scholarly journals Perceived Stress Levels and Support of Student Disability Services

Sarah Ardell ◽  
Peter Beug ◽  
Kayla Hrudka

Perceived stress of university students tends to be higher for students with disabilities compared to students without disabilities. Students with disabilities may therefore require campus support to manage additional stress they encounter. The current study investigated the relationship between students’ perceived stress levels and enrollment in university campus Disability Services for Students (DSS). Three groups of university students were studied: those without disabilities (n = 42), those with disabilities registered with DSS (n = 21), and those with disabilities not registered with DSS (n = 23). Three hypotheses were tested. First, students with disabilities would have higher overall perceived stress levels compared to students without disabilities. Second, students with disabilities who were not registered with DSS would experience a higher level of perceived stress compared to students with disabilities who were registered with DSS. Third, students with disabilities registered with DSS would have a similar level of perceived stress to students without disabilities. Student participants completed an online self-report survey containing the Perceived Stress Scale(Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983). A one-way analysis of variance was conducted to investigate potential differences in perceived stress levels between the three groups. The results indicated that students with disabilities reported higher levels of stress compared to their peers without disabilities, yet DSS had no significant effect on perceived stress among students with disabilities. With these findings, we suggest that further research on the relationship between DSS and other academic factors, such as students’ grade point average, should be conducted.

Psichologija ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 39 ◽  
pp. 59-70 ◽  
Konstantinas Kononovas ◽  
Theodora Dallas

138 studentai iš trijų šalių (Japonijos (45), Lietuvos (50) ir JAV (43)) buvo apklausti, siekiant nustatyti, kaip skirtingų kultūrų žmonės suvokia stresą ir kaip patiriamo streso lygis susijęs su individo tikėjimu, kad pavyks pasiekti tikslą, bei su savo Aš efektyvumo vertinimu. Vadovautasi prielaida, kad skirtingos kultūros lemia skirtingą streso išgyvenimą, o stresą patiriantis žmogus vertina savo Aš efektyvumą dar ir priklausomai nuo jį supančios kultūros. Tiksliau tariant, kolektyvistas, t. y. kolektyvistinės kultūros atstovas, išgyvens didesnį stresą ir prasčiau vertins savo Aš efektyvumą, palyginti su tokią pat situaciją išgyvenančiu individualistu, t. y. individualistinės kultūros atstovu. Tyrimas parodė, kad JAV studentai, kaip didesni individualistai, geriau vertina savo Aš efektyvumą ir išgyvena mažesnį stresą nei Lietuvos studentai, gyvenantys bendruomeniškesnėje aplinkoje. Japonijoje atlikto tyrimo rezultatai taip pat parodė, kad japonų studentai, pačios bendruomeniškiausios iš tirtų tautos atstovai, išgyveno didžiausią stresą, prasčiausiai vertino savo Aš efektyvumą. Gauti duomenys rodo, kad gilinantis į Aš efektyvumo, suvokiamo streso ir kultūrinių orientacijų ryšį, būtų galima rasti atsakymą į klausimą, kaip skirtingose kultūrose gyvuojanti streso samprata padeda žmogui atlaikyti jo padarinius.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: kultūrinės orientacijos, individualizmas, kolektyvizmas, Aš efektyvumas, stresas. A cross-cultural comparisonof perceived stress and self-efficacy across Japanese, U.S. and Lithuanian students Konstantinas Kononovas, Theodora Dallas SummaryA sample of 138 university students across Japan (45), Lithuania (50) and USA (43) were surveyed in order to compare their cultural orientations, self-efficacy and perceived stress levels. It was predicted that cultural orientations might differently affect participants’ levels of perceived stress and self-efficacy. Specifically, collectivists would have higher levels of stress and lower levels of self-efficacy in comparison with individualists. This study found that US students scored higher on individualistic scales, self-efficacy, and lower on perceived stress. In contrast, Lithuanian students had lower results on individualistic scales, self-efficacy, and higher on perceived stress. Lastly, Japanese students had significantly different results in comparison with Americans and in some cases with Lithuanians, scoring higher on collectivistic scales, perceived stress, and lower on self-efficacy. The implications of these results require an explanatory examination of the relationship between self-efficacy, stress and cultural orientations.Keywords: cultural orientations, individualism, collectivism, self-efficacy, stress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Dan Wu ◽  
Tingzhong Yang ◽  
Daniel L. Hall ◽  
Guihua Jiao ◽  
Lixin Huang ◽  

