scholarly journals Technical, Financial and Social Cultural of Feasibility Analysis of Combine Harvester in Rice Agribusiness in Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 46
Hendra Saputra

The objectives of this research were (1) to study the technical aspect of the combined harvester, (2) to calculate the feasibility of rice agribusiness using a combined harvester, (3) to measure adoption level of farmers towards combine harvester in Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province. The research was carried out in two subdistricts, namely Rawajitu Selatan (represented by Gedung Karya Jitu village) and Rawapitu (represented by Bumi Sari village) of Tulang Bawang district from August 2015 to December 2015, and used survey method. The studied sample of 60 farmers (or 14.90% of 972) was determined with proportional random sampling.  Two sorts of data were collected, namely interview and direct observation on-site, and feasibility analysis on a combined harvester, including technical, financial, and socio-cultural aspects. The result revealed that from technical aspects, combine harvester needed 5 to 7 hours to harvest, produced an excellent quality of unhauled rice with affordable production cost, compared with the traditional method. The use of a combined harvester was financially feasible. This was shown by farmer income and B/C ratio, from socio-cultural aspects, farmers showed high scores of adaption level towards combine harvester, namely 16.29 and 13.06 for Gedung Karya Jitu and Bumi Sari village, respectively.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-142
Neny Rahmawati

EVALUATION OF THE REACTION TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STRENGTHENING SCHOOL PRINCIPAL IN BPSDM DKI JAKARTA PROVINCE. The strategic role of the headmaster in education requires the implementation of the school principal strengthening. This study aims to see the results of the reaction evaluation of the participants of the strengthening school principal, held by the BPSDM DKI Jakarta province with the evaluation model of Kirkpatrick Level 1. The method used is a descriptive evaluative with the survey method. The instruments used are questionnaires. Sampling with a random sampling purpose technique and selected 90 participants from the total population of 900 people. The results showed an average of the participants’ overall response to the faculty evaluation element of 3.61, so it could be stated that the Participants had a very good perception of the whole teacher. The average is obtained because the quality of module and quality of organizers have been good, while the quality of facilities and infrastructure is very good. The conclusion of this research is the response of participants in the implementation of the school's strengthening training (MCC) is very good towards the teacher evaluation element. So also the participants ' response to the quality of the modules and organizers is good, and the response is excellent to the facilities and infrastructure.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 68
Gazali Gazali ◽  
La Ode Nafiu ◽  
La Ode Arsad Sani

Bali cattle breeding gives important role on animal farmer household in Bombana Regency, because it is as the source of income and also as saving for the future unit of animal farmer household. Bali cattle breeding is managed integrated with agro bussines so that it is able to increase the animal farmer income. This research was held using survey method, the determining of research location was used purposive sampling method and the respondens was choosed according to simple random sampling, involved 60 respondens. The variables which are observed include the respondens character, breeding management, revenue, cost and income of animal farmer from either cattle breeding or non cattle farming bussines.The result of this research showed that the income of each animal farmer household in the research location reach Rp. 14.776.384 year-1 with average’s family income from each bussines is Rp. 7.388.192 year-1. The average of animal farmer household income from bali cattle breeding in South Poleang Subdistrict, Bombana Regency is higher (Rp. 8.878.200 year-1) than its income from non bali cattle farming bussines (Rp. 5.898.183 year-1). The income average of animal farmer household that represent farmer’s non coastal is Rp. 7.540.100 year-1 and the income of animal farmer household that represent coastal only reach Rp. 7.236.633 year-1. The contribution of bali cattle breeding in South Poleang Subdistrict, Bombana Regency on the total income of animal farmer household is 60,08% (is categorized as bussines branch) and higher than the contribution of non bali cattle breeding bussines which only reach 39,92%.Key words: Contrubution, Income, Bali Cattle.Usaha ternak sapi bali memberikan peranan penting bagi keluarga peternak di Kabupaten Bombana, karena selain dipelihara sebagai sumber pendapatan juga sebagai tabungan. Usaha ternak sapi dikelola secara terpadu bersama usaha pertanian dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei, penentuan lokasi penelitian secara purposive sampling dan responden dipilih secara simple random sampling dengan melibatkan 60 responden. Variabel yang diamati yaitu karakteristik responden, manajemen pemeliharaan, penerimaan, biaya dan pendapatan rumah tangga peternak dari usaha ternak sapi maupun non usaha ternak sapi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan total pendapatan setiap keluarga perternak di lokasi penelitian mencapai Rp. 14.776.384 tahun-1 dengan rata-rata pendapatan keluarga dari setiap usaha sebesar Rp. 7.388.192 tahun-1. Rata-rata pendapatan keluarga peternak dari usaha ternak sapi bali di Kecamatan Poleang Selatan Kabupaten Bombana lebih tinggi (Rp. 8.878.200 tahun-1) daripada pendapatan keluarga peternak dari usaha non ternak sapi bali (Rp. 5.898.183 tahun-1). Rata-rata pendapatan keluarga peternak yang mewakili daerah non pesisir sebesar Rp. 7.540.100 tahun-1 dan pendapatan keluarga peternak yang mewakili daerah pesisir hanya mencapai Rp. 7.236.633 tahun-1. Kontribusi usaha ternak sapi bali di Kecamatan Poleang Selatan Kabupaten Bombana terhadap total pendapatan keluarga peternak sebesar 60,08% (dikategorikan sebagai cabang usaha) dan lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontribusi dari usaha non ternak sapi bali yang hanya mencapai 39,92%.Kata kunci: Kontribusi, Pendapatan, Sapi Bali

