scholarly journals Free religious choice of man as a complex spiritual process

2005 ◽  
pp. 179-189
Mykhailo Babiy

Understanding any problem of human existence, including the question of religious self-determination of the individual, outside the context of those processes that are taking place today at national and world levels, is very problematic. Religious choice, freedom of religion, as well as freedom of conscience as a whole, the legal mechanisms and possibilities for their practical implementation, in particular in Ukraine, are to some extent correlated with a qualitatively new poly-aspect, such as globalization. The latter in the scientific discourse is regarded as "a set of tendencies that are aimed at forming a global interconnection between social phenomena and social actors"

2017 ◽  
pp. 99-107 ◽  
Hanna Kulagina-Stadnichenko

Today, researchers are increasingly concerned about the loss of humanity's landmarks of their development, which, naturally, leads to attempts to realize the goals and meanings of being an individual through the religious motivation of the formation of his outlook. In the XXI century, for the first time, the existential states of man, that is, his life's self-determination and election, not only became the object of conceptual reflection, but also acquired a qualitatively new metaphysical status, in contrast to the traditional one, became the subject of another, existential, method of philosophizing. System-forming concepts of a new type of reflection have become "man", "existence", "personality", "consciousness" instead of earlier established categories of "world", "being", "essence". As a result, world events are now interpreted as subjective or radically dependent on the subject. From this perspective, the analysis of the existentialities of human existence (in particular, the phenomena of freedom, love, holiness), the elucidation and realization of their heuristic, ontological, epistemological, and methodological potential of Orthodoxy - seems to be a very topical task.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 269-273
Oksana Konstantinovna Pozdnyakova

The paper raises the problem of students orientation towards moral self-determination as one of the directions of moral education of students. The necessity of carrying out a categorical analysis of the personality self-determination concept to determine the content and methods of orientation of students towards moral self-determination is substantiated. Personality self-determination is considered at the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical levels of analysis. At the philosophical level of analysis, the essence of the personality self-determination phenomenon and the concept adequate to it is revealed; it consists in a persons choice of certain actions and deeds in a given situation; shows the role of moral choice in the self-determination of the individual. At the psychological level of analysis, the author substantiates the relationship between the self-determination of the individual and the system of his/her relations (to the surrounding reality, other people and himself/herself), which determine the content of the personalitys position. At the pedagogical level of analysis, the self-determination of a person is associated with his/her choice of values, the source of which is his/her needs. The paper argues that the self-determination of a person is both a process and a result of a persons choice of his/her own position, there is a choice of relations that form the content of a position, there is a choice of values, the focus on which constitutes the value orientations of a person, which become the core of self-determination. The author also has determined some practical pedagogical tasks, the solution of which is aimed at creating conditions for the orientation of students towards moral self-determination: the task of students moral principles development, which will ensure their choice of their position, goals and means of self-realization in life; the task of familiarizing students with the value of good, which is the essence of their ethical attitude to the world, to people and to themselves; the task of developing students ability to substantiate the foundations of moral choice and its principles to reflection.

10.26787/v ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (9) ◽  
pp. 34-40
Zotov V.V.

The article discusses the concept of a professional test, its essence and features of organizing profes-sional tests as an effective way of professional self-determination of young people in public organiza-tions club type at the place of residence. The author investigated the issues vocational guidance work among adolescents through professional trials, the types, forms and results of passing professional tests are considered. Today, the Government of the Russian Federation is developing and implementing measures to create a favorable environment for the stable formation of the sphere additional education of children, because it is this sector of educational activities contributes to the professional definition of adolescents and represented by various organizations, including not the last place assigned to public organizations of the club type at the place of residence. Demand for the participation of children's clubs in the additional education of children caused by the recently complicating situation with the socio-cultural raising children and young people in the amid of growing concern of parents and teachers by creating a safe environment for the pastime of adolescents. A modern public organization of a club type at the place of residence acts a voluntary community of children and adolescents who are united by a common activity according to interests, and contributes to their professional self-determination and self-realization. The purpose of this work is to identify the features activities of organizations in the field of additional education for children in the process self-determination in adolescence and considering an effective way professional self-determination of young people with the help of professional tests. Research of issues of vocational guidance work of organizations in the sphere additional education of children and their role in professional self-determination adolescents was carried out on the basis of works by Russian authors, researching work in the field of additional education for children and sociological aspects of the professional self-determination role of the individual for the choice of the future profession [1-3]. The study made it possible to formulate conclusions about the demand for organizations in the field of additional education for children in the process of professional self-determination and organization of professional tests.

