abstract Mangrove forests are forest formations that grow and flourish in slopes at the mouth of the rivers and coastal areas that are affected by tidal sea water and muddy beaches. This study aimed to analyze the biodiversity of mangroves in Mansuar Island, Raja Ampat District, West Papua Province. The method used was quadrat transects. The results of the study showed that there were 6 families of 11 species and 554 individuals. The highest composition of the individual mangrove species was Rhizophora apiculata, while the lowest composition was Xylocarpus rumpii.  The highest diversity index, richness, and abudance spesies in a various growth rate were observed in the station 3, while these lowest parameters were found in the station 1. Based on the magnitude of the criteria proposed by Shannon-Weiner, the index of mangrove diversity in Yenbubua Beach, Mansuar Islands was classified as medium category. Keywords: biodiversity, Mansuar Island, Rhizophora apiculata, species richness    

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-70
Slamet Arif Susanto ◽  
Heru Joko Budirianto ◽  
Agatha Cecilia Maturbongs ◽  
Simeon Abdi Putra

During successionally process the non-woody plant understory cover related to dominance of tree vegetation around successional land. Fallow land are models of secondary successional are present the land of New Guinea (Papua). The study was conducted at fallow land 15 years old Womnowi, Sidey Manokwari West Papua to determine the important value index (IVI), diversity, evenness, and describe potential species composition of vegetation non-woody plant understory cover. We used continouse line sampling method when field inventory and make purposive sampling 2x2 m each a plot 20x20 m. We had found 749 individual part of 41 species, highest IVI are Sellaginella wyldenowii (25.04%), Selaginella sp (23.44%)., and Spathoglottis plicata (14.60%), diversity index Shannon-Weiner (Hʹ) is 3.13, and evenness (E) is 0.84. We also had found orchids and some unique Arecaceae and some species can used by local wisdom like Diplazium esculentum and Pothos spp. Based the floristic composition of analysis vegetation we temporary conclude non-woody plant understory cover are shade plant.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 562
Sylvia Margareth Sabarofek ◽  
Paulus Habel Sawor ◽  
Makarius Bajari

The purpose of this study was to study the effect of work discipline variable and simultaneous work ability and competence at the West Papua Province Social Service Office. This research is a quantitative study. The sampling method uses Non Probability Sampling and the sampling technique uses Saturated Sampling. The result of this study indicate that the variable work discipline is not significant on employee performance, and subsequent research result indicate that work ability variables partially have a siginificant effect on employee performance. Also showed a variable work discipline and work ability significantly to the performance of employess in the West Papua Province Social Service Office. Improving the performance of West papua Provincial Social Service Office employees must provide work coordination and work capabilities together to improve employee performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 65-69
Mao Nguyen Van ◽  
Dong Tran Nam

Background: Pigmented tumour of the skin is one of the common tumour in human including the benign pigmented tumours (more common) called Nevi tumours and the malignant one called melanoma which was less frequent but the most poor in prognosis. In addition, the others not belonging to these group had the same clinical appearance, so the application of histopathology and immunohistochemistry for the definitive diagnosis was indespensible. Objectives: 1. To describe the macroscopic features of the pigmented tumoral-like lesions; 2. To classify the histopathologic types of the pigmented cell tumours and the other pigmented tumours of the skin. Materials and Method: Cross-sectional research on 55 patients diagnosed as pigmented tumoral lesions by clinician, then all definitively diagnosed by histopathology combining the immunohistochemistry in difficult cases. Results: There was no difference in gender, the disease was discovered most common in adult, especially with the age over 51 years old (58.1%). the most region located was in the face accounting for 60%, following the trunk and limbs (14.6%, 12.8% respectively). All 3 malignant melanomas happened in foot. The most common color of the lesions was black (65.4%), the other ones were rose, grey and blue. Histopathology and immunohisthochemistry showed that the true pigmented cell tumours were 52.6% encompassing benign ones (Nevi tumour) (41.8%), melanoma (5.4%) and lentigo (5.4%). 47.4% was not the true pigmented cell tumour including pigmented basocellular carcinoma (36.4%) and the others less common as histiofibromas, acanthoma and papilloma. Conclusion: the pigmented tumoral-like lesions of the skin could be the true pigmented cell tumours and the others, so the application of the histopathology and the immunohistochemistry after the clinical discovery helps to determine and classify the disease definitely and for the best orientation of treatment as well. Key words: skin tumour, benign pigmented tumour (Nevi), malignant pigmented tumour (melanoma), pigmented basocellular carcinoma

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