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 174
Nurul Faiqoh ◽  
Nadhirotul Khasanah ◽  
Lia Puji Astuti ◽  
Riski Prayitno ◽  
Baskoro Adi Prayitno

The research aims to know the argumentation skill profile and the difference of students' argumentation skill between 10th MS (Match and Science) and 11th MS in Batik 1 Senior High School of Surakarta on Biodiversity material. The type of research is descriptive quantitative using survey method. Population research is all students or 400 students of class 10th and 11th MS in SMA Batik 1 Surakarta. Sampling technique using stratified proportional random sampling. The instrument to measure the skills of the user is using essay handbooks. Analysis of argumentability was using Toulmin's Argumentation Pattern (TAP). The data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive. The results showed the quality of the students' argumentation in one of the Private High School Surakarta in sufficient category. Percentage of achievement of each indicator is 68% claim, 60% warrant, 53% data, 45% s backing and 0% rebuttal. The result of t-test got sig. (2-tailed) about 0.002. therefore we can conclude that argumentation skill of 10th and 11th MS in SMA Batik 1 Surakarta have significant differences of class X and XI argumentation skill shows a significant differences, although the argumentation skill quality of both cluster class is enough.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 98-107
Putri Zaenab Syafitri Siregar ◽  
Adi Wiratno

ABSTRACT Government agencies today must follow accounting developments to create accountability and transparency. This study aims to obtain evidence of the influence of understanding of human resources and the implementation of government accounting standards on the quality of financial information. This research uses survey method. Sampling method used by writer is simple random sampling. Respondents are all planners, financial managers, financial statements compilers within the Ministry of Social RI as many as 779 people, with a sample of 88 people. Hypothesis test using multiple linear regression. The results showed that the understanding of Human Resources and Implementation of Government Accounting Standards have a significant positive impact on the Quality of Financial Information. It also shows that there is a synergy between the understanding of human resources and the implementation of government accounting standards in achieving the quality of financial information within the Ministry of Social RI in line with expectations. ABSTRAK Lembaga pemerintah saat ini, harus mengikuti perkembangan akuntansi agar tercipta akuntabilitas dan transparansi. Salah satu upayanya yaitu penyampaian laporan pertanggungjawaban keuangan pemerintah yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti tentang pengaruh pemahaman sumber daya manusia dan implementasi standar akuntansi pemerintah terhadap kualitas informasi keuangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan penulis adalah simple random sampling. Responden adalah seluruh perencana, pengelola keuangan, penyusun laporan keuangan dilingkungan Kementerian Sosial RI sebanyak 779 orang, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 88 orang. Uji hipotesis menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Pemahaman Sumber Daya Manusia dan Implementasi Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap Kualitas Informasi Keuangan. Hal ini juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sinergi antara pemahaman sumber daya manusia dan implementasi standar akuntansi pemerintah dalam mencapai kualitas informasi keuangan dilingkungan Kementerian Sosial RI yang sesuai dengan harapan. JEL Classification: M41, M42

