2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Thoyibatun Nisa

Penelitian ini menganalisis kinerja keuangan perusahaan dengan menggunakan rasio profitabilitas, dan rasio likuiditas pada perusahaan sektor pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 3 perusahaan pertambangan yaitu PT Adaro Energi Tbk, PT Aneka Tambang Persero Tbk, dan PT Ratu Prabu Energi Tbk yang  terdaftar di Bursa Efek  Indonesia. Menurut Ross Stephen (2000) kinerja keuangan suatu perusahaan dapat dinilai dengan menggunakan beberapa teknik analisis keuangan, yaitu: analisis rasio keuangan,  analisis common size, analisis horizontal/trend, analisis sumber dan penggunaan kas, dan analisis diskriminan/Z-Score. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam menganalisis adalah teknik analisis rasio keuangan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan secara keseluruhan rasio profitabilitas dan rasio likuiditas PT Adaro Energi Tbk, PT Aneka Tambang Persero Tbk, dan PT Ratu Prabu Energi Tbk. Kata Kunci: Profitabilitas,  Likuiditas, dan Kinerja Keuangan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Indar Khaerunnisa ◽  
Edy Cahyadi

The Indonesian government has set the motor vehicle industry as one of the priority industries of the national interest, economic growth, and increased productivity. In order for the survival of a company is maintained, then the management should be able to maintain or even more spur increased performance. Various analyzes were developed to predict the beginning of the bankruptcy of the company. One analysis is widely used today is the analysis of Altman Z-Score, which this analysis refers to the financial ratios of the company. The purpose of this study was to analyze the bankruptcy of the automotive components companies that go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange year period 2011–2015. This study used a sample of four companies from the automotive components sector. Source of data is done by using secondary data. The data is processed by the method of the Z-score formula Z = 1,2X1 + 1,4X2 + 3,3X3 + 0,6X4 + 0,999X5. With the description of Z < 1,8 the company categorized into unhealthy/will be bankrupt, the value Z 1,8 < 2,99 the company is considered to be in the uncertain/grey area and the value of Z > 2,99 then the company is in a very healthy. In general, the results of these studies indicate that the four automtive components companies namely PT Astra Otoparts year 2011 value of Z = 14,67 year 2012 value of Z = 10,88 year 2013 value of Z = 13,90 year 2014 value of Z = 10,54 year 2015 value of Z = 4,94, PT Gajah Tunggal year 2011 value of Z = 5,72 year 2012 value of Z = 4,75 year 2013 value of Z = 3,10 year 2014 value of Z = 2,79 year 2015 value of Z = 1,58 and the average value of 2011-2015 periode Z = 3,59, PT Goodyear Indonesia year 2011 value of Z = 2,07 year 2012 value of Z = 2,44 year 2013 value of Z = 2,57 year 2014 value of Z = 2,02 year 2015 value of Z = 2,76, PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional year 2011 value of Z = 6,19 year 2012 value of Z = 3,99 year 2013 value of Z = 3,17 year 2014 value of Z = 2,59 year 2015 value of Z = 1,74. The average value 2011-2015 period showed 3 companies are in very healthy state and 1 company is in the uncertain/grey area. Keywords: Financial Ratio Analysis, Analysis of bankruptcy, Altman Z-Score Analysis, Automotive Components Company, Go Public.