Abstract Background The COVID-19 pandemic brings unprecedented uncertainty and stress. This study aimed to characterize general sleep status among Chinese residents during the early stage of the outbreak and to explore the network relationship among COVID-19 uncertainty, intolerance of uncertainty, perceived stress, and sleep status. Methods A cross-sectional correlational survey was conducted online. A total of 2534 Chinese residents were surveyed from 30 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions of China and regions abroad during the period from February 7 to 14, 2020, the third week of lockdown. Final valid data from 2215 participants were analyzed. Self-report measures assessed uncertainty about COVID-19, intolerance of uncertainty, perceived stress, and general sleep status. Serial mediation analysis using the bootstrapping method and path analysis were applied to test the mediation role of intolerance of uncertainty and perceived stress in the relationship between uncertainty about COVID-19 and sleep status. Results The total score of sleep status was 4.82 (SD = 2.72). Age, place of residence, ethnicity, marital status, infection, and quarantine status were all significantly associated with general sleep status. Approximately half of participants (47.1%) reported going to bed after 12:00 am, 23.0% took 30 min or longer to fall asleep, and 30.3% slept a total of 7 h or less. Higher uncertainty about COVID-19 was significantly positively correlated with higher intolerance of uncertainty (r = 0.506, p < 0.001). The mediation analysis found a mediating role of perceived stress in the relationship between COVID-19 uncertainty and general sleep status (β = 0.015, 95%C.I. = 0.009–0.021). However, IU was not a significant mediator of the relationship between COVID-19 uncertainty and sleep (β = 0.009, 95%C.I. = − 0.002–0.020). Moreover, results from the path analysis further showed uncertainty about COVID-19 had a weak direct effect on poor sleep (β = 0.043, p < 0.05); however, there was a robust indirect effect on poor sleep through intolerance of uncertainty and perceived stress. Conclusions These findings suggest that intolerance of uncertainty and perceived stress are critical factors in the relationship between COVID-19 uncertainty and sleep outcomes. Results are discussed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and practical policy implications are also provided.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Loucia Demetriou ◽  
Lydia Keramioti ◽  
Demetris Hadjicharalambous

Governments worldwide have implemented strict physical and social distancing measures to prevent contamination from the COVID-19 pandemic and flatten the epidemic curve. Recent findings show that university students have experienced increased anxiety and moderate-to-severe stress because of confinement measures (quarantine) (Husky et al., 2020; Islam et al., 2020). In Cyprus, universities switched to distance learning in mid-March 2020. The present research examined the social and academic challenges that university students are experiencing during the lockdown measures to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We focused on assessing the students' stress levels while they were trying to adjust to distance learning and while, at the same time, balancing their jobs with their studies. We considered whether they lived with or separated from their family and friends during that time. Our study is a quantitative study with a sample of 80 students from Cyprus and Greece who attended a private university in Cyprus until November 2020. We collected our data using Beck's Anxiety Inventory and a self-report e-questionnaire, which we created especially for the purposes of our study. The instrument was generated using the Google Form, and shared through social media platforms. We analysed data with the chi-square test application to detect correlations between working and non-working students and students who lived with or away from their family network during the lockdown regarding their stress levels and their adaptability to distance-learning. Results indicated statistically significant positive correlations between employment, distance learning, students' anxiety and stress levels. <p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0790/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Romualdas Malinauskas ◽  
Audrone Dumciene ◽  
Saule Sipaviciene ◽  
Vilija Malinauskiene

This study investigated the role of gender as a potential predictor of health behaviour and potential moderator of the relationship between emotional intelligence and health behaviour. This cross-sectional study included 1214 students (597 males and 617 females). Data were collected using the Schutte Self-Report Inventory and the Health Behaviour Checklist. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was executed with the components of health behaviour as the dependent variables to examine the predictive value of the emotional intelligence indicators as the independent variables. Gender predicted all categories of health behaviours. Only one indicator of emotional intelligence, appraisal, predicted the Accident Control and Traffic Risk Taking categories. The emotional intelligence indicator of social skills emerged only as a predictor of Wellness Maintenance and Enhancement in university students. Gender moderates the relationship between all emotional intelligence indicators and health behaviour components except the relationship between Appraisal and Substance Risk Taking and the relationship between Utilization and traffic risk taking.

1984 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 923-929 ◽  
Bernadette M. Gadzella ◽  
James David Williamson

This study investigated the relationships between study skills, self-concept, and academic achievement and whether the self-report measures contributed to the prediction of grade-point average for 110 university students. Analysis showed that study skills, self-concepts, and academic achievement correlated significantly with each other; rs ranged from .03 to .52. In addition to the total study skills score, two measures of study skills (oral reporting and interpersonal relations) and one measure of self-concept (personal self) contributed to the prediction of grade-point average.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 109-115
Cyndra Robert Budull ◽  
Nur Khairunisa Abu Talip ◽  
Noreriani Sabturani ◽  
Theresa Ahing ◽  
Muhamad Syukrie Abu Talip