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 427
Tuti Budirahayu ◽  
Marhaeni M. Wijayanti ◽  
Katon Baskoro

The diversity of Indonesian people can be a problem when they do not have a sense of brotherhood based on the diversity of religion, culture, language and ethnic groups. Understanding diversity is known by young people through various media outlets. This study aims to understand the level of the knowledge of youths concerning the values of pluralism and multiculturalism. This study also intends to find out whether social media influence the knowledge and their understanding of pluralism and multiculturalism. However, the demographic bonus could be a burden for the countries involved, particularly when the generation lacks competitiveness. This can even cause the disintegration of this nation. This study was a quantitative research study conducted using the survey method. The respondents consisted of 400 young people in high school or the equivalent. The study was conducted in three cities in East Java, namely Surabaya, Pasuruan, and Kediri. The samples were taken using the multi-stage cluster random sampling method. The data was obtained through structured questionnaires and processed using SPPS for Windows 16. The results can be explained as follows; even though more than fifty percent of the youths in this study claimed to have never heard or known of the term “pluralism” and “multiculturalism”, their level of comprehension of pluralism and multiculturalism values was good enough. This was influenced by the information that they got through social media. The values that are understood more by the youths through social media in this study tend to be more orientated to pluralism values than multiculturalism. The most understood pluralism values are plurality and diversity. This is in line with their assessment of the role and quality of the information available on social media, which tends to contain pluralism values rather than multiculturalism values.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
I Ketut R Sudiarditha ◽  
Ari Saptono ◽  
Aprilia Widyastuti

This study aims to determine whether there is influence between the knowledge of the members of the cooperative and the quality of service to the participation of members of the all-round cooperative effort (KSU) Warga Sejahtera, village Cipinang, East Jakarta. This research was carried out for two months, starting from May 2010 to June 2011. The study population was the whole business cooperatives (KSU) Warga Sejahtera East Jakarta 355 members. The samples used were 84 members using systematic random sampling technique (systematic random sampling technique). The method used is survey method with the correlational approach, while the acquired data to the variables X1, X2 and Y derived from primary data with test instruments for variable X1 and instruments like questionnaire with Likert scale for X2 and Y which has been in testing the validity and reliability. Processing data using SPSS 17.0. Partially, the influence of knowledge about the cooperative members with the participation of members is 0.803. This means that the influence of the knowledge of the members of the cooperative with the participation of members is strong and positive values. A positive value means that if members of the cooperative knowledge increases, the participation of members will be increased, and vice versa. While the influence of the quality of services with the participation of members is equal to 0.271. This means that the influence of the quality of services with the participation of members is weak and positive values. A positive value means that if the quality of service increases, the participation of members will be increased, and vice versa. F-test knowledge of the influence of members of cooperatives and the quality of services to the participation of members obtained F count equal to 137.423 while the critical value of F or F table is at 3.11, the F count> F table, meaning that there are significant knowledge of the members of the cooperative and the quality of service to participation of members together. R² value obtained is equal to 0.772. This means that the variable knowledge of the members of the cooperative and the quality of service could explain the variability of 77.2% of the variable participation of members, while the rest influenced by other variables not examined. The multiple regression equation obtained was Y = 28.725 + 1,742X1 + 0,209X2. From the above analysis it can be said that simultaneously a significant difference between the knowledge of members of cooperatives and the quality of service to the citizens of member participation in KSU Sejahtera, Cipinang, East Jakarta.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 98-107
Putri Zaenab Syafitri Siregar ◽  
Adi Wiratno