Виктория Анатольевна Борисова

Введение. Подготовка обучающихся к участию в соревновательных мероприятиях Junior Skills – актуальная задача современного образования. Особенностью процесса обучения робототехнике, электронике и инженерно-техническому творчеству является деятельность, основанная на практическом выполнении задач. Практический подход к профессиональному самоопределению отлично представлен через мероприятия движения World Skills Junior. Остается открытым вопрос об определении эффективности используемых организационных форм – очного и дистанционного обучения. Важно учитывать особенности, сильные и слабые стороны каждого формата взаимодействия для эффективного обеспечения непрерывности образовательной линии и процесса самоопределения обучающихся в условиях непредсказуемости современности. Цель – определение педагогических условий формирования необходимых практических навыков у обучающихся при подготовке к соревнованиям Junior Skills через очную и дистанционную формы взаимодействия. Материал и методы. С 2018 по 2020 г. на базе Детского центра образовательной робототехники Томского государственного педагогического университета и Курлекской средней общеобразовательной школы Томского района реализованы программы подготовки к соревнованиям Junior Skills. Подготовку прошли 75 обучающихся 3–6-х классов и 58 обучающихся 9–11-х классов. В исследовании были реализованы методы сравнительно-сопоставительного анализа, моделирования, наблюдение и опросные методы. Результаты и обсуждение. В ходе проведения опытно-экспериментальной работы разработана и апробирована модель дистанционного формата реализации образовательной программы по подготовке обучающихся к соревнованиям профессионального мастерства уровня Junior Skills Russia, а также серия заданий по формированию первичных самостоятельных практико-ориентированных проб (по профилям робототехника, программирование, моделирование, электроника). Заключение. Дистанционная форма образовательной программы добавляет в общий перечень мер подготовки к соревнованиям профессионального мастерства дополнительный опыт тренировки самоконтроля, выводит обучающихся из зоны комфорта и помогает научиться контролировать свой уровень стресса при работе в нестандартных условиях, дает возможность принимать ответственность за свои действия и позволяет самоопределиться с дальнейшим профессиональным профилем. Introduction. Preparing schoolchildren for participation in JuniorSkills competitions is an urgent task of modern education. A feature of the process of teaching robotics, electronics and engineering and technical creativity is activities based on the practical implementation of tasks. A hands-on approach to professional self-determination is well presented through the events of the World Skills Junior movement. The question of determining the effectiveness of the organizational forms used in face-to-face and remote learning remains open. It is important to take into account the peculiarities, strengths and weaknesses of each format of interaction. It is important for effectively ensuring the continuity of the educational line and the process of self-determination of students in the conditions of the unpredictability of our time. Aim and objectives. Determination of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the necessary practical skills among schoolchildren in preparation for the Junior Skills competition through face-to-face and remote forms of interaction. Material and methods. The distance model of the Junior Skills program was tested on the basis of two sites: The Children’s Center for Educational Robotics of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University and the Kurlek Secondary School of the Tomsk District. Since 2018, 75 students in grades 3–6 and 58 students in grades 9–11 have been prepared for competitions in the field of professional self-determination. The training took place in face-to-face and remote formats. Results and discussion. In the course of the experimental work, a model of the distance format for the implementation of the educational program for the preparation of schoolchildren for competitions of professional skills of the Junior Skills Russia level was developed and tested. A series of tasks has been developed for the formation of primary independent practice-oriented tests (for the profiles of robotics, programming, modeling, electronics). Conclusion. The remote form of the educational program adds additional experience of self-control training to the general list of preparation measures for professional skill competitions. It takes schoolchildren out of their comfort zone and helps them learn to control their stress levels when working in non-standard conditions. Also, it gives the opportunity to take responsibility for their actions and allows self-determination with a further professional profile.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 154-164 ◽  
I.S. Aron

We present the results of investigation of the motivational component of psychological readiness for professional self-determination in adolescents in specific social situations of development. It was assumed that in a particular deficit social situation of development under the influence of negative social context the formation of motivational readiness for professional self-determination is hindered. We revealed significant differences in the level of development of motivational readiness for professional self-determination of pupils of the school for children with behavioral problems, pupils of boarding school for orphans and pupils of regular secondary school. It is shown that the motivational sphere of adolescents with deviant behavior and adolescents without parental care is characterized by focus on the failure avoidance, predominance of external motives of choice of profession, lack of awareness of their values and motives. The obtained results can serve as a basis for the development of technologies of psychological and pedagogical support of professional self-determination of teenagers with consideration of their age and development and of the individual characteristics due to the aggravation of social situation of development.