L.A. Bokeriia ◽  
S.V. Kalashnikov ◽  
I.E. Nefedova

Цель.Определить морфометрические и гемодинамические критерии возможности выполнения двухжелудочковой коррекции у новорожденных и детей первого года жизни с врожденными пороками сердца (ВПС), сопровождающимися гипоплазией структур левого сердца. Материал и методы. В период с 2003 по 2016 г. в НМИЦССХ им. А.Н. Бакулева было пролечено 56 пациентов первого года жизни со сложными ВПС, сочетающимися с гипоплазией структур левых отделов сердца. В зависимости от морфометрических и морфофункциональных данных пациенты были разделены на две группы: 1-я группа одномоментной двухжелудочковой коррекции (n29), 2-я этапной двухжелудочковой коррекции (n27). Средний возраст на момент первичного поступления составил 35,955,4 дня (от 1 дня до 7,5 мес), масса тела на момент первичного обращения в общей группе 3,81,1 (2,177,6) кг, площадь поверхности тела 0,240,047 (0,160,36) м2. Z-score митрального клапана (МК) на момент первичного вмешательства в 1-й группе составил 2,770,70 (0,84...4,14), Z-score аортального клапана (АК) составил 2,890,85 (0,58...4,5), индексированный конечный диастолический объем левого желудочка (иКДО ЛЖ) 21,33,99 (1635). Z-score МК на момент первичного вмешательства во 2-й группе составил 3,540,74 (1,55...4,70), Z-score АК составил 4,351,11 (2,63...7,04), иКДО ЛЖ 17,663,06 (1222). Всем пациентам были выполнены различные оперативные вмешательства, направленные на создание двухжелудочковой гемодинамики. Пациенты, умершие в раннем послеоперационном периоде по причине сердечной недостаточности, составили группу контроля (8 пациентов). Результаты. Если размеры (Z-score) кольца МК более 4,5, кольца АК более 6, выводного отдела ЛЖ более 6, восходящей аорты более 4, дуги аорты более 4, иКДО ЛЖ (мл/м2) более 15, отношение длины ЛЖ/ПЖ по продольной оси 0,8 и более, то оптимальным является выполнение одножелудочковой коррекции. Были определены гемодинамические и морфометрические показания к одномоментной и этапной двухжелудочковой коррекции. Выводы. У пациентов со сложными ВПС, сочетающимися с гипоплазией структур левых отделов сердца и обструкцией кровотока через левые отделы, успешная двухжелудочковая коррекция возможна не менее чем в 85 случаев.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 287-324
Dewi Laela Hilyatin

Abstract Bankruptcy is a very essential issue that every company should be aware of. Bankruptcy of a company can be minimized by advanced prediction; such as analyzing the financial statements. This study discusses the financial performance of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk, which indicates that there is a degression in some number of financial ratios, the closing of offices and firing of employees in 2012-2016, causing he fact that BMI must pay attention and improve its financial performance and anticipate the existence of a bankruptcy in the company. Based on Altman analysis modification for financial performance of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in 2012-2016, it found Z-Score value of 0,825, 0,659, 1,243, 0,982 and 0,892. Based on Z-Score criteria, PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk is predicted to experience problems in management and financial structure and also in potentially bankruptcy due to Z-Score value <1,1 while the highest Z-Score value is in 2014, which shows the value of Z-Score>1,1 and <2,6, which means the company is in the gray area, meaning the company’s category is not said to be bankrupt and also not healthy. Keywords: Bankruptcy, Altman Modification Method

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 122
Andi Silvan

AbstractThis study takes the topic of predicting corporate bankruptcies. This research dqlam use traditional methods Altman Z-Score and Zmijewski. The purpose of this study was to obtain in-depth information about predicting bankruptcy of companies that are not necessarily directly to bankruptcy, but there is financial distress.Based on the results of research conducted on the four (4) non industrial manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). Obtaining the value z-score represents the average company are in good condition, which means no financial distress. Acquisition value of x-score has a value of less than 0 (zero) which means that the company is in good condition and is predicted not experiencing financial difficulties. This study led to the conclusion that the Altman Z-Score and Zmijewski method can be used to predict corporate bankruptcy. Keywords: Financial Ratios, Bankruptcy, Company.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-156
M. Recher ◽  
A. Botte ◽  
J.-B. Baudelet ◽  
S. Leteurtre ◽  
F. Godart