ABSTRACT Government agencies today must follow accounting developments to create accountability and transparency. This study aims to obtain evidence of the influence of understanding of human resources and the implementation of government accounting standards on the quality of financial information. This research uses survey method. Sampling method used by writer is simple random sampling. Respondents are all planners, financial managers, financial statements compilers within the Ministry of Social RI as many as 779 people, with a sample of 88 people. Hypothesis test using multiple linear regression. The results showed that the understanding of Human Resources and Implementation of Government Accounting Standards have a significant positive impact on the Quality of Financial Information. It also shows that there is a synergy between the understanding of human resources and the implementation of government accounting standards in achieving the quality of financial information within the Ministry of Social RI in line with expectations. ABSTRAK Lembaga pemerintah saat ini, harus mengikuti perkembangan akuntansi agar tercipta akuntabilitas dan transparansi. Salah satu upayanya yaitu penyampaian laporan pertanggungjawaban keuangan pemerintah yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti tentang pengaruh pemahaman sumber daya manusia dan implementasi standar akuntansi pemerintah terhadap kualitas informasi keuangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan penulis adalah simple random sampling. Responden adalah seluruh perencana, pengelola keuangan, penyusun laporan keuangan dilingkungan Kementerian Sosial RI sebanyak 779 orang, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 88 orang. Uji hipotesis menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Pemahaman Sumber Daya Manusia dan Implementasi Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap Kualitas Informasi Keuangan. Hal ini juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sinergi antara pemahaman sumber daya manusia dan implementasi standar akuntansi pemerintah dalam mencapai kualitas informasi keuangan dilingkungan Kementerian Sosial RI yang sesuai dengan harapan. JEL Classification: M41, M42

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Normajatun Normajatun ◽  
Murdiansyah Herman

This study aimed to find out the description : the satisfaction of society’s response to public service as well as service quality index value and the performance of the public service in the Departement of Civil Registration and Population of the City of Banjarmasin. The research using survey method and descriptively. Data collection using the questionnaire for respondents whit a simple technique random sampling. Descriptive data analysis with quantitative. The results showed the public generally satisfied with public service provided by the Departement of Civil Registration and Population of the City of Banjarmasin. The quality of service of the Departement of Civil Registration and Population are include in categories B, and the performance of his ministry is in good category either.

2014 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 37
Albert Panawa ◽  
J Lainawa ◽  
G D Lenzun ◽  
F H Elly

ABSTRACT CONTRIBUTION OF CATTLE AS THE TRANSPORTATION INSTRUMENT OF FARMERS ON COCONUT PLANTATION AT JAILOLO DISTRICT, WEST HALMAHERA REGENCY. Total of cattle at Jailolo district in year of 2013 were 3,410 heads and bred traditionally by household farmers. Cattle at Jailolo district were used by household farmer as transportation instrument around plantation areas. The problem was that cattle contribution on farmer income as transportation instrument had not been evaluated. The objective of this study was to evaluate cattle contribution on farmer income as transportation instrument in coconut plantation. Research was done using survey method. Data were found from household farmers and found from related offices. Samples of villages were taken using purposive sampling. Household farmers were defined using simple random sampling involving 30 samples. Results showed that cattle as transportation instrument contributed work time period of 1,284 hours per period of plantation including coconut, banana and nutmeg production. Transportation instrument involving cattle contributed household income of Rp. 23,095,000 or 8,21 percents of the total household income per production period of coconut plantation.  Key words: Transportation instrument, Cattle, Household farmers, Income contribution, Jailolo district, West Halmahera Regency. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-50
Suyitno Muslim

The objective of the research is to find the correlation between students’ self concept, interest to be teachers, achievement of FT-UNJ students toward the instructional competence in vocational schools. The research was conducted in the Technical Faculty of the State University of Jakarta and the Vocational Schools by the survey method with sixty respondents which selected by simple random sampling. The data are analyzed by regression and correlation procedures. The results of the  research conclude:  there  was positive and  significant  correlation between  students’ self concept,  interest  to  be  teachers,  and  achievement  of  FT-UNJ  students  with  instructional competence in vocational schools in a partial and together correlation. Achievement instructional competence in vocational schools can be increased by improving the quality of students’ self concept, interest to be teachers, and achievement of FT-UNJ students. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keeratan hubungan antara konsep diri, minat menjadi guru, dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa FT-UNJ untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran di sekolah menengah kejuruan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Jakarta dan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan se DKI Jakarta dengan metode survei pada sampel sebanyak 60 orang yang dipilih secara acak sederhana. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan korelasi produk momen dan regresi. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara konsep diri,    minat menjadi guru, dan prestasi belajar dengan kompetensi mahasiswa FT-UNJ untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran di sekolah menengah kejuruan, baik secara sendiri-sendri maupun bersama-sama. Kompetensi mahasiswa FT-UNJ untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran di sekolah menengah kejuruan dapat ditingkatkan dengan meningkatkan konsep diri, minat menjadi guru, dan prestasi belajar.

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