В.П. Позняков ◽  
Т.С. Вавакина

Представлены результаты теоретико-эмпирического исследования ценностно-смысловых факторов самоопределения предпринимателей в их отношении к деловому партнерству. В качестве содержания ценностно-смысловой сферы рассматривались смысложизненные и ценностные ориентации личности. Психологические отношения предпринимателей к базовым принципам делового взаимодействия - прагматичности и нравственности, а также оценки процесса и результата делового взаимодействия рассматривались как характеристики их самоопределения . Выявлена взаимосвязь важности прагматичности и нравственности как принципов делового партнерства со смысложизненными и ценностными ориентациями личности. Ориентация предпринимателей на прагматичност ь связана с двумя показателями смысложизненных ориентаций - «Цели в жизни», характеризующим целеустремленность, наличие целей в будущем, и «Локус контроля-Я (Я-хозяин жизни)», характеризующим представление о себе как о сильной личности, обладающей достаточной свободой выбора, чтобы контролировать события собственной жизни. Ориентация предпринимателей на нравственность взаимосвязана с таким показателем смысложизненных ориентаций, как «Процесс жизни или интерес и эмоциональная насыщенность жизни», который отражает удовлетворенность своей жизнью в настоящем, восприятие ее процесса как интересного, эмоционально насыщенного и наполненного смыслом. Высокая значимость общечеловеческих гуманных ценностей совместной жизнедеятельности (семьи, любви, доброты) оказалась положительно связана с эмоциональной удовлетворенностью деловым партнерством, в то время как высокая значимость индивидуалистических, прагматических (материальной обеспеченности и богатства) - отрицательно. Результаты исследования подтверждают релевантность рассмотрения смысложизненных и ценностных ориентаций личности в качестве факторов и основания самоопределения предпринимателей в деловом взаимодействии. The results of theoretical and empirical research of value-sense factors of self-determination of entrepreneurs in their relation to the business partnership were presented. The content of the value-sense sphere considered to be the meaning and value orientations of the individual. The psychological attitude of entrepreneurs to the basic principles of business interaction - pragmatism and morality, as well as assessment of the process and result of business interaction were considered as characteristics of their self-determination. The relationship between the importance of pragmatism and morality as principles of business partnership and the understood and value orientations of the individual has been revealed. The orientation of entrepreneurs on pragmatism connected with two indicators of understood orientations - "Goals in Life," which characterizes determination, presence of goals in the future, and "Locus of Control-I (I am the master of life)," which characterizes the perception of myself as a strong person, having sufficient freedom of choice to control the events of his own life. The orientation of entrepreneurs to morality is interrelated with such an indicator of meaning orientations as "Process of life or interest and emotional saturation of life," which reflects satisfaction with its life in the present, perception of its process as exciting, emotionally saturated and filled with meaning. The high importance of the universal humane values of joint life (family, love, kindness) was positively related to emotional satisfaction with a business partnership, while the high importance of individualistic, pragmatic (material security and wealth) was negative. The study results confirm the relevance of considering the meaning and value orientations of the individual as a factor and basis of entrepreneurs' self-determination in business interaction.

N.L. Varova

The most heuristic concepts of the human typical for classical and modern Western philosophy are outlined. The importance of the concepts of Kant and Hegel for the formation of the attitude to rational cognition of a person in the context of personal formation and history in Russian philosophy is shown. The main components of the religious and philosophical interpretation of man are revealed. An attempt to realize the potential of metaphysics for the formation of an attitude to the search for stability and self-determination of the individual is made.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 220-228
N.Y. Bolshunova

We consider sociocultural component of the activities of practical psychologist by analyzing the level of demand of psychological care in the population, formulate an actual professional request to the socio-cultural self-determination of psychologist, and show the problems of training psychology students at the university. The author believes that among reasons of low demand for psychologists, the most important are the mentality, traditions, culturally conditioned values, specifics of communication between people. Meanwhile, in Russian practical psychologists, the most popular are techniques designed for a different type of mentality, and even in an adapted form they often are at odds with the system of values, traditions, and the image of a man inherent in the Russian world outlook. Feeling that the techniques used by psychologists are "foreign", and resistance to feeling oneself as a client are major causes of cautious attitude of the respondents to visit to a psychologist. Adequate sociocultural self-determination of a psychologist suggests that the psychologist is working with the person, taking into account not only the uniqueness of the individual, but also his culture specific.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (40) ◽  
pp. 65
Igor Sukhina

A conceptualized axiological expression of the meaning of life as an essential characteristic of human being is presented. Accordingly, the actual value and content of the matter is emphasized. The primacy of the problem of understood self-determination for human existence is shown. Classification of basic meaning values is considered, and their axiological analysis is carried out. The idea of a well-understood determination of human existence in its personified certainty, viability and performance, which is up-to-date by the highest values, is carried out.Keywords: Person, Personality, Human Being, Value, Sense, Meaning, Importance, Meaning of Life, Values of Meaning of Life.

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