L’incidence des patients avec une insuffisance cardiaque diastolique a augmenté au cours des dernières années. De nombreuses études épidémiologiques, physiopathologiques, cliniques ou pronostiques ont été menées pour comprendre cette nouvelle entité. L’étude et l’analyse de la fonction diastolique (FD) sont devenues des temps essentiels de l’examen échocardiographique. Cet article a pour objectifs : 1) de faire le point sur la physiologie de la FD du ventricule gauche (VG) et sur son évaluation chez l’enfant ; 2) d’envisager des applications cliniques en réanimation pédiatrique pour lesquelles son évaluation est importante. L’évaluation de la FD du VG est complexe, en plein essor et encore peu réalisée en pédiatrie. De plus, la tachycardie chez l’enfant et les particularités pédiatriques encore méconnues rendent difficile l’analyse de certains paramètres. L’ETT est l’examen complémentaire incontournable pour évaluer la FD du VG, mais en cours d’étude chez l’enfant. L’évaluation de la FD du VG devrait faire partie intégrante des paramètres échocardiographiques à prendre en considération pour certaines situations (évaluation de la réponse au remplissage vasculaire et de la sevrabilité à la ventilation mécanique, ajustement des traitements…) afin de mieux comprendre sa mesure et l’utiliser en routine clinique. On retiendra que pour l’évaluation échocardiographique chez l’enfant de réanimation : dans un premier temps évaluer la fonction systolique puis s’efforcer d’évaluer l’évolution de la FD par les pressions de remplissage par des paramètres simples (doppler mitral et tissulaire) ajustés au Z-score (urihttp://www.parameterz.com tels que les rapports E/e’ et E/A, le volume indexé de l’OG, le tout assorti au contexte clinique et à la cinétique des paramètres biologiques (BNP, NT pro-BNP).

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 79-83
Eka Utami Putri ◽  
Syahdan Syahdan

The purpose of this research was to find out the students' ability in applying Possessive pronoun in writing sentences and the problems encounter it.  This mixed method study employs an explanatory design to reveals it. 53 students out of 105 students from1st semester EFL students from one reputable University in Pekanbaru, Indonesia, were invited to this study. These 53 students were selected using simple random sampling and enrolled for an essay test and interview to see the students' ability and explaining the problems. The data analysis using SPSS showed that the average score of students was 52.98. Meanwhile for the median is 48, the mode is 20. The score of Standard Deviation is 27.93, Variance is 780.25, and Range is 84.  Z-Score was found 41.5%, which is means higher than average and 58.5% while, students' ability was indicated below the average. It showed that the students were low ability in applying possessive pronoun in writing sentences. The study also found the common problems, i.e., (1) students still mixed up between possessive pronoun and possessive adjectives. (2) students used the wrong pattern in using a possessive pronoun. (3) students did not understand clearly about a possessive pronoun, (4) experiencing difficulties in learning possessive pronoun. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-76
Alfian Ronggo Pribadi

Penlitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan apakah perusahaan yang melakukan kecurangan akuntansi dengan yang tidak melakukan kecurangan akuntansi memiliki nilai rasio yang berbeda secara signifikan dengan menggunakan dua model pendeteksi kecurangan akuntansi  yaitu Beneish M-Score da Altman Z-Score. Penelitian ini menggunakan delapan variabel yaitu debt to equity ratio , debt to total asset ratio, net profit to revenue ratio, current asset to total asset ratio, receivable to revenue ratio, inventory to total asset ratio,working capital to total asset ratio dan revenue to total asset ratio. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2010-2016. Total sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 57 perusahaan  dengan jumlah observasi sebanyak 212. Pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji beda independent sample t-test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel  debt to equity ratio , debt to total asset ratio, net profit to revenue ratio, working capital to total asset ratio dan revenue to total asset ratio memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan antara perusahaan yang melakukan kecurangan akuntansi dengan yang tidak melakukan kecurangan akuntansi. Sedangkan untuk variabel current asset to total asset ratio, receivable to revenue ratio , dan inventory to total asset ratio tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan antara perusahaan yang melakukan kecurangan akuntansi dengan yang tidak melakukan kecurangan akuntansi.  

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