The study aimed to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and academic achievement (AA) among undergraduate university students in Malaysia. Four hundred and sixty (n=460) undergraduate university students in Malaysia involved in the present study. The Assessing Emotional Scale (AES) questionnaire was used to measure EI, while the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) used to determine AA scores. Pearson correlations were utilized to examine the relationship between EI and AA. The findings showed positive and weak relationship between overall emotional intelligence (EI) and academic achievement (r=.090), perception of emotion (PE) and academic achievement (r=.016) and managing others’ emotion (MOTE) and academic achievement (r=.044). Perception of Emotion (PE) are found significantly and positively correlate with academic achievement (r=.101). A significant positive relationship also reported between Managing Own Emotion (MOE) and academic achievement (r=.123). This study helps in understanding and providing information on the university students’ emotional intelligence and academic achievement during undergraduate life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 67
Hüseyin Çevik

The problems university students face during their education life often lead to undesirable situations as stress resources. Thus, various methods, techniques and strategies are employed in order to avoid negative effects of stress in their lives. Leisure is one of the effective methods in coping with stress, and leisure coping strategies are &ldquo;leisure companionship&rdquo;, &ldquo;leisure palliative coping&rdquo; and &ldquo;leisure mood enhancement&rdquo;. However, there are few studies in the literature focusing on the relationship between these strategies and perceived stress. Exploring this relationship is believed to provide valuable insights for university administrations so that they might offer effective recreation programs for their students. Therefore, this study aims to examine the relationship between perceived stress and leisure coping strategies. In addition, it examines whether there is a difference in perceived stress and strategies according to time spent for leisure activities and type of leisure participation. The participants of the study are 338 students, who were determined by using convenience sampling method. The data were collected through a survey that consists of three parts. The first part includes Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), the second one Leisure Coping Strategies Scale (LCSS) and the third one demographic questions about the participants. The data were analyzed by using Pearson Moment-Product correlation, t-test and ANOVA analyses. According to the findings, there is a negative significant relationship between perceived stress level, leisure coping strategies and its subdimensions. The study also found that perceived stress level of the participants who prefer passive participation in leisure activities is significantly different from that of those who prefer active participation. Similarly, the participants who prefer passive participation in leisure activities is significantly different from those who prefer active participation in terms of leisure coping strategies. In conclusion, the study contributes to the literature with these valuable findings and provides important insights for university campus recreation programs and services.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Fulya Cenkseven Önder ◽  
Engin Eşigül

The main purpose of this was to investigate the role of social problem solving as a mediator or a moderator of percieved stress and psychological well-being in university students. The participants of this study consisted of 350  females and 164 males, a total of 514 university students. Their ages ranged from 18 to 25 years. Data were collected by using the Percieved Stres Inventory (Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983), Social Problem Solving Inventory Revised Short Form (D’Zurilla, Nezu, & Maydeu-Olivares, 2002) and Scales of Psychological Well-Being (Ryff, 1989). The results indicated that the percieved stress was negatively correlated with the social problem and the psychological well-being. The social problem solving was positively correlated with the psychological well-being. Hierarchial regression analysis showed that social problem solving partially mediated the relationship between perceived stress and psychological well-being. However, social problem solving did not moderate the relationship between perceived stress and psychological well-being. These findings were discussed in the light of related literature and implications were suggested for future research. ÖzetBu çalışmanın temel amacı üniversite öğrencilerinin algıladıkları stres düzeyleri ile psikolojik iyi olma düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkide sosyal problem çözme becerilerinin aracı ve düzenleyici rolünün incelenmesidir. Araştırma 350’si kadın 164’ü erkek toplam 514 üniversite öğrencisi üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan öğrenciler 18-25 yaş arasında olup, yaş ortalamaları 20.09’dur (Ss=2.02). Araştırmada veri toplamak amacıyla Algılanan Stres Ölçeği (Cohen, Kamarck ve Mermelstein, 1983), Sosyal Problem Çözme Envanteri Kısa Formu (D’Zurilla, Nezu ve Maydeu-Olivares, 2002) ve Psikolojik İyi Olma Ölçekleri (Ryff, 1989) kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda algılanan stres ile sosyal problem çözme ve psikolojik iyi olma arasında negatif yönde anlamlı, sosyal problem çözme ve psikolojik iyi olma arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Hiyerarşik regresyon analizleri sonucunda sosyal problem çözmenin, algılanan stres ve psikolojik iyi olma arasındaki ilişkide kısmi aracı role sahip iken, düzenleyici bir rolü olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular ilgili alanyazın ve sınırlılıklar ışığında tartışılmış, daha sonra yapılacak çalışmalara ve uygulayıcılara yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur.

2011 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Richard A. Bernardi

<span>This study examines the relationship among locus of control (Rotter, 1966) perceived stress, and performance of 206 newly-hired juniors (106 males and 100 females) from two Big-Six accounting firms. The data indicate that the more internal the individuals locus of control, the more that individual perceived stress as leading to higher achievements. Positive perceptions of stress were also related to higher grade point averages.</span>

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